I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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On Monday my daughter dropped off youngest grand daughter while the rest of the family went for dental cleanings.

So we were busy playing and she kept wanting to get into things that I'd prefer not be touched, ie dropped and broken, which meant I had to keep a close eye on her. At some point I noticed she had a handful of gift cards. Happy gift cards. The ones I'd misplaced earlier this fall! I have no idea where she found them but I was certainly happy to see them. Turned out to be $150. I'm so clueless I wasn't even sure how much money was on them, but losing $150 is a big chunk of savings so happy to have them back, especially since I added a trip to January.
Yeah, there is a no-add version, but it is higher in price. I did the $0.99 a year last time, but for double the price I don't really think I need it this time. Maybe if a no-add deal pops up!

Ha didn't see this post - I posted about Hulu too.

I'm on ad free now. I'll live with the ads. I was going to cancel it completely so some access is better than none I guess. I really just want Hulu for Letterkenny and the times when I miss a show live.

We have so many subscription services. I want to cut Netflix and DH had a fit and a half (I never watch it, he does).
On Monday my daughter dropped off youngest grand daughter while the rest of the family went for dental cleanings.

So we were busy playing and she kept wanting to get into things that I'd prefer not be touched, ie dropped and broken, which meant I had to keep a close eye on her. At some point I noticed she had a handful of gift cards. Happy gift cards. The ones I'd misplaced earlier this fall! I have no idea where she found them but I was certainly happy to see them. Turned out to be $150. I'm so clueless I wasn't even sure how much money was on them, but losing $150 is a big chunk of savings so happy to have them back, especially since I added a trip to January.
Nice! What kind of reward did she receive?
Happy Thanksgiving everyone !!

I’m hungry already reading everyone’s menu....no cooking for me..we go to my DHs brothers house..he’s a great cook....and we bring all the drinks etc...
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We are going to my DB’s in Clermont. I thought we would be eating at CityWalk but my brother wanted to host either Thanksgiving or Christmas since my mom is staying with my sister in St. Pete and we are down to escape the cold too. I wanted to enjoy our time at HRH for Christmas so Thanksgiving it is.
Oh boy @Haley R - the professor is about to send you to the corner!! Perhaps it's best not just for you but for EVERYBODY to revisit my Fireside Chat on CHASE PACING:

Please take notes...there will be a quiz later :D
Geez sorry lol. I wasn’t trying to make anyone mad. I swear I’ve been paying attention (or trying to). There’s just a lot going on right now. Can I blame it on pregnancy brain?
Todays menu:
Relish Tray
Mashed Potatoes
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet Corn
Cran/Rasp Jello mold (family tradition)
Broccoli Kale Brussels Sprouts Salad

Pumpkin Pie
Pecan Pie

This will all be consumed by four people: dh, myself, dd, and her bf's roommate from college, who now lives with dd and her bf. The bf will be going to his parents. 🙄 Weird....his parents freak out if he doesn't spend holidays with them. I had a MIL like that. DD is in for a tough row to hoe.

The other dd and bf will not be coming. They just got a new puppy Tuesday and don't want to expose it to the THREE dogs my other dd is bringing. Ugh. I'm ready for a vodka martini with 3 green olives. Is 4:45 am too early?!!?
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
I am a little bummed that I can’t watch the parade today on tv because the local transmission antenna had a fire and they are not back running yet.
I am making 4 apple pies and mashed potatoes for our dinner. My mom is making stuffing and veggies. My SiL is doing the turkey and a cheesecake. We have 9 people. Then another dinner on Saturday with my DH’s family.
I don’t like olives. 🤓
I ordered an air fryer from target online yesterday on sale for $50. I figured for that price it was worth trying. I have been wanting one.
Not really doing any other Black Friday shopping unless I see something pop up online. I want to order some dvds and a video game for my son.
I found a good deal on North Face jacket that my son wanted a few weeks ago online.
In CC news - tuition bills are due in a few weeks and I will finish SUB on my DH and my citi AA card. After that I will have a nice stash of AA miles to hopefully use for a hotel at universal in the future. Also going to charge the tuition that is above and beyond the spend I need to meet on those two on my SW card that has the 25% miles bonus.
Just stuck the turkey in the oven and if I hadn’t charred the first try at the cranberry sauce and had to use my extra bag, I would make that Nantucket cranberry pie right now. I have never heard of a relish tray - down here in the southernmost part of the US that is not Southern, our Thanksgiving meal is a mix of traditional with Cuban. Right after we got married, we hosted Thanksgiving in our new house and made a traditional meal. My FIL only ate a turkey drumstick - he had never seen or tasted sweet potato casserole, green beans, mashed potatoes were too bland, stuffing? Forget it. Now, black beans and rice and plantains are always on the menu.
I have a lot of amazon gift cards so trying to find deals on what I need there.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! No meal for us this year (we celebrated in October). All the meals sound so yummy!

@PolyRob what is the best deal available online on the iPad? I'm going out for a few hours to meet a friend for breakfast (no respect for BF lol!) so hopefully whatever it is will still be available online around noon. Otherwise I'm happy I got my Sonos sound bar at BB $80.00 off + a $20.00 GC!
I know I'm a bit behind on this but in regards to older CP roommates just wanted to say I had one of those. It was not good! She was in her 40s, had left her 9 year old son with her mother so she could do the CP. We actually had to have the Housing people intervene and remove her from our apartment because she was just too creepy. I can't remember all the details as this was 15 years ago. But there was something about her not giving the one girl her mail. And she always walked around in this gross Garfield night shirt.
In my experience older people who do the CP are generally trying to escape some aspect of reality and not necessarily as with it as the rest of us.
Happy Thanksgiving!! I’m home celebrating with my family. We leave for our wedding on Saturday. I have been so busy with the planning and I have had some minor problems, but I’m so excited for the big day on Tuesday. I can’t believe it’s almost here.

I can’t believe wedding is almost here! Congratulations and best wishes!! ❤️❤️ Hope you have the Disney wedding of your dreams.
Happy Thanksgiving!! I’m home celebrating with my family. We leave for our wedding on Saturday. I have been so busy with the planning and I have had some minor problems, but I’m so excited for the big day on Tuesday. I can’t believe it’s almost here.
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy almost wedding!!! Can’t believe it’s almost here. I hope everything works out perfectly.

We just started watching ‘Fairytale Weddings’ on Disney+. Can’t wait to hear all about yours!
I know I'm a bit behind on this but in regards to older CP roommates just wanted to say I had one of those. It was not good! She was in her 40s, had left her 9 year old son with her mother so she could do the CP. We actually had to have the Housing people intervene and remove her from our apartment because she was just too creepy. I can't remember all the details as this was 15 years ago. But there was something about her not giving the one girl her mail. And she always walked around in this gross Garfield night shirt.
In my experience older people who do the CP are generally trying to escape some aspect of reality and not necessarily as with it as the rest of us.
That’s really weird. Leaving your child behind to go do it? Um, no.
I don’t think I knew you did the program! What was your role?
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