Have you gotten a COVID vaccine?

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I think when I go in for second shot, I'm going to start taking Ibuprofen before I get the shot and just take on schedule for two days.
I typically take ibuprofen before any vaccinations due to the muscle soreness and (often) swelling. But I've read that they are unsure about whether taking it before the COVID shot is a good idea or not. At most they're suggesting holding off on such measures until the symptoms show up.
if everyone wants to believe the "believe in science" which is the pursuit of knowledge of the natural world, you must be open to all information...I'd like to know about it and not have the information filtered for me. People can make up their own minds you don't have to hide information from them.
This. So often these days, when people say, "believe in science", they really just mean, "follow groupthink and don't ask difficult questions". Which is the exact opposite of scientific inquiry.

Real science involves gathering all data and evaluating it openly and impartially, not just parroting a popular agenda and selectively ignoring any data that doesn't conform to that agenda.

I'm planning to get the vaccine as soon as it's available to me, btw.
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She wants her FB to be read since she is sharing it everywhere, including the article. She even says, "Do not let his death be in vain please save more lives by making this information news." She believes the vaccine caused his death. It's not determined by official sources, though.
I saw that story a few days ago and feel sorry for that family. But the outcome could have been equally as dire had he gotten a COVID infection. None of us have a crystal ball, unfortunately. I knew all the risks going into the vaccine, and as I said, I was worried myself, but I’d still rather take my chances with the vaccine than with Covid. I know a man the same age as this fellow battling for his life post-Covid infection right now; things are looking very bad. I get the worry about the vaccine, believe me. And I get why his wife wants to get his story out. But I think it’s sad that it will probably sway some people who are on the fence away from the vaccine even though they are still at risk from Covid itself. Not taking the vaccine won’t make it all go away.

The doctors I work with are VERY pro-vaccine. I wonder what this doctor would say to his patients about it now if he could - would he say they shouldn’t get the vaccine? Or might he say chances are very good they’ll be fine with it? I know what I think.
Gladly. You stated that the vaccine would not have an effect on 5% of the population. That is not correct. According to both trials, the people who contracted symptomatic Covid after vaccinations had more mild cases. Additionally, there were zero deaths in both vaccination groups.

Even AZ‘s vaccine, with its lower efficacy, reduced severe Covid and resulted in no Covid deaths.

Feel free to read the trials.

You’re confusing some things regarding the trial and definition of efficacy. And, I didn’t even mention anything about deaths. Not sure how deaths was brought up by you.

Do you know what the primary end point being studied was for the first study, and how the efficacy was calculated? (Let’s start with the BioNTech vaccine).
But if someone dies within 2 weeks of taking this vaccine the way this doctor did, I'd like to know about it and not have the information filtered for me. People can make up their own minds you don't have to hide information from them.

If this were to have happened during a clinical trial, investigators would have halted the study regardless of circumstances until the probable cause is determined by a panel. Since this was not part of a study, unlikely to have an effect on the rollout atm.
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I am in the newly eligible group for my state.... after fighting with the terrible website I managed to get an appointment for Jan 29.

For those of you already got it and experienced things such as headache and fever, were you all told it was fine to take ibuprofen or whatever your painkiller and fever reducer of choice is? Was there anything you were specifically told NOT to take?
I am in the newly eligible group for my state.... after fighting with the terrible website I managed to get an appointment for Jan 29.

For those of you already got it and experienced things such as headache and fever, were you all told it was fine to take ibuprofen or whatever your painkiller and fever reducer of choice is? Was there anything you were specifically told NOT to take?

I was told to take Tylenol, NSAIDS, rest and fluids. I wasn’t told what not to do.
I posted this on another thread about mine and my father's attempts to schedule appointments since we are now eligible in NY. My husband who is administering tests at his college was able to schedule an appointment since he counts as a health care worker. He is considering canceling it since he feels guilty. I told him to keep it he actually fits the guidelines. I wish the county would cancel all these appointments that were made incorrectly but I know that they won't. It is a nightmare:

To say that New York State's rollout of vaccinating the 1b(huge group - police, fire, teachers, essential workers and seniors over 75) group yesterday was abysmal would be putting it mildly. I am a teacher who is in person with my autistic kids. I am in person 4 days a week with kids who do not understand social distancing or mask wearing. My 78 year old father also lives with us. I was on the county website at 5:30AM but the only thing available was a New York State registration form that asks for the date of your first dose - Well I have no idea when that will be so I didn't fill that out. Next I went to the vaccine schedule but that says in big red letters for Health Care workers only. I then spent my planning periods and lunch refreshing pages and trying to figure out what to do. My father spent the day calling pharmacies only to be told they had no idea what he was calling about. When I got home from school I logged into facebook and find out that many of my colleagues who are still 100% remote took the appointments that were for the health care workers. One made an appointment for her 16 year old son who works at a grocery store 5 hours a week. My father who finally got through to his doctor was told it is a lottery system and his name was not called that he may have to continue to wait for up to 10 more weeks and they also told him that he would need to find another doctor since his is retiring.

The state should not have put this information out with no plan to vaccinate people. I am so angry with my colleagues who are like It's a dog eat dog world and I just won and you lost. I could have taken one of those spots at 5:30 when you were in your cozy bed but I can read and follow rules. I hate that this system is basically fend for yourself which just pits people against each other. The state should have moved on to Seniors in the community before they started vaccinating other groups. I am now looking at April or May at the earliest before I will be vaccinated. So very disappointed.
I was told to take Tylenol, NSAIDS, rest and fluids. I wasn’t told what not to do.
Don't drink alcohol the day you take it, it inhibits your immune response; it would also means you can't take Tylenol if you need it because Tylenol + alcohol can be deadly.
I know it’s been repeated. But, seems worth repeating here.
You could still get infected with the virus even with the vaccine.

And this vaccine will not have an effect on 5% of the population.
Actually 5% will not be infected. I'm pulling stats directly from Pfizers page so I won't debate them.
43000 in the study. Only 8 participants in the vaccine group became infected and 162 of the placebo group did. Assuming that the participants were vaccinated and sent out into the world, you can see that not everyone is going to contract the disease. But there is a huge difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated numbers. (Eight is no where 5% of approx 21,500). More importantly, of the 10 severe cases of covid observed during the trial. Only one of those was from the vaccinated group. This is the big deal. Hospitals are full, resources are nil. People are dying. IMO, everyone who can take the shot should take one.

In other news, I gave vaccines yesterday and we had a huge turn out for new vaccines which makes me very happy. Our state will open up to all 70 and above for vaccines tomorrow. (I'm in SC).
I posted this on another thread about mine and my father's attempts to schedule appointments since we are now eligible in NY. My husband who is administering tests at his college was able to schedule an appointment since he counts as a health care worker. He is considering canceling it since he feels guilty. I told him to keep it he actually fits the guidelines. I wish the county would cancel all these appointments that were made incorrectly but I know that they won't. It is a nightmare:

To say that New York State's rollout of vaccinating the 1b(huge group - police, fire, teachers, essential workers and seniors over 75) group yesterday was abysmal would be putting it mildly. I am a teacher who is in person with my autistic kids. I am in person 4 days a week with kids who do not understand social distancing or mask wearing. My 78 year old father also lives with us. I was on the county website at 5:30AM but the only thing available was a New York State registration form that asks for the date of your first dose - Well I have no idea when that will be so I didn't fill that out. Next I went to the vaccine schedule but that says in big red letters for Health Care workers only. I then spent my planning periods and lunch refreshing pages and trying to figure out what to do. My father spent the day calling pharmacies only to be told they had no idea what he was calling about. When I got home from school I logged into facebook and find out that many of my colleagues who are still 100% remote took the appointments that were for the health care workers. One made an appointment for her 16 year old son who works at a grocery store 5 hours a week. My father who finally got through to his doctor was told it is a lottery system and his name was not called that he may have to continue to wait for up to 10 more weeks and they also told him that he would need to find another doctor since his is retiring.

The state should not have put this information out with no plan to vaccinate people. I am so angry with my colleagues who are like It's a dog eat dog world and I just won and you lost. I could have taken one of those spots at 5:30 when you were in your cozy bed but I can read and follow rules. I hate that this system is basically fend for yourself which just pits people against each other. The state should have moved on to Seniors in the community before they started vaccinating other groups. I am now looking at April or May at the earliest before I will be vaccinated. So very disappointed.
Don’t get too discouraged yet. Persistence pays off, think of it as getting a ROTR boarding pass. All the states are adding more and more vaccination sites and appointments daily. It’s a logistics problem but they are figuring it out.
I posted this on another thread about mine and my father's attempts to schedule appointments since we are now eligible in NY. My husband who is administering tests at his college was able to schedule an appointment since he counts as a health care worker. He is considering canceling it since he feels guilty. I told him to keep it he actually fits the guidelines. I wish the county would cancel all these appointments that were made incorrectly but I know that they won't. It is a nightmare:

To say that New York State's rollout of vaccinating the 1b(huge group - police, fire, teachers, essential workers and seniors over 75) group yesterday was abysmal would be putting it mildly. I am a teacher who is in person with my autistic kids. I am in person 4 days a week with kids who do not understand social distancing or mask wearing. My 78 year old father also lives with us. I was on the county website at 5:30AM but the only thing available was a New York State registration form that asks for the date of your first dose - Well I have no idea when that will be so I didn't fill that out. Next I went to the vaccine schedule but that says in big red letters for Health Care workers only. I then spent my planning periods and lunch refreshing pages and trying to figure out what to do. My father spent the day calling pharmacies only to be told they had no idea what he was calling about. When I got home from school I logged into facebook and find out that many of my colleagues who are still 100% remote took the appointments that were for the health care workers. One made an appointment for her 16 year old son who works at a grocery store 5 hours a week. My father who finally got through to his doctor was told it is a lottery system and his name was not called that he may have to continue to wait for up to 10 more weeks and they also told him that he would need to find another doctor since his is retiring.

The state should not have put this information out with no plan to vaccinate people. I am so angry with my colleagues who are like It's a dog eat dog world and I just won and you lost. I could have taken one of those spots at 5:30 when you were in your cozy bed but I can read and follow rules. I hate that this system is basically fend for yourself which just pits people against each other. The state should have moved on to Seniors in the community before they started vaccinating other groups. I am now looking at April or May at the earliest before I will be vaccinated. So very disappointed.
My daughter is also in group 1B. She texted me at 2 am to say she got an appointment. I'm guessing she stayed up and stalked the site. It's not a great option , but I'd do whatever it takes to get that appointment.
It'll start getting better post-Biden due to the shift in strategy. The current HHS/CDC strategy is to hold onto enough doses for 2nd doses in case there's a supply chain disruption, but the new administration has indicated that they're going to try and distribute all available doses as quickly as possible.
I think I’m over the hump and almost back to normal.

I had a bit of a nagging headache and some neck pain last night but didn’t take Anything for it. I just went to bed early. Over night I had a bit of sweating but nothing like the night before. This morning I still have a nagging headache that comes and goes and just minor neck pain. Right now I feel pretty good.

Hoping this is the end of that.
Ummmmm...maybe like everyone else in my area of Ohio. You go outside of work hours or take the time off. Schools aren’t requiring it, so they aren’t required to offer time for it.
It's probably because they are on the clock and the vaccine isn't, at least from what I've heard from other places, being administered yet at places of business so they'd have to leave work (or not be available if doing remote teaching for those with school back in session or will be in session when teachers are up for vaccination).

Plus with the side effects they've, from the beginning, advised 1 to 2 days off work afterwards, it's one of the main reasons they have mostly chosen to stagger the health care workers (which of course slows down an entire place having the employees they choose to get vaccinated).

Schools in my area went full remote around November/December time frame because they did not have enough subs to cover for teachers being in quarantine or that had tested positive. My kids district had 25-30% out and they couldn't cover it. If you have may teachers out because they are getting the vaccine you run into the school not being able to cover the classes. If you have the vaccine at the school or close the school on a Friday so teachers can get the vaccine then you wouldn't have to deal with teachers being out. For my mom in her district they aren't allowed to take just an hour off either. It is either a half day or full day. I just see this causing an issue. Also, in my district if a teacher who is teaching remote does not have class for some reason, parents will flip out.

I am not saying my way of thinking is right but I just think this way would make it easier. I understand for my job I will have to take the time off to get the vaccine. I have a desk job that does not need to be covered if I am out.
Well, looks like more people will get at least one dose of a vaccine now.

Current administration and OWS has just announced a change of heart and will now not reserve any vaccine for a second dose so that more people can at least get the first dose. No guarantee that the second dose will be on time.

It’s a strategy pursued by some other countries but have seen push back by the current admin here until today.

I’m all for this. More people with less protection than fewer people with more protection. (Don’t be selfish).
I just talked to my mom. In her school district (she is a teacher) they will all (who ever wants it) get the vaccine on a Friday so they will not have to miss any work. She is in a pretty big district (I think the biggest in her county) but the rest of the county is pretty small.
Schools in my area went full remote around November/December time frame because they did not have enough subs to cover for teachers being in quarantine or that had tested positive. My kids district had 25-30% out and they couldn't cover it. If you have may teachers out because they are getting the vaccine you run into the school not being able to cover the classes. If you have the vaccine at the school or close the school on a Friday so teachers can get the vaccine then you wouldn't have to deal with teachers being out. For my mom in her district they aren't allowed to take just an hour off either. It is either a half day or full day. I just see this causing an issue. Also, in my district if a teacher who is teaching remote does not have class for some reason, parents will flip out.

I am not saying my way of thinking is right but I just think this way would make it easier. I understand for my job I will have to take the time off to get the vaccine. I have a desk job that does not need to be covered if I am out.
I don't think anyone is arguing against having the vaccine, regardless of one's profession, being able to be administered at your place of work would make it easier. I think we collectively need to breath. There's 7+ billion people on the planet and we're all trying to get the same darn thing :)
Just hit my news feed:

I already stalked a website yesterday and got appointments (we are over 65 and under 70) for DH and myself. Earliest I could get was early February at 9 pm on consecutive days. I saw a number of 1 am and thereabouts appointments. I guess it will be a 24 seven deal, and this was yesterday before the announcement today they are recommending states loosen up their restrictions and include the 65-70 year olds and people with underlying disease. I am glad to see this change. Way too many vials sitting at the state level and waiting for states to open the spigot. Our state is woefully behind, and officials are pointing elsewhere for the failure.
Schools in my area went full remote around November/December time frame because they did not have enough subs to cover for teachers being in quarantine or that had tested positive. My kids district had 25-30% out and they couldn't cover it. If you have may teachers out because they are getting the vaccine you run into the school not being able to cover the classes. If you have the vaccine at the school or close the school on a Friday so teachers can get the vaccine then you wouldn't have to deal with teachers being out. For my mom in her district they aren't allowed to take just an hour off either. It is either a half day or full day. I just see this causing an issue. Also, in my district if a teacher who is teaching remote does not have class for some reason, parents will flip out.

I am not saying my way of thinking is right but I just think this way would make it easier. I understand for my job I will have to take the time off to get the vaccine. I have a desk job that does not need to be covered if I am out.
I had a whole, less-nice reply typed out to other posters compared to what you wrote, so good on you...sigh.

Sorry to derail the thread further from personal experiences, but in my case, my husband's superintendent wants them all in - all students back except for those who opted to remain fully remote for the rest of the year - in mid-February. I believe districts only get vaccines if they agree to go all-in. Ohio is not offering vaccines to teachers until February 1 and our roll-out has been slow. So as far as I know, no, my husband does not have to get the vaccine, but it has been decided that all of his kids will be back in his classroom relatively soon. How he's going to space out 30 kids, I have no idea. And how they are going to vaccinate the *entire* staff - teachers, bus drives, cafeteria works, etc. - with both doses in that short amount of time...? I have no idea on that either.
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