How much food do you have in your house?

Probably 6 weeks. Half of which will be slim pickings.

I’m still traumatized from going to Costco yesterday (could sense a certain mob mentality) so we will make do. :worship:
Maybe a week

update. I just looked we have less food than we normally have. I text my wife who works at a supermarket why we low on food? She said it’s been a jungle here. I said we still need food at least the normal amount we usually have. She told me you go people are crazy. So guess I will have to go later.

what I don’t understand is all the toilet paper buying and the water.
first toilet paper if your home you can go take a shower after your do your business and be cleaner.
the water people act like there’s a big snowstorm coming or a hurricane where they won’t have electric. Cornovirus is not going to have any effect on the electric.
At least three weeks, with the exception of fresh fruit, milk and veggies. Probably longer if DH takes over cooking duties, because he is much better at looking at what we have and putting a meal together.

He'd be fantastic on Chopped on the Food Network! :rotfl:
Probably 2 months worth if not including fresh fruits/veggies. But it's not much out of the ordinary for us -- we shop at Sam's and buy non-perishables in bulk and have a 23 cubic foot upright freezer that we stock when certain things like meat or fish go on sale. The only extra thing I did Corona-related was buy an extra gallon of milk and put it in the freezer. Everything else is kind of par for the course. Food also lasts fairly long here since my kids are all little and not real big eaters. If I had a house containing 3 teenagers it might be a different story.
We’d run out of fresh fruit/veggies/milk in a week. We drink a LOT of milk so it’s hard to store more than a weeks worth & have room for anything else

But between eggs, rice/grits/oatmeal plus pasta, canned chicken, meat in the freezer, pancake mix & flour/yeast to make bread — we could eat for probably 2-3 months, we’d just REALLY miss fruit, beer, coffee, & milk after 1-2 weeks. Our coca-cola might hold out a month cause it was recently on a good sale.

I haven’t really done anything extra though. Just doubled our usual supply of shelf stable things.
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We live in an apartment with limited storage and no access to a chest freezer, but I still manage to keep about 2-3 weeks worth of food on hand at all times. That includes what I'd need to bake (flour, oil, sugar, flavoring, flax in case I can't get eggs), meats that can be used to make broth and stretch into soups, frozen and canned veggies, dried beans, rice. It's basically been status quo in my house among the madness because we always keep ourselves as well stocked as possible. My husband works in restaurant so we need to be able to weather unexpected lean weeks all the time.
Honestly I now wonder if we have enough. We have plenty of snack foods and freezer foods but not a ton of meat
We have enough for 3 weeks or so I suppose. But I mean, we'll need to replenish.

Hopefully all the people emptying the shelves now have enough food to stay locked inside for 2 months and I can do some shopping in peace next week. :)
It's crazy in the northeast. Shelves empty. No meat in most stores or whats left even your dog wouldn't eat.
Don't worry> As you see in my earlier post we will have eaten the cat in 14 days. ;)

We have dogs, cats, birds AND horses. They have to eat ON schedule. Otherwise, there would be chaos at my house.
I don't have my basement freezer plugged in, so I could probably only manage 2 or 3 weeks before things got weird. Like, not starving if we couldn't get out to resupply, but making things that might not go together out of random pantry supplies. I've been debating whether or not to clean the extra freezer out, cause it is a little musty after being out of use since July, and start stocking it, but so far, inertia is winning.
Well there really isn't a good enough explanation, so we could keep going.

Well, at this point, in my city at least, you better have some TP at home because you certainly aren't gonna find any out in the stores.

The water one still has me scratching my head. There isn't a shortage and yet, people keep buying it multiple cases at a time. And our water supply is in ZERO danger of being shut off.


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