has anyone heard from DA...?

nothing yet.......now that is taking a very long time.
I haven't gotten mine either and I'm beginning to think that I never will. There's a post over on the new DA boards about not getting rewards but I don't even know if Kris has been reading since there has been no postings by her since very early this month.

I am thoroughly disgusted with this program and recommend that everyone stay FAR away from it.
I am very discouraged by all that has been going on in this program the last few months. I feel bad for those who have had to wait so long for payouts and now have come to understand that I will be one of them (third quarter will be the first to cashout for me)

I have faithfully clicked on this site every day, have bought things through there which I might have done on another site because the point value was better, and now I fear I will never see a single DD for all I have done. Between my husband and I we have about $60.00 in DD coming to us as of the end of fourth quarter. We are expecting a baby next year and we will need every dime we can get if we hope to see WDW or DL within the next year or two.

I hope that Kris does the right thing and gets this all straightened out. I think she is probably in over her head and at this point don't care if she ends up closing the site but just please pay people what they are due.

Yep, I hear ya! I'm in the same boat too ... I'm owed about $40 DD and my boyfriend about $20. At this point, I really don't care what goes on with the site ... I just want to get my rewards. I've already been paid by Mypoints and Creations Rewards ... and I should have got paid by DA :rolleyes:

I stopped clicking there a while ago, but I've been going back to check for updates *sigh*
that she comes in once a month a settles everyone down with some story. All the faithful ones start saying see I told you, be patient, then we hear nothing and the complaining starts. Although lately no one has been posting over there at all. I have been posting in Henwen's just to tell people that I haven't got my DD yet. What a joke.
Hmm ... so we should be getting another update soon since its almost January *lol* I just want my DD$, not another update :rolleyes:
I know maybe the dog ate the computer this time or she got sunburned really bad at disney or her car got hit by birds LOL. Whats the excuse gonna be this time. And please don't say be patient I think 5 months is patience enough!!!!!!!


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