Hats off to summer... 4th of July Hats are still available

surf pin and grand hotel flordian for cowboy or headdress
pink rocket couch for the pan hat or backwards hat?
Sorry if anyone I have trades with hasn't seen me on... if you see any of the zeta's on they can usually track me down and get me to log on pretty quickly if needed- but my oldest son is very ill right now and most of what I have done on the internet this week at home is continuely search medical sites to see what he may have other than the worse option offered by the physician while waiting for lab results to come in and his appointment this next Monday...

jasonpwns offered surf pin and grand Floridian hotel for cowboy or headdress -sorry I'll have to turn those down-
Melp offered pink rocket couch for the pan hat or backwards hat? - Let me know which hat and I will take the rocket for either of those.
ShadowKittyKat said:
I will give two Wanted Posters for 4th of July hat?

I will take that trade...
I'm not sure when I will be on if you pm me with some times you may be on I will try to meet up with you during one of those times.
Pirate 1/5 surf and grandd flordian I forgot to put pirate pin?
Ok I choose the backward green hat for the magenta rocket couch. I am on right now until closing so if you are on then pm me and let me know. Otherwise I will be on off and on over the next week as I will be out of town but will have computer access sometimes. Thanks
Just wanted to let those know with pending trades - that I may be away for a bit... my oldest son is in the hospital and they are trying to determine what is wrong with him- right now lymphoma or a severe viral infection are leading the diagnoses- neither is a great option for an 18 yo to face.

I will get with you all as soon as I can-

Melp- I will take that trade...
I am so sorry to hear about your son. My thoughts are with you and your family. There is no hurry to make the trade for me. I will not be on much for the rest of this week, but will check back with you later. Hope your son gets better quickly.
VirtuallyMe said:
Just wanted to let those know with pending trades - that I may be away for a bit... my oldest son is in the hospital and they are trying to determine what is wrong with him- right now lymphoma or a severe viral infection are leading the diagnoses- neither is a great option for an 18 yo to face.

I will get with you all as soon as I can-

Melp- I will take that trade...
Hope your son is ok. Pixie dust! pixiedust:
First- I want to thanks everyone for the good thoughts and pixie dust- it is appreciated- my son is out of the hospital but has a long road of recover yet to go...

Ok- now to officially respond to trade requests that I have received since...

ShadowKittyKat offered 2 wanted posters for a 4th of July Hat and I accepted
Melp offered Magenta rocket for green backwards hat and I accepted
Soccerismylife777 offered pirates 1/5 for cowboy hat AND Indian Headdress- I will decline this offer- for one- at this time there are no cowboy hats available- trades are pending on the one's I have- and also that is a lot less than I'd like for either of the hats
Cuteswimgirl Offered purple flying carpet chair for pirate hat- and I am declining this offer- I have several of those chairs- and would need a little more for the hat
pinkgalyall asked what I wanted for princess hat or headdress- right now I do not have any princess hats not in pending trades- and the headdress would require a lot of items for trade- you can look back through the thread and see some of the offers I have already turned down
jasonpwns offered pirate 1/5, surf and grand floridian pins for cowboy or headdress- again- currently no cowboy hats available- and I would like more for the headdress than what was offered.

I know I have several pending trades with people and I will pm you if I do when I get home and can access the game... if I have accepted a trade from you and you have an idea of when you will be on the game let me know and I will do my best to get on then- I'm leaving work early today and will be taking the day off tomorrow- so I may be able to make it on at open tomorrow but will definitely be on this afternoon and evening. (I need to work on credits before tomorrow lol)- If you are looking for me- I'm usually in one of my own rooms (search virtuallyme), hanging out with zetas, or playing fireworks...
Just know that your family is in our thoughts. Sending Prayers and Pixie Dust your way. :wizard:

hdmonkeybug said:
what would you want for backwards hat?

I have a list in my first post of things I'm looking for- just make an offer...


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