Here at DHHI

Simba's Mom

<font color=green>everything went to "H*** in a ha
Aug 26, 1999
Any questions? I'm not sure how often I'll check-in, hopefully every day, but if anyone has any questions, I'll try to answer. I know already to check on a soft goods rehab rumored for next year. And since food's often asked about, we ate at Kenny B's for our first meal, yesterday, probably Black Marlin for lunch today, after DH gets back from golf at HH National golf course. Brrr! It's pretty chilly today.
Happy Thanksgiving!! I am envious as always!!!
I'm at Marriott's Surfwatch, but I hope you have a nice vacation Simba's Mom! We ordered two Love Birds from Signe's for tomorrow, and are excited to try everything.

It is quite chilly this week! We got here on Saturday, and it was in the low 70's that day. It's been downhill from there. With the lowest being tomorrow, in the upper 30s in the morning. brrrr!
Now that I'm home, I can post some photos.

Our view. Although we loved it in November, it faced east, so it might get kind of toasty in warm weather as the sun beat in-

DH checking the weather report before he (didn't) golf. Yes, it was so cold and rainy that even DH/Mr Golf himself cancelled a golf game-

Only on HHI, have I seen brick pavers in a parking lot-

Gotta visit with Shadow-

My only disappointment of the trip. This pumpkin creme brûlée looked and sounded so good, but tasted so bland. Everything else at the Black Marlin was good, though-

One reason why I love the 1 BRs and larger at DHHI, this little alcove-

I have owned here at HHI for 3 years now , but have never seen it in person til this past Saturday 11/30 . Wow it is just as pretty in person as it looks in pictures . Wife and I did an on our own walking tour , Hope to stay there soon .
I have owned here at HHI for 3 years now , but have never seen it in person til this past Saturday 11/30 . Wow it is just as pretty in person as it looks in pictures . Wife and I did an on our own walking tour , Hope to stay there soon .

You were there the day after we left.
Bobbi, ironically that blue fleece hanging in the alcove has a funny Hilton Head story to it. I ALWAYS bring it there-it's perfect to have and has Mickeys all over it. When I unpacked, hanging it there was the first thing I did. Then I spent the remainder of the week wondering how I could have been so forgetful as to forget to bring it from home. The last day, as we packed to go home, DH brought it in from the alcove and said "Don't forget this". I should have looked at my pictures!


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