Have you gotten sick on (or after) a ride?

If you did - which one? Are you prone to motion sickness? What happened?

I will most likely be avoiding tea cups because I'm not a fan of the dizzy spins. Although I'm not usually prone to motion sickness, I want to be prepared for any "popular" rides that can cause sickness. FWIW I had no problem with all manner of roller coasters, spinny rides etc. as recently as 2006, but just haven't been on any since.


Sounds like you and I are in the same boat. I can ride roller coasters all day but something spinning like the stupid tea cups and I'm done. I'm not prone to motion sickness, either. With that said, I did Mission Space shortly after it opened, before they had the tamed down side. You can't see it spinning but that's what generates the g-force. That one just about did me in. My wife and son (neither one of them do coasters and the like) were waiting for me. Thank goodness there was a gaming room at the exit to keep my DS occupied! I told my DW - as I was doubled over waiting for the room to stop spinning - I needed 15-20 to gather my thoughts and sat down on the benches there. That's the only one - besides those dopey tea cups - that you need to avoid as far as I know.
I was just on a Princess cruise to Alaska and was sitting at lunch beside a really cute elderly couple (early 80s) and they were both wearing Disney lanyards. I said to them, "Have you been on a Disney cruise" and they said, "No, we just love WDW!" I'm like, me too! We talked a bit and then they said, "We really like Universal" and again "Me too". Then the husband says, "Do you like The Mummy?" I say, "Yes, it's one of our favorites" He points to his wife, "She got sick on the Mummy" If you have never ridden The Mummy, it's kinda like BTMRR in the dark. I asked if she got sick on Forbidden Journey and she said no, but didn't think she wanted to ride it again! They were cute and going to Orlando again at Christmas time.

I personally have never ridden Mission Space. We have skipped it every time for fear we might get sick. I did ride Body Wars in it's hay day and don't remember it being too bad. My DD used to get motion sickness in the car and on rides that spin. She did Body Wars and Star Tours fine.

We both survived the tea cups on this past trip! Mission Space....IDK???? BTW....we got in a storm in the Gulf of Alaska and I had no idea a cruise ship could bounce around. Trust me...Bonine works!
Wife got severely dizzy after riding Mission Space once (in the days before they had a "green" side) - she had to sit on a bench outside the ride for 20 minutes or so until she felt right again. Being the sympathetic spouse, I (of course) located a nearby Yuengling stand and enjoyed a breakfast beer while she recouperated.
I remember when Mission Space first opened - back when there was only one version, and it was almost like a 'right of passage dare' where people knew it was a motion-sickness killer and they wanted to be the one to have breezed through it. Try as I might I could not talk my husband and girls into staying off of it - I'm the researcher for the family. They were convinced that they would be okay. I shrugged my shoulders and sat in the waiting area at the end of the exit hall. For a solid 15 minutes I sat there watching people go down in that hallway, they were falling like flies. Others were wobbily jogging with their hands over their mouths, and there were plenty who expelled before they made it out of that hallway. It was an utter mess. I watched my 3 come down that hallway looking 'green'. My husband and one daughter needed to sit it out in a cool place for 20 minutes and they were kind of okay for the rest of the day. My younger one recovered a little bit, but her day was basically ruined - the sickness feeling never went away. They have never ridden it again - even with the new tamer version.

I did not see one single smile on a rider coming out of that hallway that day. There were some 'I told you so' smirks on the faces of those of us sitting outside the exit hallway.
EE ... the backwards motion is a killer.

Yup, when that ride went backwards whip-whirrly my stomach went all whip-whirrly too. When I staggered off that ride it was about 3 hours before I was up to doing anything, and even then, the first ride I dared try was the train to Conservation Station. On a positive note I made someone's day because at the time this happened was the old paper FP system. I'd pulled a FP and gotten in the stand-by line thinking "Oh, boy-I'm getting TWO rides on this!" but after one, I gave my FP to a man who was trying to talk his wife into going on it with him. I think she was more grateful than him that I'd given him ONE FP.
My husband has over 2000 hours in a military turbo-prop airplane. He rode Mission Space Orange with our 2 boys - and I sat outside to wait for them. When they were walking out of the exit, my husband was very pale and looked like he was going to pass out. He had to sit down and felt uneasy for a few hours after that. He can ride any roller coaster, but Mission Space did him in!
Am closing in on 70 and still love coasters...even after age decimated my spine a couple years ago...BUT my head could never take RnR...instant migraine. Really makes me mad. Maybe they could give me a little foam helmet or something! Dad rode SM till he was 85 and my aunt did a ToT at 85 so I figure I have a long way to go to emulate them! Unfortunately think the money will end before the body does, lol!
I don't get "motion sick", but I've found I can have problems with motion "simulators". Teacups? Fine. Star Tours? Eh, I'll feel a little queasy. Those dang VR things at Disneyquest? Ick! I grew up on boats so motion is something I get, I think it's just that my mind can't be fooled into linking fake motion with a movie screen. I'm seriously worried about how I'll take Flight of Passage.
Only time I've gotten sick at Disney was on that. I think it's a combination of the heat coming off of the screen, the fake motion of the boat and the unrealistically fast motion of the screen. When I watch a movie at home that has camera shots that pan way too fast, I get slightly "icky". When you throw in the undulating boat which does not match the panning and heat, recipe for not so much fun.
Two Words: MISSION SPACE...I rode it shortly after it had opened...I came off the ride with my stomach flipping...it took a few hours before my stomach calmed down...then years later when they had the "tamer" version...I rode it and it was okay...I wasn't as queasy as I was the time before...its been YEARS since I have gone on...its just not worth it any more...LOLOLOL....
I remember from middle school those spinning rides where the floor drops and you were stuck to the wall?? So so sick after that and I have avoided spinning rides ever since. Only Mission Space green for me. I was super nervous heading into Universal last week that the simulator rides would be bad but actually we loved them. I think Forbidden Journey may be the most amazing ride I have ever been on--and Gringotts we rode several times as well. But Men in Black was a little too much spin--didn't love that one.
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A little kid threw up after getting off Star Tours. We got off the ride after they did and walked by the CMs cleaning up.

We also witnessed a kid throwing up on the bus back to the resort. That was awful.
I was always a huge simulator fan but lately I've found myself sitting them out lest I spend the remainder of the day in a darkened corner. I skip right on by Mission Space but do keep going back to Star Tours once a holiday.
I've also started struggling with the backwards motion of Expedition Everest, I try to ride it once a visit but can no longer do repeats.
I'm also pretty sure Tower of Terror was upsetting my body but as my 2nd favourite ride I'm not going to believe it until I hurl.
I haven't been sick, but I can only handle Space Mountain once a day. We rode it three times one day last summer (not in a row) and it gave me pain in my neck and back of my head on the last ride. Felt like whiplash.
I'll ride anything at Disney but the teacups got me last week. Maybe it was the heat but I had the worst vertigo getting off them I'm had to sit out the next ride.
The only ride that made me sick at Disney was the old Body Wars ride. It was the same set up as Star Tours (which doesn't bother me) but maybe it was all the blood and inside the body parts plus motion that made me so sick to my stomach! haha

Body Wars!!!! I loved that ride. I had forgotten about it.
The Teacups - Until a few years ago I had no problems riding it. But it was like a switch was flipped and after I rode it on our trip a few years ago I was so sick and disoriented. I feel bad because my DD (my only child who is almost 20) loves to ride it but she always has to ride alone since neither DH nor I can ride it.

I also got very nauseous on the Tomorrowland Speedway. I think it was the fumes and the vibration of the car. Or maybe it was DH's driving. :p


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