Have you gotten a COVID vaccine?

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It is something that has been mentioned a few times. It's an interesting theory, but I'm not sure how much merit it has, as this isn't really the case with other vaccines.

Of all the people I know who have been vaccinated, the person who had the absolute easiest time with both shots was a woman my age (42) who is morbidly obese with T2 diabetes. She felt absolutely fine after both Moderna shots, like she hadn't even gotten them. I very much doubt Covid would have been so kind to her.
Additionally, younger people are generally supposed to be the ones having worse symptoms from the vaccines than those who are older because their immune systems are mounting a stronger response. Or, so I’ve heard. Conversely, the disease is supposed to be worse for older people than younger.
Additionally, younger people are generally supposed to be the ones having worse symptoms from the vaccines than those who are older because their immune systems are mounting a stronger response. Or, so I’ve heard. Conversely, the disease is supposed to be worse for older people than younger.

Also true. My parents in their 70s both had a rough time with their second Pfizer shots, but so did my 45 year old sister who has no health issues.
Update. It’s been 24 hours Since my second Pfizer dose. My head hurts. My body hurts. I’m freezing. Just all around misery.

This is how I felt after my first dose. I didn't feel back to normal until the 3rd day after.
I am hoping that after my 2nd I don't react the same way.
On a positive note, not being able to get warm was a nice respite from my hot flashes for a few days :laughing:
I was supposed to get AstraZeneca on the 18th of April, but they just announced that they're not gonna be administering that vaccine to people under 60. So it'll be another wait for me. I am not expecting to get Janssen/J&J or maybe Pfizer or Moderna. But am thinking Janssen is more likely
FINALLY got an appt for my husband this Saturday! Now just have to work on the 23 yo who ONLY wants J&J and my 17yo who was passed over because of his age but he works in a nursing home :(

So far in a family of 5 just me an my dd20 have been vaccinated.
Additionally, younger people are generally supposed to be the ones having worse symptoms from the vaccines than those who are older because their immune systems are mounting a stronger response. Or, so I’ve heard. Conversely, the disease is supposed to be worse for older people than younger.

This is very true. I was really worried about DH's parents who are 91 & 87, but neither had any problems. It will be interesting to see how my own little family reacts next week to dose #2.

FINALLY got an appt for my husband this Saturday! Now just have to work on the 23 yo who ONLY wants J&J and my 17yo who was passed over because of his age but he works in a nursing home :(

So far in a family of 5 just me an my dd20 have been vaccinated.
Has your area not dropped it to 16+? I thought all states were vaccinating nursing home workers? I know the only option for that age is Pfizer, but I would hope he'd be able to get that!
This is very true. I was really worried about DH's parents who are 91 & 87, but neither had any problems. It will be interesting to see how my own little family reacts next week to dose #2.

Has your area not dropped it to 16+? I thought all states were vaccinating nursing home workers? I know the only option for that age is Pfizer, but I would hope he'd be able to get that!

I live in NJ and my husband is high risk. It's taken me this long to get HIM a vaccine LOL! I had mine back in Feb. My DD20 and DS17 both work at the nursing home together. They vaccinated DD in January but could not vaccinate DS17 back then and would not accept parental waiver. Now the Nursing Home is done with vaccinations so I have to find him one myself. Just poor timing lol

DS23 works at the local hospital but he is special needs so I need to be with him for the vaccine and he ONLY wants the one shot one as he has massive sensory issues. So I have to work on his too. UGH I am very slowly getting there though.
My DH and I got our first vaccines on Tuesday, April 6th. It was Pfizer and no side effects except a sore arm, but it’s fine now two days later. We’re both in our seventies. DH did yard work all day yesterday. Unfortunately in Canada we have to wait four months for our second shot. Hope they can move it along faster, and get our kids and grandkids vaccinated too. The only time I’ve ever had a reaction to a vaccine was Shingrix, first shot. Slight fever, etc. But was fine for the second one.
I live in NJ and my husband is high risk. It's taken me this long to get HIM a vaccine LOL! I had mine back in Feb. My DD20 and DS17 both work at the nursing home together. They vaccinated DD in January but could not vaccinate DS17 back then and would not accept parental waiver. Now the Nursing Home is done with vaccinations so I have to find him one myself. Just poor timing lol

DS23 works at the local hospital but he is special needs so I need to be with him for the vaccine and he ONLY wants the one shot one as he has massive sensory issues. So I have to work on his too. UGH I am very slowly getting there though.
Ugh, that's unfortunate! I wish there was a way I could help you secure appointments!
I live in NJ and my husband is high risk. It's taken me this long to get HIM a vaccine LOL! I had mine back in Feb. My DD20 and DS17 both work at the nursing home together. They vaccinated DD in January but could not vaccinate DS17 back then and would not accept parental waiver. Now the Nursing Home is done with vaccinations so I have to find him one myself. Just poor timing lol

DS23 works at the local hospital but he is special needs so I need to be with him for the vaccine and he ONLY wants the one shot one as he has massive sensory issues. So I have to work on his too. UGH I am very slowly getting there though.

If you don't mind a 2-3 hour drive, MD just opened up a federal mass vaccine site open to any US resident...pre-reg link in this article...https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/coronavirus/mass-vaccination-site-to-open-at-greenbelt-metro-station/2629005/
Long, but i hope that this helps someone.

2nd Pfizer on Monday. 60's, Moderately severe asthmatic with multiple allergies which cause, reactions ranging from anaphylaxis to hives to rashes to turning beet red with a swollen face. Other health conditions, but not overweight.

1st shot (at a drive through mass vaccination site), buzzing feeling with numbness spreading down the arm to wrist to fingers while waiting 30 minutes after the shot, did NOT honk the car horn or flash the lights for EMTS, but moved my arm/wrist/fingers, did not rub anything. The feeling stopped within the 30 minutes and settled in with soreness near the injection site, so i waited 15 more minutes (for a total of 45 minutes) and left. The soreness, moving the arm, etc., was addressed in the handout given with the shot.
Had a sore arm for 2 days and slightly sore neck (from favoring the arm, I suspect). That was all!

2nd shot. The EMT and nurse read my list of allergies and were more concerned that the first set, stressed, as the 1st time, that i should park close to the ambulances and wait 30 minutes. They were worried about 2 of the allergies, but those cause hives and a rash, not the (from my experiences) "really bad reactions." I told them that i was much less worried than by the 1st shot, because i had only experienced the arm soreness and neck. The 1st time, i really felt the shot and it seemed to take at while, this time, i barely noticed and it was quick.
Same reaction once i parked. The tingling/numbness left more quickly and I left after 30 minutes.
Started feeling dry mouth about 3 hours later, (hydrated, but the feeling didn't go away). 12 hours after the shot, BOOM. Arthritis in my legs, ankles, hip (rare to feel in the hip) and only on the side of the injection site (usually both lower legs and ankles) neck, arm, shoulder, elbow muscles ALL HURT. Hobbled out and got another Gatorade and water (I had also had coffee, ImmuneAId, Gatorade, water after the initial shot and throughout the 12 hours), huddled under one and then a 2nd throw........fell asleep. Woke up 6 hours after the pain assault, cautiously got up (bathroom.......) and no more pain except the shoulder, like the first shot.............whew.

Fell back asleep, under one throw. Woke up to a weird headache when i moved my head a certain way and the sore arm. Exhaustion (but no sore muscles except the shoulder, weird, because i would expect muscle strains) and kept falling asleep for 1-2 hours all day.

Day 3. Still headache and sore shoulder, but no napping.

Today. Slightly sore shoulder.

While i am worried about the RNA shot technology (from taking a medication that affects leukotrienes, in the early days of it being approved, watching more conditions being approved for treatment, more side effects appear etc, i am wary of treatments without decades of research) I am more afraid of Covid 19.

The last few days remind me of my body's reaction to the flu shot, which i take every few years. The flu shot seems to give me an "immunity" for 5-7 years and a milder case eventually. The following year, i get a flu shot. Works for me.

Hopefully, this vaccination will do the same. Feeling a little safer. Will stay home for another week plus before meeting up with relatives who have also been vaccinated. Will still wear a mask and social distance.

Reading this thread helped me decide to be vaccinated as soon as I could get an appointment. Thank-you all.
I got my second Pfizer shot yesterday at the Orange County Convention Center. It was defiantly busier than my first shot, but the process was still smooth. I woke up at 3 am with a horrible headache and the chills. I took my temperature and it was higher (my norm is 97.3) but not quite a fever.
Thank you for posting this, I hope you are feeling better and please post how you progress.

I have been following this thread since inception, and like many others who haven't posted yet, or may not at all, I really appreciate all the feedback. It has helped my decision to be vaccinated. I am comforted by hearing of people's first hand, unfiltered experiences - even if they are not all positive experiences.

I received my first Pfizer shot on Monday April 5th. I'm 55. My arm hurt from the get go, but only lasted about a day. Much better than my last flu shot in 2019. I am worried about the 2nd a lot, so I appreciate all the information about side effects.

My 27 year old son received the J&J yesterday at a drive through clinic in Denver (not the one they shut down mid afternoon over concerns of immediate side effects experienced by 11 people - which out of 1700 they later decided was not unexpected). Here in Colorado, they opened up to anyone over 16 (Pfizer only for those under 18 I believe). Still a bit challenging to find appointments - but thankful most are eligible.

My son experienced chills, fever, headache and body aches overnight. Felt a bit better this am, and by lunch about 80% he said.

Again, thanks for all the feedback. There are a lot more people reading it than are posting, so consider your contribution valuable!!!
Thank you for posting this, I hope you are feeling better and please post how you progress.

I have been following this thread since inception, and like many others who haven't posted yet, or may not at all, I really appreciate all the feedback. It has helped my decision to be vaccinated. I am comforted by hearing of people's first hand, unfiltered experiences - even if they are not all positive experiences.

I received my first Pfizer shot on Monday April 5th. I'm 55. My arm hurt from the get go, but only lasted about a day. Much better than my last flu shot in 2019. I am worried about the 2nd a lot, so I appreciate all the information about side effects.

My 27 year old son received the J&J yesterday at a drive through clinic in Denver (not the one they shut down mid afternoon over concerns of immediate side effects experienced by 11 people - which out of 1700 they later decided was not unexpected). Here in Colorado, they opened up to anyone over 16 (Pfizer only for those under 18 I believe). Still a bit challenging to find appointments - but thankful most are eligible.

My son experienced chills, fever, headache and body aches overnight. Felt a bit better this am, and by lunch about 80% he said.

Again, thanks for all the feedback. There are a lot more people reading it than are posting, so consider your contribution valuable!!!

Hey we share the same vaccine "anniversary".. also 4/5...scheduled for the 2nd one on 4/26
And yeah, this thread is very informative. It helped me put my mind at ease seeing so many not having the terrible symptoms I've read in other places.
Besides this forum, one of the other things that made me decide to get vaccinated is seeing the explosion of covid cases in Brazil with the P1 variant with the hospitals there collapsing...and how that variant is creeping its way up in the US and Canada.
So thanks to everyone contributing to this thread.
Thank you for posting this, I hope you are feeling better and please post how you progress.

I have been following this thread since inception, and like many others who haven't posted yet, or may not at all, I really appreciate all the feedback. It has helped my decision to be vaccinated. I am comforted by hearing of people's first hand, unfiltered experiences - even if they are not all positive experiences.

I received my first Pfizer shot on Monday April 5th. I'm 55. My arm hurt from the get go, but only lasted about a day. Much better than my last flu shot in 2019. I am worried about the 2nd a lot, so I appreciate all the information about side effects.

My 27 year old son received the J&J yesterday at a drive through clinic in Denver (not the one they shut down mid afternoon over concerns of immediate side effects experienced by 11 people - which out of 1700 they later decided was not unexpected). Here in Colorado, they opened up to anyone over 16 (Pfizer only for those under 18 I believe). Still a bit challenging to find appointments - but thankful most are eligible.

My son experienced chills, fever, headache and body aches overnight. Felt a bit better this am, and by lunch about 80% he said.

Again, thanks for all the feedback. There are a lot more people reading it than are posting, so consider your contribution valuable!!!
Today was rough. I had heard that people had reactions to the second dose but wasn’t expecting full flu like symptoms. My fever finally went away around 4, and now I feel better, but groggy.
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