I don't want to go to Disney World........


DIS Veteran
Jun 29, 2012
I don't want to go to Disney World.. I don't even know why I wanted to go in the first place. I just feel like my past has just disappeared and I was put here on earth yesterday. I feel like an object and feel like crap every day. I don't understand everything any more. I am always in a bad mood and feel like I've ruined my reputation somehow.

I can't even walk around the stupid block w/o feeling like i'm going to die from a heart attack. I was in sooo much pain it was unbareable and it was only from walking around the block down and uphill. My head is empty 24 and I don't know what to do with my self. I can't work because I can't concentrate any more. I forget things and I just get aggravated on the smallest thing.

I feel everything on my body. I can feel my *** 24/7 and it hurts. My mom gets me annoyed cuz she just doesn't understand me. and what i am going through. I just feel like there's no one nice on this earth because everybody treats me like crap, in elementary school, hs and even college. I feel different from everyone. I just don't want to live any more and I certainly don't want to go to Disney world because I don't know what fun is any more. I don't feel present. i feel like an object, "i'm just here," i can look at the wall all day and don't care.
I don't want to go to Disney World.. I don't even know why I wanted to go in the first place. I just feel like my past has just disappeared and I was put here on earth yesterday. I feel like an object and feel like crap every day. I don't understand everything any more. I am always in a bad mood and feel like I've ruined my reputation somehow.

I can't even walk around the stupid block w/o feeling like i'm going to die from a heart attack. I was in sooo much pain it was unbareable and it was only from walking around the block down and uphill. My head is empty 24 and I don't know what to do with my self. I can't work because I can't concentrate any more. I forget things and I just get aggravated on the smallest thing.

I feel everything on my body. I can feel my *** 24/7 and it hurts. My mom gets me annoyed cuz she just doesn't understand me. and what i am going through. I just feel like there's no one nice on this earth because everybody treats me like crap, in elementary school, hs and even college. I feel different from everyone. I just don't want to live any more and I certainly don't want to go to Disney world because I don't know what fun is any more. I don't feel present. i feel like an object, "i'm just here," i can look at the wall all day and don't care.

Please reach out to a professional soon for help. Best wishes to you.
Its hard because my mom just blames all the aches and pains on me being over weight and she doesn't think medication ever helps. It's sad and irritates me into being sooooo freaking angry it's not even funny any more. :(

All she says is "take advil" it does nothing for me. I took over 6 advils yesterday and it does absolutely nothing.
I have nothing in my head. Every time I get an idea my mom puts me down like i can't take a laptop to wdw ebcause she says it will get stolen from our room.
she drives me insane but i don't know how to live on my own. i have no friends nobody. My mind is black like I don't even have a brain any more like it's empty all the time.
i don't like anything any more because stupid people/companies and have to change things. I don't adjust to change easiuly as the next person, i get attach to something
and if it changes I go balistic cuz it's extremely hard to find something i like. like it doesn't exist. Happiness doesn't exist any more. My mom used to be my favorite person in the world but now she is just a big pain in the butt
Luv0fDisney said:
Its hard because my mom just blames all the aches and pains on me being over weight and she doesn't think medication ever helps. It's sad and irritates me into being sooooo freaking angry it's not even funny any more. :(

All she says is "take advil" it does nothing for me. I took over 6 advils yesterday and it does absolutely nothing.
I have nothing in my head. Every time I get an idea my mom puts me down like i can't take a laptop to wdw ebcause she says it will get stolen from our room.
she drives me insane but i don't know how to live on my own. i have no friends nobody. My mind is black like I don't even have a brain any more like it's empty all the time.
i don't like anything any more because stupid people/companies and have to change things. I don't adjust to change easiuly as the next person, i get attach to something
and if it changes I go balistic cuz it's extremely hard to find something i like. like it doesn't exist. Happiness doesn't exist any more. My mom used to be my favorite person in the world but now she is just a big pain in the butt

Please get help. You can call 1-800-543-7283.
I wish I could come along side you and tell you everything will be ok. Your first step should be to pick up the phone and make an appointment with a doctor who has not seen you before. Ask your physician for a referral if you have to. Sometimes getting a whole new "eye" on a health problem can get better results. My dh would have died if that had not happened for him. The doctor was treating him for a lung problem when actually he had Lyme Disease and an autoimmune disease. Just remember you do not need to walk this path alone. If nowhere else, please stay in touch here.
:grouphug: I think you should seek some professional help.

I am sorry you are going through so much, but there is help fore everyone. Sometimes it is the people closest to us, that don't understand what we are going through..

Have you seen another Dr? Perhaps 2nd or 3rd opinions? I went through so much pain a few years ago, and 2 Dr's told me there was nothing, it was in my head. As it turns out, it was far from that. I knew I wasn't crazy, and kept working at it.

You are not alone.
I will pray for you and pease get help if you need a friend you can direct message me your contact info, if u need someone to listen to u let me know.
Check back in with us after the doctor appointment. I'm hoping for some answers for you.
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
i'm doing "okay" got a DR's appointment tomorrow. Gonna see if i can get some antidepressants or something to help

I hope it goes well, and like others have mentioned, We are just a message away if you need to lean on a shoulder.

everything seems unusually bright. I have no thoughts in my head and I just want to die.

i went to the dr's appointment and cuz the dr didn't agree with my mom, my mom called him an idiot on the way home. OMFG. He said he knew a lot of people who are over weight and happy. I'm not one of those happy people. i just feel like i'm wasting my life away. i feel stiff all the time. I weighted 256 with my clothes and crocs on which means i might be 253/254 w/o the crocs. i was like in the 60's a few weeks ago

i had blood work done a month ago, there might be something with the thyroid. but i honestly don't think it will show anything with my luck.

i just feel like i'm not a person but an object.
I am so sorry you are going through this.

You ARE a person, and one with her whole future ahead of her. IT DOES GET BETTER. Picture yourself in the future happier and healthier. You will get there.

Your mother loves you but she obviously doesn't know how to help you. If your doctor is recommending a course of treatment, please seek it. Do you have health insurance that will allow you to see a therapist? It might really help you to have someone to talk to.

Sometimes there is no easy answer. Sometimes people do need medication to feel better and do what they need to do to heal themselves. Please hang in there.
BeckyEsq said:
I am so sorry you are going through this.

You ARE a person, and one with her whole future ahead of her. IT DOES GET BETTER. Picture yourself in the future happier and healthier. You will get there.

Your mother loves you but she obviously doesn't know how to help you. If your doctor is recommending a course of treatment, please seek it. Do you have health insurance that will allow you to see a therapist? It might really help you to have someone to talk to.

Sometimes there is no easy answer. Sometimes people do need medication to feel better and do what they need to do to heal themselves. Please hang in there.

Thanks. I am on prestiq. Just started today. He said there might be something wrong with the thyroid so they took blood... but I am not putting any hope in this cuz we ran the thyroid test a yr ago and nothing was wrong. but sometimes I hope it is so that it can be cured.

I am seeing therapist but she isn't really helping.
Is anybody on prestiq here?
Honey, a lot of physical things can be hard to figure out. And they do affect us emotionally. I've seen too many others go through the same thing.

Are there any teaching hospitals near you? If so, ask for a referral there. Student doctors sometimes see things that the seasoned old docs overlook. Also, ask for a referral to an endocrinologist. They are the ones trained to understand thyroid issues. Most family doctors just don't get it. My sister was in desperate straits before they finally figured out that she had thyroid problems.

Also, thyroid numbers need to be checked at several weekly intervals to get an accurate reading. My sister and my daughter have both had to deal with that. Some doctors seem to think one round of blood work is enough, but really it is necessary to get the numbers watched for at least a month (one full monthly cycle for a woman) to get the complete picture.

Keep coming here and talking to us, it is good to express yourself.

You mentioned your weight, so I know this bothers you. Can you join a weight-loss group and attend meetings? Getting out, meeting people, and having a goal can do a whole lot to lift a person's spirits. Plus you would be doing something good for yourself. I'm preaching to the choir here because I weighed what you weigh just a few months ago. Having the outside voices of encouragement have meant a lot to me.
Thanks. I am on prestiq. Just started today. He said there might be something wrong with the thyroid so they took blood... but I am not putting any hope in this cuz we ran the thyroid test a yr ago and nothing was wrong. but sometimes I hope it is so that it can be cured.

I am seeing therapist but she isn't really helping.
Is anybody on prestiq here?

I would suggest if there is anything abnormal on your thyroid results that you see an endocrinologist (actually I recommend seeing one so that you can be sure that the correct panel is run --some doctors only run the basics when you need a bit more data to identify some thyroid issues). The thyroid is an incredibly powerful thing --- it will affect weight, body temperature, moods, appetite, heart rate and much more. I am hyperthyroid with Graves Disease and sometimes it does feel as if it defines you especially if it limits you. Regardless of what the issue is please do continue to seek help for yourself wherever possible. ((HUGS))
I just wish my mom would stop this attitude where if anybody has a different opinion they are idiots. my mom doesn't understand that heavier people can have friends.


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