"Hey look a Chevy truck"- Spring Break 2016 **Updated 5/28**

I just binge read this TR so far and I have to say that I've really enjoyed it. The crowds look really thick, but you and your dad seem to have managed well despit them and you guys have taken so many great photopass pictures! I wish I was that great at stopping for pictures.
I just binge read this TR so far and I have to say that I've really enjoyed it. The crowds look really thick, but you and your dad seem to have managed well despit them and you guys have taken so many great photopass pictures! I wish I was that great at stopping for pictures.
Hey! :wave2: Thanks! I love your trip reports! I lurk in the background ha ha :) The crowds were really bad :crowded: Maybe a little bit thicker then last year but after getting acclimated to it, we did manage it really well I feel. I was on a mission to get as many photopass pictures as possible. Trying to get my money's worth :thumbsup2
Day 7-Magic Kingdom
Friday March 25th

The alarm went off around 5:00ish and off we went on our last park day :( Somehow we got ready and made it to the bus stop by 6:00am on the money.

We joined the other half awake people on the bus we got to Magic Kingdom and found a viewing spot for the welcome show.

I don’t think I’ve ever been here when it’s still dark out…

Our fastpasses for the day were:
Seven Dwarfs Mine Train 10:20-11:20
Splash Mountain 12:25-1:25
Jungle Cruise 1:30-2:30

We again didn’t have a real plan so we decided to go visit Space Mountain

Again we waited until it was actually up and running :) perks of rope drop

Afterwards we thought about going again but Buzz was calling us! :)

Again it was a walk on, so much so…

Round #1 :-)

Round #2 :P
Gotta find time to eat breakfast :)

Round #3 :D

Round #4 :thumbsup2

Round #5 :rotfl:

I scanned my band and my Dad’s since the last ones didn’t show up. I don’t remember actually trying to get points towards the end, we were just being silly.

We decided to go see Frontierland and Big Thunder Mountain

We cut through Adventureland and cut through and saw a massive amount of people…

This was the end of the line for Big Thunder… Oh my gracious!

We had already committed to the line might as well see it through. Since it was 8:04, thanks timestamp, it just opened. The line moved quickly though, 10 minutes later we were at the front :)

We passed a CM along the way and he said “What did you all do? Spend the night?”

The plan after that was Haunted Mansion
Yes again :lovestruc

I know people wonder why it seems like we spend so much time at Mk, which is true but i love it on days like this. When we have no rush and we can just take our time and do whatever we want

So the next idea we came up with was I wanted coffee… So we decided to head towards Starbucks,

But we may or may not became a little side tracked…

Ok back to my coffee mission, but instead of walking we decided to go by train, it was 9:15 and we still had time

We ended up waiting 15 minutes until the train came around. Which was fine because we weren’t in a hurry and made friends with the family in front of us. The little boy loved my shirt. He kept pointing and saying “dragon” and “Mickey witch”. He was cute. We grabbed a seat in the middle and relaxed until we hit Main Street

We made our way up Main Street and found our little bench area that we sat at last time :)

I left my Dad and I went to tackle the crowds. They weren’t that bad this time around but still it was busy.

My Dad got a hot chocolate which shouldn’t be a WOW thing but my Dad hates coffee, anything relating to coffee, so him asking for something from Starbucks was crazy

I sent my Mom proof. She texted back “never thought I’d see the day” ha ha

After enjoying my coffee and my Dad having his first ever Starbucks drink, we made our way to our first fastpass of the day, feels like we’ve been here all day already and it’s only 10:15.

But first… a photopass because it does feel like we’ve been here all day but we haven’t taken a photopass picture yet.. What is going on here ha ha


Ok photopass done.. Mine Train time :)

It was looking like last row again, but sadly row 9. Close enough to the end.. That’s my new favorite :)

I really do love that ride :)

We decided to stick around New Fantasyland because we had an 11:30 lunch reservation at Be Our Guest and it was 10:30 now.

So we parked ourselves and relaxed.. And people watched because it’s a nice way to pass time too

We decided to head towards Be Our Guest a little bit before.. I know they don’t let you check in until at least 5 minutes before :) But we saw something

Then the photopass guy said “Come on your family look at each other lovingly”

Ha ha :laughing::lovestruc

That passed the time nicely and now it was lunch time

We checked in and since we preordered we skipped the line, cashed out our quick service credits, and were given a yellow rose…. Ohh special

We have eaten in all the rooms except the West Wing so we decided we would look and see if there were any seats available.

We actually found a table. I’m saying sometimes being a party of 2 makes it a little easier..

I took a picture and my Dad tells me you won’t be able to see anything.. With my phone yeah but my camera takes decent pictures

Our food actually took a while, longer then it has in years past. 15 minutes maybe… but again.. We’re in no hurry so we relaxed in the cold dark room. Honestly it’s a surprise I didn’t fall asleep ha ha.

I used the light from my cell phone to take a picture, hence why it looks the way it does ha ha.

Of course we both got the grey stuff cupcakes, maybe one day I’ll get something new

It was noon now and really starting to get full. So we finished up our food and packed it up. Not 5 seconds after we got up does someone take our seats.

We had a few minutes until our Splash Mountain window opened so that’s the next destination.

As soon as we got in line the sprinkles started up. Again, I kept saying ‘not the front row’ like we’ve had in the last few years, especially with my Dad getting sick last year. No need to chance it now…

Thankfully we got third row. I made sure to sit on the left row so I would get the waterfall spray towards the end of the ride…

Thankfully, we didn’t get soaked this time :thumbsup2

It was around 1 and we had a 1:30 fastpass to get to.

The window opened up and off we went to get in line.

It was 1:36 according to the time stamp, when we got in line.

Something happened when we were in line that kinda irked me. A teenage girl goes up to the CM and says “my friends are in there can I go to them?” The CM just kind of looked at her, the girl tells the CM that she went to get a dole whip and doesn't know where they are in line. The CM reluctantly said ok and let her through

She ended up on the same boat with us and she never found her friends…. :confused: :mad: :sad2:



Oooooo Ahhhhhh

After our cruise it was about 2 and we had planned to catch a spot for Festival of Fantasy. But first a fastpass for the evening. I ended up with Pirates from 8:15-9:15pm.

Afterwards, I made a bathroom stop and found a nice little spot right in front of The Diamond Horseshoe. My Dad sat on the little railing and I stood up against the rope and we just waited.

I kept checking accuweather and looking at the rain that was rolling in. I put my poncho on just in case…

A few minutes before 3, the clouds just opened up!

Eventually I gave up and joined the crowd under the awning of The Diamond Horseshoe.

Some people decided to tackle the rain.

Then it picked up and everyone took cover.

Eventually they announced the parade was delayed until weather subsides. But at this point, I didn’t think it would happen for awhile, it was showing it raining for a while.

So we decided to call it an afternoon because 1) the parade was really all we were staying for and now it's rained out and 2) I need to start packing :sad:

So we joined the masses of people that were at the bus stop around 3:45

It was madness I tell you, but it’s normal for lines after rain and at this time of day. So we just joined the line and got out of the rain.

About 45 minutes later we ended up on a bus, standing, but on a bus. I was holding on to the railing by the door and hoping I don’t get thrown out.

On the drive back to the resort I overhear this woman next to us having a very heated conversation with someone. It took us a little while to catch on to it. From what we caught, it was about her and her family were scheduled to catch a Magical Express at a certain time and they missed it because they were still at the Magic Kingdom and they couldn’t catch a bus back because everyone else was leaving and the busses took too long to come pick up. She kept asking the person on the other line “What are you going to do to fix this problem?” I feel for you lady but honestly what can they do for you. You just have to hope that you can make it to the airport on time and to your gate.

We made it back to the room about 5:00 ish. We did some packing and decided to go and grab some dinner around 6:45.

My Dad went with the chicken

I went with chicken parmesan

And some tie-dye cheesecake

We had a nice dinner in the same little area we sat in all week. Next to the ice cream area. While we were there we saw a group of 7 or 8 people next to us, from what it sounded like they were saying, they were from Japan. They were looking over maps and papers. I got a little sad because you see them, people whose trip is just starting and they seem so excited about what’s coming up. Then there’s us who are on our last night, packing up and getting ready to go home. My Dad and I were watching them trying to figure out what their plan is. Then we laughed because clearly one guy was the tour guide/leader and man would I want that job. Do they pay him to come along? Does he fly with them? I’m really wondering now… :idea: :scratchin

We made it to the bus stop by 7:15

It had cleared up nicely and was still a little cloudy :goodvibes

A few minutes later we were on the bus and off to the Magic Kingdom for the last time this trip

There was a gorgeous sunset on the way in the parking lot


I wanted a picture of Main Street because I just love it at night!

It was around 8:00 and we were headed to Pirates but I had to make a quick pit stop to the bathroom. For reasons I have yet to understand myself. My bra came unhooked ha ha. I honestly have no idea what happened… maybe with the moving of my stuff trying to pack or when I laid down on the bed for a little bit

After I fixed myself I kept hearing yelling and cheering, the CM’s had made a little tape square about 4 inches by 4 inches in the middle of the walkway by the bride next to Crystal Palace and they would cheer every time someone stepped in it. Some people had no idea what was going on and would keep walking, some caught on and would keep coming back to it just to get the CM’s cheering. I walked by while a little kid was dancing on the square.

I told my Dad what had happened and he just laughed.. Back to our next destination. We made it to Pirates and used our fastpass.

We got stuck.. Next to getting stuck on the PeopleMover for a few minutes this was the only time we got stuck on anything this trip… Not bad I say :thumbsup2

We decided to try and get one more fastpass this trip so that was my next stop. I went to the stop by The Diamond Horseshoe while my Dad went to the bathroom.

The CM called me up and I was looking at things on the screen when he asked me if I needed any help, I looked up and said no thanks. When I looked up I read his nametag. I was so excited because he was from my hometown! In all the years I’ve looked for my hometown or where I live now and no such luck. However, on our last night at our last fastpass stop I find someone. I couldn't help but stop and talk to him for a little bit about how long he’s worked here and he asked me where I live now too.. Plus, I was on the lookout for my Dad, he would be excited too!

When my Dad showed up I pointed out where he was from and my Dad was so excited too! He just had to take a picture with him! :laughing:

Thanks Ray for taking a picture with my Dad! :thumbsup2:goodvibes

When all's said and done I ended up with a 10:50 Big Thunder Mountain fastpass. I really think that it was our ride. Every trip there is a ride that we end up riding over and over and it becomes our ride, 2 years ago was Pirates last year was Haunted Mansion. This year had to be Big Thunder Mountain

It was around 9 and the fireworks were getting ready to start and the Electrical Parade wouldn’t be far behind. So we decided to park it at our other traditional spot by Liberty Square Market and just people watch and take in our last night.

But we needed some Mickey bars of course.


10:20 rolls around and the parade makes it this way. Of course the people in front of us try and sit on the railing or stand on the cement planter part. We may have made some noises of disapproval. Eventually they sat back down.

We let the crowd thin out a little by us before we make our move to Big Thunder. We make it over around 11 and use our last fastpass. My Dad said “and that’s the end” when the ride was finished but it also kinda ended the trip.

But first we had our traditional last ride around the PeopleMover.

But before that… photopass :)

Ha ha oh my Dad and his jacket. If you look in other pictures you’ll probably see the same stain. Apparently this time he washed his hands he said the kid in front of him flooded the sink and got water everywhere and he leaned into when he washed his hands :rotfl:

One last photopass picture for the trip :sad1:

We make it to the PeopleMover and ride our farewell ride before we make it out of the park. But first a stop at the Confectionary for some snacks. My Dad bought my Mom a rice krispies treat like every year and I grabbed the honey spoons. I had heard so much about them and as a tea lover I knew I had to get them. (ps. They are amazing and I do love them!!)

We went out the side door. I didn’t even say goodbye to the castle… it may have been less emotional in the end if I didn’t :thumbsup2

We made it to the bus stop and surprisingly only waited about 15 minutes. There was a stretch bus that pulled up and we stood in the back. Which was fine because the group of ladies around us were in good spirits. Because the bus played 80’s music and we had a karaoke session going on. I may or may not have joined in when Girls Just Wanna Have Fun ha ha The poor people around us kept laughing and staring :rolleyes1:rotfl::laughing:

We made it back to the resort and back to our room. I showered and did some packing. According to my fitbit I was asleep asleep by 1:30ish.

Step count for the day:

Day 8-Travel Day
Saturday March 26th
Sadly only one picture this day…

We woke up around 6ish. The plan was to eat breakfast come back and finish packing up. Our Magical Express pick up was set for 10:50.

We made it downstairs by 7 and grabbed breakfast and sat in our little seats that we’ve been sitting at all week.

We finish up breakfast and hit the gift shop one more time. I got a giftcard from one of my kiddos/families for Christmas.

I grabbed some last minute things for myself and some friends. I knew if I grabbed more stuff I would have to try and fit it in my suitcase somehow ha ha

I somehow fit everything I brought with me in my suitcase and my souvenirs and stuff in my carry-on and backpack. A little bit before 10 mousekeeping knocks on the door and I tell him to give us 5 more minutes, I had a few more things to make sure I had.

Exactly 5 minutes later he comes back… We grab all our stuff, wheel it downstairs, and found a spot and waited.

A Magical Express bus pulls up around 10:15ish and he asked us if this was our bus and when we told him no he said that we could come on this one if we wanted. So we agreed and jumped on this bus.

We made it to the airport with no tears.. Yay margaret… Checked in and dropped off our bags. My suitcase only weighed 48 pounds. Man I still had room for stuff :laughing:

We stopped at the Universal gift shop. My Dad loves the Minons and he wanted something.

We get to our gate and waited around for a bit before those infamous words showed up “delayed” our flight was scheduled for 1:03 and was now showing a departure time of 2:00. An hour doesn’t seem so bad. I have about a 2 hour layover in Dallas.

I asked a worker there and said if I miss this flight, could I get a seat on the next one. Well the next one wouldn’t be until 7:00.. The next morning… Ugh so I have to catch my flight or I’m stuck in Dallas for the night :sad1: :scared:

Eventually the plane shows up and we’re on our way… At 2:45. It’s a 2 and 1/2 hour flight. Meaning I would land at 4:15ish. We were wheels up closer to 3 and I was napping shortly after. I woke up a few times throughout the flight but the closer we got to Dallas the more worried I got that I would have to spend the night in Dallas.

We finally touched down in Dallas at 4:10. Of course we don’t get off the plane until 4:30 and then we’re off.

I was that person at the airport. The one’s that I’ve always said “ugh I hope I’m never running through the airport like that”:laughing:

My Dad and I got on the Sky Link and I get to my stop. I tell him bye and that I’ll see him later.

I made it to my gate and the lady at the front gate tells me “Is this your plane?” Well yes I sure hope so ha ha.

I made it on my plane yay!! I was literally the last person on the plane ::yes::
Again I was that person who I’ve said “Man I never want to be the last person on a plane” ha ha.

I sat down and then I remembered I haven’t gone to the bathroom since 1 and now it’s 5. Thankfully it’s a 45 minute flight and I’ll be home soon.

We landed after a really short flight, I figured my suitcase is probably stuck in Dallas and I wouldn’t get it until tomorrow. But I stopped and hoped I would see it. Hey look my suitcase showed up! Ugh major sigh of relief.

My ride picks me up and off to my house I go. I hadn’t even checked my phone until I get into the car and I take it off airplane mode. That’s when I get texts from my Dad said that his flight was delayed. He was supposed to leave at 5:30 but he didn’t leave until like 7ish.

I made it home, took a shower, and called my Mom. She was on her way to pick up my Dad. An hour or 2 later (I may have napped on the couch) My Mom texted me saying she picked up my Dad and they’re home.

I called it a night around 11 :)
Closing Thoughts

And yet another trip is in the books :)

This trip felt like a makeup trip after the years past. Yes we've had fun the last few times but this trip, I feel we really got to spend more time riding rides and having fun and less time worrying about whether or not we're sick or hurting.

Yes we've already started planning next years trip. I have had lots of people ask me, are you going with your Mom next or how about going with another friend. I feel like Disney is something that is just for me and my Dad. It's like hockey, it's something that we bond over and are so close because of it :lovestruc:hug:
Here's a bunch of pictures that my Dad found over the past few weeks :) ahh a walk down Disney lane








Man I rocked those lace leggings and hightops ha ha




o here we are 292-ish days out until next year and the planning has officially began #fatherdaughtertrippart4 coming next Spring Break! :cheer2::banana::Pinkbounc

:thanks:Thanks to everyone who followed along, I see my numbers moving up there. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did retelling it.
See you next time!

Wow, I can't believe it's done already.

First, I loved all your Buzz pictures, they cracked me up. You and your dad clearly know how to have fun!

Finding West Wing seating is awesome! Someday I want to find some, although they added mushrooms to my go to dish and I've never been fond of anything else on the menu so I don't foresee us going back anytime soon for lunch :/

Sorry that your parade got rained out. It looks terrible. Reminds me of the Halloween party we were at. But I agree with you that the lady in line clearly just didn't plan properly.

At least it looks like you had a great evening on your last night and wow you stayed late. Good for you.

Hey, it might have sucked to be 'that person' but at least you made the plane!

Very cute throwback pictures! I can't wait to follow along next time :)
I just read your whole report and enjoyed it a lot. Seems like you and your dad are great travel companions. I loved how you gave times for everything. I think we might have to go more on school holidays as DS gets older so seeing how much you accomplished was really helpful. All those 8:00 openings seemed awesome for getting things done. We are more late nighters though and it doesn't look from park hours like even mk was open past midnight except once. Maybe we would have to train for early/east coast time since we're coming from c alifornia


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