Haunted Mansion - Top 5 Worst

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Except as I stated multiple times in this thread from my point of view I don't see how anyone could even see me when it was being used (posted a video of the section of the ride). On top of that never even knew it was an issue to just in general have a phone on during a ride (although I only have ever used my phone for what I described on this last trip).

Me not believing that cell phones usage ruins the ride experience does not make me entitled. It's called having a different opinion. While others came in with their opinion you tried to act like somehow I am a terrible parent for using a cell phone for lighting. Instead of basically everyone else's response of it being distracting or ruining the experience.

I never said you’re a terrible parent. It’s entitled behaviour because it’s distracting to those around you 🤷🏻‍♀️
Except as I stated multiple times in this thread from my point of view I don't see how anyone could even see me when it was being used (posted a video of the section of the ride). On top of that never even knew it was an issue to just in general have a phone on during a ride (although I only have ever used my phone for what I described on this last trip).

Me not believing that cell phones usage ruins the ride experience does not make me entitled. It's called having a different opinion. While others came in with their opinion you tried to act like somehow I am a terrible parent for using a cell phone for lighting. Instead of basically everyone else's response of it being distracting or ruining the experience.

Interesting. People have been collectively adamant about the fact that the light from cell phones interferes with their ride experience, but I'm getting the distinct impression you're not gonna change your behavior.
@sethschroeder - Don' know if this is the only one, but this is fairly recent, so may be the one I am thinking of, and it's the one I found most quickly

Thanks I actually only got half way through that show actually and didn't notice I didn't watch the remainder until now.

Interesting. People have been collectively adamant about the fact that the light from cell phones interferes with their ride experience, but I'm getting the distinct impression you're not gonna change your behavior.

Well I won't even be back to Disney with the kids until most likely next December/January. So I will think about all this feedback moving forward as we get closer to taking the kids again. I suspect we likely will just skip HM, Spaceship Earth will be closed, and may look to distract on Figment with hands over the eyes during that brief moment. Who knows in a years time things are likely to change with her reaction.

You need to understand until this show and this thread I saw people using a cell phone and never gave a second thought to it. My goal was not to make it worse for people. I also see people overreact on things at times and that was my initial gut feeling of this as well. I mean there have been threads on boycotting Disney over price increases and the Skyliner.

Adding: Just because I still personally don't see an issue with it or when others do it doesn't mean I won't change my actions when at Disney.
I think all of us (including me, a lot of times) need to take a breath, and "woosah". This has been a calm, rational discussion for the most part, and it makes me sad when things go left, and emotions get in the way of what could be a genuine learning experience for all parties. Not trying to be a mod or anything, but makes me sad to see things get unnecessarily heated. :( And I honestly do not think the OP meant, or means, any harm.

And - by the way - my brain usually goes MUCH faster than my fingers, and I CONSTANTLY have to go back and edit stuff. The first time I typed this I said "cLam" instead of "cAlm". And I did just post that long diatribe about the Little Mermaid.

Did I make anybody smile, even just a little? I did myself. :)
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Screen brightness or flashlight function is a huge huge factor to me not necessarily that's it's a phone. Yes if you were waiving the phone around that would be disruptive but people are capable of not doing that.

You're using it for light purposes and screen brightness down to the lowest I doubt would be effective in this situation and the flashlight function would be a huge no no to me. If it wasn't something you were concerned about with respects to how others might be viewing you I doubt you would have asked here even with a DIS Unplugged episode. You'd have gone on your merry way doing what you did before.

Best suggestion is to not go on the ride until the child(ren) can handle the darkness; it's the easiest and most courteous way. Even though HM is one of my favorite rides and I understand how disappointing that would be I wouldn't in any ride, much less a dark one, use my phone with the screen brightness up or any noticable bright light.
I'll start by saying that I have not used my phone on rides with or without kids, but this has been an interesting read. I'd rather someone salvage a moment by using a phone on Haunted Mansion to provide some normalcy for a young child than allow that child to get horribly scared and possibly not go on any rides for the rest of their trip. (Which happened to our family back in the early 90's pre-cell phones. My sister wouldn't even get on the elevator at our hotel after a ride experience...) Surprising to some, I'm sure, but you don't always know how anyone (child, adult alike) will react to a situation until they are on it. Someone soothing their child as best they can has never, and will never, cause me to think of them as entitled. You win some and lose some I guess; often on these boards screaming and crying children are the cause of ruining many an experience in Disney World, so while busting a phone out wouldn't be my first reaction, if it could help a fearful child see that maybe it "isn't so scary" and go on to a lifetime of enjoyment NOT needing that support, what's the harm? (Now, someone recording the entire ride, taking pictures, using Facetime, watching Daniel Tiger - different thing completely.)
I'll start by saying that I have not used my phone on rides with or without kids, but this has been an interesting read. I'd rather someone salvage a moment by using a phone on Haunted Mansion to provide some normalcy for a young child than allow that child to get horribly scared and possibly not go on any rides for the rest of their trip. (Which happened to our family back in the early 90's pre-cell phones. My sister wouldn't even get on the elevator at our hotel after a ride experience...) Surprising to some, I'm sure, but you don't always know how anyone (child, adult alike) will react to a situation until they are on it. Someone soothing their child as best they can has never, and will never, cause me to think of them as entitled. You win some and lose some I guess; often on these boards screaming and crying children are the cause of ruining many an experience in Disney World, so while busting a phone out wouldn't be my first reaction, if it could help a fearful child see that maybe it "isn't so scary" and go on to a lifetime of enjoyment NOT needing that support, what's the harm? (Now, someone recording the entire ride, taking pictures, using Facetime, watching Daniel Tiger - different thing completely.)

Poster in question stated they did this preemptively. Child wasn't scared at moment, but could have been.

So this isn't the same situation you are describing above. Obviously if a child is screaming parent should do whatever they can to soothe them.

In turn, if you are already worried child may react poorly to the dark on the ride and plan to use light to distract them before anything even happens, most are saying the better choice would be not to go on the ride at all.

I'll start by saying that I have not used my phone on rides with or without kids, but this has been an interesting read. I'd rather someone salvage a moment by using a phone on Haunted Mansion to provide some normalcy for a young child than allow that child to get horribly scared and possibly not go on any rides for the rest of their trip. (Which happened to our family back in the early 90's pre-cell phones. My sister wouldn't even get on the elevator at our hotel after a ride experience...) Surprising to some, I'm sure, but you don't always know how anyone (child, adult alike) will react to a situation until they are on it. Someone soothing their child as best they can has never, and will never, cause me to think of them as entitled. You win some and lose some I guess; often on these boards screaming and crying children are the cause of ruining many an experience in Disney World, so while busting a phone out wouldn't be my first reaction, if it could help a fearful child see that maybe it "isn't so scary" and go on to a lifetime of enjoyment NOT needing that support, what's the harm? (Now, someone recording the entire ride, taking pictures, using Facetime, watching Daniel Tiger - different thing completely.)
I don't go on rides that have huge drops, I don't go on rides that go upside down. I don't go on rides that spin around and I can only handle so many 3D/screen-based rides because of my motion sickness. I avoid those for a reason.

If your child (or anyone really) has a fear of darkness I can't imagine that's good to force them to go on the ride, much less how inconsiderate it can be to flash bright lights on said dark ride to combat the fear of the dark. The poster in question already knows their child may be scared by it and is using the light in anticipation of that...best to just not ride it until they are ready and able to. It's not ideal but of course neither is a bright light on a dark ride. In this case the poster isn't soothing their child..in the moment (which still would be disrupting)..they are doing it before anything occurs because they have a feeling their child will react.

I think you know the harm given that people are talking about being considerate of others.
This has me thinking there should be a show on "If you are doing this you might be annoying others at WDW".

I have the start of a list to start adding to and going through:
  • Cell phones for any reason on in dark experiences (TIL)
  • Rude to CMs or Guests
  • Not knowing your order before getting to the checkout at counter service
  • Spreading out on seats leaving a "open seat" between your group members
  • Not going to the end of the row
  • Talking of any sort during a show (including whispering)
  • Rejoining your group in line
  • Saving spots around quick service prior to getting your food ordered
  • Not merging every other person/group
  • Reserving multiple ADRs for the same day but cancelling all but 1 right before the cancellation window

Yep, this is a pretty good starting list. These are all pretty standard rules that should be followed. (I would think that "Rude to" anyone would be considered at a minimum "annoying" in any context, not just at Disney, of course.) I've seen plenty of articles and threads on annoying behaviors at Disney, so they're out there if you want to look for more. (And, yes, talking in shows absolutely includes whispering - as close as people are, any sound is going to be audible, and just the sound of whispering is distracting for many, even if they can't make out the actual words being said.)

I recently saw someone give a description of unethical behavior as something that, if *everyone* did it, it would cause problems. So, for example, let's say on Halloween, if one person just dropped their candy wrapper where ever they opened it, it wouldn't be that big of a deal, most people wouldn't even notice a single candy wrapper on the sidewalk - but if *everyone* who ate a candy wrapper dropped them at random, the sidewalks would be covered in trash and it would cause a huge mess and everyone would be grossed out. So, then, to be a considerate member of society, you need to refrain from dropping your candy wrapper out in the open, not because that one wrapper would cause a problem on its own, but because you are part of a community that is all mutually agreeing to keep trash in trash bins in order to function.

The same thing is true here. Maybe in your case, for a couple seconds, you don't think your light is adding enough to the overall light in the area to cause enough of a difference - but if every single person on the ride had their phone out and casting light, then the whole place would be lit up and all the carefully designed lighting elements of the ride would be overcome by phone lights and none of the ride would appear as intended for anyone on the ride. The vehemence of the replies here is not because of your one exact situation - it's because the "community" of people riding Haunted Mansion have an unspoken agreement that since everyone can't have lights on without ruining the experience, then no one can have a light on at any point. Sure, one person might not technically make a difference, but who decides that you get to be that *one*?

The same rule works for everything else on your list - if *everyone* booked two ADRs for their own convenience, and then cancelled, then only half as many people would be able to book restaurant seating, leaving a ton of people unable to plan their day. If *everyone* from the left side of the line refused to take turns merging and just plowed through, no one from the right side would ever be able to go. So anyone choosing to disregard those guidelines is inherently deciding that they are more important than everyone else around them, because the others have to follow the rules in order for things to keep functioning, but the rule breakers have decided that doesn't apply to them.

Another reason for the extreme response is because so many of us have experienced people who weren't even trying to hide their light - people who had their phone on in the pre-show when it's supposed to be pitch-black, or people whose whispers carried much further than they expected. Those people didn't seem to think their actions were having an impact on those around them, but they were wrong - they were very distracting to us. So we already know that other peoples' perception of their impact on the surroundings doesn't always align with how others perceive it. No matter how certain you are that your light doesn't go beyond your buggy, you can only see it from your own perspective - you can't guarantee that no one else is affected by it.

Speaking personally, I am very sensitive to bright lights or "blue" lights when my eyes are adjusted for darkness as an after effect of my Lasik surgery. The blue light created by a phone is far more noticeable and distracting to than a "yellow" light (like the lamps in HM), even if they're technically the same intensity. Even a little bit of light from a phone can cause a "glow" that could be visible around your doom buggy if you're next to me, or the car might turn a little faster than you expect and I see your phone light beside me as we turn, taking my thoughts away from the ride and onto you. It's just not fair to others on the ride who want to be immersed in the experience as it's designed.
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I am super sensitive to young parents. That is soo so tough but yeah you may need to skip it for now.

But I am startled with how many of you could not see anything wrong with what Pete did, blocking walkways, rude to a CM, annoyed by a child. But this has gotten people reacting.
How do you think bloggers film inside rides for YouTube or Instastories (which is likely a cellphone)? How can that not emit at least a small amount of light? Can we be consistent at least on this?

Whenever I film in a dark ride, I am using the view finder on my camera so no one else is seeing the light. I am also using lenses that have a large aperture so they handle the low light conditions and no additional external light is needed. If I am taking photos, I put my camera in silent shutter mode, so my camera does not make any noises while taking photos. This takes away some features of the camera, and runs the battery down more, but I am being mindful of the other people and do no want to ruin their ride by shutter release noises or back screen lighting.

If you cannot do something without distracting others, then don't do it!

Photo taken with methods mentioned above. No one around me would even be aware I was taking photos:
If the child is not old enough to handle the ride as is, why on earth would you even take him on it? The park does not revolve around a 2 year old. As a matter of fact Disney World's no place for kids!
I recently saw someone give a description of unethical behavior as something that, if *everyone* did it, it would cause problems. So, for example, let's say on Halloween, if one person just dropped their candy wrapper where ever they opened it, it wouldn't be that big of a deal, most people wouldn't even notice a single candy wrapper on the sidewalk - but if *everyone* who ate a candy wrapper dropped them at random, the sidewalks would be covered in trash and it would cause a huge mess and everyone would be grossed out. So, then, to be a considerate member of society, you need to refrain from dropping your candy wrapper out in the open, not because that one wrapper would cause a problem on its own, but because you are part of a community that is all mutually agreeing to keep trash in trash bins in order to function.

giphy (2).gif
Stepping to the side on this issue but really enjoyed the video along with its positive mate the top 5 best HM list.

One worst issue that wasn't highlighted is the moving walkway. I disliked that thing when I was a child and I still don't like now I'm an adult. Discombobulating esp in dim lighting. I understand the wish to efficiently move guests on and off the doom buggies but that moving walkway is a real challenge for many guests. Esp parents with toddlers in tow, those with disabilities, seniors and frankly just your average tired/exhausted guest. Would guess the injuries over the decades due to the moving walkway is mile long. "Watch your step" mantra droned on and on is also painful for guests and the CMs. I don't know what the alternative would be, but something has to be better than the status quo.

But moving walkway and all, still love my HM. :love:
It's moving the same speed as the vehicle allowing guests to successfully enter it without stopping the entire ride. I don't see how an omnimover attraction works without it.
It's moving the same speed as the vehicle allowing guests to successfully enter it without stopping the entire ride. I don't see how an omnimover attraction works without it.

Getting on wasn’t strange, but it was odd getting off the skyliner without a moving walkway, actually. Almost stumbled a little. I guess I’m too used to the attractions with the moving walkways lol.
Getting on wasn’t strange, but it was odd getting off the skyliner without a moving walkway, actually. Almost stumbled a little. I guess I’m too used to the attractions with the moving walkways lol.
@DGsAtBLT - I was a tad bit confused about how this worked, but it's because the GONDOLAS move, NOT the WALKWAY, right? I kinda feel stupid asking, but doing it anyway.. It's the internet - ain't nobody lookin', right? :lmao:
@DGsAtBLT - I was a tad bit confused about how this worked, but it's because the GONDOLAS move, NOT the WALKWAY, right? I kinda feel stupid asking, but doing it anyway.. It's the internet - ain't nobody lookin', right? :lmao:

Haha, yeah the gondolas move and there’s no moving walkway, so the first time I stepped off I guess my brain assumed it was riding HM or something.
Hi everyone. I've locked this thread because people got too heated and were rude. I don't see the need to reopen or revisit the topic. Please note that the DIS Forums are great for sharing our thoughts and opinions. But it's not okay to ignore the guidelines that can be found here: https://www.wdwinfo.com/guidelines.htm.

If you find that you get so heated up that you cannot be courteous on these forums I recommend that you log off and go do something else for awhile until you can regain your composure.
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