Here now, OMG buses.

Oh right Kelly! Here ya go!!!
•Latte: Espresso, steamed milk, and foam. Not sweetened in any way unless you ask for syrup or sugar in it.
•Cappuccino: Like a latte, only much more foam. Normally half milk or half foam, unless “wet” or “dry” is specified. This is also not sweetened. An “iced cappuccino” doesn’t really exist — since iced drinks are made without foam, an iced cappuccino is the same as an iced latte.
•Caramel Macchiato: Basically a vanilla latte with extra foam and gooey caramel drizzled on top. If it doesn’t taste sweet enough when you first try it, be sure to stir it well! Caramel sauce doesn’t really dissolve well in milk. If it’s still not sweet enough, ask for extra vanilla, not extra caramel. Macchiato, by the way, is pronounced “mah-kee-YAH-toe”.
•Americano: Espresso diluted with hot water until it’s roughly the strength of regular coffee. An Americano will usually have one more shot than a latte of the same size. Sometimes if the regular coffee you want hasn’t finished brewing yet and you don’t want to wait, the barista may offer you an Americano instead.
•Mocha: Espresso and steamed milk mixed with chocolate and served with whipped cream. Despite being chocolatey, these are not terribly sweet. If you don’t want to taste the espresso, try asking for flavor syrup (such as orange or raspberry) or try a white mocha instead.
•White Mocha: Espresso and steamed milk mixed with white chocolate syrup and served with whipped cream. These are a lot sweeter than regular mochas, but also a bit less healthy and a bit more expensive.
•Toffee Nut Latte: A latte flavored with toffee nut syrup, which tastes … well, toffee-like. Originally introduced as a seasonal drink, it appears to have been permanently added to the menu.
•Espresso: Just espresso, nothing more. A solo espresso is a single shot, which is a bit less than an ounce. A doppio espresso is two shots, a triple is three, and a quad is four.
•Espresso Macchiato: Espresso dropped into a cup of milk foam, and only foam. Like a small, extremely dry cappuccino. These are ordered not by cup size, but by the number of shots.
•Espresso Con Panna: Espresso in a big squirt of whipped cream. Also ordered by number of shots rather than cup size.
Non-Espresso Bar Drinks

•Hot Chocolate: Chocolate and steamed milk, with a little bit of vanilla added, served with whipped cream.
•Steamed Milk: Just steamed milk, usually with a bit of foam. Usually these are ordered with flavor syrup added, which used to be called a “steamer” but was changed to a “creme” when the creme Frappuccinos came out.
•Chai Latte: Sweetened Chai syrup (tea, spices, and sweetener) added to steamed milk and hot water. If you don’t want it so sweet or so milky, you can also get Chai made with a tea bag, which is black tea and spices without the extra stuff. Both versions have caffeine, since it’s made with black tea.
•Steamed Cider: Apple juice / cider (not sure what the distinction is) steamed to a nice hot temperature. You can also get plain, cold apple juice.
•Caramel Apple Cider: Steamed cider with cinnamon syrup, whipped cream, and caramel sauce.

Bolded mine...I think the cider is where the entire apple gets pulverized and used. If I remember right, it can look cloudy.

Ill say it again....

OMG! Is this still goIng!?!

All i meant to say was it was crowded on the buses and it seemed MK needed alot mote buses running
If you would please reread my post I did say it is rare, but happens. Also, while it is true that people using an ECV or wheelchair (I am not familiar with how a GAC works) are not guaranteed front of the line access for rides, they do receive front of the line access on many WDW rides and I fell that is the way it should be. What I am saying is it is abused by a small majority of people and I still stand by my statement.

My mom uses an ECV. I took her down there Sept 1st-8th and then again Oct 27th-Nov 4th. I wish you had been with us. At no time did we get front of the line access (and never have). In Sept we waited in the regular line for Haunted Mansion, just to be told that we had to go through the stretching room with everyone else. Due to her having problems with her eyes adjusting quickly from bright light to darkness, we explained that it would not be safe for her to go through the stretching room. Even though we had already waited in the regular line, the CM inside refused to let her use the back entrance and even said that they weren't stopping the moving walkway that day, because it was too crowded and they didn't have time. We didn't get to ride HM at all. Same thing at Peter Pan's Flight. The moving walkway couldn't be stopped so we didn't get to ride. We went through the regular line for Buzz Lightyear, (but she had to transfer from her ECV to a wheelchair). Once we got to the front where everyone else goes on the ride, we had to go through another door (behind that CM that loads everyone) and wait some more, before they would stop the moving walkway, so she could get on, so we waited a lot longer than people in the normal line. To ride Small World we got to go up the exit, but then she had to transfer to a wheelchair and we had to wait a good 20 minutes for the hanidcap boat to come around (they only had one handicap boat running that day). For everyone else the wait was five minutes, but for us it was over 25 minutes. Pirates of the Carribean was another ride we could not ride that day. They couldn't slow down the walkway for the People Mover, so we also didn't get to ride that. The Jungle boat cruise had just one handicap boat running that day and after a 30 minute wait we gave up and left. It had apparently came back through but had been used for regular guests so did not stop in the handicap area and the CMs forgot we were waiting there in the handicap waiting area. The wait for everyone else was five minutes. It was just another ride we didn't get to ride that day. This was in just one park in just one day. At AK, she wanted to ride the Safari. We waited in the regular line with everyone else, then had to exit out of the regular queue and go through a gate where we waited another 30 minutes for a handicapped truck. The wait for everyone else was only 10 minutes, but we waited over 40 minutes. We got to the Nemo show early where she could get a seat up close, but once we entered they told us we had to sit in the very back. I informed the CM that there was no way she could see that far and after alot of discussion they finally took us outside, then brought her back in down low where she could see. At DS we waited in the regular line for Toy Story Mania, then once we got past where you pick up the 3D glasses, we got pulled out to go to the handicapped line, where we had to wait for one of the only two handicapped cars they have running. Fantasmic we didn't even get to see, because all the handicapped spaces are up at the top of the theater and she can't see that far. Actually there are some handicapped seats down low, but they had 'regular' people sitting in them, that refused to move. Don't tell me people in ECVs get front of the line access. In almost every situation we waited longer than people in the regular lines and several rides we couldn't even get on.

As far as buses, after our last experience with people glaring and making comments, we chose to rent a car for both our Sept and Oct/Nov trips. It was just easier than dealing with all the negativity people have toward ECVs. Not only do you have to deal with other guests who resent waiting a minute or two for an ECV to load, but you have alot of bus drivers who resent ECVs and make no secret of it. Some of them just don't want to bother with an ECV and will just say their lift is broken. Once at PORS we waited through six buses and only got on the next bus, because I went inside to guest services to complain. One there were already two ECVs on the bus which was fine, but once there was just people sitting in those seats and the driver said he couldn't ask them to move (even though there were empty seats for them to move to), once a driver said there were too many people waiting, and the other three all said they had broken lifts.

One quick story about ECV negativity. One trip she was down there was a couple of years ago in Dec. We had went to see the Osborn Lights. We were standing right at the end of the street when the music started and the lights started dancing to the music. She was parked beside of my husband and I, sitting perfectly still when some idiot started backing up trying to get a perfect picture. She saw him getting ready to back into her and put her hand up and called to him that she was right there. The guy didn't listen and backed into her, stumbling into the basket on the front of the ECV. He had the nerve to glare at her and say something about damn scooters. She informed him, she was sitting still and he was the one who backed into her. He still glared at her and said scooters were a damn nuisance and should be outlawed in the parks. I said, 'no, tourists who don't look where they are going are the ones that should be kicked out'. This last trip, she was parked outside the restroom waiting for me, when some kid came running smack into the side of her parked ECV. The mom glared at her and told her to watch out. Uh no, watch your kid, he's the one who ran into a parked ECV.:sad2: My mom is really good with her ECV. In all the times she's gone down there, she has only ran into two people. I was one when I stopped too quick in front of her and the second was a friend of mine here on the DIS. On the other hand, every single trip we've been on, some idiot has ran into her (alot of times when she is parked perfectly still looking at something) and every single time they glare at her like it's her fault. Now she's almost hit people before, but again it's been when they've cut right in front of her or came to a sudden stop right in front of her.

Anyway, my long winded point is: come spend a day in the parks with us and you'll see having an ECV does not give you any perks. I love taking my mom to the WDW, but get alot more done alot quicker when she is not with us.
xipotec said:

Ill say it again....

OMG! Is this still goIng!?!

All i meant to say was it was crowded on the buses and it seemed MK needed alot mote buses running

I'm surprised you're surprised :) but if that's what you meant, saying it back in the original post probably would have saved a lot of bandwidth ;).
Anyway, Walt Disney World already has close to 300 buses. No idea how many bus drivers they employ, but the fleet itself is already larger than Lynx (Greater Orlando bus system). But it's not personalized transportation, and they're not likely to add buses in a quantity that will alleviate problems like those described in the original post.
My mom uses an ECV. I took her down there Sept 1st-8th and then again Oct 27th-Nov 4th. I wish you had been with us. At no time did we get front of the line access (and never have). In Sept we waited in the regular line for Haunted Mansion, just to be told that we had to go through the stretching room with everyone else. Due to her having problems with her eyes adjusting quickly from bright light to darkness, we explained that it would not be safe for her to go through the stretching room. Even though we had already waited in the regular line, the CM inside refused to let her use the back entrance and even said that they weren't stopping the moving walkway that day, because it was too crowded and they didn't have time. We didn't get to ride HM at all. Same thing at Peter Pan's Flight. The moving walkway couldn't be stopped so we didn't get to ride. We went through the regular line for Buzz Lightyear, (but she had to transfer from her ECV to a wheelchair). Once we got to the front where everyone else goes on the ride, we had to go through another door (behind that CM that loads everyone) and wait some more, before they would stop the moving walkway, so she could get on, so we waited a lot longer than people in the normal line. To ride Small World we got to go up the exit, but then she had to transfer to a wheelchair and we had to wait a good 20 minutes for the hanidcap boat to come around (they only had one handicap boat running that day). For everyone else the wait was five minutes, but for us it was over 25 minutes. Pirates of the Carribean was another ride we could not ride that day. They couldn't slow down the walkway for the People Mover, so we also didn't get to ride that. The Jungle boat cruise had just one handicap boat running that day and after a 30 minute wait we gave up and left. It had apparently came back through but had been used for regular guests so did not stop in the handicap area and the CMs forgot we were waiting there in the handicap waiting area. The wait for everyone else was five minutes. It was just another ride we didn't get to ride that day. This was in just one park in just one day. At AK, she wanted to ride the Safari. We waited in the regular line with everyone else, then had to exit out of the regular queue and go through a gate where we waited another 30 minutes for a handicapped truck. The wait for everyone else was only 10 minutes, but we waited over 40 minutes. We got to the Nemo show early where she could get a seat up close, but once we entered they told us we had to sit in the very back. I informed the CM that there was no way she could see that far and after alot of discussion they finally took us outside, then brought her back in down low where she could see. At DS we waited in the regular line for Toy Story Mania, then once we got past where you pick up the 3D glasses, we got pulled out to go to the handicapped line, where we had to wait for one of the only two handicapped cars they have running. Fantasmic we didn't even get to see, because all the handicapped spaces are up at the top of the theater and she can't see that far. Actually there are some handicapped seats down low, but they had 'regular' people sitting in them, that refused to move. Don't tell me people in ECVs get front of the line access. In almost every situation we waited longer than people in the regular lines and several rides we couldn't even get on.

As far as buses, after our last experience with people glaring and making comments, we chose to rent a car for both our Sept and Oct/Nov trips. It was just easier than dealing with all the negativity people have toward ECVs. Not only do you have to deal with other guests who resent waiting a minute or two for an ECV to load, but you have alot of bus drivers who resent ECVs and make no secret of it. Some of them just don't want to bother with an ECV and will just say their lift is broken.
Once at PORS we waited through six buses and only got on the next bus, because I went inside to guest services to complain. One there were already two ECVs on the bus which was fine, but once there was just people sitting in those seats and the driver said he couldn't ask them to move (even though there were empty seats for them to move to), once a driver said there were too many people waiting, and the other three all said they had broken lifts.

One quick story about ECV negativity. One trip she was down there was a couple of years ago in Dec. We had went to see the Osborn Lights. We were standing right at the end of the street when the music started and the lights started dancing to the music. She was parked beside of my husband and I, sitting perfectly still when some idiot started backing up trying to get a perfect picture. She saw him getting ready to back into her and put her hand up and called to him that she was right there.
The guy didn't listen and backed into her, stumbling into the basket on the front of the ECV. He had the nerve to glare at her and say something about damn scooters. She informed him, she was sitting still and he was the one who backed into her. He still glared at her and said scooters were a damn nuisance and should be outlawed in the parks. I said, 'no, tourists who don't look where they are going are the ones that should be kicked out'. This last trip, she was parked outside the restroom waiting for me, when some kid came running smack into the side of her parked ECV. The mom glared at her and told her to watch out. Uh no, watch your kid, he's the one who ran into a parked ECV.:sad2: My mom is really good with her ECV. In all the times she's gone down there, she has only ran into two people. I was one when I stopped too quick in front of her and the second was a friend of mine here on the DIS. On the other hand, every single trip we've been on, some idiot has ran into her (alot of times when she is parked perfectly still looking at something) and every single time they glare at her like it's her fault. Now she's almost hit people before, but again it's been when they've cut right in front of her or came to a sudden stop right in front of her.

Anyway, my long winded point is: come spend a day in the parks with us and you'll see having an ECV does not give you any perks. I love taking my mom to the WDW, but get alot more done alot quicker when she is not with us.
Seems like responding to rude comments was the desirable thing to do.

What if you make a cumulative list of extra waiting you had to do and, before the day is out, go to Guest Relations just after pulling some fastpasses and ask them to write out some permission slips (sometimes called re-entry passes) to let you bypass lines for some other attractions. Bus problems should be reported to GR also (better yet, call Disney Transport from your cell phone), to reinforce the idea that a driver who can't properly handle handicapped guests should radio for another bus on the spot and it comes well ahead of schedule.

What is Security willing to do to help clear non-handicapped people from handicapped areas as needed?

(Some rides at Magic Kingdom are not "accessible" and are grandfathered as such.)
xipotec said:

Ill say it again....

OMG! Is this still goIng!?!

All i meant to say was it was crowded on the buses and it seemed MK needed alot mote buses running

If you didn't include the references to strollers and scooters, this would have died a quiet death.

kaytieeldr said:
I'm surprised you're surprised :) but if that's what you meant, saying it back in the original post probably would have saved a lot of bandwidth ;).
Anyway, Walt Disney World already has close to 300 buses. No idea how many bus drivers they employ, but the fleet itself is already larger than Lynx (Greater Orlando bus system). But it's not personalized transportation, and they're not likely to add buses in a quantity that will alleviate problems like those described in the original post.

Yep. I have a well-placed source on the inside who tells me the number of buses in use at WDW currently stands at 319.
Good morning little buddies. Okay...I have gone through and deleted a ton of posts.
Here's how this is going to go.....when a webmaster has to get involved in a thread, it's bad. So, a big thankyou to WMKathy for her help yesterday while I was off having a life.
As of now....if there are posts here, regarding anything other than ECVs/strollers on buses/boats/monorails and they are not couched politely, they will be deleted. I am tired of this nonsense. Just because it was allowed to continue on another board does not mean it will happen here. So, either make your points politely or not at all. If you take issue with another poster, then either report it (if that is warranted) or move along without posting. Just because you don't agree with someone else's opinion or viewpoint does not give you license to scream bloody murder!!!
You don't care for a particular poster? Put them on ignore. Do NOT get into nasty, namecalling posts here. Anyone, anyone at all, will be subject to infraction points. It will not matter who you will get points!!!

Got it???? Good.

Carry on.
goofy4tink said:
As of now....if there are posts here, regarding anything other than ECVs/strollers on buses/boats/monorails and they are not couched politely, they will be deleted.
Whew! I was afraid you were going to remove the coffee tutorial!!!! :rotfl2:
As far as buses, after our last experience with people glaring and making comments, we chose to rent a car for both our Sept and Oct/Nov trips. It was just easier than dealing with all the negativity people have toward ECVs. Not only do you have to deal with other guests who resent waiting a minute or two for an ECV to load, but you have alot of bus drivers who resent ECVs and make no secret of it. Some of them just don't want to bother with an ECV and will just say their lift is broken. Once at PORS we waited through six buses and only got on the next bus, because I went inside to guest services to complain. One there were already two ECVs on the bus which was fine, but once there was just people sitting in those seats and the driver said he couldn't ask them to move (even though there were empty seats for them to move to), once a driver said there were too many people waiting, and the other three all said they had broken lifts.

My dad had a stroke and has limited mobility so when we go to WDW (or anywhere that requires all day walking or standing) he has to get an ECV. We could get a wheelchair but he doesn't want me to have to push him all day or be "stuck" with him if the group wants to split up. However, we've always had great experiences with bus drivers. I'm really sorry to hear that you had rude drivers!

My dad gets really embarrassed trying to load on the bus because some of them require you to back on to the ramp and it's not like most ECV users are used to backing up a ramp and trying to parallel park into a spot like they have to do on the buses. I don't think people who don't use ECV's realize that the bus loading process isn't an everyday experience for people on ECVs so they can't just whip on them in 2 seconds. My dad ends up getting nervous and he wants to hurry because he knows everyone's waiting to get on the bus and then he turns his wheel the wrong way or something and it takes even longer to get on and get "parked." He hates it. I would too if I felt like everyone was staring at me. But we've never really had anyone be rude.

We've always had bus drivers smile and try to help my dad and reassure him that he's doing a good job. The only time we couldn't get on a bus was when it was pouring rain and all the buses were full and they couldn't fit an ECV. The buses were also running slow because I'm sure they were running at capacity with the storm. But when we told the third bus driver that came by our stop that we couldn't get on any buses she called someone and the next bus driver stopped and said "I'm getting you on this bus!" She was so sweet and she got us on that bus!

Another random story of kindness (needed on this thread I think) was when we were at LC (same day as the above story). When we went in to eat there wasn't a cloud in the sky. We ate our meal and I went to the bathroom before we left and there was a lady in there soaking wet. She said it was pouring outside. Of course I was worried about the ECV (it had a cloth seat and we had sweaters and the like in the basket). When I went out to move the ECV I found out that one of the staff in LC saw it start to rain and he ran out, in the rain, and moved the 2 ECV's out front to under shelter so they wouldn't get wet! His shirt was soaked so I'm sure he was cold in that restaurant all day but I thanked him and even wrote Disney customer service about him and the bus driver mentioned above. That guy didn't have to run out there when he saw it raining but he did! And let me tell you, my dad was appreciative because he would not have enjoyed riding on a wet cloth seat all day!

So - those are my positive stories of riding in an ECV. My dad may have run into a couple of people by accident because as other posters mention they can't just stop an ECV and if you try to get through a crowd by cutting in front of an ECV they can't swerve. However, I constantly get run into by kids and I do not mind one bit! Let the kids be kids - it's not hurting me one bit. There are crowds, there are a lot of people just trying to get by and enjoy their day.

I feel bad for your post and some earlier ones about people feeling so uncomfortable on the buses that they stop riding them or constantly deal with rude people. I believe in karma so what goes around comes around in the end!!
Whew! I was afraid you were going to remove the coffee tutorial!!!! :rotfl2:
Heck no!! I need that tutorial myself!!!

So, we can discuss people that walk on both sides of the sidewalk, and ignore the whole 'stay to the right' thing??? That has got to be my biggest peeve at WDW.
Why, if I'm walking along the right side of the walkway, do those coming toward me feel I should over to allow them to go by??? Why do people have to take the entire walkway????
Heck no!! I need that tutorial myself!!!

So, we can discuss people that walk on both sides of the sidewalk, and ignore the whole 'stay to the right' thing??? That has got to be my biggest peeve at WDW.
Why, if I'm walking along the right side of the walkway, do those coming toward me feel I should over to allow them to go by??? Why do people have to take the entire walkway????

Depends... are theses looking right at you? Or are they staring up into the sky or over their shoulder?

I'm a wanderer. I don't feel that I have a right to both sides of the sidewalk, I just get distracted by the "oh, shiny!" and forget to look where I'm going. I'm not usually a menace to anyone though, as my husband does a good job of steering me away from trouble.

But I do get frequent lectures along the lines of, "How many times do I have to remind you? Walk on my right!" And then he sighs. :rotfl:

And I do agree that people who link arms and take up the whole sidewalk while charging ahead are annoying. I can't imagine they get very far in Disney crowds, though!
But Moooooom!!!! You are just no fun!!!!!:sad:

For those of you who don't usually frequent the Transportation Board, the hammer has just been dropped!!:cool2:

That's what I was thinking yesterday when Mom said she had requested the thread be moved to her board.

Lots of people in for a surprise. :rotfl:
I followed this thread over here, and this is my FIRST visit to the transportation board ever!

*Looks around* Is there a welcome committee, door prizes, free coffee?
I followed this thread over here, and this is my FIRST visit to the transportation board ever!

*Looks around* Is there a welcome committee, door prizes, free coffee?

Welcome to the Transportation Board! :dance3:There is tons of great info here, but it's very different from the Theme parks board. ;)

The motto of the Transportation Board is "there is no pixie dust on the Transportation Board". :)
Good morning little buddies. Okay...I have gone through and deleted a ton of posts.
Here's how this is going to go.....when a webmaster has to get involved in a thread, it's bad.

I wondered where you were....and was quite surprised with how fast this thread blew up the way it did.

I also wonder why no one seems to complain about the monorail and the boats?:confused3

I have seen some pretty rude folks who stand in the way of the doors being opened and actually argue with the captain about it. I don't understand how rude people can be when they are only trying to make sure people are safe!
Depends... are theses looking right at you? Or are they staring up into the sky or over their shoulder?

I'm a wanderer. I don't feel that I have a right to both sides of the sidewalk, I just get distracted by the "oh, shiny!" and forget to look where I'm going. I'm not usually a menace to anyone though, as my husband does a good job of steering me away from trouble.

But I do get frequent lectures along the lines of, "How many times do I have to remind you? Walk on my right!" And then he sighs. :rotfl:

And I do agree that people who link arms and take up the whole sidewalk while charging ahead are annoying. I can't imagine they get very far in Disney crowds, though!

Ooooh, a 'shiny'...well, that explains it all then!!! No, these types usually look at me, and keep right on truckin'...seems that they pretty much expect me to move to the side to allow them complete access!!!
My park mantra nowadays??? 'Stay to the right people, stay to the right'. I do get some pretty funny looks!!!

I wondered where you were....and was quite surprised with how fast this thread blew up the way it did.

I also wonder why no one seems to complain about the monorail and the boats?:confused3

I have seen some pretty rude folks who stand in the way of the doors being opened and actually argue with the captain about it. I don't understand how rude people can be when they are only trying to make sure people are safe!
Oh, there is plenty of rudeness to go around at WDW. I have been told (not asked mind you) to please move over to allow a parent to board the monorail with their double stroller. Of course that now means that I am hugging some stranger!! Here's a thought...fold the bloody thing up and board like everyone else. Just because you can usually board with that monster, doesn't mean it's always possible!!!
Or the boats. Can't tell you how many times I've been seated on a boat, and be able to hear the 'discussion' between the captain and a mom with her stroller. 'Mam, you're going to have to fold up the stroller.'...'Oh, I don't see why. I have always been able to leave it unfolded.'...'I'm so sorry mam, but we have our full number of unfolded strollers now, we can't accommodate will have to take the child out and fold it.'.....'Well, I don't think that's fair...I should be able to leave mine unfolded just like others on the boat. What is your name??? I think you need to be retrained. The guest should always be listened to!!!!' Yep, that's pretty much how one conversation went. Had to feel badly for the captain.
I followed this thread over here, and this is my FIRST visit to the transportation board ever!

*Looks around* Is there a welcome committee, door prizes, free coffee?
Welcome to our humble little home!!! As noted already, there is little room for pixiedust blowing here. You may not get the answers you are looking for here, but you will get the correct info!! Many find us to be harsh and unfeeling...nothing could be further from the truth. We are truthful and up front. We want everyone to have the best info they can get...and if that means telling you something you may not want to hear, well be it.
All I ask is that when giving out answers, we all try to do so politely. There is no room for snarkiness here. Well, other than me, anyway!!!
So, welcome. I hope you have good times here. We are a friendly bunch..usually.
I followed this thread over here, and this is my FIRST visit to the transportation board ever!

*Looks around* Is there a welcome committee, door prizes, free coffee?
:welcome: to tge Transportation Board!
No door prizes - lots of good, down-to-earth information though.
Coffee? See the soon-to-be-classic tutorial on about page 35 :teeth: and remember - this is Starbucks' "get one for a friend" weekend.
I wondered where you were....and was quite surprised with how fast this thread blew up the way it did.

I also wonder why no one seems to complain about the monorail and the boats?:confused3

I have seen some pretty rude folks who stand in the way of the doors being opened and actually argue with the captain about it. I don't understand how rude people can be when they are only trying to make sure people are safe!

OK, I'll bite! LOL My pet peeves are (again) huge strollers that people wheel on the monorail, then proceed to take the children out, so then they take up another seat. :rolleyes1 This is not a problem at *non-busy* times, but can be very frustrating at peak times. The other *peeve* is when you get to your destination, the parent then decides the children need to be buckled back in the stroller before exiting, so block the entire middle section to do this :confused: OK, rant over ;)

Actually, I have very few complaints about the monorail and boats - love them ::yes::
goofy4tink said:
Heck no!! I need that tutorial myself!!!

So, we can discuss people that walk on both sides of the sidewalk, and ignore the whole 'stay to the right' thing??? That has got to be my biggest peeve at WDW.
Why, if I'm walking along the right side of the walkway, do those coming toward me feel I should over to allow them to go by??? Why do people have to take the entire walkway????

Because not all cultures think of the right as right. The entire walk is an entirely different story though.

Hoping not to get in trouble posting on a topic that is not talk about boats, busses, monorail but since you posted the warning then did not follow the topic, I should be safe.


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