Healthy Living around the World Showcase ~ June 2016 WISH Challenge!

My woohoo for the day: We had our work excursion and it was a great day of chatting with colleagues, having fun and even connecting with some people whom I did not know very well. The weather was perfect and it was an all around nice day!
Just stopping by with a quick WooHoo:
I am currently having my second fruit-based snack of the day!
Usually only one of my snacks is fruit-based, but ... I had a banana earlier, and I was kinda in the mood for apple & PB, so I decided to have that as my second snack.
omg this month is over!!! how did this happen!

i'm sorry I haven't been faithful, you all are on my mind!! I've been outside enjoying the sunshine!

i'll try to remember to weigh myself tomorrow, though that was not my goal. My goal was to be more consistent with my workouts and check in here. I did about 50%...sigh. good and distracted me too often. then I hurt my back, my daughter is home, planning to be visiting family over the all know the song and dance! but i'll be in for July when we get home!
I took a muscle relaxer this morning and I feel so gross. I haven't felt this tired and lethargic in a long time. It kind of reminds me of how I would feel when I was 90 lbs heavier and I don't like it at all. I definitely need to get back out doing something before we leave tomorrow... I can run and rest during the 6 hour drive (we aren't leaving until noon), just need my back to cooperate!
I'm not gaining that is the good news, also that I've lost some that I had gained(water or otherwise). Bad news is I'm not getting into the gym so I have to get a routine going on that and my feet are often sore so I may start stopping for exercise bike and then if they feel good get in 1-2 miles walk depending on how they are after that. I'm soooooo not used to 8-5 hours. When it gets cooler I'll probably take a walk for half of my lunch hour just around the buildings. But that's a long way off from our current 108+ temps. I'm getting the routine down, learning so much and trying to retain it all and not screw up on the job. And my feet gradually aren't as achy at the end of work so I am totally read to get back in gym. Just may be slower and less than previous and concentrate on a lot more lifting.

I feel like I have such little personal time but I know the fuller pay checks will come in and I'll be grateful.
Last day of the month. Loss for me 1.2 kg. I am pretty happy with that considering the 9 day holiday! I recall holidays where I gained very little or no weight but no other month where I went to holiday and I end up loosing weight same month

Thanks for allowing me in without having specific goals set up!
Question of the Day for Thursday, June 30th:

Today we arrive at our final pavilion: The American Adventure! The only pavilion that is not just named after the country, but with a specific name. The American Adventure is the host pavilion, situated in the middle of World Showcase. It is also the name of the main attraction of the pavilion: A show featuring film and audio-animatronics that guides through the history of the United States the good parts, but also mentioning the not so good parts.


Here we have Benjamin Franklin and Mark Twain on top of the torch of the Statute of Liberty discussing how far the USA has come and what will be in her future.

So, since it is the last day of the month, let's do the same with our journey through this month: What worked for you, what did not, are you happy with your results, what do you want to change?

To answer my own QOTD: I had a horrible month. At least the second half. I have gained 8 pounds since the middle of the month and I cannot believe that this is all bloating. I am even up compard to the beginning of the month. I have no clue how I could have gained that much weight if it is not for my thyroid misbehaving. I might have eaten a little more, but we are talking about 200 kcal per day above my maintainence level if at all on a few days!
Question of the Day for Thursday, June 30th:

Today we arrive at our final pavilion: The American Adventure! The only pavilion that is not just named after the country, but with a specific name. The American Adventure is the host pavilion, situated in the middle of World Showcase. It is also the name of the main attraction of the pavilion: A show featuring film and audio-animatronics that guides through the history of the United States the good parts, but also mentioning the not so good parts.

Here we have Benjamin Franklin and Mark Twain on top of the torch of the Statute of Liberty discussing how far the USA has come and what will be in her future.

So, since it is the last day of the month, let's do the same with our journey through this month: What worked for you, what did not, are you happy with your results, what do you want to change?

I've got to be very honest and say I don't know WHY my weight started finally moving down this month, but I'm sure happy it did. I know I've been more active (both intentionally and just with life in general), so I'm sure that helped. Hoping and praying to hold onto my 100% progress through my end-of-June weigh-in tomorrow morning.

Changes that could stand to be made....more weight training and body weight exercises, more plain water (instead of tea or seltzer), more protein.

Gotta dash to work! TTYL............P
Question of the Day for Thursday, June 30th:

Today we arrive at our final pavilion: The American Adventure! The only pavilion that is not just named after the country, but with a specific name. The American Adventure is the host pavilion, situated in the middle of World Showcase. It is also the name of the main attraction of the pavilion: A show featuring film and audio-animatronics that guides through the history of the United States the good parts, but also mentioning the not so good parts.


Here we have Benjamin Franklin and Mark Twain on top of the torch of the Statute of Liberty discussing how far the USA has come and what will be in her future.

So, since it is the last day of the month, let's do the same with our journey through this month: What worked for you, what did not, are you happy with your results, what do you want to change?

This month was a tough one. I feel I ate pretty good at Disney and was happy that I gained so little. I have been eating a salad every day lately. I feel for the most part my eating has been pretty good. I did make an excuse to get DQ last night though. I used my kids. One has been doing great in baseball and the other I just feel bad for her because of all the therapy she is doing and wanted to do something for doing so good. Really I just wanted a cookie dough blizzard. I won't have another one for awhile.

I really slacked on working out in June. I am hoping in July I can get back to my workout schedule. The only good thing coming up with my schedule is school starts in about 6 weeks. We are on a much better schedule when the kids are in school. My plan is to at least get 10,000 steps a day and get to the rec at least 1-2 days a week.

July is a month of celebrating for us. We have the 4th and then my husband and mine birthday's. I am going to really try to keep my calories in check. I haven't been on my fitness pal for this month. I need to get back to this. I have about 10 pounds that I really want to lose. I really want to lose this by January. I am sure I can do this. I just need to stay focused.
So, since it is the last day of the month, let's do the same with our journey through this month: What worked for you, what did not, are you happy with your results, what do you want to change?

What worked: Tracking everyday with MFP and starting to follow an eating plan more consistently - getting more active.
What did not work: When I got disorganised and didn't follow the plan even though I was mostly under calorie goal - this still seemed to make a difference to losing. The cooler, shorter days have interfered with my activity levels.
Am I Happy?: Overall I am happy - As I have had a loss to get me started - and am starting to make more consistent better choices.
What do I want to change?: My attitude to exercise/activity.

On this last day of June - I want to thank you @Flossbolna for a great tour around the world via WDW - it has been a great month thanks for your hard work. Sorry it hasn't been a great month for you weight wise though.

Checking In: I achieved 100% of my goal to log my food with MFP everyday.
Finishing the month with 66% of my goal. I'm just .4 from the first mini goal I set of breaking out of 300s. So very close but shows I'm still losing but I really want to keep on track with food tracking and still get back in the gym.
June seemed to fly by, due in part I'm sure to all the sleeping I've been doing.

I've done really well with my walking/step goal and will be at 100% having done 10,000 steps or more each day (it's only 7:45am right now but I've got 5,500 steps in so I know today is in the bag). I think the longest previous streak was maybe 10 or 11 days, so I'm pretty proud of myself. Now the eating/weight loss side of the equation has been a disaster and I'm actually up for the month and can't claim to have even been close to plan. So the plan for next month is to get back on plan! I'm starting to feel a shift in energy due to adding the iron supliments so I'm really looking to make July a fun active month.

To kick the month off right I did get a ticket to the Mariners game for Sunday afternoon, splurging on a seat in the first row just past the dugout on the first base side. I'm planning on going to the Zoo Friday, a nice place to get lots of steps in. And I'm about 80% sure I'm going to take the boat over to Blake Island for the salmon feast and some hiking on Saturday... Just haven't purchased the ticket yet.

Mixed in between is going to be some serious household purging because I've got way too much junk laying around and feel like that's symbolic with where I am health wise.

Thanks Flossbolna for a great job hosting. Happy 4th of July to all fellow USAers and hope everyone has a lovely and healthful weekend!
Question of the Day for Thursday, June 30th:

Today we arrive at our final pavilion: The American Adventure! The only pavilion that is not just named after the country, but with a specific name. The American Adventure is the host pavilion, situated in the middle of World Showcase. It is also the name of the main attraction of the pavilion: A show featuring film and audio-animatronics that guides through the history of the United States the good parts, but also mentioning the not so good parts.


Here we have Benjamin Franklin and Mark Twain on top of the torch of the Statute of Liberty discussing how far the USA has come and what will be in her future.

So, since it is the last day of the month, let's do the same with our journey through this month: What worked for you, what did not, are you happy with your results, what do you want to change?
I won't be able to report final progress until later in the day, but I'm pretty happy about this month. I made a goal switch to being active instead of weight loss because of vacation. Of course, weight was on my mind all month, but I liked the change. It was both challenging and attainable - where weight loss can be hit or miss. Speaking of weight loss, I lost another 3.1lbs this morning. So I am down to a 0.3lb gain over vacation. You don't lose 8.5lbs in two days unless it was bloating/water retention, so I'm sure that it was the cruise water. They obtain their fresh water supply by onboard desalinization and I've always said that that cruise water makes me blow up like a balloon, but everything you read reports that it's an old wives tale perpetuated by people who can't back away from the buffet and are unhappy with their post cruise weight! With this kind of weight loss, I beg to differ!!!

So - what worked: my goal definitely worked. I will not be at 100%, but I liked it. I also used some tips I learned from this group on my vacation that really helped - so THANK YOU everyone.

First tip - at the cruise buffet, make your first plate very healthy. If you are still hungry when it's empty, only then consider less healthy food. This worked great. I had the same breakfast each day (melon chunks, yogurt, and two fried eggs for protein) and a salad for lunch each day. I was never legitimately hungry enough to go back for the waffles or cinnamon rolls in the morning. I will admit that as the week wore on, I would often have dessert with lunch, but better to have a cookie or two after a healthy salad than a cookie or two after a burger and fries.

Tip #2: be good early in the day. This goes along with tip one, but was important enough to be its own tip. I always had a healthy breakfast, and most days (even at the theme parks) a healthy lunch too. That made me feel better about dinner, alcohol and dessert. I still tried to be reasonable at dinner - skipping the most unhealthy options, but because I had had a good first half of the day, I felt better about my treats.

What did not work: I thought it would be easy to meet my goal on vacation because at the parks I would be walking all day and on the cruise, I would have loads of free time. I was certainly active, but it was much harder than I thought to string together active minutes (fitbit only records active minutes after 10 minutes of consistent activity, so if you walk across the ship and it takes 9 minutes - you get 0 active minutes for that, same thing for the parks - despite being on your feet all day and moving, being in the lines decreases your activity level so that none of that counts as active minutes), so there were days that I couldn't reach my goal.
Question of the Day for Thursday, June 30th:

Today we arrive at our final pavilion: The American Adventure! The only pavilion that is not just named after the country, but with a specific name. The American Adventure is the host pavilion, situated in the middle of World Showcase. It is also the name of the main attraction of the pavilion: A show featuring film and audio-animatronics that guides through the history of the United States the good parts, but also mentioning the not so good parts.


Here we have Benjamin Franklin and Mark Twain on top of the torch of the Statute of Liberty discussing how far the USA has come and what will be in her future.

So, since it is the last day of the month, let's do the same with our journey through this month: What worked for you, what did not, are you happy with your results, what do you want to change?

Ahhh, the American Adventure. The second best place in EPCOT to visit if you want a nice nap. (The first is Ellen's Energy Adventure - I love to 'recharge' with a 42 minute nap!)

So this month I recognized that I need to step it up if I want to keep going with my training. October is a very heavy race month and I'm afraid that I am just not ready for hills. Exercising (walking?) for 30 minutes per day is an easy challenge, but why not step it up that I will do my training runs. The heat is not an excuse. Having a long day at work is not an excuse. Saying "I walked for 30 minutes at work so I am good for today" is not an excuse.

I need to stop justifying things because I've found an easier solution.

So that is what I am doing for July! :)
A big shoutout to @Flossbolna for hosting an awesome month at the World Showcase. Thank you for all of your hard work in managing the thread for the month. It's not easy and you did such a great job... I'm kind of nervous now for July!

And folks, July is up and ready to go if you haven't already meandered over there. There's also an additional incentive for you to all hit your goals for the month! :)

So, since it is the last day of the month, let's do the same with our journey through this month: What worked for you, what did not, are you happy with your results, what do you want to change?

It was a tougher month for me. The scale isn't moving down as much as it did - to be expected. My numbers are bouncing around a lot more than before. Even though I still weigh myself daily, I don't fixate as much as I used to on daily losses as much as I look at a few days or a week. The running distances have gone up which is good, now just trying to figure out how many times a week and what distances work best for me.

Usually I weigh in on the first of the month for my final numbers (gives me the last day of the month to meet my goal), but with no scale until next Monday I had to weigh in this morning. Unfortunately, I forgot to weigh in before my run. Yesterday I was at 230.5 and after the 8 miles this morning I was at 227.5, so I'm going to go somewhere in the middle and say 229 was my final for the month. That puts me at 15 lbs lost for June - goal was 14 lbs, so goal met!

Hope to see everyone in the July thread!
So, since it is the last day of the month, let's do the same with our journey through this month: What worked for you, what did not, are you happy with your results, what do you want to change?

I wish I could say how my progress went this month, but the store did not have the scale batteries I needed (those random flat round things). So I am waiting for the ones I ordered to come in. So no final results here. But I can answer based on my habits. My habits have been much better this week now that I am no longer housesitting and am back in my house and not having a commute anymore, etc. I have been having larger lunches and small dinners and feeling lighter in the mornings. My activity was up earlier in the month which is something I want to maintain and keep up next month. I'm not exactly happy but I didn't completely derail this month either. If I could grade myself like in school, I feel like I would get like a C. I made some effort, and got some things right, but I need to put forth more effort to be successful next month!
So, since it is the last day of the month, let's do the same with our journey through this month: What worked for you, what did not, are you happy with your results, what do you want to change?

Yay America!
Boo my month. My weight is up, my motivation is down, I'm not focusing on the right things, I'm not tracking, and I know I had a pretty rough month. I'm doing okay on my goal, but taking time to myself is something that I could have easily done every day, and I missed a few days. It was definitely a disappointing month.
My running has been pretty good, though, and that's nice. I thought adjusting to summer running would be hard, but as long as I remember that my pace is fairly irrelevant in the summer, I do okay. So that's something I'll keep up next month. Many other things need to change.

I'm setting a super-ambitious goal for July in the hopes that it helps me kick things into gear, but ... more on that tomorrow on the July thread.

Thanks for hosting this month, @Flossbolna! I enjoyed our trip around the World (Showcase)!


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