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I regrefully inform all of you that I have encountered a Disney Grand Californian hotel /ABD issue (from yesterday afternoon on) that has sytematically destroyed any memories I have had of this adventure - resulting in me just wanting to get the heck out of here (I am still at DGC & dont leave until 3:30pm today) & GO HOME.

One would think that home would be DGA but I get the impression that their front desk has absoutely no clue as to how to service the Guest.

Then - to add insult to injury. I asked one of our ABD guides for assistance on this issue & had also asked for a follow up voice mail yesterday - which would then allow me to enjoy my last full day in the Disney parks so I would then have everything all set & ready to go for today with no delays.


NO VOICE MAIL was left for me.:confused3

I have spent way toooooo much time on this positive challenge as this has gone on now for the last 2 1/2 days and I feel enough is enough. This needs to go to Disney Corporate offices!
I should be having fun at the parks and SPENDING MONEY AND HAVING FUN but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I am having to fiddle with this silly issue and having to coach Disney CMs HOW TO DO THEIR JOB! So in addition to my issue, here are some additional things have have also occured to me while this issue was occuring:

1) For example, and for a slight bit of negative humor here this am, 2 front desk CM's (Jason & Nicole) refered to me as "MR NEWMAN."

They have acess to my guest information, yet they refer to me as "Mr Newman?"


2) a Disneyland shoppe on Main street told me that should what I have purchased happen to be a duplicate from what you have already purchased, just let the Disney hotel know about it and they will get your monies refunded.

Sure enough, I had a duplicate. So off I went to DGC guest services this am to have a refund take place.

Funny thing, Guest services at DGC said JUST THE OPPOSITE of what the Disneyland store had said just the other day!!


And yet my dream job is to go to work for the Disney corporation so they can see how servicing the Guest is actually done. Seriously, I would love to be a ABD guide for "Quest" or "Splendors" that would be what I would love to shoot for.

But I digress - that's minor. A little irratant but minor.

So I through my hands up in complete despair and & am leaving the House that Walt built with tears running down my face and am in one depressed state of being & mind.


Like from 8am to right now in Dwntown Disney (12:48pm on 04-03-2010) I too also walked around both Disney parks yesterday in such a daze that it was obvious to me that after a while, I was realizing that the Magic was gone. For example, all I was seeing was NOT MARY POPPINS NOR THE DAPPER DANS but enstead I was seeing young boys and girls dressed up COSTUMES portraying the above mentioned characters!

1)I tried to go to San Adreas faults & get a milkshake.

i could not, I just wasn't in a Disney mood.

2) I tried to go to Ritas and have a margarita

I could not. the Disney spirit was just GONE.

3) I tried to go to the Wine tasting place as well inside DCA but just wasnt in the mood. I felt the magic was just gone. I was trying - I was putting forth effort - I just felt that the Disney magic was shot down the drain all thanks to three Disney CMs and no....I will not reveal their names.

4) Morevoer, I tried to get a pretzel and a sundae and the Coke soda shoppe at Disneyland but I just couldn't recapture the Disney magic.

So it should be pretty obvious to you the reader that I was hungry but the magic was just shot outta me as I just felt like I was walking around in a daze.

So, I thought possibly some shopping would pick up my spirits.


I couldn't bring myself to do any shopping either.

So I staggered onto the Matterhorn.


I was there I realized that I need to go back to the hotel and just call it a day - a day that I hope NO ONE OF YOU E-V-E-R have to experience.

THATS SAD & quite embarrassing WHEN A D-I-S-N-E-Y branded hotel systematically ruins the magic for you by the incredibly poor customer service and a ABD guide doesn't do her job either.

This is why everyone, I have asked that ALL OF THIS BE FORWARDED on over to Disney's corporate offices. I am extremely upset and very dismayed that this is an acceptable level of customer service and that a ABD guide has no idea how to do her job either & provide a Guest adventurer a return voice mail.

But she has gone on to her next adventure. So I guess I don't matter to her nor the Disney company anymore.

So here I am, still stuck at the lousy hotel, wishing I could be jetted back to Dallas Texas ASAP so I can mentally/emotionally & logically get back to work & show to myself how servicing the Guest is SUPPOSED TO BE DONE.

I know! going to work right away just after a vacation??

yes - that is correct.

So - I am supposed to be departing from this "5-star hotel" around 2pm today & meet with some higher ups who will be discussing with me their lousy customer service and how they plan on saving this Guest.

Now, Am i saying that DGC is a bad hotel? NO I AM NOT.

I am saying that for this particular experience, it was a horrible one for me.

AND I AM A F-I-R-S-T time visitor not only to the state of California but to Disneyland and such.

I just feel that I am not in the mood to continue on with this blog. I feel that I need to delete all pics / video that & have taken (& I have taken alot) & throw away any memory of this "adventure" & just move forward. I feel very disheartned by this whole mess and just am not in a Disney mood. Which is very rare for me because I am such the kid at heart.

But yes - I don't feel like moving forward with this blog.

Will I ever come back to the state of California & Disneyland??

I will answer it this way - I am meeting with some Disney higher ups at 2:30pm today and will listen to what they have to say. I get the feeling that their response will be a BBUUSSIINNEESS answer and not an answer that will be condusive for me to feel welcomed back into Walt's World.

Not because of my actions but because I get a feeling their responses will be NO to what I have to say. And I have already said it overnight when I was on the phone with the overnight hotel phone person for well over 2.5 hours VERY early this am.

you would think that this company would be interested in saving me as a Guest since I average approx 3 hours a sleep a day while on this adventure (I was out and about SPENDING MONEY AND HAVING A NICE DISNEY TIME) but hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

I just get a suspicion otherwise.

So to wrap up here, hopefully I will be given an opportunity for a "DO OVER" on this vacation. I am trying to remain positive on this issue. It is my hope that one day I can pick back up this blog and begin again recapturing the Disney magic that has just left my heart.

Time will tell -

Kris N-E-W-T-O-N

P.s. Anyone reading this from Disney Travel services or DGC, I am also requesting that this be forwarded onto Disney's Corporate offices so they can see what this hotel (DGC) & that ABD guide has done to this 1st time DL/ DCA visitor as this is also ONLY MY 2ND visit to a Disney park overall as well.
Furthermore, please make a copy of this and read this letter to all new hires as they need to see what damage can be inflcited onto a Disney guest when YOU THE CM, don't do your job.

Sorry if I misread and missed this, but I don't think you ever said what your issue was. Do you mind if I ask what it was that happened, or didn't happen as the case may be?
So much drama... But you never say what happened! I can't begin to fathom what they could have done to set off such a rant.??
What did ABD do to you that was so bad.You did a good job of trashing them now what was so bad that you are scared for life. :confused3
DH and I depart in 8 days for our ABD Trip. Your post has me curious as to what exactly happened to ruin your ABD Tour. We will be on the tour in a week and I don't want the same thing (whatever it is) happen to us too. Can you please be a little more specific on what happened???????? :confused3

I have read and reread your post and still don't get "it". :surfweb:

:goodvibes Jennifer
Oh no ..... this sounds very serious. I am also wondering exactly what happened to make such a great Disney fan have such a profound change of opinion. What exactly did they do to make you so upset as it mut have been catastrophic. So sorry you have had such a disappointing and upsetting trip :sad2:
It sounds like it is an issue with the Hotel and not with ABD. I went on this trip last year and it was fantastic.
OH NO- :eek: This makes me so sad. There is nothing worst then being soooo excited for an adventure and have several people ruin it for you. It does not seem fair. Please keep us updated on your progress with getting this reconciled.

Have a peaceful day. :hug:
OMG!! I've read and re-read this thread or should I say "ridiculous rant" and nowhere in the posting does this person state "what went so wrong"? What was soooo devastating that they would want "DO OVER". Or, is that they are just setting the stage for a "free trip"?? I am sure that any issue encountered at any of the Disney Parks would be resolved immediately and promptly.

TELL US WHAT WENT SOOO TERRIBLY WRONG THAT NO ONE IN THE ENTIRE DISNEY ORGANIZATION COULD NOT CORRECT. Or are you complaining that 1 or 2 employees pronounced your name incorrectly?? OMG, the end of the world is near!!!
Also, it's not fair that someone would come on this board and trash the trip that so many people are looking forward to and NOT provide details as to what went wrong. So, please let us know, so we can determine if it's the end of the world and cancel the trip.

1. Did anyone else in your group experience the same issues? Were their issues resolved and not yours?

2. How was the trip up until you experienced your issue?
I have to agree with the above posts--need more specifics, if you can. We can't imagine the ABD guides not being all over any issue that came up--what did they have to say about what happened (and the corporate folks you met with?) The Grand Californian is our favorite Disney hotel--I'm biased being on the West Coast, but while we have enjoyed WDW properties, there is something really solid and relaxing about the GC. (Unfair probably to compare the huge WDW park to Disneyland--so different in size, in location--so urban here, so green and wet in Florida...the crowds are huge in Florida, but can spread out, unlike the crowds here...). In any event, I am sorry to hear you left unhappy--especially having such an upbeat start, and with prior very upbeat adventures...do conclude your story and let us know how things worked out!
OMG!! I've read and re-read this thread or should I say "ridiculous rant" and nowhere in the posting does this person state "what went so wrong"? What was soooo devastating that they would want "DO OVER". Or, is that they are just setting the stage for a "free trip"?? I am sure that any issue encountered at any of the Disney Parks would be resolved immediately and promptly.

TELL US WHAT WENT SOOO TERRIBLY WRONG THAT NO ONE IN THE ENTIRE DISNEY ORGANIZATION COULD NOT CORRECT. Or are you complaining that 1 or 2 employees pronounced your name incorrectly?? OMG, the end of the world is near!!!
I have to agree with you. I know this is probably not politically correct to post here, but now I remember why I stopped reading knewton64's posts... He had the same sort of unfounded rant about a wonderful ABD sales CM a while back. Really trashed her (by name) and never did really say what she'd done that was so horrid. The key for me here was the "do over". Sounds like somebody is bucking for a free trip.

I'm going to remain skeptical until knewton64 provides some details. And maybe even then. I think this is a very sorry way to end his Trip Report, and a disservice to the folks reading it in anticipation of their own trips.

A cryptic last post to say the least.

Not knowing what happened here, I'm going to throw in my 2 cents.....

I get the feeling someone did not get their balcony with a view.

Just sayin'.....:goodvibes

PS...notice my ticker?
I have to agree with you. I know this is probably not politically correct to post here, but now I remember why I stopped reading knewton64's posts... He had the same sort of unfounded rant about a wonderful ABD sales CM a while back. Really trashed her (by name) and never did really say what she'd done that was so horrid. The key for me here was the "do over". Sounds like somebody is bucking for a free trip.

I'm going to remain skeptical until knewton64 provides some details. And maybe even then. I think this is a very sorry way to end his Trip Report, and a disservice to the folks reading it in anticipation of their own trips.

I felt the same way as you,thats why I stopped reading his TR.Just because he didn't get extra shampoo for his bubble bath is not a reason to trash ABD don't know this for sure just a guess.The Mods need to take this down if he doesn't repy in a timely manner >
Well I must say that I am quite shocked. I heard of this blog site from the very same man here, knewton64. Why am I shocked, well my family and I happened to be on the very same AbD trip with this man, and let me tell you there is always another side to a story!

Please do not let this unhappy man's comments sway you, you will not be disappointed with the Backstage Magic trip, or any others with AbD. We all had an amazing time, in very large part to our WONDERFUL Adventure Guides! No thanks, mind you, to this man. What with his constant draw for attention from the Guides, awkward questions, weird stories, always holding up the group and much more – the Guides put up with it all without blinking an eye!! Believe me, the whole group felt his presence and not in a pleasant way, we distanced ourselves from him for these reasons. :mad: And, as a matter of fact, at our farewell dinner together, he had talked on and on about what a wonderful time he had, and how everything was great, that the Guides were wonderful, Jim Henson’s was amazing and how he just LOVED his interactions with all of the CMs…yet here he is, unbelievable.

I don't know what his "big problem" was but I can only imagine, based on my knowledge of him from this trip; my husband and I overheard the man requesting the most ludicrous things!! All I can say is that knowing the two Guides, I know that they would have done whatever was within their power to fix his "problem" and I am willing to bet that he just didn't like the answer or solution offered. If it was someone at the GCH, again disregard his rant, everyone we encountered was top notch! My family and I, not only plan on coming back to the GCH, we plan on going on another AbD trip soon!

I won’t waste any more time on this man, but to say this, ignore what he posts as he is CLEARLY just looking for something free. Looks as though he will stop at nothing and is more than willing to drag some wonderful people ( AbD & GCH CM’s) through the mud in order to get what he wants. Knewton64 should be ashamed of himself.
Well I must say that I am quite shocked. I heard of this blog site from the very same man here, knewton64. Why am I shocked, well my family and I happened to be on the very same AbD trip with this man, and let me tell you there is always another side to a story!

Please do not let this unhappy man's comments sway you, you will not be disappointed with the Backstage Magic trip, or any others with AbD. We all had an amazing time, in very large part to our WONDERFUL Adventure Guides! No thanks, mind you, to this man. What with his constant draw for attention from the Guides, awkward questions, weird stories, always holding up the group and much more – the Guides put up with it all without blinking an eye!! Believe me, the whole group felt his presence and not in a pleasant way, we distanced ourselves from him for these reasons. :mad: And, as a matter of fact, at our farewell dinner together, he had talked on and on about what a wonderful time he had, and how everything was great, that the Guides were wonderful, Jim Henson’s was amazing and how he just LOVED his interactions with all of the CMs…yet here he is, unbelievable.

I don't know what his "big problem" was but I can only imagine, based on my knowledge of him from this trip; my husband and I overheard the man requesting the most ludicrous things!! All I can say is that knowing the two Guides, I know that they would have done whatever was within their power to fix his "problem" and I am willing to bet that he just didn't like the answer or solution offered. If it was someone at the GCH, again disregard his rant, everyone we encountered was top notch! My family and I, not only plan on coming back to the GCH, we plan on going on another AbD trip soon!

I won’t waste any more time on this man, but to say this, ignore what he posts as he is CLEARLY just looking for something free. Looks as though he will stop at nothing and is more than willing to drag some wonderful people ( AbD & GCH CM’s) through the mud in order to get what he wants. Knewton64 should be ashamed of himself.

Very interesting.
Thank you for posting.
I'm beginning to get a grasp on all this. I think I can put Kris in the "OMG I can't get a 7:00pm ADR at Le Cellier - my entire vacation is ruined" group.
He definately is an Uber planner and wants and needs every second of every day in order, when reality gets in the way he crashes and burns
Well I must say that I am quite shocked. I heard of this blog site from the very same man here, knewton64. Why am I shocked, well my family and I happened to be on the very same AbD trip with this man, and let me tell you there is always another side to a story!

Please do not let this unhappy man's comments sway you, you will not be disappointed with the Backstage Magic trip, or any others with AbD. We all had an amazing time, in very large part to our WONDERFUL Adventure Guides! No thanks, mind you, to this man. What with his constant draw for attention from the Guides, awkward questions, weird stories, always holding up the group and much more – the Guides put up with it all without blinking an eye!! Believe me, the whole group felt his presence and not in a pleasant way, we distanced ourselves from him for these reasons. :mad: And, as a matter of fact, at our farewell dinner together, he had talked on and on about what a wonderful time he had, and how everything was great, that the Guides were wonderful, Jim Henson’s was amazing and how he just LOVED his interactions with all of the CMs…yet here he is, unbelievable.

I don't know what his "big problem" was but I can only imagine, based on my knowledge of him from this trip; my husband and I overheard the man requesting the most ludicrous things!! All I can say is that knowing the two Guides, I know that they would have done whatever was within their power to fix his "problem" and I am willing to bet that he just didn't like the answer or solution offered. If it was someone at the GCH, again disregard his rant, everyone we encountered was top notch! My family and I, not only plan on coming back to the GCH, we plan on going on another AbD trip soon!

I won’t waste any more time on this man, but to say this, ignore what he posts as he is CLEARLY just looking for something free. Looks as though he will stop at nothing and is more than willing to drag some wonderful people ( AbD & GCH CM’s) through the mud in order to get what he wants. Knewton64 should be ashamed of himself.
Thanks for posting this, Adventurer4life. Hopefully people who are upset by Knewton64's post will read this far, to hear from you what really happened. I hope you had an excellent time despite all that!

A cryptic last post to say the least.

Not knowing what happened here, I'm going to throw in my 2 cents.....

I get the feeling someone did not get their balcony with a view.

Just sayin'.....

PS...notice my ticker?
Gotcha! :thumbsup2

While I don't know what happened I can say that at least one of the guides, he posted the name earlier, on this trip was a guide on my backstage magic trip last year and she was awesome, as was our other guide. I hope no one in discouraged from taking this trip. I and many other people who have been on this trip have posted what a wonderful trip it was There are even some who have done it for a second time and I enjoyed it so much I will be taking it again. SO please don't anyone who is going on this trip panic, you will not have issues and will have a once in a lifetime experience, that I can promise.
While I don't know what happened I can say that at least one of the guides, he posted the name earlier, on this trip was a guide on my backstage magic trip last year and she was awesome, as was our other guide. I hope no one in discouraged from taking this trip. I and many other people who have been on this trip have posted what a wonderful trip it was There are even some who have done it for a second time and I enjoyed it so much I will be taking it again. SO please don't anyone who is going on this trip panic, you will not have issues and will have a once in a lifetime experience, that I can promise.

I agree with Tozzie. We took this trip this past January during 5 straight days of rain and temps in the upper 40s, yet we felt ABD actually made the trip better than not (because of their concerns for the weather and its effects on park closing times.) No vacation is problem-free, but this is a solid, fun, one-of-a-kind experience!
Hi Kris! I'm sorry you had a less than Magical Time. :grouphug:
I will be on this tour on April 13th and was wondering what happened at the GC. From your post I'm not sure what happened. I hope the Disney higher ups tried to fix the problem.

I hope you have a safe trip home.

And I am glad to have sent me a reply (since u r leaving on this adventure very shortly) as I don't mind responding to you & the others per what has happened as I am also being very very mindfull of what I am saying - as it's for a reason.
I do stress that what I had written in the last 2 postings stand as is as I feel it is very important to let all the divisions of Disney Corporate offices know that this is not how you service the Guest; especially a first time visitor into Disneyland and such. And no, room upgrades and such have nothing to do with the issues I have now layed at the doorstep of Corporate.
Now to set all of your minds at ease, please keep in mind that time to time, we are not all a perfect being and that from time to time, others need to step in - from an outsider point of view - and express that back to that entity.
therefore, I feel that it is necessary to express this point of view to all of Disney's Corporate offices for review as I feel that the Disney magic has been lost in my heart due to the "Goofiness" of 2 front desk reps at Disney's Grand Californian hotel as well as one ABD guide in particular.
I am being kind / respectful here per the above comment as this has also caught the attention of the mgmnt team at Disney's Grand Californian hotel. She (member of mgmnt) has acknowlwdged and even admitted to their front desk misstep and has asked me to please be kind and give her approx 30-45 days to work something out between her and corporate.

Now, to take a step back and address it from this way before I get back to what happened - this was asked of me earlier this am.

What happened in an overall way can be best summed up by a question that was given to me by a ABD rep who said:

"Based upon the first 4 days of your adventure, did you have a bad time or a good time?"

I responded that I had a good time and really felt that I was in my element. I then paused &
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