How long is your street?

Kitty 34

Hums in her sleep
Feb 16, 2000
The street I live on is a small town street and is only about a half mile long if that!!:D
I'd guess that's about right for us too... three full blocks and then it dead ends :D
About 1/4 mile long. My sub is a circle that is 1/2 mile total.
I actually don't live on a street. I live in the alley.

Wait, that didn't sound right. Let me explain.

When this area was built, our street was the alley for the people who live in front of us. But due to a need in property, the city (town) rezoned and allowed the alley to become a legal street and built houses. It is not as wide as a normal street so it's not considered an offical street but the city (town) named it and here we are! There are 8 houses down our street and that's it. I'd say that was small.
About a block and a half, I live on the corner of a cul de sac
our street is small!!
it has 2 cul-de-sacs(one on each end)
and has about 10-15 houses on it
My street isn't that long. I live on a cul de sac and there's probably less than 40 houses altogether.
I think ours is like 1/4 mile..:confused:
I live at the bottom of a Cul-de-sac, with 8 houses on the street (including ours)
off the main road there is a dead end street that has a small circle on the right (about 6 houses) and a larger circle on the left (about 12 houses). We live on the left circle which is about .2mile.
When I have time for myself I go round and round and round that circle about 30x's


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