Idea for movie


Apr 29, 2001
I think it would be really cool after seeing Shreik that Disney could redo beauty and the beast. Have it look just like it does but do it 3d computer style. I know I would pay to see it at the movies. Those characters would be so cute computerized! What do you all think?
I think that Disney could not make the movie any better if they redid in 3D animation. I personally think that the cartoons should not be remade into 3D animation. Does anybody else think that?
To me Disney has always been the cartoon style and I couldn't picture Beauty and the Beast done in 3D computer. I think you would lose a lot of it, if it were done like that and you wouldn't feel as connected to them. It's nice when everything is going to computers to be able to see it like that. To me it would be like taking an old movie and putting it into colour. I loved Toy Story but it was something different and looked great done using 3D computer graphics.
I guess I agree with the other posters....

Seeing the Buzz cartoons makes me appreciate the CGI version of him. Same character, but totally different look. CGI just adds soo much detail....


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