help! Posting a table?


DIS Old Timer
Jun 1, 2000
Ok, when I post a table (by cutting and pasting the HTML code), it puts a HUGE empty space above the table when displaying. You have to scroll down to see the table. Ideas?
You need to take out all of the spaces between the ><

Go ahead and post it, I'll take a look and see if I can help. :D
that's weird. It takes the spaces and puts them outside the table.


Let me preface this by saying, you are more than welcome to play and experiment with tables on the test board, but please don't put any in your signature without testing them first. If you put one in your signature, it will be on every single post you've ever made on the DIS. If it is too wide or you forget to close something, it will corrupt every thread you have ever posted to. Needless to say, we'll be tracking you down very fast! ;)

Now that the dire warnings are over, ;) I went to and typed in table. This is just one of the websites that came up. It's a lot easier for you than having me trying to explain. :D

This is not for my sig, this is for the MMP I am about to upload later on tonight. I've already done it, tested it (on this thread no less but you can't see cause I deleted it :)) and it works fine. I use frontpage, and it's HTML editor, so I know all my tags and such are done properly. I have hand edited HTML, XML, ASP and many others so am pretty comfortable working with this. I still have yet to try some VBscript. It wouldn't work on the Infopop boards.

From there it's a simple cut and paste. I wish there were some way I could make posts 'private' when I'm working on them (I do most of my testing here on this tech board), viewable to me and moderators so I can get it all working before posting it live. Is there any way to do this?
Not to worry, Jeff. I was answering Klombar. :D

I can't think of any way to keep your post private.
I can help if ya want! ;)

Check out my MMP post to see what a table can do, at it's most rudimentary level...


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