I made up the plan. It is MY plan! - A March 2015 TR - update 6/30 Epcot morning

After a mercifully uneventful night's sleep, we got up bright and early Sunday morning. J had baked some muffins for the trip the day before we left. We had those and some juice and fruit in the room for breakfast.

By 8 AM we were on the road to church (Catholic Mass). We tried the one in Celebration for the first time. We usually go to the Shrine, but Celebration is closer to AoA. The part of Celebration we were in seems to mostly be some really new condos (including a LOT under construction) that are inhabited mostly by snowbirds. It looked like a GREAT place to have a winter home. We arrived just 10 minutes before Mass started which means they were running out of parking and we had to sit in folding chairs along the side of the church. So, now we understand why it is generally recommended that you go to the Shrine instead. However, it was really nice not to get the "we need money" speech that you get every time at the Shrine (because it doesn't have any regular parishioners, all money has to come from visitors).

After Mass, we headed back to AoA with D and T while MIL and FIL took the girls and stopped at Walgreens. Silly me forgot to ask them to get bandaids. Ugh! While we were waiting on them to get back, we walked around AoA a little and took a couple of pictures.


The boys LOVED the "elephant graveyard"! You can see a little tunnel behind them and they must have chased each other through it at least a couple of dozen times. This kept them entertained until MIL and FIL returned. Then we got everyone in their swimsuits and they headed off to the pool.

With the kids well entertained, DH and I made our escape! We hopped on a bus to Epcot! I really wanted some time to enjoy the Flower and Garden festival and the kids get bored with it pretty quickly. So, we were really excited to get a couple of hours to ourselves to do "grown up stuff".

Up next, snacking around Epcot!
I loved walking around AOA and seeing all of the big icons. So glad the boys had fun running around.
I'm so glad you had a peaceful night and your little guy seems none the worse for wear! Yay for getting some adults only time at Epcot! And at F & G no less!! I can't wait to hear about it all!
I am SO HAPPY I am here!! :yay: Your PTR was so great! It seems you started that as soon as I took my hiatus from the boards. I always love your 10 movie parties and your sewing projects...that was so fun to read about. I love AoA and I'm so jealous about CR theme park view AND AKL Savannah view! I love Flower and Garden...I think it is my favorite time to go. The start of the trip seems a little rough (sorry about that camera...I would have been bawling!!) and the sickness. I hope that is all of the sickness you see! I can't wait to hear the rest of this story!!
I loved walking around AOA and seeing all of the big icons. So glad the boys had fun running around.

The boys just loved that area. We took pictures all over the resort in the AoA shirts I made them later. Such a fun place!

I'm so glad you had a peaceful night and your little guy seems none the worse for wear! Yay for getting some adults only time at Epcot! And at F & G no less!! I can't wait to hear about it all!

He bounces back really quickly. Hopefully I will get the Epcot post up tonight!
When I last left off, DH and I were off to Epcot. I apologize that this chapter is without pictures. My phone was low on battery and since we were away from the kids, I needed to save it for phone calls. :(

We actually took a Disney bus which is something we never do. Our supper ADR was for T-Rex and I was adamant we were NOT driving to Downtown Disney on a weekend evening with all of the crazy construction.

We arrived at Epcot and DH chose to start in the Mexico direction. Our first stop was the F&G kiosk at Mexico. We got the vegetable quesadilla, chocolate flan, and a bottle of water. We opted to skip the alcohol on this day because it was about 90 degrees. However, we did see a fun family that had shirts that said "Drinking around the world" on the front and listed the countries on the back. They were checking off Mexico with big markers while we were getting our food. We enjoyed both dishes here. The quesadilla was FULL of veggies that were clearly fresh. I usually don't like flan (texture issues), but that caramel-ly flavor that flan usually has went really well with the hot cocoa-like chocolate flavor. I thought both things were good and DH really liked the quesadilla.

We were kind of disappointed that Norway didn't do a kiosk. We used to LOVE Akershaus before it became a princess meal and less authentically Norwegian. Our next stop was the China kiosk. We chose the vegetable spring rolls. These were just shy of too greasy and saved by the very good sauce in my opinion.

Nothing at Florida Fresh appealed to me, so our next stop was the Italy kiosk. DH got the manicotti which he enjoyed. I don't do ricotta, so I skipped that one although I did taste the tomato sauce and thought it was OK, but a little to heavy on the olive oil.

Next up was the Smokehouse at the America pavilion. I got the pulled pork sandwich which was AMAZING! They had a couple of different kinds of BBQ sauce so you could choose your favorite region of the country. Having lived in multiple Southern states, I like several different styles so I had a little of each kind - and they were all yummy!

From Japan, we tried the Frushi which is just unusual and fun. DH said it wasn't what he was expecting, so he wasn't thrilled with it. I think he may have also gotten the salmon sushi, but since I don't do sushi, I didn't pay that much attention.

From Morocco, DH got the Falafel pocket and we shared the Baklava. I tasted his Falafel, and found it really dry, but the cucumber in it was really good. DH loved it anyway, but he loves falafel. The baklava was great!

Next was the Botanas Botanico kiosk which was having some organizational issues when we were there. DH ordered the ceviche and I got the cachapa. DH's ceviche was ready immediately, but they had just started cooking the cachapa so we had to wait about 5 minutes for it to be ready. The advantage of that is that it was really fresh and AMAZING! I was surprised by the really good whole kernel corn in it. The people behind us had ordered some food and drinks. I think they had the $10 La Tizana which came out warm. They asked for ice for their drinks and were told that the kiosk was out and it would be about 30 minutes before they got more!

Our final stop was the France kiosk where we shared the gnocchi. Now, I love Italian style gnocchi, but this was a totally different experience. The gnocchi were very light and the flavors were almost Spanish. It was interesting, but I was pretty full at this point and I didn't mind letting DH finish it.

As we were finishing our tour, I was explaining to DH that Food and Wine is a lot like this except with about 3 times the number of kiosks. He said, "We should leave the kids with MIL & FIL and come for Fall break". Now, I have to admit that usually, I would have insisted that we return to the resort immediately so I could book that reservation before he changed his mind!! However, just a week before our trip, we found out that DH won a grant to attend a conference in New Zealand next year and we were planning to leave the kids so I could go there with him. While I REALLY!!! want to go to F&W, it will still be there in 2 years and there is no way we are going to get another shot at New Zealand. But, at least I planted the seed. ;)

It was now about 1 PM and we were HOT. We decided to watch the movie in the France pavilion which we haven't seen in probably 10 years. It was a nice way to cool off and some beautiful pictures of France.

When we got out of the movie, I asked DH what he wanted to do next. Our choices: 1) try to make some FP and go ride something. 2) go watch the Canada movie or 3) head to the Land pavilion and see if they had any spots available for the 2:15 Behind the Seeds tour.

Up next, what he chose!
Sounds like a great time at Epcot. I would love to try so many different foods in one place!!
I'm glad you got to experience a good chunk of the booths at F&G without the kids. And :thumbsup2 for planting the seed for F&W in a couple of years. :)

Hmmm...curious to what hubby chose.
F&W is pretty cool ... but I totally understand taking advantage of the opportunity to go to New Zealand instead.
It sounds like you guys had some good stuff at the F&G booths!

I'm interested to see what DH chose to do next ... those are all good options!
Now, I haven't heard of this problem before, but apparently if you have had a Disney account long enough, the system defaults to your old Key to the World Cards and Magic Bands have to be added manually.

I did notice when I went in to customize my new bands that the old Key to the world card was still registered as active. I had a laugh and then quickly de activiated it because little miss has been using it for play for months! Who knew that I had basically given her an active credit card! :rotfl:

(Mama wouldn't have done that! Sometimes Grandmas are too nice!)
Yup! ::yes:: My mother says its a Nana's Right.

While we were eating, MIL noted that D looked sick. He had been sneezing all day. T and DH had been sneezing for a couple of days and I had woken up very drippy that morning. We all have BAD pollen allergies. As we were leaving, the Bradford Pear Trees were in full bloom at home. I actually enjoyed looking for what I called the "green line" on our drive (where we went from barren trees to green leafy ones). BTW, it was in Dothan, AL. I figured D was having the same pollen issues.

Oh pollen. Its a love hate relationship with it isn't it. Love the flowers HATE being sick. Though things are just getting around to blooming for us here.

I jumped in the shower while DH did the bedtime routine. I got out just in time to hear, "cough, cough, URGH, Karen!!" as D vomited his supper all over himself, DH, and the bed. :eek: :sad2:
Welcome to vacation!! :rotfl2:

J had baked some muffins for the trip the day before we left.
Hey! That's not a bad idea! I might steal that.

but that caramel-ly flavor that flan usually has went really well with the hot cocoa-like chocolate flavor.

They had a couple of different kinds of BBQ sauce so you could choose your favorite region of the country.
I've been curious about sauce. all the pictures show dry meat.

the $10 La Tizana which came out warm.
Is it supposed to? :confused3

While I REALLY!!! want to go to F&W, it will still be there in 2 years and there is no way we are going to get another shot at New Zealand. But, at least I planted the seed. ;)
Wise choice! :thumbsup2 I think I would make the same call.
I am SO HAPPY I am here!! :yay: Your PTR was so great! It seems you started that as soon as I took my hiatus from the boards. I always love your 10 movie parties and your sewing projects...that was so fun to read about. I love AoA and I'm so jealous about CR theme park view AND AKL Savannah view! I love Flower and Garden...I think it is my favorite time to go. The start of the trip seems a little rough (sorry about that camera...I would have been bawling!!) and the sickness. I hope that is all of the sickness you see! I can't wait to hear the rest of this story!!

I'm so happy you're here too!!! Everyone say :welcome: to my friend TinksThree!!! I am so impressed that you went and read the PTR! You know not having my camera was TOUGH! Thanks for coming over!!
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The elephant graveyard at AoA really is great - I'm glad the boys enjoyed it!

I love all of the BIG stuff at AoA. It made you feel like you were part of the movie. So fun!

Sounds like a great time at Epcot. I would love to try so many different foods in one place!!

This was our first time exploring the Flower and Garden kiosks. They did it when we were there in 2013, but were in little kid mode so we didn't even notice.

I'm glad you got to experience a good chunk of the booths at F&G without the kids. And :thumbsup2 for planting the seed for F&W in a couple of years. :)

Hmmm...curious to what hubby chose.

It was a yummy day! I just have to keep reminding him that he said we could go to F&W someday. :)

F&W is pretty cool ... but I totally understand taking advantage of the opportunity to go to New Zealand instead.
It sounds like you guys had some good stuff at the F&G booths!

I'm interested to see what DH chose to do next ... those are all good options!

New Zealand was never on my radar screen until DH applied for that grant (although I do LOVE the scenery in the Lord of the Rings movies which were filmed there), but I can't pass up that chance.
I did notice when I went in to customize my new bands that the old Key to the world card was still registered as active. I had a laugh and then quickly de activiated it because little miss has been using it for play for months! Who knew that I had basically given her an active credit card! :rotfl:

I saw them in my MDE account, but I never thought they would still be active!

Oh pollen. Its a love hate relationship with it isn't it. Love the flowers HATE being sick. Though things are just getting around to blooming for us here.

It is in full swing here now! The dogwoods and redbuds are both blooming. My tulips are blooming. We are now in the season where the roads run a yellow-green color when it rains and all cars turn that same yellow-green color. Just lovely.

Hey! That's not a bad idea! I might steal that.

Feel free! We always bring muffins for the morning on our first few days. It is even better if you can get your 11 yo to bake them for you. :)

I've been curious about sauce. all the pictures show dry meat.

Yeah. There was both a ketchupy sauce and a vinegary sauce depending on your personal taste. I like both.

Is it supposed to? :confused3

I don't think so. It looked like a sparkling wine type beverage and I couldn't imagine drinking that warm.
Just catching up! Glad you enjoyed AOA. I made my boys stay in a LM room for a few nights last year and I loved it! Younger DS loved the Cars and Lion King theming and they both enjoyed the Nemo pool, so it wasn't as terrible as they thought it'd be lol. Interestingly enough, both boys threw up our 2nd night there.....our first experience with vomit at Disney and really not fun :sad2:

Yay for EPCOT time with no kids! DH and I just did our first Disney trip without the kids and spent the majority of our time in WS. We also got to enjoy F & G :flower1: We especially enjoyed the booths in China and France. What I was NOT a fan of was the Piggylicious Cupcake. Sounded so promising :crazy2:
Just catching up! Glad you enjoyed AOA. I made my boys stay in a LM room for a few nights last year and I loved it! Younger DS loved the Cars and Lion King theming and they both enjoyed the Nemo pool, so it wasn't as terrible as they thought it'd be lol. Interestingly enough, both boys threw up our 2nd night there.....our first experience with vomit at Disney and really not fun :sad2:

Yay for EPCOT time with no kids! DH and I just did our first Disney trip without the kids and spent the majority of our time in WS. We also got to enjoy F & G :flower1: We especially enjoyed the booths in China and France. What I was NOT a fan of was the Piggylicious Cupcake. Sounded so promising :crazy2:

My DS didn't seem to mind the LM theming, but he did really love the Lion King section and the Nemo playground. I'm sorry to hear you have had Disney sickness too - no fun!

I say I want a Disney trip without my kids, but I don't know if I can actually do it. Congrats to you! I have to say that cupcake didn't really appeal to me - I am glad I skipped it.
What did DH choose? He chose the Behind the Seeds tour! I have wanted to do this for YEARS, but didn't think the kids would enjoy it. We headed up to the Land pavilion and arrived at 1:45. We went straight to the desk and quickly learned there was still space for the 2:15 PM tour. :yay: We registered and were told to wait nearby for our CM tour guide. We made a quick pit stop and had a seat to rest for a few minutes. We were soon on our way!

This is the coolest tour! Skip the next couple of paragraphs if you have never done it and don't want any spoilers! OK, for the rest of you, our tour guide was Kersten. She is an entomologist (bug scientist) so she started by taking us into the "Integrated Pest Management" area where she showed us non-stinging wasps that they are introducing to consume bugs that damage the plants.

We then went outside and gathered around a window where they are doing some experiments with different lighting in starting seeds. Then we headed back into the Pavilion in the areas you see while on Living with the Land. We walked through four of the rooms. None of the plants in the land are in soil! Some are just in nutrient solution and some have some stabilizers to give them support. We started in the room where everything is just in nutrient solution. We talked about the solution they use and how it improves their crop yields and where the veggies go when they are harvested. Most go to different restaurants around Epcot, but some go to the animals at AK! Everything grown in the pavilion is edible - every plant, every flower! Even the fish go to some of the restaurants!

The next room was the "support" room where they use different techniques to support the plants. My favorite are these tomato plants.

The plant that starts right next to her actually wraps around all the other plants and ends about 15 feet behind her. And, those plants were started from seed only 2 months ago! Amazing!!!

Also in this room are my very favorite lettuce plants!

There are 4 trays of lettuce and they harvest one and start a new one each week. Each tray contains 450 lettuce plants!

Next, we visited the fish farming area. I always wondered about these guys:

They are just visiting - on loan from an alligator park.

Our final room was the tropics where we got to see the banana trees

At some point, we also stopped to sample some cucumbers from the pavilion. I am not a big cucumber fan, but they were very refreshing on a hot day!

Our tour ended at the Mickey bush.

Our tour guide was just amazing. Our group had lots of questions and she made sure to answer the all. We were told it would be about an hour tour, but ours lasted 90 minutes as she really took her time and let us learn about the plants and their upkeep.

Finishing our tour at 3:45 meant we needed to hurry a little for our 5 PM ADR in Downtown Disney. We headed for the buses, but I had forgotten to tell DH that we couldn't go directly. We quickly discussed the need to take a bus to any resort and then transfer, but we probably should have given that a little more thought. DH jumped on a bus that was about to leave. Which resort did we get? Caribbean Beach! Here is the problem with that - neither of us had ever been there before and being a moderate, it has about 6 bus stops. I assumed (wrongly) that one of them would be in front of the lobby like at POR. We rode all the way around CBR before we realized we just needed to get off. Luckily, a Downtown Disney bus arrived about 2 minutes after we got off our Epcot bus. Sadly, we were at the first stop it was making in CBR so we got to ride all the way around again before heading to DTD. Ugh! We finally made it to the DTD bus stop at 4:40 PM for our 5 PM Reservation!

Up next, our first ADR!
That tour looks interesting. I'll have to keep it in mind when Little Miss gets to homeschooling age.

I assumed (wrongly) that one of them would be in front of the lobby like at POR.
Huh I thought that to. Oh well I'm glad I switched back to POR.

We rode all the way around CBR before we realized we just needed to get off. Luckily, a Downtown Disney bus arrived about 2 minutes after we got off our Epcot bus. Sadly, we were at the first stop it was making in CBR so we got to ride all the way around again before heading to DTD.
Well at least you got a good taste for what the resort looks like.
I think DH would really enjoy the Behind the Seeds tour! Did your kids like it? Since younger DS is only 9 that is one of the few tours he can do.
I had to laugh about your CBR bus experience, sorry! Yes, going to an ADR at any resort besides your own isn't easy--I hear taxis are the way to go, tho never tried it--but grabbing the bus to CBR must've made for some seriously anxiety-inducing minutes... a *lot* of them, LOL!

Always wanted to do the Behind the Seeds tour! We go in less than two weeks, and the Keys to the Kingdom is sold out, so maybe we can do that one instead. It looks fascinating. Overall, great TR, even without the camera!


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