i need these buyable items


<font color=green>hi ppl vmk is da best<br><font c
Sep 12, 2005
30 green tables
30 red tables 30 purple
20 red candles

20 brown candles

20 green candles

30 babbo mats red
30 bambo mats bige
i will give a set of stictchs if u can get me all of this
bump Marcm you do know that you are asking for amost $50,000 in donated items?

Best of luck
I've got one red candle and one green candle, so I could take two things off your list. I might have more than that, but I'm not on VMK right now so I can't check.
pezter said:
bump Marcm you do know that you are asking for amost $50,000 in donated items?

Best of luck

lolol what are you making?? a christmas tree? :earseek: do you know how long it would take someone to get 50,000? I play games all day and only get about 4,500 a day if i'm lucky! the rest of the time around 3,250 thats like a little over 15 days to get the money!
Tiinkerbelle said:
.. do you know how long it would take someone to get 50,000?

It took me a weekend. Of course, that was when we still had web dividers. Will take 5-6 days or so with the HKDL shirts ;)

marcm, if it is buyable things you need, then buy them. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but you are asking for a lot of things you can still buy yourself. IF your main character does not have the money, then i am sure you will figure out a way, you're a bright kid. No one is ever TRULY broke in vmk as long as they are still accepting new players. :teeth:


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