How will you be defined in the dictionary?

:rotfl2: "falls into an outhouse and dies"

Captain Brain: A person who likes to steal tins of tuna

CaptainBrain: full of bees
Honey, I didn't know you liked Tuna? :lmao:

Okay the bee/honey joke didn't go over so well :rolleyes:
But I'm pretty sure I'm going to start calling you Fish Brain. :teeth:
saltnpeppar --

A hard-core grave robber :sad2:

saltnpepper --

A deadly strain of projectiile vomit :jumping2:
ShadowKittyKat --
A brand of soylent green breakfast cereal


Shadow --
A person who is a master of making raviolis


Rachel --
An immortal

dragonlord11_7 --

Similar to butter in texture and appearance

leo --

A poltergeist sent back in time to change the course of history forever

geoleo --

A person with a sixth sense for detecting the presence of goblins

The love this fantasy stuff, don't they?
OMG, the shame of it all -- this is what I've been telling the tag fairy. Now I have confirmation that I'm insignificant!!! Why me? :sad:

karen --

Like one who is invisible and will be ignored.
eeyoremama --

A lewd street performer

I'm not sure I'm liking this one too much either.
karen --

A poltergeist sent back in time to change the course of history forever.

Can I go back and change my name? :confused3
Idol_Fan --

A person who enjoys the smell of rotten eggs

omiigosh! how did they know!
Becky --

A beat poet working the streets

I'm just glad my definition rings true of what I am... I'd hate to be remembered for what I'm not :rolleyes:
WDWfan36- a person who makes a living suing celebrities

TheDivaStar- a deadly strain of projectile vomit

Laura- a person who has the ablility to be invisible

- I like this one, I've always wanted to be invisible lol! Now I can sneak out of boring meetings lol
Michelle --

A real life muppet

MichelleXL --

A person of questionable sanity who starts their own cult

OMG! LOL!!!!

CL_Renpener --

Having the texture of congealed cheese
Grumpy_Disney_Dad said:

Fuzzy to the touch

Well.. garden gnomes who don't care much about their personal hygiene might indeed become fuzzy, wouldn't they? Moss, etc.? :rotfl2:

Purpleduck --

A human transformer (Robot in disguise)

Hmm.. mine is about right. I am a human who transforms to a duck on VMK.. but a robot? :confused3
Kasiks --

Extremely extreme!


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