I hope Santa's not watching 'cause I am going to whine and pout!


<font color=teal>Soarin' is addictive!<br><font co
Apr 3, 2005
Last year my boys and I had the time of our lives at Disneyland. I spread out payments on the trip over the 6 months prior to our departure. By doing that and taking the shoestring version of the vacation- I was able to take my kids to Disney for 5 days and not have any credit card bill to show for it. It was tight, but we did it!

Despite not being able to afford fancy restaurants and special seating and tours, we had FUN! I wish we could do it again this year, but financially that just wasn't possible, so we're looking forward to visiting Disney in 2007.

Here's where my griping and whining start. Several years ago my sister's SIL paid for her and her kids to fly to LA for a week. She...the SIL..worked for a travel and tourism bureau, so my sister and her kids got comp tickets to Disney AND VIP passes...so they never had to wait in line for a ride. They came home talking about how wonderful Shamu was. I was thinking, "Shamu? At Disney?" Oh, no, seems they hated Disney. Hated everything about it. Thought the rides were lame. Didn't enjoy the shows. Thought the swag was tacky. In their mind, the highlight of the week was the Shamu show at Sea World. I couldn't believe it! A free trip to Disney...VIP passes and all...and they didn't enjoy a minute of it.

To make things worse, I'd given my sister money to buy my son a shirt (this was back when my old ds was an only) and she sent a shirt that was 2 sizes too small...so he got no use of it.

Well, today I found out from a mutual friend (long story...my sister hasn't talked to me for over 2 years because I lost her address and sent Christmas presents to family to pass along to her...you have to understand, she'd moved 4 times in about a year and I was at the post office when I realized I didn't have a current addy...she went off on me and after months of hatefilled e-mails I gave up on her...) that the SIL....long since her ex-SIL...is treating them all to another week in LA. Life just isn't fair! They don't even LIKE Disney...why can't I know someone who lives in Anaheim or Orlando and is willing to pay for our trip.

I am sorry to here that, and hope things get better. :sunny:
Here is another thought for you guys. Since you live in MO why not do the free drinning at WDW when it comes around. It was suppose to end late June but if they do the same this year like last year, they may offer it again late July to mid Aug. You could check into flights or driving and staying the night somewhere. Anyway just a thought of maybe another way for you all to enjoy Disney!!! pixiedust:
The problem being, I teach and, by contract, we are not allowed to use our personal days for vacations. Meaning, if I do Disney during the school year, I'd get docked. We get docked based on how many days a year we work, but get paid based on the number of days in the month. Meaning, for each day you get docked, you lose twice what your paycheck shows as pay for that day. To make it simple, if you made $1000 a year, you'd get paid paid a little over $2 per day in the month. You'd get docked almost $5 for each day you were gone.

The bottom line is, I'm a single mom and can't afford to lose pay on top of the cost of a vacation. We used to get real summers, but anymore there's hardly any time. This year I did summer school. We were supposed to have a week off between school and summer school, but my job requires paperwork that couldn't be done until after school was over. Meaning, my first day off this summer was July 3rd.

I had last week off. This week I have to attend 4 day of professional development. Then I am off until August 7th, when I start back to work for the 2006-2007 year. These summers off sure don't amount to much anymore!

I'm still hoping to find a good deal at some point. If we do summer school next year I'll be able to splurge for our Christmas trip...just keeping my fingers crossed that airfare is affordable! We just can't drive from here...it's about 20 hours either way!

I'm keeping the faith, though! Last year I got a GREAT deal at HoJos...less than I've paid at Motel 8 in places like Omaha! I figure something will come through. (But, I wouldn't say no to a free trip, lol!)
I want to find someone to pay for my trips too :) My mom keeps saying "we need to go back to WDW" to which I reply, as long as your paying, I'm there, otherwise....not going to happen.
That is just sad,it's not like she got free tickets to a crummy movie. Jeeze. I guess like they say,"Things well earned are much sweeter". :thumbsup2 Hey, if she does'nt like D/L,GREAT,more for us. :cool1:

btw if someone comped me a 'bunch' of free stuff to D/L,i would turn them down in a heartbeat-------------NOT. ;)
with my niece and nephew. My sister chose to not visit with us. Sigh. That should tell you something. She hasn't seen my younger son since he was 3 months old...and was otherwise occupied and chose not to visit with us. I drove 680 miles...she wouldn't drive 25.

Anyway, it turns out, they decided not to go to Disneyland at all!!! They spent one day at Universal, went to an A's game, and hung out at the beach!!!! They could have done Disney FREE with VIP passes!!!

Does it surprise you that my sister has chosen to have nothing to do with me for almost 2 years now??? There is just something wrong with anyone who can't have a good time at Disneyland!

I felt really sorry for the niece and nephew...they're 10 and 14. They would have had a blast. I just wish I could afford to take them to Disney with us...but there's no way I can afford two more people. I hope to have them come visit with us for a month or so next summer. Maybe at some point down the road I'll be able to afford to take them along on a big trip!
I know just how you feel. We have a family friend, and her husband's job is somehow affiliated with Disney and she gets free passes to Disneyland and never has to wait in lines. I don't know if she HATES Disneyland, but doesn't really care for it. She lives in the LA area and has offered to take us, but what fun would it be to go to Disneyland with someone who doesn't care for it? 10 out of the 11 times I've been to Disneyland were in the summer and it was always crowded, so I'm use to lines. :teeth:
Sorry to hear about your sister. I just wanted to say that the picture in your signature warms my heart. :goodvibes Especially, knowing how hard you worked to get your sons there. Hope your trip next year is as nice. :sunny:
Keep doing what you are doing!! Your kids will have appreciated how hard you worked and will always cherish their mother. Its sad but I don't think your sisters kids will have the same memories!!
Hey Intsmom, I knew I had been feeling some good Disney vibes here in Colorado lately, its cause you were here! I cannot imagine not taking advantage of a free VIP trip to Disneyland. Of course I am a bit over the top with my love of Disney but even so! I hope you get to go next Christmas and I hope someday your sister wakes up and gets a clue and becomes a better person where you are concerned.
Wow, I'm sorry to hear about the situation with your sister. I hope that you and your boys get to have another fun trip to DL soon! I can see from the photo on your sig that you really had fun on your last trip. You sound like a great mom and I'm sure your boys appreciate all your hard work and efforts. Keep your chin up! :goodvibes
Dare2Wish said:
Sorry to hear about your sister. I just wanted to say that the picture in your signature warms my heart. :goodvibes Especially, knowing how hard you worked to get your sons there. Hope your trip next year is as nice. :sunny:

Agreed ::yes:: Your picture is exactly what Disney is about. Pure magic. Unfortunately, that magic just misses people like your sister. :sad2:
karma. . . maybe deep down she feels guilty the minute she is in the park and just can't deal with the guilt. . .

but hello, freeeeee VIP tx and all??? she must be a card shy of a full deck. . . shamu is not all that. . . not compared to the parades at DL!!!! or the joy of watching your kids experiencing the MAGIC. . .

just remember, Karma. ..

as for the sis not talkign thing I soo feel your pain. . . and my sis lives 2 hours from me.


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