hey podcast team- do you read the blog comments?

Thanks to whoever deciphered this post to mean BLOG replies because it was driving me crazy. :rotfl: For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what the BOLD replies were. :confused3

well if you did find out what BOLD replies mean, you would be one smart cookie LOL since I dont even know and I wrote it! :rolleyes1
So bold + blog = water heaters.

This thread makes perfect sense. :upsidedow

To answer the OP, yes I read the replies to my blogs. I get notified when they come in and they always surprise me as I never expect much of a response.

I'm still getting used to it and don't know how much replying to the replies I'm supposed to do. I need a book on "Blog Etiquette" to figure this all out. :confused3

Well I can tell you that your blogging is stinkin' funny, so keep it up!! You def have a way to get the story across! :thumbsup2
Of course, I read the comments! The blogging would be no fun without them! :goodvibes
But, I am with Regina on replying to the replies; I have no idea if I am suppose to or not. :confused3
We went with a traditional tank.

The plumber suggested that we would lose a great deal of water pressure if we went "tankless".

He explained that the water had to move slower through the sytem in order to heat.

It might be a line....but he seemed honest in his opinion.

Hadn't heard the issue about the pressue - that's interesting. I'll have to look into that. Thanks!

Regina didn't have access to your water tank did she?

Did you get one of those new "tankless/instantaneous" or just a traditional one? We're getting ready to replace our water heater and are thinking about it.

Thats interesting.. I'll have to let DH know because we were thinking of going tankless..

I can't honestly speak from experience but if you get the tank less water heaters (gas) installed correctly then you should have no problem! DH works in the engineering dept for a utility company. Not sure if there are electric "tankless" water heaters is what the plumber was talking about but the gas ones work great! I know that the electric tank less systems are not able to push as much pressure. Don't take my word for it i'm not a plumber but I have seen the water pressure an gas Rinnai can put out!
Of course, I read the comments! The blogging would be no fun without them! :goodvibes
But, I am with Regina on replying to the replies; I have no idea if I am suppose to or not. :confused3

I know we all would love for you to all reply :thumbsup2 maybe you can ask the boss...
I'm still getting used to it and don't know how much replying to the replies I'm supposed to do. I need a book on "Blog Etiquette" to figure this all out. :confused3

It seems to be a matter of personal taste, as I read a number of blogs on different subjects, and some bloggers do reply to comments and some don't. I don't think there's an "etiquette" rule on this, just individual preferences and I'm sure different policies work better for different communities. I'm sure this one would love people replying to replies.
Of course, I read the comments! The blogging would be no fun without them! :goodvibes
But, I am with Regina on replying to the replies; I have no idea if I am suppose to or not. :confused3

Hey Julie - sorry to go totally off topic, but are those your dogs in the picture? I have a min-pin called Jasper that looks exactly like the one on the left - fab dogs!
Hey Julie - sorry to go totally off topic, but are those your dogs in the picture? I have a min-pin called Jasper that looks exactly like the one on the left - fab dogs!

Yes, those are our furry babies! :cutie:
Zoe (3 years) is on the left and Bailey (7 years) is the black and tan. They are great dogs and everytime I see a tiny new min pin it makes me want another, but then I remind myself that house training is not fun!
Yes, those are our furry babies! :cutie:
Zoe (3 years) is on the left and Bailey (7 years) is the black and tan. They are great dogs and everytime I see a tiny new min pin it makes me want another, but then I remind myself that house training is not fun!

Fab! If I could ever work out how to post a picture here I would treat you all to a picture of Japser The Wonderdog - the cutest dog in the world! :jumping3:


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