"Have you visited WDW resort more than 5x's?"

Not so Dumbo

DIS Veteran
Apr 23, 2005
Do you remember the automated questions you have to answer to "better direct your call" when you call to book a reservation?
The question that asks if you have visited WDW resort more than 5 times in your lifetime, if you answer "yes" I wonder if they place you with a CM that is either new, training, on some kind of performance probation, or has a history of not knowing what they are doing:confused3

Seems like I end up with someone who fits one or more of those categories just about everytime I call. The one I talked to yesterday took the cake. Not only did she give me the wrong price on changing my package, but when I asked her to just leave the reservation as is ( I was going to call back and try for someone else, rather than argue with her) she told me she lost the rooms that I already had booked:scared1:
I've had the opposite experience. I've always had one that was very helpful and seemed knowledgeable. I guess it's the luck of the draw.
when we booked our free dinning package we were booking 2 rooms and while she was getting our information, she lost our rooms. how that is possiable i don't know. i aslo asked them to link the reservations because i have heard that people have done this and it didn't happen. i am one to say 5 or more times too.
I also answer "5 or more visits" and I've had experiences with knowledge CMs and those with a little less knowledge, so I think it's just luck of the draw.
ITA, I think they ask it for survey purposes only.

I agree. I have answered 5 visits or more and had great CM's. (It is annoying to keep answering the SAME questions over and over and over.....)

I called several times and got several different CM's.

I did things in stages this time. One CM helped me change our room only reservation to a package and kept my previous room discount without messing anything up. One answered my questions about the insurance they use, gave me the info. to contact the insurance co. and ask questions. Another time a CM helped me add the insurance. Then another CM added the tickets I wanted (after I had called yet another CM prior and asked a bunch of questions about the tickets and prices). And finally, a CM helped me with my ADR's after I couldn't get all the ones I wanted online. She cancelled two I didn't want, got me two that were not working online and changed the times of two more since she was able to get me better times, closer to what I wanted. And she didn't mess up ANYTHING! Took the time and gave me all the ADR numbers and was very pleasant.

I've had great experiences so far with all my calls to them this trip. I had one I vaguely recall that wasn't well informed but I didn't do anything important on that call - I wouldn't proceed if I thought the CM was not on their game. You can always just ask questions, tell them you'll think about it and hang up rather that take a risk.
My best CM ever, wish I could remember his name, was at the Orlando call center. He and his wife both worked there. He was SOOOOOOOOOOO helpful and full of information about the parks, timing, fun, etc. He and his wife "retired" to Florida and got into doing the resort hotline. He was perfect for it. I spent over an hour on the phone with him to fix one minor problem, but because of his sources of info, I didn't want to get off the phone. Hope that recorded message is out there for all Cast Members to read. . .they could learn a thing or two from he and his wife. . .it was the best call to Disney I have ever made. . .I wrote a letter addressing his supervisor. . .hopefully he gets promoted. . .
If you call early in the morning (between 7 and 9 east coast time) you will most likely get the Orlando Call Center. . .After that it is a crap shoot. . .sometimes you get castmembers who have never even been to the parks. . .think this should be a requirement.
Yes I heard that saying last night as I had to call in to make my final payment as their website was acting funky. AAAAHHH, Music to my ears.
It was so cool; in 2006, I booked my package and the CM commented that I was going alone and how much did I enjoy doing WDW by myself; etc. I gave her a little background about how I ended up traveling after I turned 40, etc. I have a somewhat unusual last name and I am from a tiny state - DE.

Anyway, when I got down there I called to make a dining reservation one night and I gave the CM my first and last name - she remembered me immediately because she had done my package reservation. We ended up chatting for a few minutes. It was so cool......
I have had both, as well. The best CM I have spoken to was Falon. Only remember her name as it is somewhat unusual. She was helpful and informative without being pushy, answered all my questions, and we somehow got on a tangent about how long she worked there (8 years!). She reworked my package until I got the best deal I could, and was very funny, too.
Maybe it does have more to do about when you call. Now that I think about it, when I called in the morning to originally book my package I had a good CM. And 90% of my difficult ones have been in the afternoon or early evening. However, most of the time when I call it happens to be in the afternoon or evening.:rolleyes1
I think that I have had the best CMs in the evening hours. The ones early in the morning seem to be "efficient" and don't have much to say. So maybe it is just the luck of the draw.
I just think it's for infromational purposes for WDW. The CM answering might know your information that was put in but who knows. I have had all types of CM. My worst experience was last summer when the AP codes came out that I received a price on line but had difficulty booking so I called. NO one would help and said the rates were wrong online. I did end up booking online for the price of 54/night that same day I called. When I called back and had to add a person I had another CM telling me that the online price was WRONG and I would be charged more when I checked in!! I never had it happen and always before that episode and after had helful CMs trying to get the best rate etc for me. Before the time of intensive use of the internet, the CM even told us of AP discounts and we saved quite a bit.
From what I understand the reason it is asked is that it directs the phone calls differently. If you've been to WDW 5 or more times, you're pretty experienced and your calls will probably move alot quicker. People with less experience are going to have more questions and take longer to deal with, in theory.
From what I understand the reason it is asked is that it directs the phone calls differently. If you've been to WDW 5 or more times, you're pretty experienced and your calls will probably move alot quicker. People with less experience are going to have more questions and take longer to deal with, in theory.

See that's what I thought. I don't think it's just for survey type reasons because she states "to better direct your call". Since I've had such bad luck with my calls I thought maybe they were paring expierenced guests with inexpierenced reservationist and vice versa.
We've actually had a little of both. I know we were trying to price out a room with a discount and got it one way one time, which we didn't think it was right, then called back and got an entirely different price. It happens :)

When we changed from moderate to deluxe I was expecting them to refund and recharge the reservation but they just changed the hotel under the same ressie and left the deposit as it was. Which is a bit less than it would have been had we book the deluxe to begin with. Probably a mistake but didn't argue. Less out of pocket now ;)
Maybe it does have more to do about when you call. Now that I think about it, when I called in the morning to originally book my package I had a good CM. And 90% of my difficult ones have been in the afternoon or early evening. However, most of the time when I call it happens to be in the afternoon or evening.:rolleyes1

I'm west coast and most of my calls have been later in the afternoon or evening (MY time) which makes it late in Florida. No problems. As I mentioned in my precious post I had a GREAT CM help me change over my room only to package without losing my discount.

One of my calls (for ADR's) was super early - I had to get be up at 3am MY time to try the online reservations and then when I had some problems, I called when their phone center opened. I really don't think the time of day made any difference for me.

I usually try to be really friendly and chat the person up and then we end up talking longer than we probably need to. I rarely get a CM who doesn't open up. I think most CM's in the call center like their job and like it when they get a friendly person who is patient - often they will tell me the computers are running slow and I always tell them not to worry and then just chat until the right screen opens up for them.
I also answer "5 or more visits" and I've had experiences with knowledge CMs and those with a little less knowledge, so I think it's just luck of the draw.

Same here. I've had an equal mix of both types of CM's.
ITA, I think they ask it for survey purposes only.

I agree...and if you're like me, you have the questions memorized so you don't even have to wait for her to finish the question, you can just talk over her! LOL At least she's automated so she doesn't care! I have always gotten really helpful CMs. Never had a bad experience with the actual person but I often have some kind of a bad connection where I can barely hear him/her.


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