I Can! I Can Stink at 9am! A January TR - 3/8 New TR Link!

I've heard that bleeding can happen without any explanation. I'm so glad you and baby are okay and you just keep resting, don't worry about updates. We'll all be here waiting whenever you do get around to it. Hugs.
I hope everything is ok! Take it easy and take care of yourself. Thanks for checking in to let us know how you're doing.
So sorry to hear about the bleeding! But so glad you and baby are ok! Get lots of rest lady, yours and the little one's health comes first :hug: Hope you feel better soon!
I hope everything stays OK and you are able to get some rest. I forget, when is your due date?
Wednesday, January 7, 2015


“Now it’s like eating at Via Napoli everyday at home!”

I last left us off saying goodbye to my dear friend Pam and heading back to the GFV to change DS out of his orange juice soaked pants.

On the monorail we began talking about our ADR time for Via Napoli at 6:15pm and it was now close to 4:45. DM asked if she could skip out on dinner and just pick something up for her and DS to eat back in the room instead and DH and I could go to dinner. DH and I were like


So I brought up a menu for the pool bar on my phone and she decided on a Grilled Chicken Sandwich and I also ordered some fruit for the both of them. When we got to the GFV, I told them I would go to the pool bar and order it and they could go back to the room and I’d meet them after a while.

A very nice CM took my order. Here’s that Pool Bar menu if you can read it

and I ordered a beer for the wait, cause why not, this was my view.

I think it took about 10 minutes and on my way back I saw DH and DS standing outside on the balcony watching the monorail. Wish I had gotten a pic! But I yelled up at him that as soon as I got up there we needed to leave!

We ended up leaving around 5:45pm and I knew we were going to be late. By the time we transferred to the Epcot monorail and saw this

it was 6:14pm :scared: We were definitely going to be late. Knowing this I took a few more pictures anyway because the view was gorgeous at the time.

As we were walking in, I was tempted by the silent call of the lonely Photopass photographer, just waiting for anyone to come up and have their picture taken. Yes we were running late. But hello! When there is no wait and SE looks so amazing, you just don’t ignore it!

This was taken at 6:20

We were totally going to run for it. And we did! Years back we had done the same ADR Sprint and we had made it within 10 minutes of our time. I wanted to keep it that way. Could we possibly make it to Via Napoli from SE within 5 minutes??? It’s doable without DM and DS.

Let me tell you that we made it through Future World, through Mexico and Norway in 4 minutes :hyper: We can make it! But China was a problem. This was our view from China towards Germany

That would be the bridge that crosses between the two countries and it was now 6:28pm. I had wanted to make it with 10 minutes but now I would probably have to settle for 15-20 :headache:. Once the bridge came down and we were allowed to cross, it looked exactly like this

It was kind of like we were battling. Battling hunger! ::yes:: DH and I escaped unscathed and I had mentioned it felt like the scene from the Chronicles of Narnia. And he laughed and agreed.

By the time we checked in, it was 6:34. Almost 20 minutes late. That’s just embarrassing. But we did mention that the bridge was up and they acted like it was no trouble at all and it would just be a few minutes.

So a few pictures were taken while we waited

And in under 5 minutes we were in and given menus

DH wanted a soda and I wanted a pitcher of Sangria but DH didn’t want any and it was either the pitcher or nothing. So I went with water. And when they brought our waters out I had gotten way too excited!

A few years back DH wanted to get me new drinking glasses for Christmas and gave me some options to choose from. I immediately picked one of the options cause they were the prettiest. Now, we were sitting at Via Napoli and I was drinking from the glasses that we had at home! Eeek!! :hyper:

And now every time I grab a glass, I just pretend I’m at Via Napoli :cloud9: It’s definitely the little things with me guys, apparently.

For appetizers we ordered the Calamari and a Salame e Provolone plate

DH and I have very different likes when it comes to pizza and we couldn’t agree on one. So we decided that whatever the waiter liked the most is what we would go with. He said without a doubt the Prosciutto e Melone :hyper: I was hoping it was going to be that one or the Quattro Formaggi! I’m not sure why we just didn’t have them do half of mine and half his? Didn’t matter it was devoured.

And of course, I can’t leave there without getting the Tiramisu

And DH ate half of this! I was proud. He’s not a huge fan of desserts and definitely not a fan of Tiramisu. We used our DVC for 15% off the bill which actually payed for our dessert so score!

We decided NOT to run this time and to leisurely take our time walking back to the monorail. DM wanted to stop in to Karamell Kuche to get her some Caramel Rolls that Pam introduced us to for dessert cause there wasn’t anything back in the room and of course I was happy too….cause I wanted one also :teeth:.

DH volunteered to buy them (knowing that I probably would have bought more than needed and this is true ::yes::) so I stood out in the pavilion taking pictures. I think Germany when it’s decorated for Christmas is so beautiful

Then a quick stop in China

My absolute FAVORITE Yanni song (Standing in Motion) was playing at the fountain and I wanted a picture while the song and fountain was going. There was maybe less than a minute until the song was going to end (because I used to listen to this CD all day 10 years ago and know every note) and as we were approaching the Photopass photographer, two girls (maybe late 20’s) got there first and asked, “So what are you doing? How does this work?” >:(:furious: And I started sarcastically laughing. I didn’t mean to do it but I did. Because really what are the odds that my favorite song is playing at night with the gorgeous view, on our way out, lonely PP photographer and the two girls in all of WDW who have no clue what Photopass is about decide to approach him of all photographers and ask what he does and how they can do it?!?! So they started asking him how it works and if they can order pictures from him - no they couldn’t he said, they do that online, etc, etc! They FINALLY decide that yes they would like to take a picture. As soon as they were done, we ran to the spot they were standing in and we caught, literally, the last few seconds of the song and water show

Gah, so stressful :rotfl:

Moving on

We thought, just one more picture on our way out

Our photographer was quite the character. He asked for a scary tiger

For confusion

And lastly for a Koala, which I didn’t know how to do and we’ll never know what DH did

I took this next picture purely for time reasons. But now I’ll always remember the villa we were in as well! 9:05pm

Of course everyone was still up and let me tell you how much DM LOVED that Pool Bar sandwich! Like raved about it. And that DS ate it up too. But she was even more excited about the Caramel Rolls I had.

She mentioned she put some of her purchases in our closet to start the packing process since we only had two nights left and I went to check out what she had done. Now may I remind everyone, we had one SMALL (carry on sized) extra suitcase available that I had packed in the bottom of my suitcase for just this reason. And when I told her at the beginning of the trip that I had brought an extra one, I think she thought it was a large sized bag.

Some of her purchases.

Houston we have a problem.
Praying that everything goes smooth for you. It sure does not help to have a hard pregnancy. :sick:

Prayers for you - you've had such a difficult pregnancy so far! :hug:

If it's any comfort, I remember lurking birth boards online when I was pregnant and there were many people who had scary bleeding episodes and it ended up being nothing to worry about. I can't remember the cause, but I saw enough reports of it that it seemed fairly common. Hoping for the best for you!

Oh my, I'm sorry that happened. I imagine very scary. I know somebody who also had that happen, after love making, and everything was ok. Prayers being sent :hug:

Glad to hear everything is ok so far. Hopefully with some rest the bleeding will stop. I also had heavy bleeding with my first son and it turns out it was because my placenta was low-lying. Cleared itself up quickly.

Sounds scary!!! Good thoughts sent and healing pixie dust on the way! :hug:

OH, I hope everything is okay, though it sounds like it is. I'll send lots of good thoughts your way.

Oh no! Hope you're okay.

Any update?

I've heard that bleeding can happen without any explanation. I'm so glad you and baby are okay and you just keep resting, don't worry about updates. We'll all be here waiting whenever you do get around to it. Hugs.

I hope everything is ok! Take it easy and take care of yourself. Thanks for checking in to let us know how you're doing.

So sorry to hear about the bleeding! But so glad you and baby are ok! Get lots of rest lady, yours and the little one's health comes first :hug: Hope you feel better soon!

I hope everything stays OK and you are able to get some rest. I forget, when is your due date?

Hope everything is okay.

Thanks everyone for the replies!

As of today, I still have very, very minimal bleeding as in a few drops of old blood. I guess it can be a number of things including Low lying placenta, cervix irritation, subchorionic hematoma, uterus getting too big too fast or even a period! Funnily enough, the day I started bleeding would have been the day my period would have started :confused3 I'll bring that up to my doctor when I see her next Thursday. Other than that, today was the first day since Sunday, waking up very optimistic and happy :) Heck, I even did an update cause i'm feeling so good :thumbsup2 I'll definitely keep everyone in the loop since you guys are basically the only ones that know aside from our parents. As weird as it is, it's nice to talk about it and get it off my mind.

And my due date is May 10, a few days after Mother's Day :goodvibes
L O V E your new update!!

I have the same glasses :woohoo: they are very common in Italy and a few years back I got some for us. :thumbsup2 Great to know that you have the same ones.

Had to LOL reading about your speeding to Via Napoli and the bridge being up. But even better they did not mind at VN! You had Tom's favourite pizza and that is the one Tiramisu that is really nice and the most like the real thing. Glad you enjoyed it too.

Your photos leaving Epcot (PP ones) made me crack up. Your DH makes a fun Koala. :rotfl2:

Okay, and on a side note ......... if I am lucky and your little one is a day late, we will share a birthday ....... no pressure. :rotfl2:
First off, sorry to hear about the bleeding - Judi had a session of that with one of her pregnancies and it is very scary. Super happy to hear things seem ok though and that it seems to be going away. :goodvibes:hug:

Love the unexpected date night! Sounds like a fun meal - glad the shape of the glass helped to make up for the lack of Sangria. Always fun sometimes to leave it up tot he waiter.

Love all the PP pictures you got - especially this one where you appear to be photobombed by a ghost:

Also, your "confused" face reminds me of a Maya Rudolph character from SNL :rotfl:

Good thing you mom listened and didn't buy too much to bring home ;)
Yea....an update! Love Via Napoli -- the food is just heavenly! Glad to hear that you are doing OK and are keeping positive :)
Very nice date night of just the two of you. Via Napoli looks very interesting place to eat there. Very nice pictures in front of Spaceship Earth.

Good news to read that you are doing okay.
He said without a doubt the Prosciutto e Melone

That looked soooo goood!!! I'm so glad you got a night out for dinner alone...and what a great place to have it!!

Sorry you've been having some issues ...I hope you are ok!!
May the rest of your pregnancy be super boring. :)

The shopping cracks me up. We have free checked bags on Southwest, so I'll be packing one empty suitcase along for bringing back the loot.
L O V E your new update!!

I have the same glasses :woohoo: they are very common in Italy and a few years back I got some for us. :thumbsup2 Great to know that you have the same ones.

Had to LOL reading about your speeding to Via Napoli and the bridge being up. But even better they did not mind at VN! You had Tom's favourite pizza and that is the one Tiramisu that is really nice and the most like the real thing. Glad you enjoyed it too.

Your photos leaving Epcot (PP ones) made me crack up. Your DH makes a fun Koala. :rotfl2:

Okay, and on a side note ......... if I am lucky and your little one is a day late, we will share a birthday ....... no pressure. :rotfl2:

Do you really?! How funny is that! I love those glasses and, knock on wood, we haven't broken ONE in the few years we've had them which says a lot because we break so many things around here.

One of my pet peeves is being late! I don't care if someone is late on me, but I just can't do that. So the fact that they understood was great!

Well considering DS was a week late and how 'amazing' this pregnancy is going, i'm assuming i'll be late again. But that would be really cool!:goodvibes

First off, sorry to hear about the bleeding - Judi had a session of that with one of her pregnancies and it is very scary. Super happy to hear things seem ok though and that it seems to be going away. :goodvibes:hug:

Love the unexpected date night! Sounds like a fun meal - glad the shape of the glass helped to make up for the lack of Sangria. Always fun sometimes to leave it up tot he waiter.

Love all the PP pictures you got - especially this one where you appear to be photobombed by a ghost:

Also, your "confused" face reminds me of a Maya Rudolph character from SNL :rotfl:

Good thing you mom listened and didn't buy too much to bring home ;)

Was she ever put on pelvic/bed rest with that pregnancy? I just don't want it to get to that cause we may have some type of trip coming up :rolleyes1

Heck yes, I totally forgot about the Sangria after I saw the glass! I'm pretty easily excited :hyper:

:rotfl2:Now I NEED to know which character! I love her!

Yea....an update! Love Via Napoli -- the food is just heavenly! Glad to hear that you are doing OK and are keeping positive :)

The food really is delicious! I think this is my third (???) visit and everything we've had is amazing. Thanks for the kind words :goodvibes

Very nice date night of just the two of you. Via Napoli looks very interesting place to eat there. Very nice pictures in front of Spaceship Earth.

Good news to read that you are doing okay.

I love an unexpected date night, especially if it's at Via Napoli! Thanks Bret, so far so good. :goodvibes

That looked soooo goood!!! I'm so glad you got a night out for dinner alone...and what a great place to have it!!

Sorry you've been having some issues ...I hope you are ok!!

Heck yes, that is the perfect place for a date night!

Thanks Kathy, I hope things will be okay too :goodvibes

May the rest of your pregnancy be super boring. :)

The shopping cracks me up. We have free checked bags on Southwest, so I'll be packing one empty suitcase along for bringing back the loot.

:rotfl2:I love this! I hope it gets boring soon cause this pregnancy has been pretty eventful :sick::crazy2:
and I ordered a beer for the wait, cause why not, this was my view.

Gorgeous view, a beer was definitely in order.

As we were walking in, I was tempted by the silent call of the lonely Photopass photographer, just waiting for anyone to come up and have their picture taken. Yes we were running late. But hello! When there is no wait and SE looks so amazing, you just don’t ignore it!
Only you

e can make it! But China was a problem. This was our view from China towards Germany

Hurry much? Love the grainy blurry photo ; )

This was taken at 6:20

6:20 and its pitch dark reminds me its freaking time for day light savings this weekend and I'm so not ready for it to be pitch black at 6:20.

DH wanted a soda and I wanted a pitcher of Sangria but DH didn’t want any and it was either the pitcher or nothing. So I went with water.
I thought better of you, you could have handled that pitcher. So disappointed young jedi ; )

And now every time I grab a glass, I just pretend I’m at Via Napoli :cloud9: It’s definitely the little things with me guys, apparently.
So maybe this makes up for it, provided there is more than water in that glass on occasions when of course you are not pregnant

He said without a doubt the Prosciutto e Melone :hyper:
Ahh, one of my favorites!!!!

My absolute FAVORITE Yanni song (Standing in Motion) was playing at the fountain and I wanted a picture while the song and fountain was going. There
Ok, totally judging you. Yanni???????? I thought I was supposed to be the old one of the two of us

Totally getting a back to the future your disappearing in the picture vibe

Not even gonna ask that is going on here

Marti McFly better keep playing earth angel before you disappear

nd when I told her at the beginning of the trip that I had brought an extra one, I think she thought it was a large sized bag.
Gotta love Mom!!! Can't wait to see how you figure this one out

Other than that, today was the first day since Sunday, waking up very optimistic and happy :) Heck, I even did an update cause i'm feeling so good :thumbsup2 I'll definitely keep everyone in the loop since you guys are basically the only ones that know aside from our parents. As weird as it is, it's nice to talk about it and get it off my mind.
So glad everything seems to be well and you're back. Missed ya!
Typically I'm a lurker, but I just had to comment on your DH's sweatshirt-CSU Long Beach? Toured there and absolutely loved it. If I could tolerate living somewhere without snow, it'd be my #1 for sure!

Glad to see things are looking up otherwise, and love reading your TR!
DM asked if she could skip out on dinner and just pick something up for her and DS to eat back in the room instead and DH and I could go to dinner. DH and I were like
Well, that's great for you! But clearly your DM doesn't know what she's missing.

and I ordered a beer for the wait, cause why not, this was my view.
If you have to sit at a bar for more than 5 minutes, you have to get a beer. That's like a law somewhere I think.

Let me tell you that we made it through Future World, through Mexico and Norway in 4 minutes :hyper: We can make it! But China was a problem. This was our view from China towards Germany
Uh oh... your timing really does suck this evening.

And in under 5 minutes we were in and given menus
Well, I guess for being late that really isn't so bad.

DH wanted a soda and I wanted a pitcher of Sangria but DH didn’t want any and it was either the pitcher or nothing. So I went with water.
:eek: :scared1: :faint:



Either be a big girl and get the pitcher of Sangria or get a beer. The La Rossa isn't half bad.

And what was wrong with him anyway???? He only likes drinking with your mom? :confused3 :rotfl2:

A few years back DH wanted to get me new drinking glasses for Christmas and gave me some options to choose from. I immediately picked one of the options cause they were the prettiest. Now, we were sitting at Via Napoli and I was drinking from the glasses that we had at home! Eeek!! :hyper:
Wow!!! Your DH stole glasses from VN to give them to you for Christmas??? :rolleyes1

DH volunteered to buy them (knowing that I probably would have bought more than needed and this is true ::yes::)
Probably a good decision.

I started sarcastically laughing. I didn’t mean to do it but I did.
Yes. You did mean to. :rotfl:

I'm glad they finally got their picture and got out of your way.

Our photographer was quite the character. He asked for a scary tiger
For confusion
And lastly for a Koala, which I didn’t know how to do and we’ll never know what DH did
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Great pictures. All of them, even the more serious ones before you got to this photographer.

Of course everyone was still up and let me tell you how much DM LOVED that Pool Bar sandwich! Like raved about it. And that DS ate it up too. But she was even more excited about the Caramel Rolls I had.
Well, I'm glad she enjoyed her dinner, but I hope you made it very clear that yours was better.

Some of her purchases.
:eek: :scared1: :faint: Is there anything that she didn't buy???
I've been trying over the weekend to play catch up on here, then Sunday afternoon, I had very heavy bleeding and went to the ER.

Yuck! Hope everything is ok. I can tell you that it happened to my wife sometimes during pregnancy and never amounted to anything.

DM asked if she could skip out on dinner and just pick something up for her and DS to eat back in the room instead and DH and I could go to dinner.

You mean, dinner with out the kid? Where do I sign up??

Yes we were running late. But hello! When there is no wait and SE looks so amazing, you just don’t ignore it!

I can get on board with that.

This was our view from China towards Germany


But we did mention that the bridge was up and they acted like it was no trouble at all and it would just be a few minutes.


I immediately picked one of the options cause they were the prettiest. Now, we were sitting at Via Napoli and I was drinking from the glasses that we had at home! Eeek!! :hyper:

And now every time I grab a glass, I just pretend I’m at Via Napoli :cloud9: It’s definitely the little things with me guys, apparently.

Hey, I'd do the same thing. Beats reality anyday!

I’m not sure why we just didn’t have them do half of mine and half his?

Well, that would have been reasonable.

As soon as they were done, we ran to the spot they were standing in and we caught, literally, the last few seconds of the song and water show

Gah, so stressful :rotfl:

Good thing you got there! Otherwise we never would have been able to tell what song was playing in the photo.:rotfl2:

Our photographer was quite the character. He asked for a scary tiger


For confusion

Allrighty then.

And lastly for a Koala, which I didn’t know how to do and we’ll never know what DH did

What the....?:confused3

Some of her purchases.

:faint: Well, it's good to know Disney will stay in business a little longer.
Hey girl, I'm catching up finally!

The only person not running behind was DS. I know I’ve said this before, but DS was AMAZING in the mornings. I never broke down the stroller at night, so he would just roll it out and sit and wait for us, while watching TV.

He is such a dream-child. What an angel.

For sure we went on IASWM

It's a small world - Mexico?! :laughing:

Really, who doesn’t like this place? No one answer that. We may not be friends if I know the answer:snooty:

I've never had anything from Karamell Kuche! But it is one of the greatest smells on Disney property :love: We came close this year but it was so busy we just went in, salivated, and left :laughing: Any advice on what to get when we finally get around to buying something..?!

I told DH to let Pam design the car since she’s never done it. Didn’t stop him from giving his unwanted opinions

Or making selections for her

MEN!!! This is the story of my life on Test Track :rotfl: I can feel the frustration burning through Jamie's soul when I'm making a little pink sparkly bubble car :thumbsup2

DH announced that he wanted solo pictures

Omg, he is actually hilarious. This seriously cracked me up, especially that third picture down :rotfl2:

Speaking of light fixtures, can anyone point me in the direction towards outdoor light fixtures that resembles the ‘lanterns’ from the Wilderness Lodge or the Grand Californian? I’m wanting to replace our backyard fixture. Thanks!

Can I come and live in your backyard please?

Hi friends! So i'm sick again. :sick: But it's a different kind of sick. I'm pregnant! :banana: With that said, i've been avoiding the DIS and avoiding updating because my next update is all food and that just sounds awful :sick::scared: And I know a lot of you guys have some great food porn, but I just can't even look at it right now. All-Day Sickness hit much quicker this time around, right at 5 weeks (i'm only 7W3D) but it's been rough to say the least. Haven't told the family yet, waiting on my first appointment, October 9th, which is forever away but didn't want you guys thinking I completely abandoned my TR or yours. So i'm hoping to come back officially sometime soon. Even being on the computer is exhausting. Prayers would definitely be appreciated, please and hope to talk to you all soon!pixiedust:

So much love I appreciate it!

My first appointment was on Wednesday, baby looks good. My Doctor wanted me to take a few weeks off of work due to exhaustion, dizziness, lack of weight gain and dehydration. I had gotten prescribed Zofran weeks back but have been afraid to take it so early on in pregnancy and told her I hadn't taken it yet due to some things I have read like deformities (I had taken it with Calvin in the Second trimester and it was WONDERFUL!) and I also have IBS-C which does NOT mix well with the side effects of this drug. But was called 'crazy' for not taking it as soon as I got it:upsidedow:lmao: and prescribed to take more Colace, Miralax and Zofran everyday:eek: Me and pregnancy don't work well I think ::yes::

With that said, i'm feeling much better when I do take Zofran and am able to eat much more with it.

DS turned 3 on Oct 2, so had a Little Einstein's themed birthday party for him (hopefully some pics to come later!) and will be taking him to Disneyland next week :-)eek:) I'm sure this will be a much slower paced vacation than past Disneyland vacations, but have already told my DH and DM to take him and leave me at the hotel (DLH) when needed.

I've been dying to get back to reading everyone's TR's - I felt so 'lonely' these past few weeks not being able to get on the DIS but i'll be slowly coming back and catching up!


I've been trying over the weekend to play catch up on here, then Sunday afternoon, I had very heavy bleeding and went to the ER. Blood work and urine sample looked good. Ultrasound showed the baby had a good heartbeat and moving around. Monday and today i've been at home trying to relax and stay calm. As of today, have very minimal bleeding and slight crampy feeling but my ob still doesn't want to see me until my appointment next week. Prayers would be much appreciated! In the meantime, i'll still be playing catch up and hopefully get a stinkin' update in! Geez it's been a while.

Soooo excited for you! I really hope everything runs smoothly. Sorry you had a fright with the bleeding, but it's a good sign that your doctors aren't worrying :goodvibes And I hope Calvin had a great birthday and you all had a fabulous time in Disneyland!

I ordered a beer for the wait, cause why not, this was my view.

:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc This resort is such a dream I miss it so much :lovestruc

This was our view from China towards Germany

OF COURSE this happened when you were running late!! What a cruel world we live in. But at least now you can blame your lateness on Disney :thumbsup2

nce the bridge came down and we were allowed to cross, it looked exactly like this

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: perfect analogy.

Because really what are the odds that my favorite song is playing at night with the gorgeous view, on our way out, lonely PP photographer and the two girls in all of WDW who have no clue what Photopass is about decide to approach him of all photographers and ask what he does and how they can do it?!?!

Disney really is the best, albeit MOST FRUSTRATING place in the world :rotfl:

we caught, literally, the last few seconds of the song and water show

Woo!:woohoo: It turned out great too :goodvibes

Our photographer was quite the character. He asked for a scary tiger

For confusion

And lastly for a Koala, which I didn’t know how to do and we’ll never know what DH did

He sounds like a hoot! I love the confusion picture :rotfl2:


Kind of worried about DH here... Because you know..


Houston we have a problem.

Story of my life!!!! Hopefully it was nothing that the old "sitting-on-your-suitcase" trick couldn't fix :thumbsup2


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