Hong Kong Disneyland and Disneyland Paris TR

Thank you Queenie - I've been enjoying your photos - they are great! That Space Mtn reminds me of TDL's Mysterious Island
Thanks for the trip report looking forward to what you think about Hong Kong Disneyland. I have about 7 Stitch fluffy toys love the Yoda Stitch that is just beautiful.
I have been reading along but haven't had time to post a reply!

"Your" pictures are just awesome! DLP is unique and like Jade I never really had that great a desire to go there until after I've read your TR. Thank you for taking the time to post photos of all the different castles.

Its a nice photo of you and BF as well!
Thank you Queenie - I've been enjoying your photos - they are great! That Space Mtn reminds me of TDL's Mysterious Island
The water in front really does make it resemble that area. There is even the nautilus walk through attraction. :thumbsup2
Thanks for the trip report looking forward to what you think about Hong Kong Disneyland. I have about 7 Stitch fluffy toys love the Yoda Stitch that is just beautiful.
I'm not telling how many I have :rolleyes1 hehehe

I have been reading along but haven't had time to post a reply!

"Your" pictures are just awesome! DLP is unique and like Jade I never really had that great a desire to go there until after I've read your TR. Thank you for taking the time to post photos of all the different castles.

Its a nice photo of you and BF as well!
excuses excuses... :lmao:

Thanks for the "your". Hmph :snooty: I did carry my camera but I was having a lovely time not being official photographer.
I did post a link to my 2009 DLP trip photos. ;)

The ones from HKDL are all mine as I sadly was alone for this component. :sad1:
Thanks Queenie - have really loved all the detail / photos. We are off to DL Paris in May & reading this has been awesome. Looking forward to the Hong Kong part as well!
Hong Kong

I’m including this preamble because it might be helpful to people. I will get to Disneyland soon.

After our time at Paris Disney Resort we spent 3 nights in Paris looking around the city and going on a day tour to the Loire Valley to see 3 of the castles.
We then flew to Heathrow and drove to Stratford Upon Avon via Oakley Court and Oxford. After a night there and looking around the Cotswolds we then drove back East past London and based ourselves North East of London for the next 6 nights.
I took the next part of the journey alone as I returned home to Sydney with a stopover in Hong Kong. Flying KLM I went Heathrow – Schiphol. Then with a tight connection from Schiphol – Hong Kong. My aircraft complete with clogs was actually quite pleasant and I was happy with the service by the Dutch. I always take the window seat and although the person in the middle seat was a nightmare to the cabin crew I managed to shut down any interaction from the beginning so I was not troubled. The crew also seemed to take pity on me and were always happy to serve me. So thank you KLM for a good flight.
Although like Air France the arrival in Schiphol on the first quick flight was also a bang and swerve…lol…maybe it is tradition?

For simplicity I had booked a coach transfer from Hong Kong International Airport to my base for 4 nights – The Marco Polo Hong Kong hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui in Kowloon. Now this was a simplicity thing in terms of getting my tired body and my luggage to the hotel. However it isn’t the quickest way into the city. If you have a manageable amount of luggage without a big coat (which I didn’t end up needing thanks to mild weather in Europe) and extraneous items the train is actually the quickest way into the city. There is an Airport express that takes you to Kowloon station and I could then have changed to go to Tsim Sha Tsui station. Or there are various shuttles run by hotels. Some hotels actually ran them from the airport.

But you do need to be mindful of peak hour once you are on the MRT and the amount of luggage you have with you. So although it ‘wasted time’ waiting for the shuttle after finally finding the meet and greet. It was a door to door service with only a couple stops before my hotel and I did (sort of) get to see the city a bit along the way. Sadly fog abounded for most of my stay making any view from The Peak impossible.

The Marco Polo Hong Kong hotel was lovely. I wasn’t planning to go quite so upmarket but a special with various upgrades with Qantas Holidays meant I splurged and it is a GREAT location.
Note: If you wish to see the Symphony of Lights Kowloon is the place to be for it and DO NOT pay for a cruise to see it. Not only is it a waste of money but you are stuck on a boat for 2 hours in most cases to view a 12 minute show. Which to be honest isn’t all that good. Although very pretty. Without so much haze it would have been better. But there really aren’t enough buildings involved to make it very impressive.
It IS worth seeing though so here is a tip. GO to the Marco Polo Hong Kong hotel and stand at the top of their carpark. This is on the 6th floor of the hotel and they pump the music to go with the show to there. It is the BEST view of the show IMHO. And it is free.
If you wish to see it from a ferry the get the Star Ferry about the time the show is starting. It is a whole 2-3 Hong Kong Dollars per person. There is a top deck and lower deck. Either actually works fine. The trouble with the top is actually the amount of windows and the fact they draw a plastic screen across on at least one side of the ferry at any one time. On the bottom deck there is a clear view from either side.

Check in at the Marco Polo was a bit torturous as they are going through renovations which means that some floors and some rooms still STINK like paint fumes. I had been upgraded to a deluxe room through the special with Qantas Holidays and after first getting a newly renovated room which STANK. I finally got allocated a 14th floor room with a view. Be aware many rooms look into the interior of the hotel – the courtyard.
If you want a ‘proper’ harbour view room you’ll pay extra. And be aware also that the Hong Kong Cultural Centre has stuffed up the view from most hotel rooms in the area, for anything below the 15th floor pretty much.

BUT…I was happy with my view and did enjoy my stay once I got settled in my room.

(These photos are actually of the stinky first room but apart from getting a king bed in the one I stayed in and that it was a mirror image it is EXACTLY the same)









This was the view from my actual hotel room





The courtyard



The Carpark view
I do apologise for the quality of the photos but there was always quite a thick fog around.

In this one down on the left you can see a mass of people. This is the MAIN viewing area. This does afford you a slightly better view of the left hand side of Hong Kong Island. But I was happy up where I was. Although I did go down here the first night.





On my first day after arriving I did a city tour which was ‘included’ in booking the transfer which was a typical tour but it got you around and the tour guide was good.
This day didn’t end well though as when I went to get dinner I slipped twice down a flight of stairs. My tailbone is still getting over that…

Second day I went to Lantau and visited Buddha. It wasn’t something I originally planned to do. I had considered visiting another Island which has ‘old Hong Kong’ but after seeing Aberdeen on the city tour I was happy with that and decided Lantau and the cable car would be more interesting. At the MRT stop for Lantau (Tung Chung) there are citygate outlets with various outlet stores like Rockport, ESPRIT as well as all the expensive brands like Ralph Lauren etc. Nothing seemed especially cheap to me. But hey…I’m tall with big feet so my options were limited. The ESPRIT was actually quite cheap but nothing really appealed to me.
What I DID get at the citygate outlet though is my Hong Kong Disneyland Ticket. They had a little stand and I got my ticket there. They did have an offer if you bought 2 tickets you got a free umbrella…but I was only getting one. Not a great Umbrella if you ask me though.


The cable car is quite a long journey over to Big Buddha but it’s sure much quicker than the walk.

I went with the Crystal Cabin, which is a bit more but has a couple of advantages. 1 – you can look straight down. 2 – It is actually like a fastpass as most tour groups are using the regular and especially if you are leaving around 4pm you will find yourself with less people in your cabin and on your way much faster.





This is a lot of stairs in ANYONE’S language. Especially to someone with a bruised tailbone

An advantage of doing this the day before meant I was more familiar with the MRT line and getting to Disneyland so I was all ready in the morning.
Hello all...

Some Food Porn for PrincessinOz.

Completely unrelated to this topic...but it is why there is a delay on continuing the TR...

Hong Kong Disneyland

Now how does one get to Hong Kong Disneyland? Well I went by train.
I talked to the concierge at the hotel to confirm the best method of getting there, who was a bit off on timings but I was there in about 40mins. Which I think is pretty good.

I was in Tsim Sha Tsui. I got the regular MRT to Lai King station and changed trains here. I got on the Tung Chung line to Sunny Bay. Sunny Bay station really only exists to transfer to the Disneyland Resort Line. [I apologise if anyone knows something else to do there…I didn’t take any notice…lol]
What I really liked is that the regular MRT train pulled in and the Disney train was waiting. After everyone transferred we were off.
And yes I mean DISNEY train…







This train is basically a shuttle between the Disneyland Resort and Sunny Bay station.

The Park is actually pretty much AT the station. You walk a couple minutes to the park welcome sign.

This tells you where the different directions take you.

The first entry ‘arch’

The Fountain just beyond.







I got there early. The park opens at 10am and I was there a bit after 9am. I had thought of going to the hotel to look around first. But decided to just hang around and take photos. Then join the entry queue once it started to form. I just wasn’t sure how long the shuttle would take to get to and from. Nor if the shuttle back would get full with people coming from the onsite resorts. Especially those staying at the Hollywood Hotel as it is NOT walking distance. It’s about 40mins walk.

Sign telling you where to go


Braille map (forgive my ignorance but this was way down at the guest services so how you FIND it I do not know…)

It was very busy while I was walking around…





One of the MANY ‘security’ CMs took a photo for me

The Train pulled in shortly before opening
So Queenie, if I get green on Wipeout at Dreamworld, what you are saying is that Crush's Coaster is not for me.:lmao:

It looks so much fun, but would wipe me out for the rest of the day. Coasters are all good as long as there is no spinning/swinging.

On the teacups I am fine if they don't spin the middle. I look like this :scared: and then :sick:. By DH says I would get seasick in a bathtub.
Queenie, thanks so much for sharing your Paris adventure. Our trip is getting so close and has been wonderful seeing the park through your eyes. I can't wait to get there now. 27 sleeps and we are on our way.
So Queenie, if I get green on Wipeout at Dreamworld, what you are saying is that Crush's Coaster is not for me.:lmao:

It looks so much fun, but would wipe me out for the rest of the day. Coasters are all good as long as there is no spinning/swinging.

On the teacups I am fine if they don't spin the middle. I look like this :scared: and then :sick:. By DH says I would get seasick in a bathtub.
Wipeout...after wipeout I looked like this :sick:
But it is a very different attraction.

If you are ok on the teacups you should be ok. But the point of the coaster 'spinning' is to provide a floating in the EAC experience. It is very smooth and most enjoyable to me. But if you get seasick then that simulation might be too close to you.

BF was medicated with an anti nausea medication but he really was ok. It is a specific inner ear damage condition with him rather than a general sensitivity. What makes coasters ok for him is that there is always a fixed point. You are always moving forward. So he is fine on RnR and Space Mountain 2. His issue here was having nowhere to focus.

So I can't be sure...but I would think you are ok.
Were you ok on The Claw? I'm ok on the Claw but not Wipeout.

Hope this ramble helps :rotfl2::rotfl2:

Queenie, thanks so much for sharing your Paris adventure. Our trip is getting so close and has been wonderful seeing the park through your eyes. I can't wait to get there now. 27 sleeps and we are on our way.
You are most welcome :goodvibes
Hello all...

Some Food Porn for PrincessinOz.

Completely unrelated to this topic...but it is why there is a delay on continuing the TR...


:lovestruc and lovely to see YOUR shots.

I guess we're all following what is happening in Japan. Sad to think that Tokyo Disneyland has experienced some damage...and that Disney Sea is flooded. :sad2:

Stay safe everyone. Tsunami alerts for all around the Pacific rim.
:lovestruc and lovely to see YOUR shots.
I've been filtering them to try and make them pop more given the overcast conditions which is taking time. But I appreciate the compliment :blush:

I guess we're all following what is happening in Japan. Sad to think that Tokyo Disneyland has experienced some damage...and that Disney Sea is flooded. :sad2:

Stay safe everyone. Tsunami alerts for all around the Pacific rim.
It is simply devastating. Much of Tokyo is built to cope with Earthquakes along with Narita airport. I assume the same for Tokyo Disney as it is only 25 years old. However the Tsunami :sad2:
It is just utter devastation in the North. :sad1:

I hope Mickey is keeping his clan safe
To Start the day
I joined the ‘queue’ to enter the park behind about 4 people. There was the usual bag ‘search’ by gloved ‘security’ as seen scattered around in previous photos. As my delightful BF puts it in describing what occurs at WDW with bag checking - “I don't mind that, but unless you have a big black orb with a fizzing wick hanging out of it, these goons wouldn't find it. I assume that this has more to do with public relations than actual detection and prevention.”
It was the same here…

Before that happened though was the “Family of the Day” Opening Ceremony. I was behind a few people but what I had done was gotten myself next to the central main gate so I could still see the centre of the entry way.
I had seen the family being talked to and as you will see I think the key to being picked is being a family with 2 or 3 adorable (Asian) children. The English spoken by CMs was pretty good so it isn't like they wouldn't be able to communicate with the family. As one might expect in Hong Kong. However I do think the odds of non Asian family being picked was slim.
To start proceedings Mickey and Minnie arrived.



Always a Gentleman


Meet and Greet…but POSE!!




See ya real soon!

With the park officially open we are let in…so where to go first.
Well I decided that while I was disappointed they were in their “5th Birthday” costumes (rather than traditional Chinese outfits) I wanted a Mickey and Minnie photo. So under the bridge…


…and I join the queue to where Mickey and Minnie drove off to. The Gazebo in the hub at the entry.
While I’m waiting (not too long but people can move fast at times and I stopped for that photo above) I take a photo back towards the Train Station


There are CMs that take photos and give you a receipt. However they mess with it and ‘frame’ it like you can do with photopass photos and to be honest I wasn’t impressed. So I’m glad I got them to take on with my camera



After meeting Mickey and Minnie I moseyed my way down Main Street. Paused for a photo or two…



But had something coming my way.
I am SOO glad I stopped to meet Mickey because it meant the Marching Band had found halfway by the time I got down Main Street and started REALLY performing. Not only was I loving it but THEY were enjoying themselves too. One of the trumpeters saw the camera and smiled and winked. It was just so much fun.
I’ve never seen one this good at Disney. It’s just a great memory





But I did have somewhere else in my sights still…


So I proceeded along main street…though the crowds…


I tell you it was a NIGHTMARE it was so crowded. Dodging people all the time…



HK Disneyland look lovely when it's quiet. I heard horror stories about overcrowding and cleanliness issues when it first opened. Based on your pictures, I'm assuming that this is no longer the case?
HK Disneyland look lovely when it's quiet. I heard horror stories about overcrowding and cleanliness issues when it first opened. Based on your pictures, I'm assuming that this is no longer the case?
If it WAS busy I would have been in hell.
The rudeness, pushing and shoving of the 'guests' is just ridiculous and unnecessary. And I do mean particular guests...those from Mainland China.
If this is any indication I don't know if I could tolerate Shanghai.

I saw the difference between HK Chinese and Mainland Chinese all the time on the MRT...and here it was no different.
When I was in the 10minute queue for Winnie the Pooh we would move a few steps each time and EACH and EVERY time the guy behind me ran into my bag and shoved me. There was PLENTY of space and only a short queue but he just kept running into me.
There was also plenty of time to take queue photos but both he and his wife would shove past and reach over to take a photo they could have taken 20seconds later without doing that.

In re-telling this story of behaviour my Mum said that was the behaviour seen by a co-worker from Hong Kong she knows who went to the Shanghai Expo. Just constant pushing and shoving.

It can STILL get very busy. It is insane for Chinese New Year and whenever there are national holidays.

As for cleanliness. I had no major problem with that but again when it is busy I would think there would be issues in the bathrooms.
They have "Chinese" toilets in a few of the female ones which were being used.
But without the regular cleaning staff ALWAYS in the bathrooms I would think there might be issues.

I'm not meaning to be rude or slanderous...
This is just my experience...

I've seen my fair share of rudeness in other countries. But this cultural difference was very obvious
I'm loving the HK report! Love the special moment that you had with the marching band!

I've got to tell you queenie, my 7 year old is obsessed with your TR! He's sat with me the last few nights and pored over the photos. He's now intent on going tp DLP, mainly to see Mickey in his Incredibles outfit As soon as I picked him up from school today he asked to go on disboards and look at queenies photos of DLP! :)

You have a fan! Lol


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