I Like Warm Hugs! - Mommy/Toddler Trip ~ Updated 6/20: New Trip Report Link!

Oh, that is so scary - I'm glad that Izzy didn't hit her head and that she ended up being fine. I had one of those slow-motion seeing Rory fall experiences about 2 weeks ago - it's like time is standing still as it happens. That is so cool about Chip and Dale coming over to make Izzy feel better, and that you got the whole thing on Photopass!
That sounds very scary and super glad you were able to catch Izzy before she got really hurt ... scared is definitely better than hurt.

What an odd interaction with that woman. Maybe just wanted to converse to make you feel batter/that she understood and was trying to relate - but obviously kinda poorly.

So cool for some pixie dust though and having Chip and Dale cheer Izzy up!
Oh dear, as soon as I read "backless" chair, I feared where this was going. Thank goodness you were able to react so quickly.

Hmmmm, I'm starting to wonder if this was all a ploy by Izzy to delay leaving just long enough for the Munks to return for an impromptu meet. :scratchin

Seriously, these are some of the best meet photos ever. Not posed or in a pre-defined place, but completely natural. Awesome!!
Oh how scary. I'm so glad she wasn't hurt. And poor Mama, too! Glad it turned out ok and she got such a special Meet and Greet!
It looks like Izzy really enjoyed the petting zoo!

Scary moment with the almost-fall! That stuff happens so quickly! I can't even count the number of times the boys fall, and of course there is always an audience. It seems like the lady wanted to make conversation? Lonely but a weird way to relate!!

Cute pictures of the Chip and Dale meet! They are so cuddly!

Izzy doesn't look pleased on that train ride. What fun is a ride where you have to sit down after you just practiced some serious acrobatics on a bench??
Oh, cool! Well, keep an eye out for us! You know, when you're not watching for roaming SW characters. :darth: :chewy: At least it's easy to get back and forth between the two parks. You can take a lunch or dinner break at Epcot to get away for a bit. Just a warning, the SWW thread is HUGE, but the first post is regularly updated with new info, so you don't have to read like 250 pages. :faint:

So life got a little too busy and I just had time to really check out the SWW thread today! It is extremely helpful but now it has me looking at adding an extra day! So here goes an extra day of planning!! :chewy::darth:
You are a super hero mom! That was an amazing catch and I'm glad you were able to prevent something more serious! You absolutely weren't doing anything wrong so no need to worry about what other people think. Parents are people too and sometimes need to look away for a minute!

That's so cute that Izzy got her own personal meet and greet with Chip and Dale! I'm sure that helped her to immediately feel better! That's why Disney is so awesome! :cheer2:
Ugh, the judgy eyes. Anyone who's a parent knows that things happen in a split second. And I totally get the grabbing the leg save. In my mind, that's a win. Go you for being quick on your feet! And that Chip and Dale interaction probably made her forget about the scare.
Awwwww - How fun that Chip came over to see with Izzy after she almost hit the deck from her fall. Kids are just so darn fast and stuff like that can happen in a split second. I'm so glad you were able to grab her. And, yeah, TMI from the lady on the scooter. But maybe she was just trying to be friendly.
It was so scary how quickly and unexpectedly that happened. :eek: So glad I caught her, but that lady was just awkward. I'm sure she was trying to be friendly, but it started with her just staring at me wordlessly. :confused3 Glad that Chip and Dale came along to make us all feel better! :goodvibes

Super cute pictures of Izzy. She looked like she was having a blast with all the animals.
Thanks! She really had a good time there. It's a good place for a toddler to run and have some animal interaction.

What a scary almost-fall! I'm glad everything turned out okay except for a few frightened tears. How nice that Chip and Dale stopped by and Izzy was much happier and likely forgot about her scary moment.
It was really scary. I mean, she's had some falls, as all toddlers do, but never from a height directly on her head. :scared: So glad I caught her just in time. And thank goodness Chip and Dale were so sweet and cheered her right up. :lovestruc

I agree that the lady was a little strange...
The whole thing was really awkward. She was just staring me down until I started talking to/explaining to her. And then I felt like she was telling me that what I had done was akin to driving a car through several walls and buildings. :confused3 :scared1: I sure hope I didn't end up on the nightly news (like she must have). :rotfl:

I actually got cheered up by Chip and Dale myself on our Alaskan cruise. We found out morning of that our whale watching excursion was canceled and while trying to book something else we ran into Chip and Dale who wiped away my tears, gave me extra tight hugs and a few cute pics... Where I miraculously do not look like I was just crying!
Oh my gosh, how sweet! Those little guys really have a good sense of who needs them. Love it! :lovestruc Such Disney magic. pixiedust:

Ugh, falls are the worst. No, actually people judging you for being a human being and trying to get something done while your child takes a spill are the worst. Back in the 80s when she had her kid, she probably was busy crimping her hair or acid washing jeans when her child fell off a bench.
:lmao::lmao::lmao: I was literally laughing out loud on that one. :rotfl2: Yeah, the fall was bad, but looking up to see you have an audience doesn't make it any better. So uncomfortable. Then it didn't help when she likened it to crashing a car dramatically. :sad2:

And really, thank goodness you caught her, but she probably would have been fine! My gosh, it seems like their heads are made of rubber or something! So sweet of Chip and Dale to stop, and and such good timing! Love that!!
It is amazing what these kids' heads can handle. When Izzy was pretty small (pre-walking, but sitting), she was sitting next to an end table and then suddenly just smacked her head down on the bottom shelf of the table. Like, not falling or anything, just more like, "I wonder what would happen if I just smack my head against this?" :headache: She had a huge, awful-looking bump on her forehead from that one, but was just totally fine. :confused3

Love the petting zoo pictures! So sorry about Izzy's scary near injury. Unlike the crazy driving lady, I really can relate! I have caught Luke multiple times by an arm or leg! We have had lots of bumps and bruises, but fortunately no serious injuries.
I am glad that someone can really relate! :goodvibes I was feeling pretty bad about myself in that moment and that lady sure wasn't helping.
Oh, that is so scary - I'm glad that Izzy didn't hit her head and that she ended up being fine. I had one of those slow-motion seeing Rory fall experiences about 2 weeks ago - it's like time is standing still as it happens. That is so cool about Chip and Dale coming over to make Izzy feel better, and that you got the whole thing on Photopass!
That is exactly it - time just stands still and the moment of seeing them fall feels like it goes on forever. It was really wonderful that Chip and Dale came out when they did and that the Photopass person was observant enough to get some pictures. pixiedust:

That sounds very scary and super glad you were able to catch Izzy before she got really hurt ... scared is definitely better than hurt.
Totally agree - I'll take scared over hurt any day. Though I'm sure the lady thought the tears meant she was hurt, so maybe that was part of the weirdness.

What an odd interaction with that woman. Maybe just wanted to converse to make you feel batter/that she understood and was trying to relate - but obviously kinda poorly.
I think that was probably it. She was probably trying to be friendly, but in her own, unique way. It just wasn't really feeling good to me in that moment.

So cool for some pixie dust though and having Chip and Dale cheer Izzy up!
That was so great and made me wonder if the CMs had seen what happened or if they would have interacted with her anyway. :confused3

Oh dear, as soon as I read "backless" chair, I feared where this was going. Thank goodness you were able to react so quickly.
Yeah, I thought that might be a spoiler, but wanted to set the scene. So glad I was close enough to grab her. I still have no clue how it happened - she knew how to sit, but just went flying back. :eek:

Hmmmm, I'm starting to wonder if this was all a ploy by Izzy to delay leaving just long enough for the Munks to return for an impromptu meet. :scratchin
Hey, maybe that's what happened. :scratchin She is pretty clever. And it did work. :rotfl:

Seriously, these are some of the best meet photos ever. Not posed or in a pre-defined place, but completely natural. Awesome!!
Thanks! I love that too - just capturing some moments outside of the normal meet-and-greet scenario. It was all so sweet and special and I'm glad we have some photos so we know it really happened. ;)

Oh how scary. I'm so glad she wasn't hurt. And poor Mama, too! Glad it turned out ok and she got such a special Meet and Greet!
Thanks, it was probably at least as scary for me as for her! So glad that Chip and Dale were there to get us past that. :goodvibes

It looks like Izzy really enjoyed the petting zoo!
She did! It's a nice place to have some unstructured play time - especially for animal-loving-kiddos. :thumbsup2

Scary moment with the almost-fall! That stuff happens so quickly! I can't even count the number of times the boys fall, and of course there is always an audience. It seems like the lady wanted to make conversation? Lonely but a weird way to relate!!
It really is amazing how quickly you can go from a peaceful moment to a horrifying one. And there had been nobody around, so this woman must have just rolled up right while it was happening and boy was she gawking! :eek: (<=just like this).

Cute pictures of the Chip and Dale meet! They are so cuddly!
Thanks - they are really huggable, for sure! :hug:

Izzy doesn't look pleased on that train ride. What fun is a ride where you have to sit down after you just practiced some serious acrobatics on a bench??
:rotfl: Exactly! She's normally pretty good at sitting on transportation, but she was just not in a sitting mood after that incident, I guess.

So life got a little too busy and I just had time to really check out the SWW thread today! It is extremely helpful but now it has me looking at adding an extra day! So here goes an extra day of planning!! :chewy::darth:
Haha, it does have the ability to do that! Heck, I'm not even a Star Wars person, but it gets me pumped up about everything there is to do! :rotfl:

You are a super hero mom! That was an amazing catch and I'm glad you were able to prevent something more serious! You absolutely weren't doing anything wrong so no need to worry about what other people think. Parents are people too and sometimes need to look away for a minute!
Aw, thanks! :flower3: I only did what any other mom would do. Thanks for making me feel better about it. :goodvibes

That's so cute that Izzy got her own personal meet and greet with Chip and Dale! I'm sure that helped her to immediately feel better! That's why Disney is so awesome! :cheer2:
It really is something that showcases how awesome Disney can be. pixiedust: Couldn't have happened at a better time!

Ugh, the judgy eyes. Anyone who's a parent knows that things happen in a split second. And I totally get the grabbing the leg save. In my mind, that's a win. Go you for being quick on your feet! And that Chip and Dale interaction probably made her forget about the scare.
Thanks! I was so glad I caught her in time, but looking up the that woman just staring at me with that disapproving look was unpleasant. So glad that Chip and Dale were there to follow her act.
You Have Friends Who Are Love Experts?

When we got off the train, we grabbed the stroller and bolted back towards the Adventurer’s Outpost to try to make it in within the grace period of our FP+ to meet Mickey and Minnie once more. :drive: The actual window closed at 11:50am and I knew we’d be late for that, but I thought we had a chance of making it within the 15 minute grace period I’d heard they have after. I approached about 13 minutes after the window and asked the CM if we’d still be okay. She told me to go ahead and park the stroller and come back over. I explained that I was close to the end of my window and wanted to scan and make sure I’d get in before parking the stroller and getting Izzy out. She was okay with that and, sure enough, I still got the green Mickey. :thumbsup2 I went and parked the stroller and hurried back. We were in the queue at 12:06pm.

This ended up being a longer wait than we’d had that morning. :snail: Even with FP+ it was 25 minutes in line. And it felt like forever. But we waited…because it was Minnie! ::yes::

The time was passed by chatting with a fun family in line behind us, though. It appeared to be three generations – a mom, her young adult daughter, and grandma. They had a plush Olaf and Izzy had eyes for it. They noticed her looking at it and gave it to her to hug while we waited. :goodvibes She loved that:

They noticed me taking the selfies and offered to take a pic for us too:

Izzy was hugging away and they were all giggling and thought it was adorable. Thankfully, Izzy very nicely gave Olaf back when she was done (I was worried she’d freak out and want to keep it).

What a sweet family! :lovestruc After that, we were all just chatting away. :chat: They were from Wales and had fabulous accents. I found out they love Frozen and were so glad they just so happened to have a trip planned while Frozen Summer Fun was going on. They’d been having a blast. I loved how happy they all were, even granny in her wheelchair. And they were in love with Izzy too. They thought it was awesome that I had an Annual Pass and lived close enough (well, at least in the same country) to make multiple trips. One of the great things about Disney is how sometimes everyone just starts off in the default mode of “friends” – it made the time pass much more quickly during that part of the wait. :goodvibes

Eventually, we got separated. :sad1: Entering the second room, they cut off the line right after us. Turned out that this is where they combine the FP+ and Standby guests. Izzy passed the time by running around in the space behind the door that had just been closed behind us:

I eventually picked her up, as I didn’t want her to get hit by the door whenever the next group was let in. We were up to 12:24pm at that point. The wait was starting to drag on without our friends and Izzy started getting goofy and blowing raspberries :crazy2: :

Eventually, our friends from Wales were let into the room and we were all happy to see each other again. They were now quite a few families behind us, due to the Standby line being integrated. It was interesting to see how that was done. :scratchin We really couldn’t chat, as they were too far from us, unless we passed each other. We finally made it up to the final room that contained Mickey and Minnie (but mostly Minnie ::MinnieMo).

Izzy did not hesitate to run straight up to Minnie for a hug. :hug: She even did come around and hug Mickey too, with a bit of coaxing. It was a really adorable meet and I’m glad we waited for it. I was videotaping with my phone, so I only have Photopass pics and there aren’t many, but they’re quite cute:

Here’s the video:

(click to watch)

You can definitely tell how smitten Izzy is with Minnie. :lovestruc And Minnie did a great job of going with that (and Mickey too). I think they were quite flattered with her affections. :flower3: We finished up there at 12:30pm.

We went straight from that meet to the Dug & Russell meet. Got into the queue and were waiting semi-patiently at 12:37pm. I was definitely feeling a time crunch, as we only had a few hours before leaving on the Magical Express. :hourglass

The line wasn’t too bad, but naturally they had to go on a break. Our view:

Squirrel! :squirrel::

The lady behind us was really confused that they were leaving and I had to explain to her that they “went to get a snack and some water” ;) and would be coming back in a few minutes. She then explained that to her son. And I’m fairly certain that she did not realize that was the Disney-fied way of saying CM-change, but actually believed they were off getting a snack. ::yes:: Clearly, they had not run into this scenario before. :rotfl:It did take longer than I remembered, but Dug and Russell did eventually return and Izzy was pleased to spot them:

When we were up next, the CM just took our stroller and pushed it in the general direction of the exit. It just kept on rolling until it hit this post with a thud :eek: (ours is the red one):

On deck, just waiting for these kids:

Izzy got a kick out of Dug, since he was a doggie and all, but she wasn’t too sure about Russell. You can see that in the pictures and it’s kinda funny:

I love that they are both waving here, but Izzy’s not paying attention:

At least she’s looking now:

And the Photopass shots:

I love the way she’s looking at Russell :lmao::

Poor guy. :sad2: I guess I didn’t even get in the pictures, so no new avatar for me:

I love how it looks like she’s getting a big, sloppy kiss in this one :laughing::

We were out of there at 12:45pm.

On our way to the Boneyard, I saw a stroller like Lauren’s, but with the second seat on it (in June, we had talked about how the girls could have shared a stroller if she’d brought the other seat):

Pretty cool! :thumbsup2

Meanwhile, this was my view:

Hey, wait, so that doesn’t look like the Boneyard!? :confused: We may just have been distracted by a character meet YET AGAIN! :rolleyes1

Up next: Who diverted us from our mission? And we also do make it to the Boneyard to play quickly.
Cute, cute, cute pictures with Minnie, of course! I love that the CM was like "Do you want to take a picture?" And Izzy was all "No, thanks. I'll just hug Minnie some more."

And I’m fairly certain that she did not realize that was the Disney-fied way of saying CM-change, but actually believed they were off getting a snack.

I'm not sure if there is anything to say but :confused3 She believes in the Disney magic, clearly!

When we were up next, the CM just took our stroller and pushed it in the general direction of the exit. It just kept on rolling until it hit this post with a thud :eek:

How thoughtful of the CM to treat your stroller with such care!

Fun meet with Dug and Russell! Izzy really isn't sure about Russell! Sorry you didn't get your new avatar picture!

Excited to read about another character meet and Boneyard time!
That is a pretty cool double stroller. I like that!

Wonderful pictures of Izzy with the characters. Glad you were able to make it into the line for the first meet. And yay for having a fun family to talk with. That definitely makes the time pass faster.

Is does look like Doug is giving Izzy a big old lick. :rotfl:
How nice of that family to let Izzy play with their Olaf. People in Disney are nicer, I think.

Izzy and her love of Minnie knows no bounds. :rotfl: I think it's so sweet that she loves one of the Disney characters so much.

Russell can look pretty intimidating, especially to a toddler. Thank goodness there was a dog there to help ease her fears. :goodvibes
Smart call getting the FP scan done first. So glad it still worked. I haven't tested the after window, but have the 5 minutes before window, and it's good to have confirmation that both are in fact correct.

Awww. that picture of Izzy with Olaf is PRECIOUS!! Clearly they need an Olaf Meet and Greet. Very sweet that there were no issues giving him back. I was a little concerned reading that as well.

I's always hard to pick a favourite thing about the whole Disney experience, but I have to say that I think the fact that people are default friends immediately upon entering that sacred ground ranks at or near the top. :goodvibes

I kind of like being at a Meet and Greet when the characters come out. There's something kind of special about seeing them actually walking through the park. It's like they live there.
I missed your April 12th update I guess :( sorry! So sweet seeing Izzy with the goats, looks like that was a hit! Glad she was okay with the fall, and what a fun surprise having Chip & Dale stop by unprompted! That was awesome!!

The Minnie meet was adorable too (and really great they let you in!!), loved the photos!

RE the stroller, we actually had some fun yesterday playing with the seat configurations for two. I even figured out how to make both seats recline for nap times, because I swear Aria will nap until she's 12!

Oh the Dug & russell meet is cute. I somehow always tell Aria they are going for potty breaks, so she gets a kick out of that (we seem to have a lot of potty talk lol).
I didn't know that Dug & Russell have a meet at AK - good to know! Rory watched Up this weekend and loved it! I think he might have the same reaction to Russell that Izzy did, though!
But the pig was up for a massage:

:rotfl2: Love it!!!

Because the couple little video clips I took caused my phone to start telling me that the storage was full and then it froze again!! :sad: Ugh.

I don’t know if she forgot what she was sitting on or what, but she was going headfirst towards the pavement very quickly. :scared: I saw her in my peripheral vision immediately and reacted fast, grabbing her left leg, which was the nearest thing for me to catch. I caught her and stopped her fall inches before her head hit the ground, but now she was dangling over the bench by her bent left leg. :eek: I was worried about hurting her leg if I tried to pull her back up by it, so I decided the safest thing was to very slowly lower her down, just gently touching her head to the ground as I lowered her onto her back and got her up. Keep in mind, this all took place in like 1-2 seconds, but it seems like slow motion in the moment. :snail: Once I had her down and unscathed, she burst into frightened tears. :sad: She wasn’t hurt, but we were both pretty shaken up by her fall. I hugged her and comforted her and double-checked that she was totally fine. I was so glad that I’d been so close and reacted so quickly. And that the bench was just tall enough that she could be dangling over and not hit her head. Scary. :faint:
Terrifying! :scared1: I am SO glad that she was okay. :faint:

After that excitement, I looked up to see an older woman on an ECV staring at me, somewhat bewildered. I can only assume she watched the whole thing go down. I felt like she was judging – mom staring at her phone, ignoring her kid – or something. However, I was trying to get my camera to work so I could take more pics of my kid – not hanging out on Facebook or something. I assured her that Izzy was okay and explained what I was doing and all. She seemed better then. But weirdly chatty. And tried to “relate” with me by telling me how “things happen” and once she was driving and went through like 2 walls and a building or something crazy and her car was a mess, but she went into work anyway and maybe that’s why she can’t walk super far and uses the ECV at WDW :scared1: …Okay, I don’t think this is the same thing at all. Thankfully, her hubby came by and distracted her.
Um, this is just odd, just really, really odd. :laughing:

But then their Photopass person came out and got some shots for us! :cool1: How awesome! Chip had moved on already, but she got some cute ones with Dale. Perhaps he knew she almost hit her head? :confused:

Fancy dancing? :dancer:

So sweet :lovestruc:

What’s on your shirt? Gotcha! :rotfl:

You can see the bench pretty well here:

Okay, fabulous to get to meet them this way - so special. And then made SO much better by the PP photog actually coming over and getting pics. That is just wonderful! pixiedust:

One of the great things about Disney is how sometimes everyone just starts off in the default mode of “friends” – it made the time pass much more quickly during that part of the wait. :goodvibes
The waits go by so much faster when something like this happens. :goodvibes

You can definitely tell how smitten Izzy is with Minnie.
No kidding!!! So cute!

Izzy got a kick out of Dug, since he was a doggie and all, but she wasn’t too sure about Russell.
I kind of thought she might feel this way. ;)

I love how it looks like she’s getting a big, sloppy kiss in this one :laughing::

This is one of my favorite pics yet!
While I get that the TR title is a Frozen reference, I must confess that I can't read it without singing, "I like...warm hugs, and I cannot lie. Those other brothers can't deny..."

Now I'll read the actual TR ;)
Cute, cute, cute pictures with Minnie, of course! I love that the CM was like "Do you want to take a picture?" And Izzy was all "No, thanks. I'll just hug Minnie some more."
:rotfl2: Yeah, Izzy and Minnie are QUITE close. That was the best part of this trip - she was just SO enthralled with hugging her character friends.

I'm not sure if there is anything to say but :confused3 She believes in the Disney magic, clearly!
For sure! It was kind-of amusing, but cute at the same time.

How thoughtful of the CM to treat your stroller with such care!
I think the CMs sometimes forget that these are expensive items that people may not want thrown around by strangers. :confused3

Fun meet with Dug and Russell! Izzy really isn't sure about Russell! Sorry you didn't get your new avatar picture!
I think poor Russell was feeling a little sad with the lack of affection. Hoping I can catch a quick picture with Dug next time!

Excited to read about another character meet and Boneyard time!
Coming right up! :goodvibes

That is a pretty cool double stroller. I like that!
It's pretty awesome! Lauren was telling me about all the different configurations - it's very versatile. :thumbsup2

Wonderful pictures of Izzy with the characters. Glad you were able to make it into the line for the first meet. And yay for having a fun family to talk with. That definitely makes the time pass faster.
I really loved talking with that family in line. They were so sweet and enthusiastic and I was just enthralled with their accents. :lovestruc

Is does look like Doug is giving Izzy a big old lick. :rotfl:
It really made me wonder if they try to make it look like that or if that was just a coincidence. Cute either way. :dogdance:

How nice of that family to let Izzy play with their Olaf. People in Disney are nicer, I think.
I agree. I was so surprised that they just offered Olaf up when they saw Izzy eyeing him. Very sweet!

Izzy and her love of Minnie knows no bounds. :rotfl: I think it's so sweet that she loves one of the Disney characters so much.
It's pretty amazing how strong her love for Minnie is. I changed the sheet on her mattress today and I put on a Minnie sheet - she was THRILLED and kept saying, "My Minnie sheet! She's back!" :lovestruc

Russell can look pretty intimidating, especially to a toddler. Thank goodness there was a dog there to help ease her fears. :goodvibes
That's probably it. She actually did seem a bit afraid of Russell. But a giant dog? No problem! :rotfl:

Smart call getting the FP scan done first. So glad it still worked. I haven't tested the after window, but have the 5 minutes before window, and it's good to have confirmation that both are in fact correct.
I sure didn't intend to test that after window either, but I was very worried that I'd park the stroller and come back and it wouldn't work. Glad all was fine! :thumbsup2

Awww. that picture of Izzy with Olaf is PRECIOUS!! Clearly they need an Olaf Meet and Greet. Very sweet that there were no issues giving him back. I was a little concerned reading that as well.
I REALLY wish there was an Olaf meet and greet! (though I don't want to know how long those lines would be!) Really glad that she kindly gave him back - I was worried too, as she was hugging him pretty hard.

I's always hard to pick a favourite thing about the whole Disney experience, but I have to say that I think the fact that people are default friends immediately upon entering that sacred ground ranks at or near the top. :goodvibes
I agree! I think that's the case on the DIS too (at least some parts of it, like TRs) - we all love Disney, therefore we all feel this bond and want to be friends. It's pretty cool! :goodvibes

I kind of like being at a Meet and Greet when the characters come out. There's something kind of special about seeing them actually walking through the park. It's like they live there.
That's a fun way to look at it. I do like when they are walking along and randomly greet people along the way. Extra magic! pixiedust:


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