Have you ever bumped into someone you know at Disney?

During spring break '08 we were walking down the ramp from the monorail to MK when a woman stopped me and told me my purse wasn't zipped all the way. Then she asked me if my daughter was friends w/ "AR"- a boy in DD's class. It turns out the two families are friends and she recognized my DD from a birthday party. It was really funny because we ran into them again a little while later at the Haunted Mansion. We started calling it "The six degrees of AR" :)

We're from CT so it was really strange to run into someone who recognized my daughter in the middle of that huge crowd!
Actually when i was a kid in the 70's i saw one of our neighbors, a boy who went to school with me and I hated. That was really strange to see him there.
Yes many times. We always went during the week of July 4th. I just went in Oct and can't believe growing up we only went when it was crowed! However, that was when my dad's company shut down. He always had the week off so it was always our week at Disney!!! A lady he worked with always went with her mom and son during that time too. Even with all those people, we ran into them every year...usually at Magic Kingdom.
On my last trip, I ran into one of my students from when I student taught. I had talked to her mom on my last day of teaching, and we found out we were both going to be there at the same time.

Funny story...her mom said, 'She kept going on and on about how much she wanted to run into you and I told her I paid all this money for you to run into characters. If you want to see Ms. D I can just call her anytime!' :rotfl:
We did! We were eating dinner at 1900 Park Fare and ran into friends of ours from our former church. Turned out they were staying in the next building over from us at Pop Century. Hadn't seen them in a year or so since we changed churches even though we live about 15 minutes from each other so it was a little weird we managed to run into them at WDW! :goodvibes
several times! it is pretty funny when you are walking with your family and you hear your name and you look around and think everyone i know is right here and then SUPRISE! we love to see familiar faces from home and share vaca stories -always fun!
I have a couple of different stories.

Once, we ran into one of my son's friends and their family at Epcot. We hung out and chatted for a bit, all of us amazed that out of all of the parks we just happened to all end up at the same place in the World Showcase at the same time.

Another time, and this isn't exactly along the same lines but ironic just the same, we saw my parents entering the MK as we were leaving for a break. The weird thing was is that we didn't plan that in the least, we didn't even know they were going to the MK (we were traveling together but not hanging out all day), so it was kind of weird that the timing was right.

And while it wasn't someone we know, we once saw a couple of people in Tomorrowland wearing t-shirts of a local place from our very small town.

It really IS a small world, after all. :wizard:
Yes. Our very first day of our very first trip (October 25, 2002, TBE), Mrs. Homie and I were at TL walking into the wave pool. Someone yelled to Mrs. Homie and she saw the mailman who delivers to her workplace.


Funny story: I was in line once for ToT (Mrs. Homie was getting character autographs), and there were about 5-6 junior high-age kids in front of me; one boy and the rest girls. Eventually we ended up talking (because there's absolutely nothing weird about a middle-aged man talking to adolescents he doesn't know :rolleyes1 ). I came to find out that the kids were neighbors from 3 neighboring families, and none of the kids knew that the other kids were going to WDW. They ran into each other at DHS!
We have :goodvibes We're from the UK and we happened to meet up with a family who's little boy was in the same school class as my brother.

We were sat in Burger King on I-Drive and we heard voices behind us with a similar accent to our own, we turn around and there's the other family who we know! :goodvibes Didn't even know we were there at the same time together.

We then arranged to meet up later in the holiday and spent the afternoon together at Typhoon Lagoon :thumbsup2 It was fantastic, 4,500 miles travelled and find people we know :laughing:
we seem to run into someone we know and usually have no clue tht they were going to be there.

One time we sat to eat at LTT and my wife hears he name being called, right next to us was her boss. She knew she was going on vacation, but did not know she was going to WDW.

Last trip in november, i get on the monorail and saw a shirt for a local fire company, I looked up and it was the brother-in-law of one of my best friends.

It is a small world after all. ;)
We ran into SEVERAL people we knew our last trip (it was Jersey Week, lotsa Jersey people there!)

We ran into a classmate of DD and her family. Her mom and I also grew up on the same block and went to the same elementary school.

I also ran into one of my BEST FRIENDS (for about 30 years)!! Our trip was a surprise for the kids, so I kept it pretty mum. Her trip was last minute. I was walking around MK with DD and got a text from her "you just walked by me in the MK!". We met up and squealed and jumped around like :banana:stupid girls:banana:.
last year we saw this girl that is always at the bar we all hang out at. Acquaintances more than friends but still know each other, but we couldn't figure out if it was her or not. Sure enough when we got home, she has pictures up of her at Disney from that week lol
We were at BB a couple of years ago at the ski patrol area and DS was waiting in line to go across the icebergs. He was chatting with another boy in line and said 'oh yeah mom, this is my friend, Austin'. I thought it was so cute, how kids meet and are instantly 'friends'. After he was done I asked him where his 'friend' was and he said 'I don't know but I'll see him in school next week'.

The year previous we were in line to get off the Disney Wonder and I looked behind me and there stood one of my best friends from grammar school :laughing:. It was such a goof!!!
Three different years we have run into our next door neighbors. It’s crazy because we don’t discuss when we’re going but we keep ending up there at the same time. This year it was the end of Sept and our trips overlapped by a few days. Our kids got to play together, which was great.

It was only this year that we both talked about how into Disney we were and realized that we both post on these boards – weird. Also that we both bought into DVC this year.

This year we’re going at Thanksgiving but sadly they’re not going at the same time – they’re going the first week in Nov…. Like I said weird.
I haven't run into people I know at Disney but I have other places. I'm from MA, ran into a guy I went to high school with in Utah, we parked next to each other at Bryce Canyon, In Bermuda I saw a friends GF in the hotel locker room, on a trip to Virginia we ran into our neighbors on the Jersey Turnpike at the rest stop, we had no idea each other was traveling.
I was standing in line for Soarin, when I heard someone come up behind me and say "What are you doing here?" Turned around to see a guy I work with doing a conference.
When we went on our first trip, we ran into one of my son's classmates. We were staying at the same resort, but we didn't meet each other until the day we both were leaving.
Yeah, twice that I can remember. Last year it was some neighbors at Everest, and several years ago it was my eighth grade teacher at PotC (at the time, I was still in his class).
Yes! Many times. Last year we bumped into my DDs old preschool classmate and her family near Small World. 2 years ago we were walking down Main St at night before Spectro and heard my other DDs name being called. Turned out to be her 4th grade teacher. That same year we ram into a classmate of my DDs. The year before I ran into a girl I work with shopping in the Emporium.

I love bumping into people I know down there!!!


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