Hall of president solution

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I don't find HoP to be a history lesson. It is just a representation of every single president the country has had. You don't really learn about each presidency or anything. Sure its historical in the fact that every president is there but not much more than that. HoP originated from something classic, Great moments with Lincoln in DLR. Walt seemed to love the office of the presidency and in the old colonial town that is Liberty Square this works perfectly. Yes people love HM but we don't know it would be cash cow, nor do I believe thematically a HM restaurant should go in this building.QUOTE]
There is much history involved with the Hall of Presidents. One of the YES programs called America's Story used this attraction. The first thing we had the children do is go onstage at the Hall of Presidents. The presenters had to remember the first 18 presidents and give facts on each one. At the end of the day the children watch the show. Once it is over we had the children look at the seal, flag etc and ask them if they knew what the colors stand for etc. I guess my point here is that the Hall of Presidents does touch on history. You would be surprised at how many things in the park could be considered educational.

FYI Just putting it out there that my experience was years ago and it could have changed since then.
This is America... and those are our Presidents.... that we the people voted for...there have been a lot of President's that were not very popular, or that the people did not like. But after the election we put our heads down and went back to work and supported our President...whether or not we voted for him... That's what its about, what our county is based pulling together for the good of our country and its people.... it's sorta like good sportsman ship... Okay we lost this time, maybe next time we will win... But to trying to tear our country apart has got to STOP! How weak does it make us look to other nations?...There are real threats out there and we need to stop all this and pull together before its to late, we need to remember 911 and the horrors of that day, What happened at Pulse here in Orlando, and in Las Vegas at the concert and with innocent school kids trying to learn and people praying in church being attacked and killed, on the world level Isis and the north Korean threat is real, no-one was really worried about Hitler until it was almost to late which plunged us into another world war...

People are always going to have differences...we are human and far from perfect... but we all need to be Americans first and put the safety of our country, which in turn is our families, children safety first... All this in fighting has got to stop... We can agree to disagree...

The election has been over for a year.... its time to move on, Open the hall of Presidents, if you don't want to see it then don't.... if you don't agree then don't go in or if you choose to...Remember the rights of others they have the same rights as you to sit and enjoy the show without having to deal with persecution, or your thoughts on the election or our current President or previous Presidents... remembering that this is a theme park and not a political rally.

I actually lost a friend due to the fact that I would not discuss my politically views and would not agree with her on hers... she told me If I did not support her candidate that we could not longer be friends, when I said to her everyone has their opinions and views on the election and it candidates and its my right to not broadcast it or open it up for debate with her... That it was really none of her business... She lost it and went bat poop crazy...telling me that she had a right to know along with a lot of other stuff .... I was like nope you don't have that right.

Wishing everyone ...:love2:Love:love1:, Peace:hippie: and Pixie Dust pixiedust:
Any attraction with the potential to stir up anger and/or rage in certain individuals probably has no place in WDW, regardless of the attraction's noble intentions. It's lowest common denominator problem solving but if some folks can't control themselves, it's time to change it up.
For those who've said they attended HoP and had others booing or hollering or whatever....my question is what did you do? What did the CM do? What if all of us who do not approve of the disruption stood up against it face to face?

I've never actually visited and really wanted to this year but it looks like it's not going to happen which really frustrates me. I love America and its history. I don't like all the presidents but I respect them because they were the presidents. Personally, if I am able to visit the HoP and hear anyone disrupting and disrespecting, I'm happy to confront them and ask them kindly to be quiet. I won't let my children see me sit by idly and allow such disrespect.

So my two cents for what it's worth: open the attraction back up and see what happens. Maybe there are enough good and bold people out there to shut up the rude ones. And maybe Disney could step up and kick out the disrupters. If the CM make it clear at the beginning of the attraction (again, I've never seen it so I don't know exactly how that would work but...) that anyone who disrupts the show will be escorted out of the park then MAYBE just MAYBE people won't. Who wants to pay over $100 for a park ticket just to be forced to leave because they can't keep their mouth shut? We won't know until they try. So open it up and let those of us who DO care about it get a chance to enjoy it.

The challenge is what if you stand up to them and they don't back down... what if the physically push you, push the CMs? What if supporters of Trump then get involved and now you have a giant mess.

Not saying it is likely to happen but based on what has happened at other rally's and protests it is a greater than zero chance

And I could see some people paying the $100 just to cause a stir and draw attention to them and heir cause and see it money well spent

Again, not likely but Disney needs to be prepared / concerned as it only takes 1
The challenge is what if you stand up to them and they don't back down... what if the physically push you, push the CMs? What if supporters of Trump then get involved and now you have a giant mess.

Not saying it is likely to happen but based on what has happened at other rally's and protests it is a greater than zero chance

And I could see some people paying the $100 just to cause a stir and draw attention to them and heir cause and see it money well spent

Again, not likely but Disney needs to be prepared / concerned as it only takes 1

There are organizations that will pay it for them and pay their bail and legal fees.
Any chance that the Muppets' Great Moments In American History courtyard show was a trial run to test the waters with the possibility of Muppetizing HOP? A bit wacky but creative and it's hard to hate on the Muppets. Would also take the sting out of their death by a thousand cuts at Hollywood Studios. They could keep the courtyard show as a hook to pull families into the new attraction.

Any chance that the Muppets' Great Moments In American History courtyard show was a trial run to test the waters with the possibility of Muppetizing HOP?
Not likely at all. It was just done to bring a little extra to that section of the park.
I've resigned myself it will have to be reimagined. President Trump won the electoral college, if you look at the map it was red everywhere, including Florida(!). Sure, there are extreme people in both parties that are frankly quite embarrassing. I think the vast Americans are pretty reasonable folks, on both sides.
So I don't think it's only the protesters Disney is afraid of, it's the the voters who don't wear the hats or scream or carry signs. It's the average person who went to the polls that day, voted Trump and feels like Disney doesn't respect their vote. Reimagine it if you must Disney but don't you DARE make it about democracy. It's not.
I would suggest some kind of moving tribute to our veterans, especially our fallen, and a special lounge inside for military families to rest. Various living presidents (including Trump) can narrate pieces for a new video. They can hand out special buttons to families with soldiers currently deployed. I think supporting our troops about the only thing this country fully agrees on.
For those who've said they attended HoP and had others booing or hollering or whatever....my question is what did you do? What did the CM do? What if all of us who do not approve of the disruption stood up against it face to face?

I've never actually visited and really wanted to this year but it looks like it's not going to happen which really frustrates me. I love America and its history. I don't like all the presidents but I respect them because they were the presidents. Personally, if I am able to visit the HoP and hear anyone disrupting and disrespecting, I'm happy to confront them and ask them kindly to be quiet. I won't let my children see me sit by idly and allow such disrespect.

So my two cents for what it's worth: open the attraction back up and see what happens. Maybe there are enough good and bold people out there to shut up the rude ones. And maybe Disney could step up and kick out the disrupters. If the CM make it clear at the beginning of the attraction (again, I've never seen it so I don't know exactly how that would work but...) that anyone who disrupts the show will be escorted out of the park then MAYBE just MAYBE people won't. Who wants to pay over $100 for a park ticket just to be forced to leave because they can't keep their mouth shut? We won't know until they try. So open it up and let those of us who DO care about it get a chance to enjoy it.

- I have been during the last Presidency and have never heard any booing or disrespect, only snoring.
- No issue in hearing the program because there was never more than a couple dozen folks in the huge theater.
- You confronting other guests will put you in the same category as they will be in ... in Disney eyes.
- Are you prepared for your children to see you escorted and banned from the park?
- Most guests will never confront rude guests, at most will get up and leave. Why ruin their own vacation?
- Last thing Disney wants to do is escort groups of guests out of the park every hour. Talk about PR nightmare.
- GUARANTEE there will be plenty of NON-DISNEY fans paying $100 just to protest OR cheer - either way, disrupt the show.
- It's a private business, it's a theme park and Disney can do whatever they want and I personally think not opening it right now is their best business move.

This is America... and those are our Presidents.... that we the people voted for...there have been a lot of President's that were not very popular, or that the people did not like. But after the election we put our heads down and went back to work and supported our President...whether or not we voted for him... That's what its about, what our county is based pulling together for the good of our country and its people.... it's sorta like good sportsman ship... Okay we lost this time, maybe next time we will win... But to trying to tear our country apart has got to STOP! How weak does it make us look to other nations?...There are real threats out there and we need to stop all this and pull together before its to late, we need to remember 911 and the horrors of that day, What happened at Pulse here in Orlando, and in Las Vegas at the concert and with innocent school kids trying to learn and people praying in church being attacked and killed, on the world level Isis and the north Korean threat is real, no-one was really worried about Hitler until it was almost to late which plunged us into another world war...

People are always going to have differences...we are human and far from perfect... but we all need to be Americans first and put the safety of our country, which in turn is our families, children safety first... All this in fighting has got to stop... We can agree to disagree...

The election has been over for a year.... its time to move on, Open the hall of Presidents, if you don't want to see it then don't.... if you don't agree then don't go in or if you choose to...Remember the rights of others they have the same rights as you to sit and enjoy the show without having to deal with persecution, or your thoughts on the election or our current President or previous Presidents... remembering that this is a theme park and not a political rally.

I actually lost a friend due to the fact that I would not discuss my politically views and would not agree with her on hers... she told me If I did not support her candidate that we could not longer be friends, when I said to her everyone has their opinions and views on the election and it candidates and its my right to not broadcast it or open it up for debate with her... That it was really none of her business... She lost it and went bat poop crazy...telling me that she had a right to know along with a lot of other stuff .... I was like nope you don't have that right.

Wishing everyone ...:love2:Love:love1:, Peace:hippie: and Pixie Dust pixiedust:

Yes DISNEY is a THEME PARK. Your politics, my politics, the countries politics have no business there. Disney has seen a small smidgen of what politics can to to that attraction and now it will like be much worse. It's an attraction, not the end of of a vacation. Disney has to do what is right for their business and on stage is important. If they have decided to stop a local vlogger from taking pictures with guests at MK ... I don't see them wanting to willingly open an attraction that is likely going to cause more disruption. I don't see them opening an attraction that likely will need security standing inside. It opens when they want, and if they want .. not when guests want.

Any attraction with the potential to stir up anger and/or rage in certain individuals probably has no place in WDW, regardless of the attraction's noble intentions. It's lowest common denominator problem solving but if some folks can't control themselves, it's time to change it up.

THIS ^ Look at Pirates of the Caribbean. People read all kinds of things into a made up story ..... what will happen with real life invading the MK, real life that right now is ugly. This attraction sits mostly empty. I honestly think the only reason it would fill up after is for political reasons ... and is that good for Disney? There is no easy answer for Disney but they can make a legitimate decision to end this attraction's run for no other reason than for many years guests have bypassed this attraction leaving it virtually empty. Past guests have spoken, they are not interested in this type of attraction at MK.

The argument that we are "losing" an attraction .... if it goes to a non-attraction purpose ... just don't hold up. It is almost impossible to get all the attractions done in one day, there are plenty in that park. Even with it closed and a major like Splash closed, it's still difficult to do everything.

The challenge is what if you stand up to them and they don't back down... what if the physically push you, push the CMs? What if supporters of Trump then get involved and now you have a giant mess.

Not saying it is likely to happen but based on what has happened at other rally's and protests it is a greater than zero chance

And I could see some people paying the $100 just to cause a stir and draw attention to them and heir cause and see it money well spent

Again, not likely but Disney needs to be prepared / concerned as it only takes 1

THIS^ Both sides to the argument will be kicked out so if you stand up, be prepared to leave. And absolutely the $100 will be paid by groups with no interest in anything to do with Disney, only to disrupt (on both sides) and could care less about bans.
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@TheMaxRebo - Very well stated (as usual), and I totally agree, this could (not Would, but Could - BIG difference!) incite an atmosphere of confrontation and violence. Great thought to the OP that calmer minds and attitudes could, and should, encourage an aura of peace and understanding, but sadly - in today's climate, and world, would never work. Very sad, but very true.

@samsteele - I wonder at times if you and I aren't just friends, but actually twins separated at birth? (sometimes wonder if @TheMaxRebo ain't my twin brother from another mother too - LOL). Seriously - was just pondering last night if "something with the Muppets" could work. I think that, or something along those lines, is definitely worth them thinking about.
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- I have been during the last Presidency and have never heard any booing or disrespect, only snoring.
- No issue in hearing the program because there was never more than a couple dozen folks in the huge theater.
I have to say that I am surprised you have not heard the boos and disrespect considering how often you go to WDW. We only go 1-2 times per year and we almost always had someone in the theater who booed President Obama. At the later part of his presidency people also began to actively cheer for certain presidents, especially President Reagan. The CMs always remind people to be respectful but it obviously doesn't work. It was so prevalent that it was a happy surprise when it didn't happen ... like when no one uses their flash on Pirates. I wonder if it's because there are so few people in the theater when you see the show. We go in August and around Christmas and the theater is fairly full ... because of the heat and the crowds. Apparently, idiots find safety in numbers.
What about show focusing on American folk stories and tall tales such as Sleepy Hollow, Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, or Paul Revere's ride? It could either be a stage show, something similar to Philharmagic, or with animatronics like in the American Adventure. It would be much more attractive to overseas guests and guests with young children.
I have to say that I am surprised you have not heard the boos and disrespect considering how often you go to WDW. We only go 1-2 times per year and we almost always had someone in the theater who booed President Obama. At the later part of his presidency people also began to actively cheer for certain presidents, especially President Reagan. The CMs always remind people to be respectful but it obviously doesn't work. It was so prevalent that it was a happy surprise when it didn't happen ... like when no one uses their flash on Pirates. I wonder if it's because there are so few people in the theater when you see the show. We go in August and around Christmas and the theater is fairly full ... because of the heat and the crowds. Apparently, idiots find safety in numbers.

I don't go in every trip ... because other than the technical aspect of the animatronics I find it boring and out of sync with the fantasy that I enjoy at Magic Kingdom. I haven't heard anything on our visits but like I said there is usually just a few dozen folks in there, maybe for the same reason as us .... or because they truly want to see the show. I imagine those that are vocal really don't want to see the show, but want to be vocal.

One time it was pouring. The lobby was PACKED to the gills. I thought we would now see a full theater. Once they opened the doors ... only a few of us actually went in. The others stayed behind. So they were just hiding from rain.

I do try to avoid summer at all costs, I hate the heat and summer crowds ... and I don't go any later than around December 15th and won't go back until MLK or later. I would say when I go is the real test as to who wants to see it. During high crowd times, I think it's just an available attraction and not people truly interested. Maybe that leads to folks being more vocal, because they really didn't want to be in there to begin with.
GUARANTEE there will be plenty of NON-DISNEY fans paying $100 just to protest OR cheer - either way, disrupt the show.

This -- along with the new dogs at resorts addition -- seem like great money grabs! Maybe Disney WILL do it, AND make it as divisive as possible. ;)

The argument that we are "losing" an attraction .... if it goes to a non-attraction purpose ... just don't hold up. It is almost impossible to get all the attractions done in one day, there are plenty in that park. Even with it closed and a major like Splash closed, it's still difficult to do everything.

I'm not sure your argument to this holds up either. There are plenty of people that don't want to go on the bigger rides, or just have a handful of rides they enjoy in the park. Either way, taking away attractions for restaurants is mostly a "win" for Disney and only a small win for the handful of people that can get reservations in a restaurant.
We could always give the dissenters what they want. just change the robots to Bernie Sanders, Leon Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin, Karl Marx. You could have Castro sitting in the back puffing a cigar. don't kid yourselves, that's where the country is going. i said from the beginning that they had a better chance to keep The Donald out if they threw Sanders up there against him. Just for the record, i personally do not want that to happen. Editing to say this was tongue in cheek so hold your Scythe's and Pitchforks.
What about show focusing on American folk stories and tall tales such as Sleepy Hollow, Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, or Paul Revere's ride? It could either be a stage show, something similar to Philharmagic, or with animatronics like in the American Adventure. It would be much more attractive to overseas guests and guests with young children.

I like this idea. Totally fits the theme of the area (particularly Sleepy Hollow and Paul Revere) and still has a "historical" feel even if they are stories and tall tales.

I don't really remember anymore when Disney made the change and started having the current president speak, but I do remember that I thought at the time that they were a little crazy for doing it. There is always the problem that sometimes political tensions run high and that isn't all the magical - aren't we always told to avoid Politics & Religion when making small talk? The other problem is that some presidents are just better public speakers than others. When they have a poor speaker, it impacts the attraction. I never really understood the reasoning for adding the sitting president - was it supposed to make the attraction seem more "current"? I don't think it was successful - other than peak times when everything is full, this is NOT a popular attraction!

If it's really necessary to have an HoP attraction, then take it back to the original version without the sitting president and avoid all these issues. But, honestly, I like Lynn57's idea of a Tall Tales show :)
I'm not sure your argument to this holds up either. There are plenty of people that don't want to go on the bigger rides, or just have a handful of rides they enjoy in the park. Either way, taking away attractions for restaurants is mostly a "win" for Disney and only a small win for the handful of people that can get reservations in a restaurant.

I get that you don't like the idea, and part of that is the theme, part of that is loss of an attraction.

BUT ... forget politics and potential outcome, go strictly on the past performance of attraction -

- HOP is a grossly under used attraction on very valuable real estate.
- Disney could make a tremendous amount of money with a HM restaurant.
- With the size of that building, even with a kitchen expansion, it would serve many not a handful.
- Disney has no issue with removing attractions with no replacement until many years later.
- Disney has no issue with leaving parks short attractions for years.
- There is always the outcry for more "E Ticket" ride type attractions over shows.
- The repeated complaint over the years as DHS not a full park, too many shows.
- Increasingly over time they have to compete with Universal.
- With the possibility of the new Universal land becoming a couple new parks, Disney has to step up.
- Haunted Mansion & Disney Villains are HIGHLY popular, if they build it, they will come.

Of course they have lots of options here including opening it again. But if I were coming from a business stand point, which Disney seems to lean more towards more than the classics .... this is the perfect opportunity to monetize the space whether it's a restaurant or true E Ticket attraction for the overall guest base.

Disney no longer worries about the outliers (such as yourself in this instance) at the parks and resorts. For every outlier that feels pushed out will be 10 in line to replace them. They have to look at income generating decisions.
What about show focusing on American folk stories and tall tales such as Sleepy Hollow, Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, or Paul Revere's ride? It could either be a stage show, something similar to Philharmagic, or with animatronics like in the American Adventure. It would be much more attractive to overseas guests and guests with young children.

I think that is a great idea ... would have to get over the HoP being an extension of "Lincoln" that Walt craeted, etc. - and obviously would be some backlash against the supporters of whomever didn't get added, etc. - but long term I think that is a better idea
Of course they have lots of options here including opening it again. But if I were coming from a business stand point, which Disney seems to lean more towards more than the classics .... this is the perfect opportunity to monetize the space whether it's a restaurant or true E Ticket attraction for the overall guest base.

Disney no longer worries about the outliers (such as yourself in this instance) at the parks and resorts. For every outlier that feels pushed out will be 10 in line to replace them. They have to look at income generating decisions.

The only thing counter I would say to this is that you are right a lot of the classic attracitons individually don't get huge crowds but a lot of people still love that they have them, will go on some of them, etc. - and that draws them to WDW in general.

Getting rid of any one probably isn't that big of a deal but if you got rid of all of the attractions like that and only had modern, cutting edge, thrilling, etc. - i.e., non-classic - attractions I could see a number of people just not want to go at all to WDW
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