Have you ever experienced anything neg at WDW?

I had a few weird experiences with other guests, but I would stress that these were YEARS ago... so I would hope that this is not the norm today.

During GayDays.. I was waiting to get popcorn at one of the stands near the castle in MK, and the woman in front of me in line was grilling the cast member mercilessly with questions like "WHY ARE THEY ALL HERE TODAY???" wow..

Leaving EPCOT in the parking lot, dark, after Illuminations, a car full of who knows what yelled "******S" and sped off.. very brave.

Those are the only two negative experiences I have had, and they both involved guests that were, shall we say, not evolved on their positions regarding LGBTers.

The cast members have been nothing, if not, gracious about it, and I mean that from every age, creed, nationality. They can think all they want, but when they are serving me, I want to be treated just like any other guest.

I'm bringing my mom down in December I hope, and I plan on wearing my rainbow Mickey proudly.
Last year I had my son in a wheelchair in DTD when a little 3 yr old ran right into us...the father started yelling at me to get my "gimp kid the f home where he belonged".

There really aren't words for how this story makes me feel. :sad1:
She went on to say God sent them here today for a reason, keep an open mind, and maybe they will learn something. Either way they would have fun and enjoy the experience. :thumbsup2 Way to go Mom!

But this one makes me :cloud9:. Really, if you take the time to learn about life's many possibilities, and there are some you continue to disagree with, that's your prerogative. We may never agree on certain points, but I will have SO much more respect for people who agree to 'live and let live'.

I have not had the best experience finding open-minded, tolerant religious folks, so where I find them, I want to hug the snot outta 'em. :grouphug:
Last year in August I went to WDW and arranged a meal for my husbands 29th Birthday at the Royal Table. While we posed for the photo the first princess asked where our princesses were. Quick as a flash I replied He's mine pointing to my husband, and our other gay friend said and he is looking for his prince.

I have never seen a CM go so red in my life. Classic moment! She was very nice and no way neg but the moment of the holiday we remember most.
I've never felt unwelcome or anything at Disney (my theory is that Diz knows that gay people have money to spend just like straight people, they know where their bread is buttered!). Though at the more posh resorts I do feel a little awkward, it's not because of my queerness.

My mum is a single mother and brought me and my best friend to WDW when we were teenagers, along with my sister who was a stroller baby at the time. She said she felt really out of place and a little weird, all these couples and happy nuclear families surrounding us, and here she was with a baby, two teens and no man in sight.
I think a little diversity might have helped her not feel so odd. I was oblivious at the time, but as a queer adult I can totally understand how she must have felt.

One of my biggest problems is that I don't feel recognizable as one of the "family." I don't wear rainbows very often, and I'm not terribly butchy. So I fear that I don't get my gay cred, how silly is that?! I have a rainbow mickey I'm going to attach to my bag once I get a locking back for it-- it fell off my backpack almost immediately when I was wearing it here at home.

For me there's something so great about seeing other gay people (at Disney) and remembering how great it is to be out and about, loud and proud.

Glad I found this forum, too!
Last year in August I went to WDW and arranged a meal for my husbands 29th Birthday at the Royal Table. While we posed for the photo the first princess asked where our princesses were. Quick as a flash I replied He's mine pointing to my husband, and our other gay friend said and he is looking for his prince.

I have never seen a CM go so red in my life. Classic moment! She was very nice and no way neg but the moment of the holiday we remember most.

That's HILARIOUS! I love it! :laughing:

Ok, now I've got the joke about this thread being brought back from the dead out of the way... :)

I have to say my partner and I've never had any issues at WDW, the cast members are great and for the most part the guest are too busy drinking in the magic to think of anything else.

That's not to say I think WDW is immune from the general prejudice of the big wide world, you can get idiots anywhere in the world... :P
Well, last year we went to Cinderella's Royal table for my partners birthday, in amongst 96% of fellow guests in the restaurant being the smallest princesses, and a couple of older groups there was us two… all the Disney Princesses wandered round the room and said hello posing for photographs, when Princess Aurora asked my partner where he was from, he said Manchester - and she said "my my that's a long way for your fairies to fly" he chuckled and said yes, she then said "i bet you have a lot of fairies back in manchester don't you" !! totally in character but had us in stitches! - other than that, have always had exemplary service, although I do miss the nights in Mannequins….
oh I am a big chicken. Every time me and my partner go travel and stay in a hotel, I would have one of us stay in the car while the other one check in, so they don't see us together. And we are not into PDA at all, even my sister asked me why me and my partner alway walk so far apart whenever we go out. The only time I feel comfortable holding hands are when we are alone or when we are in a gay-function like years ago they have private gay nights at Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm. Don't you think it is easier for gals couples to show PDA than guys?

you know me and my partner are the same way, not so much we are chickens, but that's just the way we are....we just aren't PDA people..and no I don't have a problem with other people doing it..its just not for us...I love him to death but we are who we are...lol....and as for requesting beds at disney....I will say loud and proud....we never ask for a king bed and this is because when we go to disney we go to play hard and when we get back to the room late at night tired and hot..we just want to take a shower and climb into our own bed and pass out....lol..and be well rested for the next adventure that awaits the next day...LOL...
My bf and I had a most romantic and wonderful dinner at Victoria and Alberts last summer. The staff were all friendly and professional -- there was not another person dining in the restaurant who looked at us twice. We were one of the last couples left by the end of the night and I leaned over to give my man a smooch, which brought a huge smile to the face of the harpist. Before we left the servers presented both of us with roses. It was fantastic! :love:

Another time we were waiting for Fantasmic to start and a young boy sitting next to us with his family, turned to me and announced that his flashing buzz light year was superior to my light up sorcerer mickey -- which then began a battle between our weapons of choice. His parents just giggled and smiled at me and my bf. I think they were thrilled someone else was able to keep their kid's attention for a bit after a long day at the parks. :wizard:

We've never had a problem at WDW or DL in any way shape or form. Here's hoping our first experience with DCL on the Dreams this December will yield the same results! pirate:
I've never been to Disney with anyone I was dating, only friends and family, so I can't speak to that.

However, I had an interesting experience on my last trip in 2009 while with my friends in Epcot. We were walking from the World Showcase to Future World on the path that goes right by Mexico, I think? Anyway, it was pretty empty and we passed a couple teenage boys walking the other direction and one was wearing a shirt that said "He's gay" with an arrow pointing to his right. I can't say for sure, but I don't think the shirt was meant to be a positive thing. My friends and I commented on it after we passed them, and the woman in front of us turned around and started talking to us about how appalling it was. This was also the weekend of the Equality march in October and my friends and I were wearing our Equality Now! pins. As we walked from WS to FW my friends and I and the woman in front of us had a nice conversation about equality and peoples' awareness of it these days. It's one of my favorite memories from the trip.
My Bf and i went to disney this past july and had an amazing time. We had table dinners and every waitress and waiter was so kind and polite. We had an amazing time a cirque du soleil and he had his arm around me the whole show (which i am not a fan of pda but i let him cause he will get mad that i care) and we held hands through the parks without any disturbances from anyone. It was just an amazing time, we got our caricature done and the artist put cute hearts and things and we got matching engraved bracelets and the girl thought it was the cutest thing and we also got some free fast passes from a castmember who said thank you for being yourselves. it was amazing <3
Well, on our last trip (Gay Days 2010), we had nothing but wonderful experiences.

When we checked in at Coronado, the CM said she noticed we were celebrating an Anniversary...we said yes, so she asked us how many years...we told her 9...and she wrote the number on our pins, and said Congratulations....and said it was so nice to see happy couples....

Fast forward to the next morning...we put on our pins, and went to the bus stop...no one said anything....I think it's the dragging in the morning scenario...lol....(at least for us it is)....anyway, we board the bus to MK, and we notice that there is a woman and her young son sitting across from us...I notice that he's wearing a Birthday Pin for 6 years old...so we wish him a Happy Birthday...the mom notices our pins, leans down, and tells her child that we are celebrating an Anniversary, and that he needs to wish up a Happy Anniversary, which he did. The mom looked up at us and said Congrats and smiled....

We got off the bus and were happy to see that the pins were not going to be much of an issue.....at CRT, DP and I got into a sword fight at the breakfast table (with those plastic swords they give the kids)....the CMs found it quite humorous....one of the Princesses asked who we were fighting for....we looked at her, and said "Each other"....she got a big grin on her face and said "Carry on"....

Back at Christmas, 2008, we were there for MVMCP, and were taking pics with all the characters we could find....well, we came across Snow White and her Prince....so we rushed and got in line for pics (2nd in line)....so, it was our turn....we move into position and as the photographer was ready to take our pic, Snow White says "Now I have a Prince"...and without thinking about where I was or anything, I looked at her and said "B*tch, find your own".....at which point I realized what had just come out of my mouth....needless to say, Snow White and her Prince both burst out laughing out loud.....while I stood there in horror at what had just come out of my mouth....they hugged us and we went on our way....luckily there were no kids around...in fact, there wasn't anyone else there waiting for a pic...so I lucked out....I kept my mouth in check the remainder of the evening. :rolleyes1
It makes me sad that anyone would EVER talk to another person in such a negative way as some of the posts I've read.

I have 3 children...2 boys and a girl. They ask me questions about lots of things and everything gets an open and honest answer. The majority of my friends are gay and the kids have come to realise that they are exactly the same as any couple. That makes me proud as a mom. I encourage my kids to be OPEN minded. There is no other way to live in this amazing world we are in. I myself am bi-sexual and my mother raised me to accept all people for WHO they are not WHAT they are. I wish more people did that with their kids!

oh I am a big chicken. Every time me and my partner go travel and stay in a hotel, I would have one of us stay in the car while the other one check in, so they don't see us together. And we are not into PDA at all, even my sister asked me why me and my partner alway walk so far apart whenever we go out. The only time I feel comfortable holding hands are when we are alone or when we are in a gay-function like years ago they have private gay nights at Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm. Don't you think it is easier for gals couples to show PDA than guys?

I know this is an old post, but I'm bored and browsing. This just makes me so incredibly sad. :sad1: I hope now, five years later, you feel more comfortable being with your love in public.
I do not think there is such a thing as a traditional family anymore. Your family is just as important as mine. It should not matter what type of people make up a family. Hopefully, you never encounter any ignorant people who do not know better. That way, we can all enjoy WDW.
Last year in August I went to WDW and arranged a meal for my husbands 29th Birthday at the Royal Table. While we posed for the photo the first princess asked where our princesses were. Quick as a flash I replied He's mine pointing to my husband, and our other gay friend said and he is looking for his prince.

I have never seen a CM go so red in my life. Classic moment! She was very nice and no way neg but the moment of the holiday we remember most.

This one made me laugh because this summer Princess Aurora asked me and my girlfriend if we were sisters, or just friends? At which point we both laughed and I said we were together and Aurora kind of went red and said, 'My goodness how wonderful' in a slightly awkward manner.

My mum thought it was hilarious - she was like, why couldn't you have just smiled and nodded!
As a out and proud gay cast member I am always thrilled to read such wonderful stories about a place that I not only work at but I truly love.

Disney never ceases to amaze me with how far it goes to support the gay community. I love how Disney is a major sponsor of Gay Pride in Orlando and also is a major contributor to many LGBT organizations and events. It also tickles me when I see on my benefits when it says spouse/partner/significant other. I can't wait for the day when gay marriage is finally legal and Spouse will cover everything.

As for anything bad happening. Actually its been the opposite. I have always had such love and support. I remember one gay days a banner was flying over and this straight couple came up to me and friends and said they were disgusted by the banner and were happy we were there and having such a great time. We were in Gay Days Red Tshirts at the time.

I do recall one year we were in front of the castle waiting for the parade when a couple got engaged. The family sitting next to us had sour puss faces on while everyone around them cheered. They just sat there and said nothing. I felt nothing but pity for them that they could not enjoy a happy momment.

Lastly, I find the world showcase is the best date spot anywhere. Its so nice and in the evening when its cooler and all lite up its just beautiful. A few of the Grey Goose Lemon Slushes really help make the evenings even nicer.


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