Here Now! Rider Switch Update!

No. That's not the point of it. At all.

The point of RS is so that the tall enough riders in a party can all ride without a long wait when you have a too short child.

Letting other kids in the party reride is a bonus.

Here. Consider our situation and it will show you that the talk enough kid rerides are an extra. We are a family of three. So when we went to the park with our 17 month old and everyone wanted to ride Indy, we used RS. The rest of them all went while I waited with ds. They came back, handed me the switch pass, and I went. No son. Because the switch is for ME, the adult, so all the tall-enoughs can ride without having to wait through the entire line time twice.

Now I was able to take my sis in law with me so I wasn't alone. But the point wasn't for her to reride. The point was for me to *ride* and the pass allowed for me to not be alone.

From the first two posts I'm still unclear on the issues and needs for letters. Since the parent waiting with the little one is passing them off to the other adult, I don't know what naps, diapers, etc have to do with it. Hand the child over to the parent that just rode and go on the ride.

I couldn't hand over my child and go on the ride. Even by myself! That was the point of my whole post. Exactly what you stated is not even possible. That's why I wrote this (from here at the park) to let people know about this very big change that is going to make the time spent at certain attractions as a family with younger children incredibly long and tedious.

And no, you are wrong. The CM told both my husband and I (with BOTH children in the FP queue, since that seems to be a particular issue for many of you out there) that my son was absolutely able to ride with me a second time. We didn't even ask for this. She offered! The problem on that end is the technology. The extra FP ticket she scanned to my son's card never showed up on my phone in the App. Now, had we decided to wait the extra 40 minutes until my "new" FP activated (again, this was after I already waited an hour for my original FP that I pulled from MP to activate, which to me seems unfair and excessive) then returned to the FP queue, I'm sure with my husband and daughter standing there the CMs would've let my son on with me. There are definitely bugs in their system still and they know it. The point was that all told that would've meant the time spent at Star Tours:

1 hour for three FPs to be valid

10 minute wait to get to front of FP line to get Rider Switch

20 FP line wait time to get on ride for 1st party.

40 additional wait for New Rider Switch FP to be valid!

10 minute wait to get to front of FP line with everyone there so we could explain to CMs what happened and that my son's Rider Switch FP never showed up. (Again, to be clear, the CM offered this, so it must be allowed under their policy. No cheating comments please.)

20 FP line wait time for 2nd party to ride.

That delay in not being able to "hand and go" is the problem and in my opinion unfair. I waited the full hour like the rest of you for my original FP to be valid. Why am I penalized with an additional wait time? I would have preferred to immediately switch. If that had been possible, my son and I (like you and your sis in law) would've ridden together right away. But that's not the policy anymore.
From the first two posts I'm still unclear on the issues and needs for letters. Since the parent waiting with the little one is passing them off to the other adult, I don't know what naps, diapers, etc have to do with it. Hand the child over to the parent that just rode and go on the ride.

I will at least explain what I find disappointing about the change... it is the removal of flexibility. The rider swap in the past having the flexibility to either rice immediatley or in an hour or later on in the day is what was really valuable to me. Because it just never fails that as soon as it's my turn to ride *something* is going to happen that interferes with it. Like a poopy diaper. If I'm at the park with a friend for instance, I'm not going to ask her to change my son's poop so I can ride a ride. Fair or not, my husband is not generally going to change said poopy diaper so I can ride a ride. It's usually me. Now in the past this was no big deal because I could change the diaper and get him all sorted out then ride whenever. But now, you really have a time constraint. If you miss it, you're screwed. I know people will say it doesn't take an hour to change a poopy diaper but what if you were waiting and doing something else because your window wasn't open by the time the first party was done riding. And then you rush back to make it before your swap expires. And that is the moment a diaper blowout happens, it's Murphy's Law. So you might miss it.

Even with all of the flexibility, I still have never ridden Indiana Jones since we bought our passes in February because something has always come up. That ride takes so long for the first party that by the time they are down we had to leave for a nap or the ride was down, etc, etc. Conversely I frequently ride CS and we swap immediately because that line moves fast and it's easy to keep my child entertained on the carousel next door while we do it.

Anyway, the new rider swap is no more convenient than just getting fast passes and waiting for each other to ride. Actually it's less convenient because you don't always know *when* your rider swap window will open... and if you don't know when it opens, how do you know when it closes? Makes it pretty hard to plan. You have to wait until it appears on your app right?

also, I don't personally care about anyone riding with me, I just enjoyed the flexibility to ride anytime during that same day. It helped this mom ride a lot of the big rides that I otherwise wouldn't have gotten on. And if this is the way it is now I probably just won't ride the big rides frequently. It's just disappointing compared to how it used to be.
I totally agree with the whole baby at the front with CM's to check and make sure there's actually a non-rider involved! I'm sure people were abusing it before and that makes sense. Honestly, even immediate return times would be preferable to wasting 30 mins, an hour, whatever in between the two parents riding.

I agree with all of this. I have always been surprised how many rides the CMs don't ask to see the child. I usually bring him up anyway but most rides they just didn't care, especially CS where you get the rider swap ticket right before you board.
I will at least explain what I find disappointing about the change... it is the removal of flexibility. The rider swap in the past having the flexibility to either rice immediatley or in an hour or later on in the day is what was really valuable to me. Because it just never fails that as soon as it's my turn to ride *something* is going to happen that interferes with it. Like a poopy diaper. If I'm at the park with a friend for instance, I'm not going to ask her to change my son's poop so I can ride a ride. Fair or not, my husband is not generally going to change said poopy diaper so I can ride a ride. It's usually me. Now in the past this was no big deal because I could change the diaper and get him all sorted out then ride whenever. But now, you really have a time constraint. If you miss it, you're screwed. I know people will say it doesn't take an hour to change a poopy diaper but what if you were waiting and doing something else because your window wasn't open by the time the first party was done riding. And then you rush back to make it before your swap expires. And that is the moment a diaper blowout happens, it's Murphy's Law. So you might miss it.

Even with all of the flexibility, I still have never ridden Indiana Jones since we bought our passes in February because something has always come up. That ride takes so long for the first party that by the time they are down we had to leave for a nap or the ride was down, etc, etc. Conversely I frequently ride CS and we swap immediately because that line moves fast and it's easy to keep my child entertained on the carousel next door while we do it.

Anyway, the new rider swap is no more convenient than just getting fast passes and waiting for each other to ride. Actually it's less convenient because you don't always know *when* your rider swap window will open... and if you don't know when it opens, how do you know when it closes? Makes it pretty hard to plan. You have to wait until it appears on your app right?

also, I don't personally care about anyone riding with me, I just enjoyed the flexibility to ride anytime during that same day. It helped this mom ride a lot of the big rides that I otherwise wouldn't have gotten on. And if this is the way it is now I probably just won't ride the big rides frequently. It's just disappointing compared to how it used to be.
Since you haven't gotten on Indy 6 months, have you tried single rider or FP while your husband stays at the hotel for a nap? No, it's not a rider swap, but it's a way you could get on the ride, which rider swap hasn't seemed to work to accomplish yet.
Since you haven't gotten on Indy 6 months, have you tried single rider or FP while your husband stays at the hotel for a nap? No, it's not a rider swap, but it's a way you could get on the ride, which rider swap hasn't seemed to work to accomplish yet.

I have not yet but it's a good idea. I think a better idea would be me using a FP on Indy and my husband not riding at all but somehow that never seems to happen, sigh.
I have not yet but it's a good idea. I think a better idea would be me using a FP on Indy and my husband not riding at all but somehow that never seems to happen, sigh.
I was actually going to ask if you ever ride first and he waits. But then again, the baby could poop before or after the ride, too. The good news is they are eventually potty trained, it won't last forever.
I was actually going to ask if you ever ride first and he waits. But then again, the baby could poop before or after the ride, too. The good news is they are eventually potty trained, it won't last forever.

For clarity's sake, it's not always a poop that causes a delay, sometimes it's Because we have to leave for a nap or because child needs a substantial meal or he's getting overheated and we need to go somewhere with AC or any number of things that seem to happen with toddlers. Luckily he usually only poops once a day, ha ha.
For clarity's sake, it's not always a poop that causes a delay, sometimes it's Because we have to leave for a nap or because child needs a substantial meal or he's getting overheated and we need to go somewhere with AC or any number of things that seem to happen with toddlers. Luckily he usually only poops once a day, ha ha.
Ok, this is way OT, but my cousin's kid used to get so excited when I'd come over to play with him, he'd poop. Like, she'd say to me, no worries, he pooped an hour ago, and without fail, she'd leave, and he'd poop again! He's also kind of a brat compared to her other ones. He got super indignant about me not having a present for him, just because, and copped an attitude (he's 6 now) and I sort of glared at him and thought "You expected me to touch your poop, and now you expect presents too?" I might say that when he's 16 if he asks for a car.
What does the price of admission have to do with it? If you feel that you won't be able to do enough rides and attractions to make the cost of the ticket worth it to you, don't go. There are people who enter the parks every day who for whatever don't do a single ride. There are people who spend the exact same or more on tickets that you do who will never go on certain rides for a variety of reasons. Disney doesn't owe them FP because they missed other rides. Going to the parks was still a choice that they made based on their own circumstances.

This is comparable to when Disney started enforcing return times on FP and people couldn't collect all day and go around line hopping at night. There was an operational reason that they couldn't maintain that system, and now there is one that they can't maintain this one.

I don't understand the confusion. The changes to RS devalues the experience for families with young children. Previously when we've used RS I've switched off with my DH to ride the height restricted ride with our child who can ride it. We did it either immediately or later that day depending on how circumstances work out. From the new update families cannot necessarily do it right away but may be left waiting for RS to be used which narrows their options and limits their ability to enjoy themselves. It makes RS a penalty instead of a help. I still don't understand why you are so bothered by our concerns. From your POV what does it matter? RS is basically a delayed FP. Families have to wait for it so it's not some perk you are being denied. If you care about it you can pay for MP and not have to worry about people with FP or RS somehow getting in your way. Families with young children have no choice but to figure out how best to plan their time and are not doing so to inconvenience anyone.

I remember that old commercial about going to Disneyland and the mom saying they could go when the baby could walk and everyone was encouraging the baby to walk. If these new changes make it harder for families more people will wait until their children reach minimum height because it's too inconvenient otherwise which is sad. Maybe people who dislike children want that but I think Disneyland should be fun for everyone including those with small children.
Really hoping this thread doesn't go sideways like the previous one that was closed.

Poptart, I appreciate your "in park" experience and update with rider swap this week. I'm eager to hear more from families who are in the parks.. as I'm prepping/planning for our trip in two weeks, and the changes to RS will change our plans for sure.
Really hoping this thread doesn't go sideways like the previous one that was closed.

Poptart, I appreciate your "in park" experience and update with rider swap this week. I'm eager to hear more from families who are in the parks.. as I'm prepping/planning for our trip in two weeks, and the changes to RS will change our plans for sure.

I'm leaving tomorrow morning and will be in the parks in less than 24hrs!!!! I'll try to get as many answers as possible!
Really hoping this thread doesn't go sideways like the previous one that was closed.

Poptart, I appreciate your "in park" experience and update with rider swap this week. I'm eager to hear more from families who are in the parks.. as I'm prepping/planning for our trip in two weeks, and the changes to RS will change our plans for sure.

I want to hear more "real" experiences as well!

The best solution for us right now is to email Disney Guest Services and express how the new change is unrealistic for parents and ask them to reconsider the rules. Maybe party 2's rider swap becomes good the second party 1 enters the ride, but party 2 has 3 hours to use it. That way, whether party 1 takes 30 min or 1 hour to finish the ride, that still leaves plenty of time to ride for party 2 as well (whether immediately or a few hours later).
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I apologize if I came off rude in a previous post. Thanks for the on site updates!!! This is a big deal to my family and I so we appreciate any knowledge we can get before we go!!! It is so important to how we plan!!!
I appreciate this update too. Thank you. Like a poster in another thread, I didn't know that adults visited Disneyland on their own until I started researching here for our little family with young kids. I did run in the inaugural Disneyland half marathon years ago and I must admit that I was a little embarrassed. I kept thinking, I'm an adult, what am I doing here??? Anyway, I hope they can make improvements to the RS program before we go in February. Otherwise, I will likely be the one to go without riding the height restricted rides.
Today's update!

Ok, got 3 MP for Soarin'. All went up to FP queue. Asked for RS. CM asked if I would like my son to come back on with me. Yes, please. Handed park tickets...

This time my original FP did not drop off. But two new FP (me & son) were added to my phone app. So now unlike yesterday's experience, I have a solo FP ride (I won't be able to use it within the return time however) and another FP return for an hour away with my son.

So here's my question: do I even need to obtain a FP personally for an attraction we are using RS at? They have never checked my ticket to confirm, nor even asked for it. Maybe that's not even necessary. Maybe that's a step I could skip? I'm going to check this out with our Star Tours MP tonight. DH and DS have MP again. I opted for Space. Will see if I'm allowed (under their policy!!) a RS for Star Tours...stay tuned!

And thanks for keeping the thread going. I read so much of what you all write at home! Thanks for helping me and hopefully I can help a little too. In the spirit of asking questions and giving opinions, right??!! LOL
Stay is, after all Disneyland!!!!!
Waaaaaa-hoooooo! Oh, and Kobe Bryant just walked by! ;)
Today's update!

Ok, got 3 MP for Soarin'. All went up to FP queue. Asked for RS. CM asked if I would like my son to come back on with me. Yes, please. Handed park tickets...

This time my original FP did not drop off. But two new FP (me & son) were added to my phone app. So now unlike yesterday's experience, I have a solo FP ride (I won't be able to use it within the return time however) and another FP return for an hour away with my son.

So here's my question: do I even need to obtain a FP personally for an attraction we are using RS at? They have never checked my ticket to confirm, nor even asked for it. Maybe that's not even necessary. Maybe that's a step I could skip? I'm going to check this out with our Star Tours MP tonight. DH and DS have MP again. I opted for Space. Will see if I'm allowed (under their policy!!) a RS for Star Tours...stay tuned!

And thanks for keeping the thread going. I read so much of what you all write at home! Thanks for helping me and hopefully I can help a little too. In the spirit of asking questions and giving opinions, right??!! LOL
Stay is, after all Disneyland!!!!!
Waaaaaa-hoooooo! Oh, and Kobe Bryant just walked by! ;)
You've never needed a FP if you're the 2nd swapper. That's one of the reasons people feel it's a system that can be "abused."

At Disney World, it means parties of two with a little one can book 6 FPs in day instead of 3.
You've never needed a FP if you're the 2nd swapper. That's one of the reasons people feel it's a system that can be "abused."

At Disney World, it means parties of two with a little one can book 6 FPs in day instead of 3.
It really is a much bigger advantage at Disney World where three of the four parks have tiering to contend with.
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Today's update!

Ok, got 3 MP for Soarin'. All went up to FP queue. Asked for RS. CM asked if I would like my son to come back on with me. Yes, please. Handed park tickets...

This time my original FP did not drop off. But two new FP (me & son) were added to my phone app. So now unlike yesterday's experience, I have a solo FP ride (I won't be able to use it within the return time however) and another FP return for an hour away with my son.

Did you notice the standby time when you were issued the RS?


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