Another tip, if you see that an attraction is offline but LL is still available for a near time, you can book it. If that attraction is still offline when your return window opens it will turn to an 'anytime' LL and you're eligible to immediately book another LL.

When we were there 2 weeks ago there was a big storm. While we were taking shelter our 2 hours window arrived. I booked Dumbo which was offline due to the storm but had a LL return window only 10 mins later. After those 10 mins passed, it was still offline so it flipped to an 'anytime' and I could book something again. I chose another 'offline' attraction with a close return time and sure enough the same thing happened. By the time we'd waited out the storm we had 4 anytime LLs booked that we used that evening fore busier attractions like Buzz, Jungle Cruise, HM and BTMRR! Also, when a LL flips to an 'anytime' LL, you're eligible to book that attraction again.

To learn more about Genie+ I would recommend reading the posts on page 1 of the Everything Genie thread. genius.
We just got back from a long weekend trip (9/8-9/12). We primarily went for MNSSHP as we’d never done that before. It was three of us, myself, DH and DD4. DD is not big on rides or fireworks and the last time we were there was May 2021 so still had Covid precautions for meeting characters. We arrived on a 2.5 hour flight delay but lots of flights were cancelled or delayed on 9/08 due to storms and an ATC issue at our home airport so we were happy just to have gotten there on the day we were supposed to. We stayed at the GF as it ended up being cheaper than either the Contemporary or Polynesian with the fall discount.

We spent Saturday in MK and arrived at 7:30am for early entry and were let in around 7:45am. We spent some time on Main Street and joined the line headed to Fantasyland around 8:10. Let in maybe right before 8:30am and headed to PP. We also rode Winnie pre-opening. We did buy Genie+ for the day as our main focus was meet and greets and those looked to have long lines pretty routinely. DH and I didn't care so much about riding the non-new coasters as we've done those multiple times. We also bought ILL for Tron for the evening as I didn’t want to have to cross the park/worry about missing the parade with the uncertainty and strict return times for the VQ.

Prior to the parade we met all the princesses at princess hall. We were first in line at 9am for Cinderella/Elena then used LL for Tiana/Rapunzel. Rode IASW and met Pooh/Tigger, Minnie/Daisy, Donald/Goofy, rode Dumbo a couple times then took the train to the front of the park to meet Mickey via LL and ran into Mulan at the exit. It was 11:20am when we checked into Mickey so went ahead and used a LL for the parade viewing since we’d be almost immediately eligible for another one. Watched the parade in the LL area in the hub. Great spot but it was super hot and no shade. Ate lunch immediately after at Crystal Palace with a 12:45pm reservation. The best dining for a DD who is in love with Pooh.

After lunch used LL for Ariel’s Grotto, watched parade again in Frontierland per DD request, rode magic carpets twice, then used LL for Enchanted Tales and Little Mermaid ride. Got some snacks and watched the Adventure Friends calvacade (which is amazing BTW). We all enjoyed seeing some more rare characters. Used LL for Haunted Mansion then booked one for Buzz but by the time we walked there lots of people were sitting down and line wasn’t moving so decided to bail. It was time for our ILL so DH went to that while DD and I went back to Main Street and caught the second run of the calvacade and took some PhotoPass pictures. We switched off and I did Tron while they rode Tea Cups and played with the statues around the area.

We had booked the pre dessert fireworks party. Our DD is not a fan of fireworks generally but I thought she’d like the projections so wanted to secure a good spot for that. Enjoyed all the treats and we had a good spot in the garden for her to see the castle. Not sure it’s something I’d do every trip but occasionally as a splurge. Used her headphones to block some of the noise and she enjoyed the scenes on the castle. Headed back to hotel after.

Sunday was our party day and we debated when buying tickets but ended up going to park in AM for a few hours. We had hoped MK would open at 8am as everywhere said it would and did last year but it only opened at 9am this time. Rode Buzz and Astro orbiter pre opening then headed back to watch the welcome show. Did Merida M&G then walked onto Jungle Cruise. Rode carpets and we could see Aladdin and Jasmine roaming from the ride. After we got off they ended up taking a ride on the carpets so that was fun to see. Took some pictures, watched the stage show at 10am, met Snow White on the way out and took monorail to Ohana brunch. After brunch took a 2 hour nap at hotel and walked back to MK around 2:45pm and was able to get a spot on Main Street to catch the 3pm parade. Did Monsters Inc laugh floor then picked up our party wristbands. Did party merch shopping and picked up mobile order from Friars Nook and headed to Pooh meet and greet to get in line for their party M&G.

We were group 2 around 5pm. We could have probably waited till 5:15-30 to get in line and still been fairly early on but this was priority one for us. DD didn’t complain once in our 90 minute wait but we ate dinner and I brought a coloring book for her also. But honestly she loved people watching and looking at everyone’s costumes. The line was in a perfect spot to look at costumes and the time passed fairly painless and easy. She probably wouldn't wait that long for much else except her beloved Pooh. I hadn't told her what his costume was so she had fun trying to guess and got so excited when she finally saw him come out. Such an amazing meet and photographer here did an awesome job getting a close up shot of just her and Winnie in addition to a group shot with just her and us also. Well worth the wait especially since we were done before the party even officially started.

We then met Ariel and Prince Eric (about 10th in line at 6:45pm and were done by 7:15). Did the treat spot there and headed to Disney Jr dance party which DD had an absolute blast at (second favorite after meeting Pooh she sad). She’s a massive DocMcStuffins fan and was super excited when Doc walked in. Stayed there till 8pm, did one treat stop on way to Adventureland. Met Jasmine and Genie (got in line at 8:20pm when Aladdin and Abu were out and met Jasmine at 8:45 which was who she was aiming to meet so timing was perfect). Got a spot for the parade nearby and DH went and got the candy corn milkshake. Super fun parade and had great spot to watch.

Headed to fantasyland and took a couple pictures with no lines on the way. Met Daisy and Donald with maybe a 10-15 minute wait but then hit Minnie on break so was another 10 minutes between the 2 groups which was a bit unfortunate. Rode dumbo once per DD request as fireworks were ending so that was kinda cool to see. Tried to hightail it to Stitch as that was our last wish list item but we just missed making it prior the fireworks being let out and got stuck at the end of a large horde of people entering and line wait jumped 20 minutes per the marker as we approached. DD had asked to watch the parade again and it would have been close if the line time was accurate so gave her the choice and she chose to go back to the dance party again and watch parade. Found maybe the last spot along the rope all the way down by town square at 11:10pm and watched the parade again and headed out.

Monday we slept in (I did wake up a bit before 7am to score a guardians VQ and book a genie+ LL and then back to sleep for a bit more). Had a Topolinos reservation at 10:30am then headed to Epcot. Met Minnie & Daisy immediately at international entrance then Alice right after in UK all with minimal wait. Headed to the imagination pavilion and timed it perfectly as Pooh was coming out. DD hung out the entire 15 minutes or so he was out (such a cute area and fun interaction). His CM was super sweet and asked DD if she wanted to walk him back inside for his hunny break and she got a little extra special time and hug from him that no other kids got. She was decked out in Winnie ears and the only one there the entire time so that was incredible of the CM to notice and offer that to her. DD was just beaming.

We met Joy inside with minimal wait and used our LL for Remy, got some snacks from France booth and met Belle. Walked around the showcase and did a couple kidcot stops, met Anna & Elsa, rode Gran Fiesta, and used LL for FEA. The Land building had been evacuated and closed around 12pm that day so was unable to book a LL for Soarin' (had been my planned 3rd LL). We did get one for Test Track for 8pm that we ended up not using as we didn't feel like heading back across the park at that point . We then headed to Guardians and set up rider switch. They rode Spaceship earth and played in the misters while I waited in VQ line. Switched and DD and I browsed the shops and got some food from a food booth nearby and DH was done pretty quick via rider switch. Guardians was awesome! We scored another VQ at 6pm for deluxe resorts then headed to the seas building. Rode Nemo and looked at the aquariums. Headed to the land and rode Soarin with about a 30 minute wait then Living with the Land walk on. Got some food from the booths around the gateway and sat down to eat around 8:15pm. Watched a few minutes of the fireworks then walked towards guardians for VQ that was called. I had planned to take DD back to Gran Fiesta or Nemo but she actually fell asleep in stroller so just hung out under the cover near creations shop and turned out it was good fortune as shortly after DH went to Guardians it started down pouring and it rained hard until after we switched and I rode Guardians. Guardians actually went down while I was almost to boarding and was down maybe 30 minutes. Upon leaving the monorail was down and this was a big mess trying to get home in the rain. I should have just tried booking a Minnie van but the line was moving for bus initially so we decided to just do the bus but then it stopped moving and took forever for more buses to arrive. Didn’t end up back at hotel for almost 2 hours. Dropped off at TTC with no real direction on what or where to go. Asked a security officer who wasn’t sure but said they thought the resort loop was running and sent us that way. Which thankfully it was but someone directing people as we got off the bus would have been helpful and saved us some wandering around time.

Tuesday we checked out, stored our bags and headed to MK. Let DD basically plan the day on her wishes. Similar start to day as on Saturday but didn’t purchase genie+ this day. Rode PP and Winnie prior to opening. Met the princesses, rode IASW and tea cups, met Pooh at 10am. Then headed to Adventureland and rode carpets a couple times and Pirates. Watched the parade and had lunch at the castle. Afterwards rode dumbo a couple times then Little Mermaid ride. She wanted to ride IASW again so did that then tea cups again a couple times. The line to meet Pooh wasn’t significantly long so we asked if she wanted to meet Pooh one last time and the answer was a resounding yes so met him again then watched the calvacade at 5:10pm then headed out to hotel and airport.

All in all a great trip and got basically everything ridden and all the characters M&G we wanted. DD was ecstatic with her surprise trip. MNSSHP lived up to what we were hoping for in atmosphere and fun unique character M&G and parades. Have no doubt we will attend another one at some point. genius.
I did this yesterday a couple of times when Pirates and something else (can’t recall which ride) went down, was able to snag 2 anytime LLs for the evening while sitting poolside in a matter of 5 minutes. Storms would make it even more useful…@scrappinginontario, you are a genius!
I did this yesterday a couple of times when Pirates and something else (can’t recall which ride) went down, was able to snag 2 anytime LLs for the evening while sitting poolside in a matter of 5 minutes. Storms would make it even more useful…@scrappinginontario, you are a genius!
My son and I did this in July of 22, it was raining, so they automatically did a couple we already had, and we kept rebooking. By the time we got to MK after it stopped, we had so many we didn't have time to use them all.
Another tip, if you see that an attraction is offline but LL is still available for a near time, you can book it. If that attraction is still offline when your return window opens it will turn to an 'anytime' LL and you're eligible to immediately book another LL.

When we were there 2 weeks ago there was a big storm. While we were taking shelter our 2 hours window arrived. I booked Dumbo which was offline due to the storm but had a LL return window only 10 mins later. After those 10 mins passed, it was still offline so it flipped to an 'anytime' and I could book something again. I chose another 'offline' attraction with a close return time and sure enough the same thing happened. By the time we'd waited out the storm we had 4 anytime LLs booked that we used that evening fore busier attractions like Buzz, Jungle Cruise, HM and BTMRR! Also, when a LL flips to an 'anytime' LL, you're eligible to book that attraction again.

I did this yesterday a couple of times when Pirates and something else (can’t recall which ride) went down, was able to snag 2 anytime LLs for the evening while sitting poolside in a matter of 5 minutes. Storms would make it even more useful…@scrappinginontario, you are a genius!

My son and I did this in July of 22, it was raining, so they automatically did a couple we already had, and we kept rebooking. By the time we got to MK after it stopped, we had so many we didn't have time to use them all.

Great strategy. I just hope this doesn't re-ignite the "Great FastPass War of 2012."

I still recall vividly the accusations of abusing loopholes in the system. Some people literally said we were "stealing" FPs from other families! :scared1:
Great strategy. I just hope this doesn't re-ignite the "Great FastPass War of 2012."

I still recall vividly the accusations of abusing loopholes in the system. Some people literally said we were "stealing" FPs from other families! :scared1:
Not stealing as in this case because as soon as a LL turns to an 'anytime', guest can rebook the original attraction again. Basically it nullifies the first LL and opens that time to all guests again.
Everyone has helped me out so much I thought I’d give a little rundown of how it’s going for us. Arrived 9/15 around 7:30, checked in to BWV (renting points on confirmed res) and had a fantastic meal at Flying Fish. Everything was top notch, but the octopus, snapper, and scallops stood out.

9/16 purchased G+, grabbed LL for SDD for 9:30am. Rope dropped Rise with maybe a 10 minute wait, really it was a walk on just a long queue, off before EE started at 8:30. Walk on MFSR, walk on TSMM, rode SDD using LL, grabbed RnR LL after tapping in and headed that way. RnR was down, so pivoted and used the anytime for ToT and grabbed a MMRR LL for 10:30. Rode MMRR and rode TSMM again with a LL I snagged after tapping in at MMRR. We had lunch at HBD and I started stacking LLs for MK. Pool break until 5, hopped over to MK and rode HM, PP, BTMRR, and Pooh before taking the monorail to GF and having the best dinner at Citricos. The refresh there is a real step up, might be top 5 table service restaurants for us now. Corn bisque was surprisingly complex, and the mahi was crazy good. Excellent service as well.

9/17- MK no G+. I grabbed a VQ for Tron, BG 6 using ATT cell service on my patio at BWV. Rope dropped SDMT, walked on to space, walked on to Buzz, VQ for Tron, back to SDMT for a 25 minute wait, posted 50. Party day is almost a ghost town compared to the crowds the evening before. Walked on to PoTC, 10 minute wait for JC, watched the parade from adventure land and headed back to BW for some pool time. Made everyone tap in at Epcot IG and grabbed a VQ for GotG right at 2. Headed over to Epcot at 6 for our Takumei-Tei reservation. Amazing meal and service, highly recommend. Raced over to GotG and made it right at 8:55, we were one of the last of the night to ride. Coolest ride going, we loved Tron but GotG takes the cake.

9/18 - After seeing some reports I switched our park reservation to Epcot, grabbed a VQ for GotG, switched back to AK and bought an ILL for FoP for 10:45. Rope dropped FoP with maybe a 15 minute wait, walked on to Navi, walked on to EE 3 times in a row, walked on to Kali, 10 minute wait on dinosaur, used our ILL for FoP, then had a snack and drink at Nomad. Took a 2 hour break, then headed to Epcot where I had purchased G+ that morning and stacked Remy, TT, and Soarin. Rode all 3 plus VQ for GotG I grabbed that morning, noshed around the world, grabbed the 6pm VQ for GotG, and watched the fireworks. EEH as fireworks were wrapping, 15 minute wait at Remy at 9:15, 20 minute wait at TT, VQ for GotG, finished the night with Spaceship Earth. Really productive, but massive day, both those parks requiring a ton of walking. Tomorrow is a well deserved break, pool day and a bit of work. We’ll be back at it Wednesday and I’ll report back. Sorry, pretty long, feel free to ask any questions!
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Not stealing as in this case because as soon as a LL turns to an 'anytime', guest can rebook the original attraction again. Basically it nullifies the first LL and opens that time to all guests again.
What are the current restrictions on the anytime G+ at MK? Now that Tron is open, is Space allowed as an anytime?
I am hearing so many anecdotal reports of getting Covid at Disney in the past couple weeks, just curious to know if people are seeing more masks recently?
Did not see more masks on our trip. We had a wonderful trip! Used Genie+ several days and several days without. We did everything we wanted to do! The crowds were low for the most part. Slightly more people on Labor Day weekend but certainly not like spring trips! The weather was hot but we love it!
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I am hearing so many anecdotal reports of getting Covid at Disney in the past couple weeks, just curious to know if people are seeing more masks recently?
I am noticing more cast members wearing masks but not guests. I flew home from Orlando monday night and maybe 1/4 of the plane had a mask on.
We didn’t notice many masks at all late August/early September.
We didn’t notice any coughing or sick people either.
We all came home with Covid.

Lol we had the opposite experience in early-mid August. SO many coughing, sniffling, etc people everywhere, I was sure someone was coming home with something but we made it through without so much as a stomachache from my kiddo that gets them all the time!

I definitely noticed more cast members in masks than I thought would be, but not many guests.
Everyone has helped me out so much I thought I’d give a little rundown of how it’s going for us. Arrived 9/15 around 7:30, checked in to BWV (renting points on confirmed res) and had a fantastic meal at Flying Fish. Everything was top notch, but the octopus, snapper, and scallops stood out.

9/16 purchased G+, grabbed LL for SDD for 9:30am. Rope dropped Rise with maybe a 10 minute wait, really it was a walk on just a long queue, off before EE started at 8:30. Walk on MFSR, walk on TSMM, rode SDD using LL, grabbed RnR LL after tapping in and headed that way. RnR was down, so pivoted and used the anytime for ToT and grabbed a MMRR LL for 10:30. Rode MMRR and rode TSMM again with a LL I snagged after tapping in at MMRR. We had lunch at HBD and I started stacking LLs for MK. Pool break until 5, hopped over to MK and rode HM, PP, BTMRR, and Pooh before taking the monorail to GF and having the best dinner at Citricos. The refresh there is a real step up, might be top 5 table service restaurants for us now. Corn bisque was surprisingly complex, and the mahi was crazy good. Excellent service as well.

9/17- MK no G+. I grabbed a VQ for Tron, BG 6 using ATT cell service on my patio at BWV. Rope dropped SDMT, walked on to space, walked on to Buzz, VQ for Tron, back to SDMT for a 25 minute wait, posted 50. Party day is almost a ghost town compared to the crowds the evening before. Walked on to PoTC, 10 minute wait for JC, watched the parade from adventure land and headed back to BW for some pool time. Made everyone tap in at Epcot IG and grabbed a VQ for GotG right at 2. Headed over to Epcot at 6 for our Takumei-Tei reservation. Amazing meal and service, highly recommend. Raced over to GotG and made it right at 8:55, we were one of the last of the night to ride. Coolest ride going, we loved Tron but GotG takes the cake.

9/18 - After seeing some reports I switched our park reservation to Epcot, grabbed a VQ for GotG, switched back to AK and bought an ILL for FoP for 10:45. Rope dropped FoP with maybe a 15 minute wait, walked on to Navi, walked on to EE 3 times in a row, walked on to Kali, 10 minute wait on dinosaur, used our ILL for FoP, then had a snack and drink at Nomad. Took a 2 hour break, then headed to Epcot where I had purchased G+ that morning and stacked Remy, TT, and Soarin. Rode all 3 plus VQ for GotG I grabbed that morning, noshed around the world, grabbed the 6pm VQ for GotG, and watched the fireworks. EEH as fireworks were wrapping, 15 minute wait at Remy at 9:15, 20 minute wait at TT, VQ for GotG, finished the night with Spaceship Earth. Really productive, but massive day, both those parks requiring a ton of walking. Tomorrow is a well deserved break, pool day and a bit of work. We’ll be back at it Wednesday and I’ll report back. Sorry, pretty long, feel free to ask any questions!
Wow! You rode a lot of rides and had time to eat in the best restaurants on property! Well played my friend, I will use your itinerary as a guide.
This is day 3, and day 1 was Saturday we couldn’t get genie + to work till almost 745, and it seemed everyone we knew/saw had a similar issue. Yesterday wasn’t as bad but probably didn’t work till 7:08? But today it’s not working again!

Is this the new norm? Honestly I got back at 1am last night from the Halloween party, and to get up at 7, to not even be able to book my LLs is insane! Is everyone else having these issues?
This is day 3, and day 1 was Saturday we couldn’t get genie + to work till almost 745, and it seemed everyone we knew/saw had a similar issue. Yesterday wasn’t as bad but probably didn’t work till 7:08? But today it’s not working again!

Is this the new norm? Honestly I got back at 1am last night from the Halloween party, and to get up at 7, to not even be able to book my LLs is insane! Is everyone else having these issues?
Yes, there is a thread sharing others are experiencing the same. So sorry this is happening. Extremely disappointing for sure!
Lol we had the opposite experience in early-mid August. SO many coughing, sniffling, etc people everywhere, I was sure someone was coming home with something but we made it through without so much as a stomachache from my kiddo that gets them all the time!

I definitely noticed more cast members in masks than I thought would be, but not many guests.
Omg yes. I got home today and yesterday at HS we were waiting on line for a ride. The kids behind us kept bumping into me (I get it, they are kids). One was all sniffly and she sneezed all over my arm. *sigh* I ended up spraying sanitizer on my arm and her mom gave me such a dirty look. I mean I know she didn't do it on purpose but I don't even want my own kids boogers on me lol.

Anyway, great trip but packed! Some of the lines were insane. Over an hour for dinosaur, 2 hours for Navi, almost 3 at times for Remy. We went primarily for food and wine and had an amazing time. Friday was great at epcot until about 5/6ish and it was wall to wall by Canada and Rose and Crown. GOTG virtual queue took my friend about 90 minutes start to finish. AK was packed by like 12 on Saturday. It took about 40 minutes for FOP ILL. The Mexico boat was listed as a 40 minute wait. I usually go August but have been Easter and Thanksgiving and this seemed worse to me. The performances around the world were fun. All in all a great time. Oh went to Jellyrolls, such a great time! My favorite from France.


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