How to "sell" DVC to our relatives


Proud papa to two Mouseketeers
Dec 13, 2006
Hi all,

My wife and I just became DVC members and my wife has some concerns about how our membership will be perceived by her family. In particular, her mother will probably say it is a needless extravagance and that if we were going to spend that kind of money, we should have added a bathroom to our house, invested it, or any of a hundred other things. I understand the logic of that, but at the same time I see the intrinsic value of vacations and the awesome quality family time they can provide. That is why we are DVC members now.

So I'm wondering if any of you have any thoughts about how we can "sell" DVC to my mother-in-law and other in-laws. My wife and I are glad we made the choice to become members but I'd hate for it to be a continuing sore spot in the larger family.

Not everyone may approve of your purchase, and if that's going to bother you, I wouldn't tell anyone! Just keep posting here, and we'll share your enthusiasm!

Welcome Home!!!:cheer2:


PS. I am a mother, mother-in-law, and I hope our offspring enjoy their lives and what they do with their money. Their lives are different than ours was when we were at their time of life.
My dad doesn't know we bought DVC. My step-mom and one of my brothers know about it. All of DH's family know in fact some of them are also owners. I love my dad but I would here about it all the time so I choose not to tell him. The few people in my family that know all agreed it was best not to tell him.
As long as you and your wife are comfortable with your decision it really is no one else's business if it was the right thing to do. As to selling someone on the value there are some who will say "take them on a trip with you" - there are others who will say "watch out when you plan a trip with family who does not understand or want to understand how DVC works". I have never explained more than the fact that we have a "timeshare at Disney" to my relatives and that we have a really wonderful time when we go there. I purchased for the same reasons you did and will not let the thoughts of others influence how I feel about it. If something that makes your family happy makes for bad feelings in the family you have some bigger issues than this to deal with. If having DVC means you can't afford the everyday expenses of life and have to ask family members for financial help then yes it could be a sore point but other than that be happy with your purchase and enjoy many wonderful trips. I know you asked how you can "sell" them and this is not an answer to that but just some things you may want to consider.
Quite simply, don't tell them.

My parents didn't know we owned for years.

Or - get them a studio during Christmas week, and then tell them how much it would have cost through CRO :rotfl:

grim pirate:
My advice would be to keep it to yourselves. They will never understand! My mom is the same way. She has no idea that DVC even exists, even less that I own a little piece of the magic. :thumbsup2
Thanks everyone for the comments. My wife and I have been leaning toward keeping knowledge of our DVC membership to ourselves, or just being vague about it.

Your comments and suggestions are much appreciated!
I use to go thru that when buying big item. Finally got fed up and told em if they don't like it tough. My life, my money, my family!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never heard a word out of em again.

Who cares if she finds out....It's your money!!

It was the BEST thing I have ever done for my family....I have the best memories of my kids growing up, etc. at DISNEY!!

My kids just love going each and every year.....
I have the same issue. My dad would totally not understand and I just don't want to hear it from him. DH's family thinks it is great.

I think I am going to keep my DVC membership to myself as far as my family is concerned. My dad would let me have it and my brother would ridicule me, and honestly, what I do with my time and money is none of their business.

Only two of my close friends know that we are DVC owners. I do not think that we'll be telling my family any time soon. Since we already visit Disney Parks 1-2 times a year, I don't think they'll suspect a thing! :goodvibes :goodvibes
I will not be volunteering the tidbit that dh & I are now DVC members with my family. My mom would tell my sister and because my bil doesn't really believe in taking vacations due to the associated costs (unless he is staying with other family members) so I don't care to get quizzed about the cost of buying in, maintaining it, what other things could be done with that money, yada, yada, yada. My dad would probably give me the third degree about it too. And I would really rather just not hear it from any of them. Dh & I are finaincially able to do this and it is something for the entire family for years to come.

Dh's family has said 'Congrats' because they know that we live well within our means, love Disney and have been taking multiple trips yearly for about eight years and will continue to take trips to WDW.

I say don't volunteer the info. If it comes up than be as vague as you want and only share information that you are comfortable with. If they start asking about how much it costs give them the name and number of your guide or point them towards the website. :)
Hi all,

My wife and I just became DVC members and my wife has some concerns about how our membership will be perceived by her family. In particular, her mother will probably say it is a needless extravagance and that if we were going to spend that kind of money, we should have added a bathroom to our house, invested it, or any of a hundred other things. I understand the logic of that, but at the same time I see the intrinsic value of vacations and the awesome quality family time they can provide. That is why we are DVC members now.

So I'm wondering if any of you have any thoughts about how we can "sell" DVC to my mother-in-law and other in-laws. My wife and I are glad we made the choice to become members but I'd hate for it to be a continuing sore spot in the larger family.


Why do you have to "sell" it? Why do they even have to know? Is it any of their business? If you keep your mouth shut then it will not become a "continuing sore spot"

Personally my financial life is not my families' and they don't NEED to know.
Unless you owe them money that you haven't repaid then it's really none of thier business how you spend your money.
Hardly anyone knows that we own at DVC. It's none of their business anyway and I don't want to hear their reasons why it was a bad idea. Also, a free vacation for them is NOT free for me.
Just wanted to chime in with the other posters. As long as you don't owe your relatives money, it's no business of theirs what you do with your money or time. We have owned DVC since 2000 and my parents still don't know it. They never will as we have no plans to tell them. They would never understand spending that kind of money on a vacation. We're in our 50's and our parents grew up during the Depression so "luxuries" are not something that they're familiar with or easily accept. Enjoy DVC and don't worry about what others think.
Have to agree with the others. Unless purchasing DVC has put you in financial distress, how you spend your leisure money is your business.

Of course there will always be people who think any money spend on leisure is money wasted, but that has more to do with how they were raised than their thoughts of you.

If you truly can afford DVC, then sharing the info with others will cause you distress, as others suggested simply don't tell them.
Hi all,

My wife and I just became DVC members and my wife has some concerns about how our membership will be perceived by her family. In particular, her mother will probably say it is a needless extravagance and that if we were going to spend that kind of money, we should have added a bathroom to our house, invested it, or any of a hundred other things. I understand the logic of that, but at the same time I see the intrinsic value of vacations and the awesome quality family time they can provide. That is why we are DVC members now.

So I'm wondering if any of you have any thoughts about how we can "sell" DVC to my mother-in-law and other in-laws. My wife and I are glad we made the choice to become members but I'd hate for it to be a continuing sore spot in the larger family.


Like everyone else I would concur that not telling them is the best way to handle it. You are adults, you know your financial picture and should know what is best for your family.

DH and I have a certain relative who we have not told we bought and we have no plans to. We know for a fact two things would happen:
1) She would give us grief for spending that money on DVC when instead we could have used it to help her and her husband.
2) She would then expect free trips where we would take her and her husband. And when I say free she would expect us to cover everything.

They say what you don't know can't hurt you. In this case what SHE doesn't know can't hurt US.
Take her for a trip. Tell her that this was the best thing that you ever bought because you can have her along for the trip this time. You only wish that you could have bought more so that you could take her next time, but you just weren't able to spend that much money when you could put in another bathroom or invest it.
It looks like you have an adorable little one! Think of all of the vacation memories you will have for years to come!! :cloud9:
Have to agree with the others. Unless purchasing DVC has put you in financial distress, how you spend your leisure money is your business.

Of course there will always be people who think any money spend on leisure is money wasted, but that has more to do with how they were raised than their thoughts of you.

If you truly can afford DVC, then sharing the info with others will cause you distress, as others suggested simply don't tell them.

I agree with this advise, except for not telling the relatives. Sooner or later the questions will become pointed enough that you will have to tell them something. If you are an adult, you have to figure that your family will not always agree with the decisions you make, and they will just have to get over it, and it's the same with DVC. Provided you don't have financial problems, there is no reason not to tell them if the subject should come up. I don't think you should volunteer the information, though, just remember that it's your money and you can spend it as you see fit. My family was so against our DVC purchase at first, now every one of them owns a timeshare/DVC.;)


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