I am ready for it to end

We got dream FP as we were leaving the parks for the last time.

I know this has been brought up in other threads, and you probably already thought about this after the fact, but why not give them to someone else who is on their way into the park?
Honestly, when we were down in January, we didn't even notice any DreamTeam members. We certainly weren't looking for them, or expecting to win anything. I love this promotion, though. I think it's great that they're giving everyone a totally random chance to experience a little extra magic, just for being there.

Of course, just like everyone else, we'd be thrilled to win the DVC, or the castle stay, but it's really the least of our concerns. We're just going to have a great time! :goodvibes

I feel the same way. We are going in December, and seriously, we're just excited to be going to WDW again! I couldn't care less about winning a dream...I make sure our trip is filled with our own magic. Anything extra is just icing on the already perfect cake! I do like the promotion though, it really goes with the theme that we consider Disney to be. I already feel as if we receive dreams just by going! :goodvibes
I felt the same way!

I hated constantly looking over my shoulder! And when I did see the Dream Team, and they walked right past (one looked like they wanted to stop) my family I was like, "What we don't look special enough??" I hate feeling that way, but sadly that is human nature at this stage of evolution anyhow! :)

I hear it is going on into next year, meaning we will hit it again on our next trip. I am unsure how I feel. In some respects I think it is neat in that there are some out there who get to stay in Cinderella's castle or not wait in lines for a day. But, for the majority this much hype both in advertising etc has to lead to some sort of let down.

My present was the looks on my sons faces, and the feeling of secret delight in planning this trip unbeknownst to them. I think this time around I'll be a bit healthier in my views on this celebration.

I just don't understand the whole "Every year has a different celebration to pack folks in" It's Disney World, shouldn't that be enough.
I know , me too.. I feel that we aren't gonna win anything on our trip. because I don't have any cute little kids just surly teens.. so.. i will just go on and enjoy our time.. but there is a little nagging voice that says maybe you could win something.. anything..

i just wanted to make you aware of a personal experience...

oct 2006, my friend andi (both 20) won dream mickey ears off big thunder. we were just in the right place at the right time. No 'cute little kids' with us.

then a couple weeks ago, i was in epcot with my mom and an a couple in about their 50s or 60s won the night in the castle. No kids with them.

So it does happen. it's completley random and ya just have to be in the right place at the right time:)

Good luck!!
Ok, I guess I must amed my previous statement. Last night as we left the park at 2am! We were being waved to by 4 dream team members. My daughter wanted to trade pins and we got to talking about how we had "dream team repellant" and it was our last night. ( home now) they whispered for a bit and gave us some of those pins you keep/give which was cool and then said even though it had been done around 11 ish they would have the castle kiss us goodnight again. so they made some calls on walkie talkies and in about 20 minutes it started up... pretty cool since it was just for us!

Now having the castle "kiss you goodnight".....that is so VERY cool and quite unique!
We honestly never gave it a thought while we were at WDW this summer! Being able to attend a Star Wars Weekend at MGM for the first time was a dream come true for DS:goodvibes and DD got singled out by Jack Sparrow as his "lady" during the POTC routine, so special things were happening anyway:wizard: We'll be back next June...see what happens then.:cool1:
We honestly never gave it a thought while we were at WDW this summer! Being able to attend a Star Wars Weekend at MGM for the first time was a dream come true for DS:goodvibes and DD got singled out by Jack Sparrow as his "lady" during the POTC routine, so special things were happening anyway:wizard: We'll be back next June...see what happens then.:cool1:

Special things always happen at Disney World :cloud9: . I am hoping I can forget about the dream team for our upcoming trip. I may be a little disappointed if we don't win a dream, but I know that wonderful things will happen along the way - that's why we keep coming back. Last year my gregarious son got about 3 magical moments and even without those, there were tons of special things. It all starts in 13 days - yay!
I think a lot of people deep down feel like you... Just read some of the TRs... And I fully understand it, I would too... But we couldn't win anything at all, so there were no reason thinking about it when we went...

When you say you couldn't win anything, is it because you're not a US resident ? I asked that a while ago and someone who works for WDW PMed me some info. While we are not eligible to win the big prizes like free trips, night in the castle, cruises etc.. for tax reasons, we're still eligible to win Dreampasses, lanyards/pins, Mickey ears and little things like that.

OP, I know what you mean. On our first trip I didn't even think about winning something. We got DreamPasses at AK and we were thrilled because it was unexpected. This July, I found myself "looking out" for Dream Team members and feeling a little disappointed when I saw people who had won lanyards or passes. IMO the more you expect and look for prizes the less likely you are of getting something.
It's just like for room upgrades. For some reason I thought we had a good chance of getting upgraded at the Poly, and we weren't.
I didn't expect it at all at BWI, and we were upgraded to Concierge there. :pixiedust:
my dream is coming true, just being able to bring my kids to WDW...for us this is likely a once in a lifetime trip...and that in itself is so magical for me...
but I do understand where you're coming from...it is so wonderful to see other people win, but who doesn't want to win something themselves...that's a totally natural feeling...I hope you're able to enjoy your next trip more:goodvibes
I certainly understand the OP's post. I am fighting off the feeling of expectation myself. I do, however, feel blessed just to be able to go. We probably won't be able to afford it again for a long time. So, the look on my son's face will be the best prize for me. :thumbsup2
OP - I know how you feel about "almost" winning. We had and AWESOME Easter trip 10 days of parks, water parks and lots ofother fun but not one Dream. We were next to a family at Ecpot who won the 4 parks trip and just behind groups given dream fastpasses twice, once at Figment and once at Buzz. Its a little weird I must say but all in all we were happy for those who won and just having a great vacation.

I will say that seeing my 10yo meet Alice while dressed as Alice (for probably the last time at the parks) was very special as were lots of things on that trip.

Just today I booked our next trip - 2nd annual Easter trip and IIRC YOMD will still be happening so who knows. Maybe we will have luck and if not I feel lucky to go to WDW with my family and we can make some dreams on our own.

When you say you couldn't win anything, is it because you're not a US resident ? I asked that a while ago and someone who works for WDW PMed me some info. While we are not eligible to win the big prizes like free trips, night in the castle, cruises etc.. for tax reasons, we're still eligible to win Dreampasses, lanyards/pins, Mickey ears and little things like that.

Are you sure about this??? Cause I read somewhere that we couldn't win anything at all (Because we aren't from the US):confused3
Are you sure about this??? Cause I read somewhere that we couldn't win anything at all (Because we aren't from the US):confused3

Yup, definitely sure !! We won Dreampasses and they never asked us for any proof of residency. I'm gonna PM you what the CM said :)


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