Having a hard time today

Hi Shelly,
Sorry you have had a tough day, I am concerned about you.
Can you find something to do that makes you feel a little better, it must be hard when the weather is bleak and you haven't had much sleep.

Would you consider going back to the doctor and letting them know how difficult things are for you at the moment?

Thinking of you:hug:
What a horrible day. It dreary and cold here. I did not sleep much last night. I have been on an emotional roller coaster all day. I don't want to be here. I have the urge... I'm so unhappy. \

Quasar I did get your PM thank you so much!!!

:hug: I go with the weather so much. Sunshine makes me feel so much better inside/out.

Lack of sleep will also do that to do. I am sorry your day was horrible, and I hope for a much better one tomorrow.

IF only we lived closer:hug:
UGH UGH UGH UGH I hate this weather! COLD, RAINY here for the 3 day in a row and the forecast does not look any better!!!!
I bought new tennis shoes for Disney and want to break them in but not in the rain!

Quasar we got a camera and it is all hooked up! Thanks again for your help.

The mousepad that I ordered with my kitties picture on it has arrived and I plan to take it to Disney rather than packing a picture in a frame. Figured the mousepad would be easy to pack.

SHHH .. that is all I can say about something else that is brewing.

Now if the sun would just come out!
UGH UGH UGH UGH I hate this weather! COLD, RAINY here for the 3 day in a row and the forecast does not look any better!!!!
I bought new tennis shoes for Disney and want to break them in but not in the rain!

Quasar we got a camera and it is all hooked up! Thanks again for your help.

The mousepad that I ordered with my kitties picture on it has arrived and I plan to take it to Disney rather than packing a picture in a frame. Figured the mousepad would be easy to pack.

SHHH .. that is all I can say about something else that is brewing.

Now if the sun would just come out!

Hi, finally we have sun, but rain forever after that :(

Your mousepad sounds adorable!!!!

Ok, I'll SHHH, but please spill it when/if you can....

My daughter is 12 today.:love:
Hi Shelly,
Sorry the weather is not so good but glad you are all set to watch your kitties while you are away, it really is fun to see what they are doing when no-one is home.

I love secrets so I shall keep my fingers crossed that you will have some good news soon:hug: Now you've got me wondering!!!!

Hi Mommasita,
Have a wonderful day with your daughter, I love family birthday celebrations.:yay:

All is good in my little corner of the world and I am looking forward to having the extended family over on Easter Sunday so I am in the throes of planning too much food:laughing:

Take care all
Hi Shelly,
Sorry the weather is not so good but glad you are all set to watch your kitties while you are away, it really is fun to see what they are doing when no-one is home.

I love secrets so I shall keep my fingers crossed that you will have some good news soon:hug: Now you've got me wondering!!!!

Hi Mommasita,
Have a wonderful day with your daughter, I love family birthday celebrations.:yay:

All is good in my little corner of the world and I am looking forward to having the extended family over on Easter Sunday so I am in the throes of planning too much food:laughing:

Take care all

Thanks Quasar... Day 3 of it, even though it's actually today...LOL. Her party is a sleepover on Saturday, and I have called in some girlfriends for reinforcements. I am not strong this week, and am taking some Dr's orders to get help :)

Glad you are well. No headaches? Amazing. Yes Easter is all weekend here as well. Better too much, than not enough ;)
Thanks Quasar... Day 3 of it, even though it's actually today...LOL. Her party is a sleepover on Saturday, and I have called in some girlfriends for reinforcements. I am not strong this week, and am taking some Dr's orders to get help :)

Glad you are well. No headaches? Amazing. Yes Easter is all weekend here as well. Better too much, than not enough ;)

Hi Mommasita,
I am well, thanks for asking:hug:
I spent the morning running errands with my mum and the afternoon baking gingerbread easter cookies that I will decorate in the next few days ready for Sunday.

I think it is very sensible to enlist some help, it gives you a chance to rest and save your energy for the fun things.

You are a wonderful mum to have a sleepover, they are so exhausting. I do miss having a houseful of teenagers for sleepovers, it always amazed me how much food they consumed.
Hope your sleepover goes well and that everybody gets a little sleep.

Don't forget to look after you.:hug:
That sounds like such an ice time, making cookies. IT gives me the warm and fuzzy feeling inside. :goodvibes

I thought it was Tuesday, lol, and now realize it is NOT :eek:. With there being no school on Monday, I am further behind, and must go out in this snow/ice storm to the mall...Thankfully it is less than 5 minutes from my house.

Sleepovers, oh yes. WHy did I say yes again??????:laughing: They are great though, it is just easter Sunday after, so there will certainly be a lot of rushing around. Then NOBODY NOBODY close to me is allowed to have a Bday for at least 8 months. My bank account must grow again...;)

Have a great day all. And Shell, I must say you got me wondering. But still thinking great thoughts.:)
Ginger cookies sounds so delightful.

Mommasita please take it easy. Over doing it will only delay your recovery. The sleep over sounds like fun especially for 12 yr olds. Movies, pizza, pop corn, manicures/pedicures & staying up late. AHHHH.

Well my news was that 2 months ago I applied for a part time job at the hospital working in the gift shop. They called me the other day to come in for an interview.

It went well except that they changed the position to be part time weekends with an occasional weekday. Which is different from what I appied for. They are currently doing a study on how busy and when the busiest times are in the gift shop to coordinate staffing needs. So she as not able to tell me exactly what the hours would be but they usually are only open four hours on both Sat and Sun.
She showed me how the cash register works and it seems simple. She did not know when they would make a decision.
It is so close to home for me 2 miles. I worked there up until March 4 when I decided the position, a surgical secretary, was not the position for me. Had to get up at 3:30 a.m and work 5 a.m to 5 p.m! The secertary position was PRN so I worked nearly 40 hrs a week with no benefits! At least the gift shop position will have benefits such as paid vacation time. I know the hospital takes along time to make decisions so I have some time to see what other positions are out there. Look it took them nearly 2 months to call me for this interview.

Everyone have a safe and enjoyable holiday. Mommasita sit back and put your feet up for awhile and REST!
Sending my best wishes that it works out Shelly:hug:

Into this LOOONg weekend, and now just relaxing. Going to bed early tonight, then out to get more snacks for the sleepover. Thankfully a good friend is coming to lend a hand. I am doing a candy bar.:) No cake, as there are WAY too many allergies in these children. Peanuts I can do, but one is allergic to milk and eggs. DD has had 3 cakes in the past week, so not even going there. They can watch movies, have a slumber party in the basement, and I will order pizza.

Kids are off school, and don't go back until Wednesday. I love them home, but by Wednesday, this will be me :scared1:

I hope everyone has a nice weekend. Quasar, I hope your celebrations go wonderfully, and your cookies sound DELIGHTFUL.
Well Momma how did the sleep over turn out?
Quasar shame on you. After you mentioned gingerbread cookies I had to go get some.

I am still feeling down. Hate life but the sun is shining today.
Well Momma how did the sleep over turn out?
Quasar shame on you. After you mentioned gingerbread cookies I had to go get some.

I am still feeling down. Hate life but the sun is shining today.

Hi Shelly,
I missed your post about the job interview. I shall keep my fingers crossed that it works out for you, hope you hear soon.

I hope you enjoyed your gingerbread cookies, I make mine quite spicy.
You should sit out in the sun today with a good book, it's rainy here and the weather is starting to cool as we head towards winter.
Autumn is my favorite time of year, I love crunchy leaves:yay:

Take care:hug:
HI ladies. Hope everyone is doing well. ANXIOUS FOR SUN< DARN RAIN HERE

Sleepover was ok, pretty tiring, LOL. My Dad's dog got really is, and still is quite sick, so that is pretty much taken over my time.

I have overdone it ladies, I AM DONE, stick a fork in me. I am going to wait until Monday to call the Dr, as this weekend I have an important Breast Cancer fundraiser, and I want to wait a bit.

My spine, my legs. I am having issues walking, the most I have had since my last surgery. Generally I don't complain openly, but I am.:laughing: I am going to take it easy tonight on the sofa, and just do nothing until Sat, and hope it goes away the way it came, otherwise Monday it is. I am sure he will have me come in :(...So, I won't let it get to that point ;)

I send love and hugs to all..xoxo
Mmmm???? don't know what happened, I responded to this earlier in the day but it seems to have gone into cyberspace. I am technologically challenged:laughing:

Anyhoo, most of my ramble was strongly suggesting to Mommasita get onto the lounge with a good book, girly DVD and a cup of tea and have a proper rest.

Do I have to come over there and make you rest;)

Sometimes mum's need to take care of themselves if only because it's in the best interest of their family.

Please take care:hug:
I also meant to say that I am sorry that the problems with the doggy are not resolved, I know how exhausting both physically and mentally it can be dealing with a sick furbaby.

Thank you Quasar :goodvibes How are you?

I did nothing last night. I had an early bath, pj's and sofa it was...I feel a little better today, so I am really happy for that. We are 'supposed' to have a great weekend of sun and warmer temps. I say 'supposed' to, because they have been saying that ALL WEEK, and it is about to rain again. I enjoy sitting on my lounger on my deck, and absorbing the sun. It heals me.

Shelly, I hope you are ok. Have not seen you in a bit. You don't have to check in, just know I am thinking of you :grouphug::flower3:
Hi all,

Hope everyone is doing OK:flower3:

Not much happening here at the moment, I am having some horrible migraines so have been spending a fair bit of time in bed in the dark (I.m turning into a mushroom:rotfl:)
Today I am up and on the lounge and the pain is starting to ease so hopefully this bout is just about over and I can get back into my kitchen which always makes me happy.
Hi all,

Hope everyone is doing OK:flower3:

Not much happening here at the moment, I am having some horrible migraines so have been spending a fair bit of time in bed in the dark (I.m turning into a mushroom:rotfl:)
Today I am up and on the lounge and the pain is starting to ease so hopefully this bout is just about over and I can get back into my kitchen which always makes me happy.

So sorry about the migraines :sad2::sick:.

I spent almost all weekend on my lounger on the deck. Temps were gorgeous and sunny. I had my dance last night, and enjoyed it to the fullest. Tired today, but it was worth it. DD took me out for brunch :lovestruc She said "ma, it better be this week, I may be broke by Mother's day" LOL. Bless her heart, so we went just the 2 of us, DS15 was too lazy to get up, so we brought him back a nice breakie. DH was working.

Thankfully I am coming around, and less pain :) I have an MRI on Wed, and expect to hear some more after that. HAve a free movie pass for a girly chick, so will go with my GF. DD was coming, but she has her camping/graduation trip for 3 days. THE HOUSE WILL BE QUIET :laughing: I will miss her, but not Miss Chatty KAthy...

Tomorrow is a holiday from schools, as they need them for polling stations. VOTING DAY...

I hope you are all well, and QUas, you get a quick enough fix for those headaches. If anyone knows how you feel, I do, and it is a dark place, and it is very difficult.

Sending hugs and kisses to my special friends on this thread. XoXOX
Hi guys I am in need of lots of hugs today :( Feeling very very sad today. YOu thing that I would be in good spirits since we will be leaving in 2 weeks to go to WDW. But I am totally the opposite.

Quasar ask your dr about putting you on a drug called Inderal. This drug is a beta blocker but they have found that it works great a preventing migraines. I take it and it works great I get about 3 or 4 migranes a year. Here is some info on it


Also make sure you are drinking plenty of water. Not drinking enough can cause headachees.


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