How bad is Mission Space - orange?


Feb 11, 2016
Hi, Dis community. I need advice. Should I do Mission Space - Orange? I have done the green option with no trouble, and part of me wants to be able to experience orange. I love roller coasters, but spinny-rides aren't a favorite now in my middle age like they were in my youth. I have a friend who said he was nauseated for hours after Mission Space - Orange, and he did not recommend it. My friend is not feint of heart--an ex-Marine captain who's in good shape. I am 50 years old, also in good shape, but not a mountain of a man. Do I dare on our June trip?
Hi, Dis community. I need advice. Should I do Mission Space - Orange? I have done the green option with no trouble, and part of me wants to be able to experience orange. I love roller coasters, but spinny-rides aren't a favorite now in my middle age like they were in my youth. I have a friend who said he was nauseated for hours after Mission Space - Orange, and he did not recommend it. My friend is not feint of heart--an ex-Marine captain who's in good shape. I am 50 years old, also in good shape, but not a mountain of a man. Do I dare on our June trip?
Can you do it at the end of the day so it doesn’t ruin your whole day if it does make you sick?
I rode MS when there wasn't even a "green" side, and I really didn't know what to expect.
I have to be honest and say I was dizzy and nauseated through the whole thing, and didn't care less if I pushed the "right" button or not. I should have known when the barf bags are prominent. After the ride, I had to sit down due to dizziness and nausea. I felt that way for the rest of the afternoon.
So, NO, I would not recommend it at all. I won't even try the green side because of this bad experience on Orange.
I am not one of those people who get sick on rides and this has never happened before and I do all the coaster rides.
It really is just a matter of what your risk level is. I cannot ride spinning rides like tea cups, tilt-a-whirl, etc., I get sick, sick sick on them. Simulator type rides like Star Tours can get to me a little if they last too long, but not terrible. I sucked it up and rode Mission Space Orange last trip so my son could go on it, and I felt perfectly fine afterwards. I did make sure I looked straight ahead the entire time, which probably helped.

I think the number of people getting sick is not as high as it seems, simply because people that ride it and feel fine do not feel the need to let everyone know it did not bother them, where people that ride it and get sick are more likely to point it out. Simple human nature.

I agree with the suggestion of doing it late in the day, so if you feel like crap afterward, you do not ruin your entire day. If you enjoy the green ride, I do think the orange one is worth trying though, at least one. Just keep looking straight ahead!
I don't like rides with tight spins (seeing the world around me spinning is not good), but I can do Mission Space as I don't see things around me spinning. Feeling the g-force was not an issue.
If you keep looking straight ahead, you should be fine.
Agree with riding it at the end of the day.
If you keep your eyes open and focus straight head you shouldn't feel a spinning sensation, just the 2.5 G-force pushing you back in the seat. Do not close your eyes as you will be more likely to sense the spinning. It is a pretty intense sensation. Being hydrated helps you handle it. I ride it with my boys and I think it isn't as intense on their small frames. Your description hints that you might feel it pretty intensely. The end of day idea is a good one.
Orange is an actual centrifuge (technically, so is the green side but they don't activate the spinning). Looking straight ahead is a must. But it's still very intense. I would definitely recommend trying the Green side first to see how you do before taking on the Orange version.
I've only been on Orange with no issue, but it's been years. Hope to go on this summer. What does the green side do that's different?
I took a different approach. I don't fly without dramamine. I rode orange the same day I flew in while I was still medicated. This was actually before orange and green
I've only been on Orange with no issue, but it's been years. Hope to go on this summer. What does the green side do that's different?
My understanding is the green side is essentially the same ride, but without the centrifuge spinning which creates the g-force you feel during takeoff. Although certainly a different ride and experience, the green side would be more like Star Tours where the ship moves, rocks, tilts, etc., but you do not have the pleasure of feeling crushed back into your seat during takeoff.
My understanding is the green side is essentially the same ride, but without the centrifuge spinning which creates the g-force you feel during takeoff. Although certainly a different ride and experience, the green side would be more like Star Tours where the ship moves, rocks, tilts, etc., but you do not have the pleasure of feeling crushed back into your seat during takeoff.
Green is now a different video. They changed the Green video a few years ago. Used to be the same for both Green and Orange.

At any rate, Orange is the only ride at WDW I ever thought I might throw up on. Based on your post, OP, do not attempt Orange.
I did it two weeks ago and I am fairly motion sensitive (I got super nauseous and dizzy with FOP). I did it as my last ride and I really liked it. I got just a little dizzy. What I was mainly trying to overcome is claustrophobia and this was a big success for me.
My 12 year old son did it 2 years ago. He was a daredevil and would go on any and every ride over and over. He got so motion sick on Orange that we had to leave the park and he sat out on the majority of rides for the remainder of our trip. My daughter was dizzy for awhile but it did not affect her as much. Definitely put a major damper on the trip and I would not recommend it.
Rode it the first year it was open and it really messed me up for a few hours. I didn't really feel dizzy, but I just didn't feel 'right.' It was a difficult situation to the point of it being a scary enough feeling for me to never do it again. The rest of my group was also negatively affected by it in different ways; nausea, headache, dizziness, and a general scrambled feeling.
It’s not bad. It’s fantastic. Honestly. The green side is a waste of time. Kind of like watching a video in a vibrating chair. It’a a theme park ride. It’s not designed to kill you; that would be bad for business.
For me, the weather is a factor. If I can exit the ride and it’s cool/breezy outside, I’m fine. Rode it once when we were there in October and felt ok (a little wobbly maybe) immediately after getting off but as soon as I got outside in the heat and humidity, I felt awful (nauseous and lightheaded).
I rode it with my dad during the afternoon. We were fine on the ride didn't seem like a thrill ride to us (which we like), but we both felt nauseous the rest of that day & through lunchtime the next day! Burgers and fries at MK the day after finally got us over it. I won't ride it again. Good luck!


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