~*Harry Potter Roleplay!*~

I have the class schedule from the last time we did this. Shall I repost it?
OOC: Sure, go ahead.

George woke up the next day feeling very tired. He sat up, and looked around the room. He was the last in the dormitories. He looked at the clock and saw it was around 8:15, and lessons started at 9:00. He got out and changed into some new clothes, then realised he hadn't let Abecca out of her cage the night before. He quickly let her out, and she flew out of the window.

As George left the common room with his wand & books, he realised he had forgotten the way back down to the Great Hall. He assumed it would be on the ground floor, so headed towards the staircases, only to have them move whilst he was on them. The place was like a maze. He had barely gotten down to grab some toast before having to leave again to get to his first lesson.
Here it is:
Master Schedule

Monday Herb, Potions, DADA, DADA
Tuesday History, Trans, Charms, Charms
Wednesday Herb, Potions, Potions, Astro
Thursday Charms, Trans, History, History
Friday Herb, Flying, DADA, Trans

Monday DADA, Charms, Charms, Trans
Tuesday History, Herb, Herb, Potion
Wednesday DADA, Charms, Trans, Trans
Thursday Herb, Potions, History, History
Friday Flying, Potions, DADA, Astro

Monday DADA, Potions, Herb, Herb
Tuesday Charms, Charms, History, Trans
Wednesday DADA, Potions, Potions, Astro
Thursday History, History, Trans, Charms
Friday Trans, Herb, DADA, Flying

Monday Potions, Potions, Charms, History
Tuesday Herb, DADA, Trans, Trans
Wednesday History, Charms, Charms, Potions
Thursday Trans, Herb, Herb, DADA
Friday DADA, History, Flying, Astro

Every one has every class 3 times a week, with the exception of Flying and Astronomy (Astro).
Here it is:
Master Schedule

Monday Herb, Potions, DADA, DADA
Tuesday History, Trans, Charms, Charms
Wednesday Herb, Potions, Potions, Astro
Thursday Charms, Trans, History, History
Friday Herb, Flying, DADA, Trans

Monday DADA, Charms, Charms, Trans
Tuesday History, Herb, Herb, Potion
Wednesday DADA, Charms, Trans, Trans
Thursday Herb, Potions, History, History
Friday Flying, Potions, DADA, Astro

Monday DADA, Potions, Herb, Herb
Tuesday Charms, Charms, History, Trans
Wednesday DADA, Potions, Potions, Astro
Thursday History, History, Trans, Charms
Friday Trans, Herb, DADA, Flying

Monday Potions, Potions, Charms, History
Tuesday Herb, DADA, Trans, Trans
Wednesday History, Charms, Charms, Potions
Thursday Trans, Herb, Herb, DADA
Friday DADA, History, Flying, Astro

Every one has every class 3 times a week, with the exception of Flying and Astronomy (Astro).

OOC - thankyou! thats just made life easier for all of us :D and are we going to have techers like snape (i know what happens to him, and this isnt totally possible, but lol) mcgonagall, flitwick?

All of the girls in Libbys dormitory aroused at about the same time. Libby quickly tied her letter to her parents to Florean, and watched her go out of the window. She looked at her watch as she tied it to her wrist, and noticed it was 7:30. She slid off her bed, and opened the window again, because the room was stuffy. She went to her drawer and got her new clothes out, and gave a shudder of delight as she layed them out on the bed. She changed into her new skirt, blouse, jumper with Gryffindor stripes, robes and tie. she put on her new black flats, and put her books into her bag, before excitedly running down to the Great Hall for breakfast.
Arriving late, Selena Shieldheart nervously walked down the hall in Hogwarts, looking for the different locations of her classes. She had met her Wizard father's expectations to make it into Slytherin, maybe now she'd have her father's approval...

OC: You'll have to forgive me if I've named or typed anything wrong... The only exposure I've had to Harry Potter is the mpregs on fanfiction.net... :sad2:


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