Holiday and Seasonal Recipe Swap


DIS Veteran
Feb 15, 2007
pretty in tink and I are hosting the Holiday and Seasonal Recipe Swap with sign-ups starting in mid-September. On my way home tonight, I was thinking about it and also about the Secret Sister/Buddy/Brother Swap. They collided in my thoughts and I started thinking about adding a Kids Group for recipes. Would any of the kids that are doing the buddy swap be interested in something like that? Maybe I'm dreaming too big here, but it could be the kids could scrap their favorite recipe or a recipe that they prepare or help prepare...:confused3

Any input? Haven't talked to pretty in tink about this yet because it's too late at night now, but didn't want to forget about this either.
My eldest would be able to do this. I wouldn't let my youngest, because he can not cut a straight line yet. ;)

Simple recipes that they can actually do with a little bit of oven help would make a nice book for them.

Keeping it to small groups 5 or less would work best for them. I know that makes a tiny book, but we do want them to have fun and not be work.
They could be small groups, no problem. Probably wouldn't be that many kids anyway. pretty in tink and I were thinking of doing the swap quarterly anyway, so this time would be winter holidays and other recipes with maybe some fall recipes thrown in since we are starting a bit late, then the next one would be spring and valentines, etc.

If they did a recipe each time, by the end of the year, they would have a collection.


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