Hello! Live from the World!

Piccies from yesterday - sorry I'm a bit behind in posting, you know how it is!

As mentioned in a previous post we started at Epcot yesterday, trotted through a few attractions in the morning before hitting Nine Dragons for lunch.

We started with the Shrimp and Taro Lollipops which we shared as you get 4 (we asked in advance)


They're kinda a doughy outside, bit like the same mix you'd get with sweet n sour balls but not covered in sauce. They are also big! But this is a bit of an illusion as they are 'puffy' - that is to say that it's only a little chunk of shrimp inside, and the rest is air as it's expanded when cooking.


The sauce is a sort of plum like dip for them. They are tasty enough but nothing exceptional - they are however quite fun to get :)

While we waited for our main course I was a good girl and filled out the place mats....well our server gave us crayons, would be rude not to do my homework!

The other half ordered the Nine Dragons Fried Rice

and I ordered the Honey Sesame Chicken which comes with sticky white rice and a little pot of chinese coleslaw

Both of these dishes we've had before, both are Y-U-M!

We skipped dessert as didn't want to pig out as much as we'd done the day before at the buffet :lmao:

We wandered to International Gateway to head back to BW for the afternoon - we happened upon the Mime act just starting at France and stuck around to watch to the end. They were really very clever, amazing how much humour can be conveyed without saying a word.

Starting small...

Showing off a bit (in jest of course)

Dizzy heights of success!

Good fun :)

It was a lovely sunny afternoon so we decided to go cool down at the pool for an hour or 2. Skeery clown is coming to get you!!! ;)

After a little chill out back in the room, the plan for the evening was to go to the Studios and see Fantasmic - yeah...we've never been that great at sticking to plans for some reason :confused3

Anyhow, we trot along the path to DHS about 2 hours before Fantasmic is due to start and go on the hunt for some food first. I'd wanted to try the Tune In Lounge however when we popped our heads in (you can't make ADR's here) it was pretty busy, mainly with lots of people waiting to get into Prime Time. No room at the bar at all, grr.

So we start to sniff around looking for an easy bite to eat at the Counter Service places. Hmmm, everywhere looks so busy...are people really looking to eat in anticipation of Fantasmic already? So we decide to head over to the back of the park because Studio Catering is huge and we figure as everyone seems to be coming early for Fantasmic, the back will be quieter.

Oh it was quiet alright....private event going on and the whole Streets of America area of the park was closed for it...now we know why it was so busy further forward!

So, after doing an irritated lap of the park we find ourselves back at Tune In and stick our head back in the door...hurrah! 2 seats have miraculously appeared and we're where we wanted to be all along...just later than planned, grr.

Oh well, we're in, it's quite a nice atmosphere

we also make the decision as we're running late that we won't rush and spoil things, we'll enjoy our food and drink and if we're late for Fantasmic then so be it and will just catch later in the trip.

If you don't know it, the Lounge basically offers the same Prime Time menu but without the 'attitude' so if that sort of attention embarrasses you then this is a good alternative as long as you don't mind eating at the bar.

We decide we're not crazy hungry so get the Beer Battered Onion Rings starter for 2 people

Mmmm, these were good onion rings! Nice and juicy, and you could bite into them easily, none of this business where you bite and the whole thing gets dragged out of the coating and dribbles down your chin...wait, maybe that just happens to me :lmao:

We then got ourselves the dessert we skipped at lunch and shared Dad's Brownie Sundae

Pretty tasty but we both agreed it could do with more icecream and less whipped cream though - not that it stopped us clearing the plate! ;)

We did get out about 20 mins before Fantasmic start and trotted over but literally as we were about 50 yards away it was announced they were full - ah well, next week!

We strolled back along the path to BW and after pottering around a bit and a bit of tv, we just turned in for an early night - who knew doing nothing was so tiring! :rotfl:
You know, for someone who tried to convince us that they 'don't do trip reports', yours is pretty awesome! :thumbsup2 I love the way you write and how your humour comes through, all the details and the pictures.

BTW, that brownie sundae would do me quite nicely right now! :rolleyes:
Really loving your trip report and making me "home sick" .....when you put "i am home" that's how i always feel when we return, it just feels right. :goodvibes I don't like the "lovebugs" sounds like they are around quite late for the time of the year, we experienced them aug/sept once, hopefully they will fly away towards the end of your trip. Humidity is a nitemare too, again only experienced this once....either way better to be having the lovebugs and humidity there than the cold damp england weather :laughing: anyway have a fab time and keep the reports and pics coming. :)
You know, for someone who tried to convince us that they 'don't do trip reports', yours is pretty awesome! :thumbsup2 I love the way you write and how your humour comes through, all the details and the pictures.

Teehee! Glad you're enjoying the pics (and the commentary, LOL) - I guess when I say I'm bad at Trip Reports it's just that I tend to lose my way - I'm great at starting something but lose steam and can never finish :( Will try hard to keep posting for the length of the trip - and it was a great boost to see Crabbie posting as then it didn't feel like just me wanting to pimp all my dinners ;)

I don't like the "lovebugs" sounds like they are around quite late for the time of the year, we experienced them aug/sept once

They're so bad we actually saw a report on the news about it this morning, there was a bunch by the pool yesterday, we found 4 that had made the trip back with us to the room! Fortunately the worse thing about them is that they're a bit irritating, they don't bite or anything like that. On the bright side, we've not seen a single Mossie so far all trip - we're still squirting up the repellent before we head out each evening but I think the dry weather has also meant the Mossie's have been kept in check. Given a choice between Mossies and Lovebugs I will take the Lovebugs any day!

either way better to be having the lovebugs and humidity there than the cold damp england weather :laughing:

Oh, yes, yes, yes! Agreed totally, I'll take all manner of bugs and weather to be in Florida rather than London :cool1:

Just about to head off today again to Disney Studios - gonna try for Toy Story Crazy...er, Mania again today - will walk a bit more briskly this time and hopefully less lines so hopefully finally get to ride this thing, LOL.

Have a good one o/
Had a nice morning at Disney Studios again, finally got to ride ToyStory...good fun! Not good enough fun to wait 70 minutes for but then I'm a stick in the mud, but still a great attraction, glad we got on the little devil at last!

Also did Backlot tour, Animators Tour, some very nice people gave us their Fastpasses for Rockin Rollercoaster when we stopped at Starring Rolls for a coffee (and snack of course!) and then watched Lights, Action stunt show before heading back to Boardwalk for lunch at ESPN.

Weather this morning was generally bright and sunny though very, very humid mainly due to the weather front that's moving up from the Caribbean (see now it's Tropical Depression 16 and looks likely to become a named storm soon) - the clouds gradually started to build. We watched it getting super dark through the windows as we ate and the heavens opened just before we left - aieeeeee! As we stepped out there was forked lightning right beside the Swan and the biggest crack of thunder I've ever heard in my life.

Thank goodness we didn't have far to get back to our room, and after dodging under a couple of awnings we braced ourselves for the short jog to the entrance...blimey, 10 seconds later and we were soaked! At least there was a basket of hand towels waiting for us just inside the door - gotta love Disney, they think of everything :)

Been watching the storm ever since - at least gives me some time to sort out some more piccies, will post later when I have! This evening and tomorrow looks like it's also going to be a bit of a wash out as the main part of the weather front moves up - fortunately tomorrow we are due to move to Saratoga Springs so I'd planned for us to have a shopping day so hopefully the weather shouldn't really affect us as it looks like the worst will be past us by Thursday...hope so, we have the Halloween party that night, eep!

Catch you laters :)
No ride in the world is worth 70 mins IMO. I have a 20 min limit except when its something I really want to do then I will stretch to 30min but thats my max. Never got around to doing Soarin in August as lines were too long and fast passes had all gone by the time we got in. Always another trip.:goodvibes
I have a 20 min limit except when its something I really want to do then I will stretch to 30min but thats my max.

Yeah, that's about our max too, Space Mountain was 20 mins yesterday morning, we even chose to pass that as we know at some point over the next week or so we'll get it for less. I'd much rather sit on a bench or something and people watch than stand in a line!

We didn't quite make ropedrop this morning, we were just walking up towards the entrance when we heard the street actors announce it was open. By the time we got in and walked across the park we had Fastpasses in hand at 9:16 - the time on them was already 11:20-12:20. I got mine just a minute after my other half and my time was 11:30-12:20 - they were all gone for the day when we went to ride at 11:35. Crazy really as the parks are really very quiet right now and I think is more indicative of how starved the Studio's are for quality family attractions.

Ps. I approve of always having a reason to go back ;)

Always another trip.:goodvibes
No ride in the world is worth 70 mins IMO. I have a 20 min limit except when its something I really want to do then I will stretch to 30min but thats my max. Never got around to doing Soarin in August as lines were too long and fast passes had all gone by the time we got in. Always another trip.:goodvibes

Totally agree. We go with the attitude we will be coming back so the pressure is off to try to see everything and race round the parks and miss the real pleasure of Disney.

The looks we get from people when we explain we haven't been to Universal yet with the girls as there is still so much to see in Disney and the youngest is still a scared of bigger rides. We're adding Seaworld and Aquatica next trip and even now Im wondering how we will fit it all in. :rotfl:

But what really gets my goat is the people who make the snide comments haven't actually been to Florida but just assume when they do they will do it all.
Heya all! Gosh, sorry for disappearing for a bit - the weather (in a variety of ways) has thrown us for a bit of a loop in the last 24 hours.

After I posted yesterday we found ourselves glued to the tv reports as a Tornado Warning was issued for an area that was just South East of Kissimmee. Not close enough for us to be seriously worried, but considering the thunder and lightning was still going strong all around us it was certainly close enough for us to start paying attention to things rather than just sitting there saying 'oooh pretty forked lightning'!

As it turned out, happily the storm lost it's circulation before it turned into a tornado and everything was alright for everyone in that area, phew!

At that point we all but wrote off the evening due to the heavy rain (think news said it was something like 2 1/2 inches fell in our area in those couple of hours) and I was all set to sort my photos and pack up some of our stuff in anticipation of our move to Saratoga Springs when all of a sudden at about 7 or so the rain all but stopped and on the spur of the moment we threw caution to the wind and dived into Epcot for a little wander around WS and a beer or 2. Even ended up watching Illuminations again - park was soooo empty! So every cloud has a silver yadda yadda it seems.

Today was supposed to be more of the same with the rain and was even saying there would be likely more tornado warnings all day....we decided to just carry on as normal (resort move and shopping day) and see how far we got before weather started to impact too much but you guessed it, while a cloudy start it's actually now blue sky and sunshine! Seems the bad weather being pushed up from TS Nicole is literally just to the east of us and touch wood so far we're dodging the lot!

Anyhow, I'm running a bit behind schedule with the piccies so will get those up in a post shortly - Magic Kingdom and Cape May for dinner, omm nom :)
Enjoy Cape May, hope its not too busy, last year we didn't enjoy it, lines to get food were crazy and people were arguing about pushing in(I kept out of it:goodvibes) Food on offer was not what we like but others post its a favourite.
No ride in the world is worth 70 mins IMO. I have a 20 min limit except when its something I really want to do then I will stretch to 30min but thats my max.

I feel exactly the same way! Hence the reason why we haven't done TSM. The most I have ever stood in a line was an hour and that was for BTMR (wait time posted was 40 minutes), but we bought ice cold drinks and just chilled under the fans as we moved through the queue. We would never have done that if we didn't have FPs for Splash stopping us for getting some for BTMR.

I love thunderstorms :lovestruc It is an added bonus that it clears out the parks and leaves things with pretty much 0 wait times :)

Enjoy Cape May tonight Disneymad. Our turn next week :yay:
Right, a little behind schedule with the piccies but here are some from Monday.

We decided to drive as we were planning to get there for ropedrop(-ish) and as there's never enough time in the mornings we didn't want to hang around for goodness knows how long for a bus. Besides, we like to do the Ferry ride at least once every trip so seemed like a good idea.

Running late as always we got to the TTC at around 9am but were very lucky with the ferry as one was already waiting

ok...ok...I cheated a bit there. As the ferry was waiting I had no time to stop and take a picture as a I waddled my way on board (Donald has nothing on me) so that's the picture I took when we left.

The park is (and has been for several weeks I believe) all decorated for Halloween - I so love this time of year at Disney

The Streetmosphere ladies were also working their magic as we entered the park - so many people were just bustling by them in their rush to get to the rides though, shame :( (especially as the park was so quiet anyhow)


If anyone knows the names of these characters I'd love to know. I did hear the name of the lady in the black n white dress, was Miss Le...something. Was some sort of pun, but I forgotted almost straight - curse my fail memory :(

We quickly scooted our way to the most important attraction first...yup you guessed it, we went to the Bakery - we're so pro at the parks we can't even get out of Main Street :lmao:

Surprisingly there was already a long line there and must have taken 10 mins to get served - clearly we're not the only people so desperate for their delectable goodies that we're prepared to forsake the rides for them!

Well, you can't go to the Main Street Bakery without buying their star offering can you? If you've never had one, then I can highly recommend the Cinnammon Sticky Buns

This puppy was huge - it fills the plate and is about 3-4 inches high! I suggested to him indoors that we share (I find them way too sickly to eat one to myself) and he looked at me like I had 2 heads. I resigned myself to a more subdued Cheese Danish

and begged like a puppy for scraps (think I managed to twist his arm for a measly 2 bites worth of bun - he was more Scrooge than Scrooge McDuck ;)

Right, so finally out of the bakery and on to Tomorrowland - no matter how many pics I have of the castle I can never resist to take more :love:

Buzz Lightyear was a walk-on so we opened a can of whoop and rode it twice on the bounce - take that Zurg. Hmmm, he doesn't look too happy with us!

After that we needed a rest so went for a ride on the Peoplemover....twice! What....what?! This theme park stuff is hard work you know, we needed a sit down :rotfl2:

Carousel of Progress was just opening it's doors for the next show as we exited so would have been rude not to dive in there too - what? stop looking at me like that, it was getting hot, we needed air conditioning! *giggles* Ok, if you haven't realised it by now we're not exactly commando style tourers :)

After all that hard work we decided to grab a drink and as we were right by Lunching Pad we went there - for me this trip is about trying the little things that I'd never usually touch...so I got myself a Blue Raspberry Slushie

hellooooooooo e numbers, LOL - there doesn't appear to be a 'bouncing off the walls' smiley so this will have to do :jumping1:

To be fair it wasn't too bad, a bit weird that it was still somehow fizzy even though it was frozen and it did taste quite raspberry-ish in the circumstances. I'd probably not bother getting one again but I did drink the lot up without any problem.

We nipped across to Mickey's Philharmagic, walk on and 2 min wait till the doors opened for the show. Then onwards around to Haunted Mansion, wait said 10 mins but we like this one so decided we could cope with that, turned out it was pretty much a walk-on too though, hurrah.

By now it was about 12:30, well it had been a whole 3 hours since we'd last ate so time for lunch :rotfl: - actually, it was more due to the fact that we had Cape May booked for dinner so really didn't want to leave lunch too late. Columbia Harbor House was right there so in we popped.

Other half had the fish and chicken strips combo

and I had the fried shrimp basket

Not exactly gourmet food but very good for counter service I think, got 10 juicy shrimp with my basket too, really generous in that respect for the cost.

At this point it was getting pretty hot so we decided to make our way slowly out the park with a view to hitting the resort pool in the afternoon. Pirates was down as a 10 min wait and is another of our favourites...guess what, another literal walk-on - I'm sure not complaining though!

We wander down Main Street and stop for a few minutes to watch/listen to the Dapper Dans who were out - I seem to be real lucky this trip, virtually tripping over a lot of the street performers without even trying

Anyhow it's out of the park, back to resort pool for another dip to cool off and prep for our Cape May dinner later that night. Pictures of the food to follow as I got a bit long winded in this post, woopsie!
Eeep, I did Cape May on Monday night - sorry, terrible grammar on my part there, talking about both today and where I'd got up to previously with my posted pics.

We've always really loved Cape May in the past but we had a bit of an iffy experience last year which kinda put us off a bit and so wasn't going to bother. However I had a last minute change of heart and I ended up booking the ADR for it about a week before we left - so glad we did, had a great meal there. Foodie pics from it incoming shortly!
I also love the Street performers. I have some great pics of DD with them and as you say, people kind of miss them in the rush so there isn't really a fighting off experience to get pictures taken.

That raspberry slushie looks really good. The kind of thing my mother would have told me to avoid on account of all the obvious artificial colours and blah blah..... So of course I have to have one this time! :rolleyes1

I am looking forward to seeing the autumn decorations. I love the Flower & Garden theming for spring, but this will be something new for us so I dare say there will be quite a lot of pictures taken this time round. I dont think I will manage a live TR (and you've set the standards pretty high here ....) but I will make sure I post when I get back. I have to show SOME appreciation for all the help from my DIS buddies! :grouphug:
Dinner time and Cape May awaited us. This buffet has a leaning towards seafood but have no fear if that's not quite your thing, there are still plenty of different options available.

We've loved this buffet but had a slightly rough experience last year where we had an terrible invisible server who made it impossible to get a drink refill and who only appeared to present the check and an issue with some of the food stations being way too slow to get replenished. After much indecision we crossed our fingers that it was back on track and booked a last minute ADR and had a great meal thankfully!

Anyhow, pictures speak louder than words...

Shrimp, Ceasar Salad and a sort of Meditteranean Salad with Mozzarella - it was all very tasty!

Ribs, a teensy (teensy) bit of pesto mash is hidden underneath them too, Lobster Tortellini on the left and no prizes for guessing the last item is sweetcorn :p

The other half tried the pork from the carvery, some fried shrimp and a considerably larger bit of pesto mash than I had - I think he liked that stuff :lmao:

We made sure we left plenty of room for dessert and so glad we did, these Oreo Bon Bons were to die for

I thought initially they were going to be too chocolaty for my tastes (if that makes sense) but all the chocolate is on the outside, the main inside of them is a sort of creamy vanilla type mousse. Delicious and much lighter and less stodgy as I thought they'd be. Yum, I think we both went up for seconds of these babies!


Warm Lava cake in the middle (was ok, nothing special though), a regular brownie and a peanut butter blondie that I swear had walnuts in it :confused3 - tasted ok though so whatever, still was doomed to extinction in my tummy ;)

Last but not least - Key Lime Tart at the back, Mixed Berry Cheesecake on the back left and...oh look, another Oreo Bon Bon ;)

All in all, a very enjoyable dinner - even if I was getting some very odd looks for taking lots of pictures of all the food :lmao:

We wandered back slowly in the balmy warm air to the Boardwalk, enjoying the scenery as we strolled - a good evening was had.
Great pictures again.

I'll have to get DH one of those slushies - he used to love cheap blue fizzy pop - he was gutted when Asda stopped selling it (I suspect it was banned due to the e numbers!)
I am looking forward to seeing the autumn decorations. I love the Flower & Garden theming for spring, but this will be something new for us so I dare say there will be quite a lot of pictures taken this time round. I dont think I will manage a live TR (and you've set the standards pretty high here ....) but I will make sure I post when I get back. I have to show SOME appreciation for all the help from my DIS buddies! :grouphug:

The decorations are really pretty though it goes up a notch for the party itself (I think you did book that in the end right?) with giant ghost balloons floating above the MK and all the characters in their Trick or Treat outfits, it's very cool you'll love it I'm sure!

A shame you won't be able to check in once you arrive (if for no other reason than I feel a bit guilty hogging all the thread as I thought with a few people out here at the same time that others would join in too rather than it being mainly me waffling on ;) ) but I can't wait to hear all about your trip when you get back - can't wait to see how the big surprise reveal goes!

Just 2 days to go for you too I see! Just in case I don't get the chance to say goodbye, hope you have a wonderful trip :)
The decorations are really pretty though it goes up a notch for the party itself (I think you did book that in the end right?) with giant ghost balloons floating above the MK and all the characters in their Trick or Treat outfits, it's very cool you'll love it I'm sure!

A shame you won't be able to check in once you arrive (if for no other reason than I feel a bit guilty hogging all the thread as I thought with a few people out here at the same time that others would join in too rather than it being mainly me waffling on ;) ) but I can't wait to hear all about your trip when you get back - can't wait to see how the big surprise reveal goes!

Just 2 days to go for you too I see! Just in case I don't get the chance to say goodbye, hope you have a wonderful trip :)

Thanks Disneymad. By the way, you should be hogging the thread - it's yours! :lmao: We are the happy beneficiaries of all the great reports and reviews you are posting for us.

Yes, I did book the party in the end. I MUST make sure I don't leave the costume behind now. I won't be dressing up, although I did consider making a T shirt saying something like "I'm dressed up as my daughter's mum". :rolleyes1 Bit late now I suppose. The last month has run away with me. I will try and post once or twice while there though. Its just that internet access every night will rack up a cool $150! That's another party night - and a half!

I just can't wait to get me some sunshine! :banana:
I just can't wait to get me some sunshine! :banana:

Good news for you then! TS Nicole has been pushed offshore to the east and the forecast I saw tonight showed good weather for the next week - even the humidity is expected to start to calm down a bit :)


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