Honey, dig out the Misty Mates! I think we're gonna need 'em again!

Disney Dancin'

Dancing at the Happiest Place on Earth!
May 7, 2010
First of all, there is something you all need to know about me. I get hot easily. Heat is not really my friend. Add in humidity, and I become a tick grumpy. It doesn't take much for me to feel I am in a constant state of hot flash. Always have been this way and perhaps always will. It is just a fact. So why is it that, for the fourth time, I am once again planning a trip to WDW in JULY? But yet, how is it, that once again, for the fourth time...that I can be soooo consumed with excitement that it doesn't matter one whit to me that it will be hotter than Hades as I return back to one of my most favorite places on earth??? My happiness in the prospect of immersing myself into conditions that normally make me a miserable wilted mess can only be explained away by knowing it is all made possible by visiting a silly little mouse-man and all of his little minions in their 4 magical kingdoms. Pure Disney imagineering at it's finest, I believe.

My endurance of park-hopping in July heat has spawned a wonderful new vocabulary that you may see me use scattered amongst my writings. Perhaps others have used this same form of heat-induced terminology, but in my mind, this language is unique and original to me and my family and friends. And, to my family's frequent chagrin, all to frequently used and abused. It is what I like to call the SW-factor. SW-factor vocabulary is created by simply applying the letters SW to the front of all different kinds of body parts in order to create a short cut way of describing the "sw"eatiness of said body part. For example, Sworehead. Swarms. umm, errr...Swass. Swoobies. I could go on, but I think you probaby get the jist, and it just gets more and more inappropriate as I go, so we will call it good. If you don't already use this vocab, but feel you would enjoy using it, please, by all means, feel free to join in. It never fails to help me keep on keeping on!

So, now really, let's get on with this crazy little thing called...a PTR. Our Disney trip is to take place June 29-July 10 - we are 41 days out!!! Yay! We are traveling to the World for my youngest DD's national dance competition which will be hosted at the Coronado Springs Resort, which is where we will be staying for the first time. We have previously stayed at the former Dixie Landings, All Star Movies and All Star Music.

Let me do a more well-rounded intro of myself, lest you think I am just a whiny, wimpy, high maintenance gal of the worst kind. Truth be known, I am actually a pretty happy-go-lucky type. It doesn't make much to entertain me nor keep me happy. So without further ado, here is the cast of characters for this shin-dig:

Me! I go by Disney Dancin' here in Dis World, but Tracy in Dat World. For my trip reports, and to be totally in the Disney spirit, I shall crown us all Disney-worthy names. So I will be referring to myself as Snow White, in the hopes that the coolness of having Snow in my name will help my overall body temperature stay in check. Haha, fat chance. But I am trying to be positive here, folks! Hubby and I will celebrate our 26th anniversary in June, WOO HOO! I am the loving mom of three fab daughters (much more on them coming up), adore my mini longhaired dachshund, Kirby, love, love, love my job of working the office of a dance studio, taught pre-school for many years, love to read, walk and to be a part of all things DANCE ;) Self labeled dance junkie.

Hubby! Mike, but...I shall call him Squishy, and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy! Really, Squishy is truly a saint and the main financier to the whims of living with 4 females. Poor guy. But what a sport. Back in the day, he could play Barbies with the best of 'em. At least our wiener dog, Kirby, is male. Squishy is a sales god/field trainer, dealing medical/respiratory equipment across our great state, and occasionally out nationwide. Travels quite a bit, but does work out of the house, so when he is home, he is HOME. It balances out. Unfortunately, Mike won't be joining us on this particular Disney adventure. The end of June/beginning of July is his business' end of the year, and a no-no for vacationing. But don't feel too sorry for him, he did get to Disney-it without all of US back in January, when us Iowans were hunkered down, battling record snowfall/blizzards/cold. Perk of his job. Sooo, that brings us to...

DD24 - Meredith, whom we shall name Ariel, given that she is firstborn of my three red-headed daughters. I never dreamed I would have one, let alone THREE!!!! ginger-heads for daughters. There is nary a redhead in either Squishy or my families. That sneaky recessive gene! Ariel is very happily completing her first year as a kindergarten teacher. I am so very proud of her! She is a born teacher, it is truly her calling. Not only does she teach school, but she is also a choreographer/teacher at the same dance studio that I work at. Ariel also is head coach of the varsity, JV and 8th grade dance teams of our local school district. She burns the candle at both ends...but she's young and in that point of her life where that's whatcha do! As you continue on in meeting us, you will soon understand the dance studio/dance team thing is an "all in the family" type deal for us. She has a longtime boyfriend, who will also be on the trip with us, but I will get to him in due time. Ariel was the first of my three girls to develop a passion for "the dance" as Squishy likes to refer to our little addiction. She danced herself from age 3 through college, then early in college began teaching dance as well as performing it. I marvel at her sense of responsibility, ability to work like a horse and her accomplishments in life so far. Watch out for this one, world!

DD19 - Courtney, soon to be 20, we will celebrate her July 11 birthday while in the World!!! Let's name her Belle, she does so love all things French and Paris-y, as well as being a voracious reader...books, books, books! Girl after my own heart. You could pretend that Movie Belle has auburn highlights in her lovely mane of chestnut brown, right? I sure can! My Belle is the darkest of my copper-headed beauties, so I think between the France/auburn/book lover connection, Belle a good fit for her. Anyhoo, my Belle just completed her sophomore year of college, has been a 2 year member of said university's dance team/pep squad and is an aspiring elementary teacher/dance teacher/dance team coach herself. She kinda loves her big sissy Ariel, and I think very much admires all she does and aspires to be just like her...awww! But as similar as those qualities all are between the two of them, Belle is really quite different than her two sissies. She is by far more of an adventure-seeker, bubbly, giggly, more of a social butterfly and unworried soul. But she is also what I like to call a procrastinating perfectionist. So incredibly hard on herself, yet leaves things to the last minute...and in the end turns out excellent work. It seems to work for her. I love her dearly and she warms my heart with her good-natured-ness.

DD17 - Taylor, my baby. I think the only character worthy/possible for her is Sleeping Beauty...Princess Aurora. This is for a couple of reasons. Number one, my Aurora is quite the ballerina. We will pretend Movie Sleeping Beauty has lovely strawberry blonde hair, so as to match my Real SB. (Yes, she is the third of my girls bitten by the dance bug. And bitten hard!) Probably HER favorite role and most definitely MY favorite role she has ever performed was as Aurora from the Sleeping Beauty ballet variations. She is ethereal in pointe shoes, tiara and a platter tutu. Secondly, the Sleeping Beauty tag is fitting as my SB must get in her beauty sleep or she turns into a real bear. NOT A MORNING PERSON!!!! Talk about your moody girls! As hard as she is to take in the A.M., she is so much fun and hilarious once she hits her stride in the P.M. But until then, woah...DIVA.
My Aurora is quite the mama's girl, is very content to be a home-body when she is not at the dance studio or at dance team practice. I frequently have to push her to go out and DO SOMETHING with her friends. She seems to fancy my company over a lot of her school friends. I must say, she is probably most like me out of the girls, both personality and looks-wise. People often tell us how much she looks like me. I don't get that so much with the other 2 girls, they are much more of a balanced mix of Squishy and I than Aurora is. She seems to be kinda all me (me=minus the moodiness). She is thinking of the education route like her sissies as one option, but differently than them, she is also very interested in culinary/event planning or nursing as her life calling. Though she, too, very much wants to keep her beloved dance a part of her life through teaching and coaching, eventually, too. Aurora is my baby, and she and I share quite a bond, and I do so love her spunkiness and ever-changing moods. She is an entertainer, through and through, and I can sit fascinated by her improv acting, singing and dancing on the family room stage for hours. God, that girl can make me laugh!

Matt - Dbf to Ariel - we will call him Charming. He does fit the bill, tall, dark and handsome. Great guy, despite being a Minnesotan (no offense to anyone, but hey, I'm an Iowan...it's expected of us to give Minnesotans a hard time!). I have high hopes that Charming is on the verge on popping the question to Ariel soon!!! Perhaps our trip to the World will provide the perfect setting to get down on bended knee??? For me, well, you know, a dream is a wish your heart makes!!!! Come on Charming, man up!!!!

And finally - Kirby, the crazy wiener dog - he, too, is my comic relief, my go to guy when I need some cuddling, my little dog-faced man. Kirby is 12 years old, still spry as a pup, and so deservedly deserves his name that I can't rename him anything else but Kirby...he's my little hand vac, snuffling up any little crumb there may be on the floor. He will be the sole family member in the house to keep Squishy company while the rest of us are all gone to the World to play. Oh, unless you also count Gilligan, our betta fish. But really, he doesn't interact a whole lot unless you are holding his shaker of food in front of his little tank. Then he wiggles up a storm.

My wonderful Mom and Dad - my girls Fairy Grandparents - also will probably pop up at least once or twice in the PTR. In fact, there is a very outside chance Fairy Mom will join us for a small portion of our trip. Time will tell.

Okay...enough on the intro's for the first chapter of my first ever PTR...to be continued!!!!
Well I'm looking forward to popping into you at the coronado. We'll be there from june 30-July 6th for the same dance convention. Only my dancers are younger. We'll have to exchange dance times (when we finally get them) so I can see your three ginger hair beauties.

We've done August heat before. I imagine July will be much the same but with less chances of tropical storms. I also wonder how my kids will fare dancing in the heat? Our only experience with dance competitions in the states have been in buffalo in the winter. Kind of a difference I imagine.
We will definitely have to exchange dance times...it would be fun to exchange a personal hello and see each other's daughters perform!

You are soooo right, it will be quite different in Florida for a summer competition with your family than what you have experienced coming to the US for a winter time one! I really struggled with deciding whether to stay right onsite at Coronado Springs or use the Downtown Disney Hilton where I could get free nights because of all of my hubby's hotel points (he travels a lot!), but when I factored in the great convention rate at CSR and the sheer convenience of being right there and not having to haul all of our gear back and forth in the heat, humidity and afternoon downpours, CSR won me over pretty easily :) How about you, where have you decided to stay?
So where did we leave off? Ah yes, we just met the cast of characters involved in the story...but the actual travelers will be just me (Snow White) DD24 (Ariel) her DBF (Charming) and DD17 (Sleeping Beauty aka Aurora). But wait, you say?? What about DD19 (Belle)? She is going too, right? Well, let's not get ahead of the story here.

We did not expect to be going to Disney World this year, was not on the radar at all...in fact, a trip or vacation of any sort was not to be in the cards whatsoever this summer. With one daughter now a year and half out of college, the second currently mid-way through college, and the youngest just a year away from starting college, not to mention some pretty major changes in our income due to a relatively recent job change for me, our discretionary budget is pretty tight these days. One year ago this month, I made the big jump to follow one of my business partners from our old dance studio as she opened up her OWN dance studio. This meant following my heart and integrity versus my pocketbook, and I and my family are soooo much better for making that leap of faith. But working at a new start up business combined with now just being a regular old part time employee versus a full time, salaried partner in the business does take its toll on the old family budget ;) But again, all worth it as I am in a much healthier, more professional atmosphere, as well as my 3 dancing/teaching daughters being out of a negative environment as well. ALL WORTH IT, I SAY AGAIN! Anyhoo, that little drama is soooo behind us, and we are all in our happy places once again.

We are going to get back to Belle, I promise. But ya just gotta have the backstory here to get where I am coming from, ya know???

So, money is a little tight, but it IS there, we are all good, we are just liking being more cautious for the time being. So...when the 5 other members of my youngest daughter, Sleeping Beauty's, competition dance team all started to think about going to the National dance competition for one of the Regional competitions that they did very well at in March, a vote was put out, with supposedly no pressure at all (rrrright, hahaha) to see if everyone would go so they could compete not just their solos that qualified for Nationals, but so the group dances they were all part of could go, too. Squishy and I voted no, sorry Aurora, not this year, as did one other member of the team and her parents. We were feeling okay with our vote as we did not appear to be the lone stick in the mud to vote no. Ahhh. But how a night of sleep can evidently change the other team member's parents' mind. Long story short, we were now the only ones who were now a nay to going. Well, we don't like to be the holdouts, to be the only ones keeping the group dances from being able to be performed, so of course we caved to the gentle, but firm, pleas to please let Sleeping Beauty Aurora go, too! It didn't take too much arm twisting on their part, and they knew I would be weak...because....DISNEY WORLD is the venue for this particular national competition, and EVERYONE knows how much I love :love: WDW!!!

Well, we knew we were definitely going to have to do this particular visit to the World on the cheap. It was an unplanned expense, to say the least. And unfortunately, that was going to mean this trip really was going to be strictly Sleeping Beauty and I, Snow White. No Squishy. No Ariel. No Belle.

But see, now, Ariel is her own little adult now, with a full time kindergarten teaching job, plus two more dance jobs to add to her tidy little income. And she has her Prince Charming to boot. Those two happy lovebirds decided to go along, too, on their own dimes! They were doing a vacation this summer anyway, and Ariel is as big a fan of the Mouse as I am, so this opportunity was just too sweet for her to resist. Plus, she really wanted to be there to coach and cheer on her sis Aurora, since she is one of Aurora's choreographers/dance teachers. Ariel never misses any of her student's performances/competitions, and would especially not miss it when the student is one of her own sissies! So she and Charming booked their own separate trip.

But uh oh. What about Belle?!?!? This now meant she would be the only sis not going on the trip. How sad is that? Sad enough that I was mentally torturing myself with the thoughts of our departure day, and how sad it would be for Belle and for ME!!! to leave her behind when we are going to DISNEY, of all places.

See, Belle has a great summer gig nannying for an awesome family, plus she typically has her required college dance team camp during the exact time frame we are to be gone to the World. And it would be another airfare, parkhopper and food expense, when we are trying to do this on the cheap, right? So realistically and practically, Belle should stay home. She has resigned herself to this sad fact.

BUT...I just can't stand the thought of it. I decided to just crunch some numbers, talk to her employer and see if it's possible to swing the time off for Belle, check out alternatives for missing dance team camp, dream up a presentation to Squishy. Hmmm. Might there be something there? Really, it wouldn't be THAT much more to add her on, the room ressie would not be any extra cost as we are currently only at one adult and one child (Aurora's only 17, remember) and there can be two adults and a child for the same rate. It would just be airfare, park ticket and food. Hey, Belle's birthday is July 11, the day immediately following our return from the World. What if the trip is what we give her for her 20th birthday gift???? We would already be spending a chunk of change for her gifts anyway, so really, adding her on, in the end, is only like spending an additional 300 dollars! What a deal! What a steal! Way too good to pass up, right?

Well, let's see what Squishy has to say about my presentation. I am a master at presentations. Just gotta wait for the right time to bring up my brilliant idea to the Squish-man.....
And now I reveal the outcome of my presentation to Squishy -

Of course, dear darling Squishy has given his blessing to giving the surprise Gift of Trip to Miss Belle for her birthday. Did you really doubt it was going to go any other way? hahaha ;) Really, I said it before that I am a master of presentation, and my timing is ALWAYS impeccable. Just brought it all up while we were in the midst of partying it up and having a great ol' time at a wedding reception this past weekend. Works like a charm every time, just got to hit Squish when he is all happy, relaxed and having fun :banana:

BUT...now I must swear all on the DIS boards reading my PTR to secrecy, DON'T TELL BELLE! oh, wait, guess that really should not be an issue as I don't think any of us will probably have the pleasure of meeting in RL before Belle receives the Gift of Trip. But maybe we will run across you when we are really and truly there!!! Wouldn't that be a hoot?

Next update we will talk resort, tix, Harry Potter side trip, dining plan and ADR's (or really the lack therefore of either, at least for now :eek:) and just planning in general. And I really need to figure out how to scan pix and get them up here on the boards. I think it would be really fun to post a few pix of our prior trips. Boy, it's been a while since I have looked at those myself...and suddenly now I feel I must! So ta ta for now!!!

Hey...I just noticed! WHERE DID MY COUNTDOWN THINGY GO??? Now it's just a little blue box with a question mark inside :confused: Sad!
Oh and I think in order to be able to post pix, I need to have a post count of 27? so here is a little countdown, just so I know I am ready when the time comes that I figure out to post, hahaha! Hope this doesn't drive everyone crazy , but...
2! 1! Blast off! gee, now it will probably only take me a week to figure out how to post the pix, but dag nab it, I am ready post-wise no matter what! (gently correct me if I am wrong, hehe!)
A special shout out to hollybearsmom for having the patience to teach me how to post a link to my PTR on my signature! Thanks, ma'am! Much appreciated!
Real quick...stronger possibility now of my Fairy Mom (Fairy Grandmother to the girls) adding on to our trip! We were talking it over again yesterday, she sounds very tempted...if she goes, she would come for about 4 nights out of our 11, I think that would be perfect, not too long, but long enough ;)
Wooo...just so you know, us Iowans are getting a training day or two in right now in preparation for July Florida heat and humidity...wow, where did this weather come from??? But I will not complain, this is what we dreamed of all winter long, so bring it, baby, BRING IT!!!!

Continuing on in the saga....

Our real reason for this particular trip to WDW is to participate in the Sleeping Beauty Princess Aurora's national dance competition. And you may recall from prior installments that we as a family original voted no to going to nationals. Not because we didn't WANT to go, but we were TRYING to be responsible and not blow our family budget given we had a major job change and lots of college expenses. But, delightfully, Disney won out in the end.

So, we looked out possibly staying where we could take advantage of free hotel nights earned by Squishy's extensive sales god traveling...and could have chosen to do DTD's Hilton with at 4-5 nights free, which is the only off property hotel that is allowed a lot of the same perks that onsite resorts have...mainly being able to participate in EMH. But I really didn't like the idea of the longer waits and unreliability of the off-site shuttles from all the reviews I have read, plus have you ever tried hauling dance costumes, bags, makeup/hair paraphernalia plus a folding chair (dance prop) on a bus? We did it once in Las Vegas a few years ago, and sorry, never again! Staying onsite was just WAY too tempting and will be oh so worth it!!!! OLE!!!! That is where Coronado Springs came into the equation. I may not have looked at CSR as a possible destination before this, but I am super excited from all the reviews, pics and discussion I have read, I think it will be perfect for us! CSR here we come!!!!

We have requested (I know, no guarantees!) either the Casitas 3 or 1 or Cabanas 9A or 9B for what looks to be the most convenient for us to go back and forth from our rooms to the resort's El Centro convention area for all dance-related portions of our trip. Plus, just for once, I would love to be closer to the main building/restaurants while at a Disney resort, because, dang girl! That walk every steamy morning from the back 40 on the value resorts wilted me before the day would even start (remember, heat and I are not on friendly terms! Misty Mate action just to make it to the food court? Blah! hahahahaha! I don't mind the heat so much at the parks themselves because you resign yourself to the fact of that, but just to go fill your stinking mug? ugh :rotfl:) Plus I think those parts of Casita's or Cabanas might offer us the best chance to score a possible waterview...but really, we will be happy anywhere they throw us, I think all the areas of CSR look beautiful and desirable for different reasons :goodvibes At least here, if we are having to pack mule all our dance gear from the farthest area from El Centro (from the Ranchos buildings, for instance) you can actually take the bus around to the main building, so woo hoo! And it sounds like the CSR busses are not nearly as crowded as other Disney routes because the only service CSR alone! double woo hoo!

Other reasons I am psyched about staying at CSR are the great convention room rate and convention park tix prices we are getting...we would never been able to do a moderate if not for that...so yay for Dance America Nationals! And I am LOVING the queen beds and the beautifully refurbed rooms throughout the entire resort...SWEET! The campus just looks gorgeous, and what a great pool area. I think we are going to really love our Disney home for our 11 night extravaganza!

37 days and counting!!!!!!
I had a heck of time with my Disney math and figuring out which deal to take. I got a Pin from Disney for free quick service dinning. I finally decided to take the Pin and buy just one day tickets from them. I bought additional park tickets from the competition.

I didn't realize only one of your DDs are actually competing. It's wonderful that her sisters can come with you.

Only 38 days for me. I'm getting excited. :cool1:
Wow, why does life have to get in the way of us posting on the DIS? jeesh, that is so annoying :rotfl:


Just presented Belle with her 20th birthday gift (her b-day is July 11, so this is very early, but out of necessity!) which is, as you recall, the Gift of Trip - she is now officially in the know and is sooooo relieved and excited to not be left behind when Ariel, Charming, Aurora and I are packing our bags!!! That was so fun to see her expression when we shared the news! But, then she felt bad for Squishy, since he is now the Lone Ranger in having to stay home...but remember, Squish just did a trip to WDW without US in January. All feelings of remorse for dad quickly have faded, :lmao: He will be FINE, I tell you! And also remember...as a sales god, he travels to all kinds of cool places throughout the year, and always without us. We are just playing a weak game of catch up by doing Disney without him on this go around!

So, now, onward ho! We are very happily booked at the Coronado Springs Resort. After doing tons of the so-called Disney Math (and just like heat, math is also NOT my friend), we finally came up with the conclusion that for us, we were going to take advantage of the the great convention rates afforded us by the dance competition folks (Dance America/Dance Olympus) and book everything separately, on our own, outside of a package. The convention room rate is great, especially when I factored in the convenience it is providing us. And, although Dance America had really good rates for the park tix, too, I actually booked those through CSR when I called the group reservations phone number to book our rooms - I was informed that since we are adding on a lot of days in addition to the actual competition dates, that we could do convention rate tix for up to 8 days long (instead of the max length of 5 days offered by Dance America). We will be at CSR for 11 nights, and had mentally planned that at least 2 full days we would not be in the parks due to the competition, plus we know we want to go do a day at Universal (Harry Potter!!!!!!), so the eight day tix are going to be perfect!!!! PLUS...wait for it, wait for it.....these particular convention tix (I went park hopper route to build in the most flexibility possible for us) also had a BONUS FREE day of water park usage, too!!! I totally did not expect that, and really didn't care about water park tix (did Typhoon Lagoon on last trip, it was fun, but not really a MUST DO for us) but gee, when you get it for FREE and we are in the World for such a long stay AND it being JULY, I consider this a real score!!! Woo hoo!

So now I have our room reservations and our park hopper tickets all secured and situated at prices I am very happy with. The last piece of the puzzle is figuring out our daily schedule for park visits and perhaps even more importantly(!) our dining plan. Because I am booking our trip outside of a package, we are not able to do the DDP. But to be honest, when we first agreed to do this trip, I was strongly thinking of not doing a DP from the get go. It was kinda scary to think about, since I have always done the DP on previous trips, but yet at the same time, rather liberating too, as we are free to do EXACTLY what we want, when we want, order only what we really want and just pay it out of pocket. I know there will be some instances where we will pay more OOP than if we were on a DP, but in just as many instances, I think we will save money going OOP. I am hoping for a wash in the end :thumbsup2

One of our primary stoppages in making much headway on park planning and dining plans is the fact we have not known what our dance competition schedule is...and without that major piece of the puzzle, we can't do much more than dream up possible scenarios. The competition takes place July 3-6, but my Aurora is also doing an extra part of the competition that only a few qualify to do, so that actually ups our dance involvement to also include July 1 and 2. Plus, she also has what we are considering "optional" dance workshop classes that take place July 7, 8 and 9. She will just pick and choose a class here and there out of those 3 full days of classes (8 AM to 4 PM) that she really wants to take, maybe choose one 1-2 hour long class a day, and then to maximize our park time, opt not to go to a good chunk of them. It's a good plan for us!

But, now, our stoppage is now flowing full steam ahead as we just got the actual competition schedule in hand on Monday...fresh from the mailbox! YAY! I will go into greater detail on the dance schedule in the next posting, but for now I will just say that out of the July 3-6 competition days, Aurora is scheduled for her solo and her 4 group dances to be on just July 5 and 6, opening up two whole days for us to plan as we please! YES! Just what we hoped for!!!! We do have 2 younger dancers on our team whose solos are scheduled for July 3 and July 4 respectively, but they are slated to dance early in the morning, so we will go cheer them on and then head out after that to start our day. Pretty happy with how it all fell out for us!

More to come - the real fun stuff! Parks and Recreation! :wizard:
Whew! Thankful that we are experiencing a break today from our mini-heat/humidity wave of the last 4 days! I have been really feeling it for my oldest DD24, Ariel. She is a kindergarten teacher in a small town :teacher:, her building is pretty ancient, so of course, no air conditioning. Pretty miserable in 95 degree heat, high humidity and twenty 5-6 year olds sharing what is commonly called the hottest classroom in the school...several days of that will take it out of any teacher (not to mention, the poor little ones, too!!!).

Will post the next Misty Mates installment soon...I actually stayed up until 3 AM last night excitedly analyzing my tourguide plan book and websites, planning which day to go to what park and all that fun stuff now that I have our dance schedule, but man, I am super bleary-eyed today and paying for it! 4 hours of sleep just doesn't do it for me :rolleyes1 Might be a good day to catch a nap in the sun this morning before getting ready for work this afternoon :thumbsup2

Looking forward to enjoying the weather today! Have a great one, DIS friends!!! :cool2:
Lots of exciting news there! yeah for those tickets! Can't wait to hear more about the dance part and how about some pics???
I feel for your Ariel. It's been hot here too (yes, we get heat in Canada! Some of our Igloos are melting LOL). I'm a kindergarten teacher in a small town without air conditionning too. It's a new building. It just opened last year but only the office has air. :confused3

How great that Aurora is doing the dottie (is that what they call the first part of the competition?) We have two members from our studio doing it too. They both did it last year in New York. We're new to this studio and this competition company so I don't know that much about it except that it sounds like a great honour.

I didn't know you could get longer tix. Good for you for asking. I'm on the dinning plan but also ordered tix from the competition. The price basically meant I got the water parks and hoppers for the same fee. I don't plan on using the hoppers (unless a park closes due to capacity) but we're hitting those water parks for sure. Lazy River here I come!


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