

If you can be my bodyguard, I can be your long los
Aug 13, 2005
Ok, so we were in the car and my mom starts going on and on about it, right? I have no clue what the heck it is... she's like, "And your step-grandma's son died from it" It all came at me so fast it just freaked me out...


It's really a scary thing... ugh... my mom was like "So, you know not to do it, right?" I was like, "Well, uh, duh mom, I don't want to kill myself!"

Just, I had to share it with my fellow teens who may endanger themselves with it.... :flower3:

yeah someone else posted on this i remember. it was some sad story like keyboard cleaning stuff and he got high off of it.

it's a really sad happening.

i'm glad your mom talked to you about it though.
yeah someone else posted on this i remember. it was some sad story like keyboard cleaning stuff and he got high off of it.

it's a really sad happening.

i'm glad your mom talked to you about it though.

Yea, me too, especially because I had no clue what in the world it was, I mean, Huffing? EWWWWWWW!!! :sad1: Seriously, who'd wanna die:sad2: from smelling the smelly smells of something that smells smelly? :crazy2:
That's what I was like, all appaled and stuff... wow i used a big word!
well, it's sad that people would do that.
but why would the heck would you snort/sniff/inhale that stuff? That would burn..
They do it to get an addictive drug-like rush. Huffing is even worse than marijuana and even cocaine in many cases. One guy who huffed (this was in a Scholastic 'Choices' magazine that we read in school in Health class) said all he remembered from one night of huffing was him running across his yard without pants... :eek:
Any type of a foreign chemical in the body is bad. People can die after the first use.
Drugs are a problem, it's really sad to see people waste their lives away on this stuff.
It makes me sad =(
But sometimes, I think the people and adults telling people constantly not to drugs just kind of gets them looking for it. I would personally never do them, but when people constantly put the idea of drugs in their brains sometimes everything else in the sentence just goes away.
I have absolutely no respect for people who do that, drugs, or alcohol. Its selfish and proves that you are weak.
Who would someone Huff?
that is the same question as
Why would someone use Marijuana. ectasy, LCD, etc?
After you use it if fires extreme amounts of neurons and neurotransmitters in your brain makeing your brain go at 80mph, instead of the normal 25mph. Then nothing is the same again, you need to feel at that point of 80mph all the time, which is when you become addicted.

Don't worry I don't know ths from experiance, I just finished health, (passed with flying colors ;) ) and we spent hte most time on drugs, watched millions of movies, and listened to many speakers.
I don't know about anyone else here, but when people say that they started doing drugs because of peer pressure, I don't take them seriously. Peer pressure is not that much of an issue anymore, its a choice and kids know the effects nowadays. My point is, drugs are so easy to get at my school, but if you want them then you have to go looking for the kinds of people who deal them. Usually drug addicts don't just come up to someone and try and sell them stuff, because they might rat them out; you go looking for drugs, drugs don't go looking for you.

If things are so bad in a person's life, why would they turn to drugs so that they can make their lives even worse? With all the energy it takes to get money for drugs, they could be doing something about their crappy lives instead. Not only is it stupid, and bad for your health, but its also really gross. I mean, who would honestly want to snort some powdered Draino up their nose? That must really hurt :scared:

i knew a girl who used to be obsessed with all things glade. she huffed tons of glade products, just to get "high". and when there wasnt any glade, shed just steal any type of air freshner she could get her hands on. needless to say, she even acted like she lost more than enough brain cells. it was sickening to me.


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