How many masks do you go through in a day?


Owner at OKW, fan of the Skyliner
Mar 24, 2019
I posted this in the adult section because I want just the grown ups experience since being back in the parks. I have Mission masks, in addition to more traditional cloth ones. How long does it take before you feel like you need to change your mask during the day? Make it all day? Several a day? When staying around home, I'm in the group that would rather stay home than wear a mask so I have no practical experience here. Plus it's Syracuse NY so the weather isn't exactly comparable. What's your experience been?
We use one a day unless we get extremely hot and/or gross. We also have cheap lanyards to make it super easy to pull on and off.
We used disposable masks. We found changing after eating and if they got wet from rain or rides was just convenient (more comfortable and "healthier"). We packed five per day, per person. Never used all of them, but had if needed.
I wore the Disney cloth masks each day last weekend (~80 degrees during the day) and only changed into a new mask once because it got too wet on Splash Mountain. I felt very comfortable staying in one all day, but completely understand wanting to change into a new one midday. Always bring an extra (or two) just in case!
I wore one a day, unless my mask got wet from rain or a water ride. Usually I carried 1-2 extras in my bag just in case.
I took 2 with me a day and would usually switch it out mid day if it was really hot. A couple of days when it was cooler, I went all day with one.
Ditto to all of the above. We packed an extra mask for each person in the backpack every day for a 9 day trip, but only used them twice (soaked on a ride and soaked in a big rainstorm). Even with the early park closures, we just went back to our room after a day at the parks. If we had been going out for a late night at Disney Springs, we may have swapped out masks for that. We also brought a mix of disposable and reusable facemasks. We all preferred the disposable on the really humid days - didn't know that until we were there and I'm glad we packed both.
I'm with the OP here. Keeping that filth around my mouth all day and CONSTANTLY touching it to adjust it is just unhealthy in itself. When I do have to do the masks, I usually have 2 just to have some variety. This last trip (last week) I couldn't wear make up because I can't stand seeing it on the mask from the moment it touches my face. If I can immediately see my make up, imagine what I'm not seeing. I hand wash them at night and hang them on the hangers.
I took 2 with me a day and would usually switch it out mid day if it was really hot. A couple of days when it was cooler, I went all day with one.
This is what we did too. We used cloth masks that I made, so we have an abundance of them! We also brought a few disposable ones with "just in case". We didn't end up using any of the disposable ones.
One or two per day depending on rides /rain if you drop one.. or it blows away while at a table. We just got back and it was 80s in the trip and a lot cooler by the end.. weather did not matter it was usually one or two per day.
I will bring enough of my washable masks to have 2 a day if necessary. They don't take up much room in the luggage so just bringing all I have for the full 10 days. Then when I get home, I just throw them in the wash as usual. I suppose I could wash them while at WDW and bring less, but since I have so many its nice to have a change in design every day.
I was there in September.

Like socks I packed one mask for each day - for a seven-day trip I packed 10. I do the same with socks and...

I never used more than one each day - even in the Sept heat. The only unexpected issue was when it rained hard while I was on Big Thunder. The mask got soaked and made it difficult to breath. After that I put a mask in a plastic bag and carried that one with me.
It was hot, humid, and rainy on our trip. Didn’t have enough... Now I know to pack 3 per person per day. The disposable paper ones are lighter and easier to breathe through.
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In 8 days we were 3 masks - I didn't wash them - I would just leave them out to air. My SIL used about 2 a day and had to wash because they ran out. The masks I wasn't sweating thru like underwear and outfits.
I use cloth masks at home and when I am out and about generally, but when I went to Disney in July and August, I used disposables. They seemed to handle sweat better than the cloth ones. I will be taking a few cloth ones and some disposables on my early December trip, just to see if the cloth ones work for me in cooler and less humid conditions. I would change the disposable one mid day in the park, and have a couple spares with me as well.
I have worn the generic masks from Target and have found one a day perfectly sufficient. In August it wasn’t too hot and I am generally clean shaven.

I kept a pack of extra paper masks in my bag. I generally wore the same mask for two days.
I wore one (Disney cloth mask) a day and washed it at night (had two in rotation). I carried a couple spare disposables on me just in case, but I never used them.
This is the same experience we had..
We had one disney mask per day as well.
I changed it once after it got wet on splash mountain.
In Sept, I went through 2/day because it was a lot hotter and it would get sweaty. On our trip last week, most day's it was 1/day unless it got wet (Splash Mtn) or dirty for some reason. I bring 2/day. So, I brought 10 masks for a 5 day trip. For reference, we wear cloth masks


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