I need some honest help with finding a job now...

sorry, I can't read all the posts that have been made since I left last night. I'm on my phone at the moment. But I actually got a job. A few nights ago I went to qdoba for dinner, and the owner guy is always there, so we chatted a bit while he made my food. And afterwards, I asked him if he had any jobs open. He told me they usually do a store shuffle, because he owns nine locations, but afterwards when he knows what his needs are, he'll hire. Usually in a couple months. We'll I went in for lunch today, and he asked if I filled put an app the last time I was there, I told him no. So after eating, me and my friend filled it out. It helps to have some one proof read those things. i gave it to him, he gave me a quick 5 min interview. Then told me to show up on friday at 4pm. I've never dealt with food, except in high school at a concession stand at the panther's arena. But first time for everything, right??
i'm not going to let this topic go to waste, i'll still look for something better and cross my fingers for Disney to call back. But it's a start. I don't know the details like starting pay or hours, but we were sitting in the dining room.

I wish I could relish in the moment for a bit longer, but kari popped that bubble like two hours after, when i told her. I needed to borrow money to get shoes (she pitched a fit). I still need black jeans, so i figured i could use the money out of my change jar that i've been filling for years, and all of sudden, everything has become property of her. So I get a job and loose everything else. Now I don't even know why i'm doing this...

CONGRATULATIONS ON FINDING A JOB! That is fantastic. :goodvibes:goodvibes
I do not view your relationship as lesser but at this time the laws are different.

In this relationship is Kari has all the CCs in her name (per something that Sandra posted a while ago). She gets all the debt from spending on them. If they were legally married, and yes I am for it but the fact remains they are not legally married, both would own that debt and the stuff it bought. If they both owned the debt then denying the other access to the money to buy something is wrong. If one gets all the debt then she has protect herself from a financial point of view.

Sandra has money to eat out but not to buy shoes. This particular meal was a lucky break in that it leads to a job but that is not why she went there. Actually she went twice.

From a financial point of view they are like two engaged people. I do not condone cheating, for that Kari was wrong. If two engaged people broke up and the other chose not to give away their CC I would agree with them too. It is a financial decision only.

Sandra has previously said that all the debt is in Kari's name and they don't know how to separate it. One way is for Kari to keep all the debt and all the stuff that the debt bought.

You would really be OK with your exSO eating out when you are at work and then asking you to buy her clothes to go to work? I know I would not. This has nothing to do with sexual orientation but finances only.

I'm sorry. I haven't read any of Sandra's other posts aside from the ones on this thread. I don't have time to research every post made by another poster and then follow them to a new forum just to pass judgement on their life.

I had no idea about all the debt and credit card issues.

How I think Kari feels about Sandra eating out or buying shoes is irreleveant, however. And none of my business. Or yours. On this thread a fellow GLBT poster asked for our help in finding a job. I chose to focus on that.

You came here and started telling her that her relaitionship isn't as good as yours because she can't legally marry. That's what I saw. And you DID tell her that.

Breaking up with a partner isn't easy to do. Whether it's legal or not. And from what you've told me of Sandra's situation, it sounds like there will be financial and legal issues to be dealt with. Perhaps not "community property" but certainly shared possessions and combined finances. It doesn't sound much different from a divorce to me. Excpet that neither of them has the law to proctect their interests as they face dividing it up.

Why not respect that the end of any relationship (even if it's time to end has come) is tough and painful and not make it MORE difficult by insulting it because it has no legal sanction.

You may believe that we should be able to have marriage rights, but the way you've argued your points about this specific case have come across as insulting to all of us in "non-legal" relationships.

We on the GLBT forum are very welcoming to everyone. Gay or Straight. Some of our most beloved posters (and my personal friends) are the "cool straight people" that post here. We only ask that everyone be respectful of each other.

It seems however that several people with a personal agenda regarding Sandra and Kari have come here to specifically "point and laugh" or judge them. I don't know the specifics, and I don't care. It's none of my business. If you've got a history with either of these ladies, that's your business. But those of us who make our online home at the GLBT forum would ask you all to please leave all of that off of our boards and post here with the mutual respect and open minds that we ask of everyone.
I'm sorry. I haven't read any of Sandra's other posts aside from the ones on this thread. I don't have time to research every post made by another poster and then follow them to a new forum just to pass judgement on their life.

I had no idea about all the debt and credit card issues.

How I think Kari feels about Sandra eating out or buying shoes is irreleveant, however. And none of my business. Or yours. On this thread a fellow GLBT poster asked for our help in finding a job. I chose to focus on that.

You came here and started telling her that her relaitionship isn't as good as yours because she can't legally marry. That's what I saw. And you DID tell her that.

Breaking up with a partner isn't easy to do. Whether it's legal or not. And from what you've told me of Sandra's situation, it sounds like there will be financial and legal issues to be dealt with. Perhaps not "community property" but certainly shared possessions and combined finances. It doesn't sound much different from a divorce to me. Excpet that neither of them has the law to proctect their interests as they face dividing it up.

Why not respect that the end of any relationship (even if it's time to end has come) is tough and painful and not make it MORE difficult by insulting it because it has no legal sanction.

You may believe that we should be able to have marriage rights, but the way you've argued your points about this specific case have come across as insulting to all of us in "non-legal" relationships.

We on the GLBT forum are very welcoming to everyone. Gay or Straight. Some of our most beloved posters (and my personal friends) are the "cool straight people" that post here. We only ask that everyone be respectful of each other.

It seems however that several people with a personal agenda regarding Sandra and Kari have come here to specifically "point and laugh" or judge them. I don't know the specifics, and I don't care. It's none of my business. If you've got a history with either of these ladies, that's your business. But those of us who make our online home at the GLBT forum would ask you all to please leave all of that off of our boards and post here with the mutual respect and open minds that we ask of everyone.

Here, here! :worship::worship::worship:

Thank you Rob! :hug:
It seems however that several people with a personal agenda regarding Sandra and Kari have come here to specifically "point and laugh" or judge them. I don't know the specifics, and I don't care. It's none of my business. If you've got a history with either of these ladies, that's your business. But those of us who make our online home at the GLBT forum would ask you all to please leave all of that off of our boards and post here with the mutual respect and open minds that we ask of everyone.

Ditto to that! How did we get so way off topic?

Homegirl's got a job and good for her, let's cheer her on for that :cheer2:
I just have to add that Qdoba looks yummy - I'd never heard of it before (we don't have it where I live) so I Googled it.

Looks like it could be fun to work there.

Congratulations again.
i've only read page 7 and 8... And mike, there seems to be controversy on here, but please don't close it.

Zeit... Sorry about the harsh comments in here. It follows me and i'm used to it.

both meals were free actually. The first time when i asked about the job, the card declined and he gave it to me on the house. And I went there with the sole purpose of asking for the job, but it was a nice ice breaker to talk to him while he made my food. But it took about a 1\2 hr after eating to work up the courage to as him if i could have a job. The second time, i was with my friend, who goes there all the time, and he buys my meals for me. He's actually been feeding me a lot in the past few months. He likes eating out, and it's sorta a social thing, so he tags me along.

The arguements have escalted further, so tomorrow i'm moving out. I don't know where i'm going to go, but hopefully 36hrs is enough time to walk there. Yes it is the qdoba on palm pkwy, and here is like 20 miles away.
I only know of one bus that goes that far west from here, the 56, but magic kingdom is still miles away from there, i could take the DTD hotel shuttle to the last hotel. Those don't run on any sorta schedule. So i wouldn't even know how early to leave to make it work.

She will get amost everything the debt has boought, that is of actual stuff. Meals, hotel stays, annual passes to disney, can't really give that back. At the same time, i was contributing to paying it off for a long time. Most of it is not current "for me only" things. Except the food that i have eaten, but i've just been waiting for my friend to take me out to eat lately.
but i can't really even call him a friend anymore, because he'd rather side on kari's side, even tonight.

I don't know what to do now or where to go?? I'd rather call it quits on everything.
youi guys seem much more excited than i am.

I'm sorry times are tough right now.

I will tell you though something you're probably well aware of, and that is that life is a struggle. It's not until recently that I feel like I am not fighting to survive, and I got here by working for some pretty unpleasant people, and doing lots of jobs that most people wouldn't really like.

If we're excited. it's because we recognize the opportunity you've got in front of you. You put something out in the universe, the desire for a job. Your prayer was answered, and now you have to take it make something with it.

One day at a time all these things are going to be moving past you, and you have to realize that every moment from now on is a decision you have to make, and that every small decision you make is going to add up to your life.

Good luck!
youi guys seem much more excited than i am.

you should be excited. It's a great feeling to get a job, especially when you've hit it off so well with the boss that he offered you the job pretty much nearly on the spot :) :thumbsup2 This is a new beginning for you; not an easy one but a new one. And I do believe there is much more satisfaction in seeing success through diversity so remember to keep your chin up. :wizard:
I'm sorry. I haven't read any of Sandra's other posts aside from the ones on this thread. I don't have time to research every post made by another poster and then follow them to a new forum just to pass judgement on their life.

I had no idea about all the debt and credit card issues.

How I think Kari feels about Sandra eating out or buying shoes is irreleveant, however. And none of my business. Or yours. On this thread a fellow GLBT poster asked for our help in finding a job. I chose to focus on that.

You came here and started telling her that her relaitionship isn't as good as yours because she can't legally marry. That's what I saw. And you DID tell her that.

Breaking up with a partner isn't easy to do. Whether it's legal or not. And from what you've told me of Sandra's situation, it sounds like there will be financial and legal issues to be dealt with. Perhaps not "community property" but certainly shared possessions and combined finances. It doesn't sound much different from a divorce to me. Excpet that neither of them has the law to proctect their interests as they face dividing it up.

Why not respect that the end of any relationship (even if it's time to end has come) is tough and painful and not make it MORE difficult by insulting it because it has no legal sanction.

You may believe that we should be able to have marriage rights, but the way you've argued your points about this specific case have come across as insulting to all of us in "non-legal" relationships.

We on the GLBT forum are very welcoming to everyone. Gay or Straight. Some of our most beloved posters (and my personal friends) are the "cool straight people" that post here. We only ask that everyone be respectful of each other.

It seems however that several people with a personal agenda regarding Sandra and Kari have come here to specifically "point and laugh" or judge them. I don't know the specifics, and I don't care. It's none of my business. If you've got a history with either of these ladies, that's your business. But those of us who make our online home at the GLBT forum would ask you all to please leave all of that off of our boards and post here with the mutual respect and open minds that we ask of everyone.

Haters hit the road!
youi guys seem much more excited than i am.

I think it's a combination of things. (1) We remember being where you are and know how important the steps you're describing were and (2) we aren't personally stuck in the emotional mess of your breakup.

One of the things I've noticed from the outside is that you're linking your jobhunt to the end of your relationship. While splitting up may well have been what pushed you to this at this moment in time, they really are different things.

I am sorry that you and Kari are splitting up with such difficulty and that the decision to do so wasn't mutual. I am sorry about all of the things you are losing. If you can, though, try to remember that these things have already happened and that you've already lost everything that had to do with the relationship -- I know that it's brutally hard to realize this because we always have a desperate hope to turn back time.

Finding a job for yourself could be a shining star in the midst of a dark time and the job itself has the potential for that as well. The job is all about you and not about Kari. I really hope that you have a good first shift and I hope you find a safe place to live. (Remember, there's no shame in walking to work, nor in living somewhere temporary while you get things together.)
My point is: The OP and her situation aside, evoking the law to prove your point was in very poor taste. You do realize WHERE you're posting right??????

Yes on a thread helping another DISer get the right attitude to get the job she needs. I gave her advise all throught this thread. What advise did you give?

She seems do down on herself that she could cost herself the job she got
Valid point Rosie. :hug: Yet again, we have people defining marriage as a union sanctioned by law. FWWWWT!

Marriage is a state of togetherness, period. If one couple can stand before a third person and end up with a piece of paper certifying their union that makes that union NO MORE VALID OR LOVING than the couple who are NOT allowed to have that same piece of stinking paper.

Unfortunately, it's the rights that go along with that paper that do make a difference and do hurt those couples who cannot share in those same rights.

I agree with everything you said here.

I know Sandra from the BB and have given her advice there too.

There are some here who genuinely tried to provide good advice and suggestions. You'll recognize them by the lack of insults in their posts.

And I was one of them.

If you intend to come here and insult our relationships by delcaring them less than het relationships because they are not "legal" then do expect to have a counterpoint to that argument.

I did not. I came her to help her with the job she needs. If she started this exact thread on the BB I would have given her the same advice.
I'm sorry. I haven't read any of Sandra's other posts aside from the ones on this thread. I don't have time to research every post made by another poster and then follow them to a new forum just to pass judgement on their life.

I had no idea about all the debt and credit card issues.

How I think Kari feels about Sandra eating out or buying shoes is irreleveant, however. And none of my business. Or yours. On this thread a fellow GLBT poster asked for our help in finding a job. I chose to focus on that.

You came here and started telling her that her relaitionship isn't as good as yours because she can't legally marry. That's what I saw. And you DID tell her that.

Breaking up with a partner isn't easy to do. Whether it's legal or not. And from what you've told me of Sandra's situation, it sounds like there will be financial and legal issues to be dealt with. Perhaps not "community property" but certainly shared possessions and combined finances. It doesn't sound much different from a divorce to me. Excpet that neither of them has the law to proctect their interests as they face dividing it up.

Why not respect that the end of any relationship (even if it's time to end has come) is tough and painful and not make it MORE difficult by insulting it because it has no legal sanction.

You may believe that we should be able to have marriage rights, but the way you've argued your points about this specific case have come across as insulting to all of us in "non-legal" relationships.

We on the GLBT forum are very welcoming to everyone. Gay or Straight. Some of our most beloved posters (and my personal friends) are the "cool straight people" that post here. We only ask that everyone be respectful of each other.

It seems however that several people with a personal agenda regarding Sandra and Kari have come here to specifically "point and laugh" or judge them. I don't know the specifics, and I don't care. It's none of my business. If you've got a history with either of these ladies, that's your business. But those of us who make our online home at the GLBT forum would ask you all to please leave all of that off of our boards and post here with the mutual respect and open minds that we ask of everyone.

Did you read my first post on this thread?

I will quote it for you. Where did I bash her? I gave sound advise.

"If you cannot remember the name of the direct supervisor just give the corporate number of the company.

When we were at WDW later last year the Bahama Breeze was hiring.

You need a full time job so you can get a clunker that you can use to get to work.

Have you considered moving in with your mother or back with your aunt? It may not be what you want but it maybe what is needed right now.

Why did Disney let you go? Did you collect unemployment? Why do you clash with management. Do what they tell you and keep your mouth shut.

I think the best way is the temp agency. They will get your foot in at companies. Eventually one foot will result in a new job.

I read the rest of your reply. If you interview like you reply here I can see why you don't get the job. You come across as very negative and not a go getter. You need to show them WHY they should pick you over the others. You also need to fix you attitude about management.

BTW many time one goes to work even when the "hate it". They do it for their family and realize that all jobs change over time. Some jobs will get worse and then get better again. Sometimes the "hatred of a job" is really the negativeness of the person and not the job. "

I agree that then end of any relationship is hard and even harder when you hear "I found somebody else.".
The arguements have escalted further, so tomorrow i'm moving out. I don't know where i'm going to go, but hopefully 36hrs is enough time to walk there. Yes it is the qdoba on palm pkwy, and here is like 20 miles away.
I only know of one bus that goes that far west from here, the 56, but magic kingdom is still miles away from there, i could take the DTD hotel shuttle to the last hotel. Those don't run on any sorta schedule. So i wouldn't even know how early to leave to make it work.

I don't know what to do now or where to go?? I'd rather call it quits on everything.

Do you have a local friend who you could go to for a short time. Is there some type of mission in your area. Where I live we have a mission and you can stay there with a job. They get you the clothes you need, for free, and transportation to the job. Do NOT quit this job before you even start. This job is the stepping stone you need to start your new life. This job could lead to a store manager job, since the owner has 9 stores, and then who knows what else could come of it.

If you name is on the lease then you cannot be kicked out of your apartment. Do not leave with no place to go.
youi guys seem much more excited than i am.

Considering the job market in the Orlando area securing any job is an accomplishment. It is also at a place where you get along with the manager. You took the first baby step toward your new life so be proud of yourself.
I do know you had a bad experience with workforce in a different county, but things have really changed.
In my job, I am the "help people type" job description & I know we send people there (again not in Orlando, but close:) and they have been able to get vouchers for uniforms and shoes, bus passes, etc.
same place-different county-

just one is called workforce and the other onestop. I am glad you found a job!
Just cause one visit was bad.. try them again if you need to!
Best wishes and way to go!:goodvibes

Sandra read this!!!
I posted this on page 5 - reposting not to be annoying but in case Sandra needed the addresses again or phone numbers- Also for anyone looking for work in Orlando- this may help?

ok- I work in Non -profit and send people to these places all the time-
(Not in Orlando but kinda close
Workforce Central Florida

Orange County 5166 East Colonial Drive
Orlando, FL, 32803
Open Mon-Thur 8-6 and Fri 8-5

Osceola County 1392 East Vine St.
Kissimmee, FL, 34744
Open Mon-Thur 8-6 and Fri 8-5


These places will help you (FOR FREE) with applications- what to write and even help you and print (for FREE) a resume.
You can get vouchers for an outfit or two to help in job hunting and they will also give you gas vouchers ( possible bus vouchers- not sure of Orlando on buses) to help you look for a job. They also have job listings & training services. they also have career assessments to see what type of job you fit best into.
These places are here to help you and are wonderful resources for first time job seekers- even if you have had jobs, we (in my report) would consider you a first time/(newbie job seeker.- I don't work for these places- I am in a non profit, but my job is to point people to places that can help them:)
I hope this helps-
I know that people who go thru the one stops/workforce centers have better luck finding work than just walking in and filling out an application.
Best Wishes
There is also : http://cfec.org/ in Orlando
((Hugs)) Pudge:)
I don't really know what's going on here anymore. Looks like a big pity party though so I'm out. Sorry the advice given (and good advice) seems to be falling on deaf ears.
I don't really know what's going on here anymore. Looks like a big pity party though so I'm out. Sorry the advice given (and good advice) seems to be falling on deaf ears.

Don't let the door hit ya.


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