If RCID is dissolved, what happens with DVC?

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I think Disney will try and fix things behind the scenes. They are obviously worried about this with the talk of bringing back Iger, and getting rid of Chapek. They see now just how fast things work in Florida, and how bad things could get for them.
I think Disney will try and fix things behind the scenes. They are obviously worried about this with the talk of bringing back Iger, and getting rid of Chapek. They see now just how fast things work in Florida, and how bad things could get for them.
I think they already have been as had Orange and Osceola. These special sessions were discussed starting a few weeks ago, so they very well could’ve started and been working on everything. The only ones who probably didn’t have time to plan where the other independent districts made before 1968.
The biggest issue of all this for me personally is I have experience with waiting on county projects. They take FOREVER for the simplest things. If Disney has to go through Orange county for all of it's road projects etc. things are going to take forever. It's going to put a huge strain on both Disney and Orange county (and OC residents as they will now be sharing their projects).
Just imagine how long GoTG would have taken!?! ;)
Serious question. What stops Disney and RCID going on a debt spree over the next year. The Florida GOP haven’t been the sharpest tools in the shed. They have decided to rush this through without actually doing research or analyzing it.

The reality is the counties and Florida will be on the hook for the debt RCID has. They literally have given RCID the ability to stick Florida taxpayers with not just a billion in debt but whatever they can rack up in the next year.
Just started following this thread after I read the recent news. Pretty interesting, but as other have stated we really won’t know the actual outcome for a while. I personally am not vested in the Florida properties (Aulani and VGC). Being from the West Coast we sold our GFV and Animal Kingdom contracts late last year.

I don’t expect much will change from the DVC portion with the exception of new resorts possibly being delayed.
Insurance won’t change any either.

Actually, insurance may very well change. Orange county may move or close some of those fire stations, or change the equipment in them. One of the things insurance considers is distance from fire, and how well equipped that station is. My insurance at one time DOUBLED because a local fire stations shut down temporarily. When it re-opened with newer equipment, my insurance then dropped to under the original rate.

I think this will happen. Orange and Osceola Counties were small town operations back in 1966-67. They could not ramp up in time or pay the front loading costs to provide services. This is 55 years later and both Counties are metropolitan, professional and capable of taking this on. They do it for the other parks. Universal does not have a special district. Special Districts are not as favored as they once were for drawing new development.

I read an interesting article that said RCID was needed at the time because the local counties just didn't have the money to develop the infrastructure which Disney would require. That infrastructure is built now. the county would be inheriting something that already exists. If that's all true, then maybe the reason for RCID no longer exists anyway.

I have deleted a few posts that included comments that will simply cause this to go the wrong way.

Please please please keep comments to impact of DVC or Disney in general and leave out opinions about why it was done Or any statement that seems political as those are off limits.

So far, I didn’t issue any warnings or infractions, and I don’t want to nor do I want to shut the thread down because 99% of it has been a great conversation.

I just want to thank you for leaving this thread open. I know it has been boarderline, but it's a conversation I really wanted to have without being political - I wanted to know how it might actually affect us.

As to my opinion, I think it's much ado about nothing. Yeah, our taxes may go up - but lets put that in perspective. For us, we are likely talking about less than 2% or so of our current cost. They go up every year anyway. Ho Hum. Just a few extra dollars in whats likely to be a very expensive cost year anyway with the rising inflation.
I can guarantee this will have no impact on anyone. Greater legal minds have already looked into this and determined a vote of landowners would be necessary to dissolve the district. Everyone who voted for this law also knows this. Could a friendly court disagree? Sure. Until the one above them doesn’t, ad nauseum. It will go to court, see injunctions, delays, appeals, and I can say with 99.9% certainty never get adjudicated on its merits before the politics changes and it becomes moot. Long before that time, all the politicians fundraising off the faux outrage will already have separated rubes from their money and Disney will have done the same with ideologically opposed but equally pliable rubes. Starting a fight in public is a great way for pickpockets to distract you.
Serious question. What stops Disney and RCID going on a debt spree over the next year. The Florida GOP haven’t been the sharpest tools in the shed. They have decided to rush this through without actually doing research or analyzing it.

The reality is the counties and Florida will be on the hook for the debt RCID has. They literally have given RCID the ability to stick Florida taxpayers with not just a billion in debt but whatever they can rack up in the next year.
I lived in Orlando for several years. Disney wants willing, happy partners in the county government. It's a big give and take, all the theme parks in the area get something or another out of it. When i was living there, the big controversy was a pedestrian bridge between a UO hotel and the theme parks that Orange County tax payers were paying for. Anyway, that's all to say that Disney wouldn't want to alienate the counties by racking up debt that they will inherit. Especially if they will be more beholden to their services in the future.
Actually, insurance may very well change. Orange county may move or close some of those fire stations, or change the equipment in them. One of the things insurance considers is distance from fire, and how well equipped that station is.
It's my understanding that Orange County FD already provides a fair amount of mutual aid assistance to Disney. EMS operations might improve in the long run.
Um actually I was the one that said why doesn't orange county just charge WDW what they (WDW) are currently paying, $105 Million.

But have been corrected multiple times that Orange County can't do that. And that Orange County is already charging them the tax rate for those services.

Therefore it seems obvious that WDW will now get those services from OC, so that will save them the $105 M.

Yes, they are charging them a rate like everyone else. But, when these roadways need to be maintained by the county, that cost will need to be applied to the budge, which in turn could raise rates..Disney pays more to the county, so it doesn’t become free.

Now, will it be a wash? Probably not for that one area but if WDW now has to pay more for projects, and fees etc that could offset things.

It’s just way to early to know exactly how it works out financially for all parties involved.

And, I believe it is very possible that a deal between Disney and the counties can happen without a special district in place. We see it here where a developer gets a tax exemption for doing infrastructure things normally the responsibility of the government.
I cam guarantee this will have no impact on anyone. Greater legal minds have already looked into this and determined a vote of landowners would be necessary to dissolve the district. Everyone who voted for this law also knows this. It will go to court, see injunctions, delays, appeals, and I can say with 99.9% certainty never get adjudicated on its merits before the politics changes and it becomes moot. Long before that time, all the politicians fundraising off the faux outrage will already have separated rubes from their money and Disney will have done the same with ideologically opposed but equally pliable rubes.
I've seen this argument as well, but only in social media. Do you have a source for it? What are the greater legal minds? I would like to read more about it because it doesn't seem right and I would think it would be mentioned on all the coverage this is getting, and I haven't seen it there yet.
I think Disney will try and fix things behind the scenes. They are obviously worried about this with the talk of bringing back Iger, and getting rid of Chapek. They see now just how fast things work in Florida, and how bad things could get for them.
If I were a betting man, I would bet on this being the case. This is DeSantis sending a shot across Chapek's bow which could lead to Chapek's quick downfall. In fact I think DeSantis is betting on this outcome. That way he can declare victory and not sign it.
If I were a betting man, I would bet on this being the case. This is DeSantis sending a shot across Chapek's bow which could lead to Chapek's quick downfall. In fact I think DeSantis is betting on this outcome. That way he can declare victory and not sign it.

No DeSantis will sign it - that's certain. One thing you can say about DeSantis, if he says he's gonna do something, he does it...every time.

But, the reason you got July 2023 for the execution date is that the democratically led central Florida counties, who will now oversee Disney, will have some time to integrate Disney in the county and vice versa.
I've seen this argument as well, but only in social media. Do you have a source for it? What are the greater legal minds? I would like to read more about it because it doesn't seem right and I would think it would be mentioned on all the coverage this is getting, and I haven't seen it there yet.
It is literally codified in Florida law that the legislature cannot unilaterally do what they are trying to do.

Just like anti CRT bills, the don’t say gay bills, this bill is just red meat with no real effect.

Again what is stopping Disney from racking up say a few more billion then agreeing to dissolve? Disney has a lot more leverage and negotiating power then people are assuming. And you cannot say Disney won’t want to do that because if they did the counties won’t approve projects etc. The counties would just be sued into oblivion if they tried that.
I can guarantee this will have no impact on anyone. Greater legal minds have already looked into this and determined a vote of landowners would be necessary to dissolve the district. Everyone who voted for this law also knows this. Could a friendly court disagree? Sure. Until the one above them doesn’t, ad nauseum. It will go to court, see injunctions, delays, appeals, and I can say with 99.9% certainty never get adjudicated on its merits before the politics changes and it becomes moot. Long before that time, all the politicians fundraising off the faux outrage will already have separated rubes from their money and Disney will have done the same with ideologically opposed but equally pliable rubes. Starting a fight in public is a great way for pickpockets to distract you.
Keep in mind the political makeup of the Florida Supreme Court and that Buena Vista and Bay Lake don’t really have landowners. From a practical perspective, it’s Disney and Disney alone.

My point is, a hostile Florida Supreme Court could easily use convoluted logic to rule against Disney.

This moved at lightning speed throw the legislature. Who’s to say what will happen in the judicial.

Really, we don’t know what’s going to happen at this time. Just hoping cooler heads prevail.

As to my opinion, I think it's much ado about nothing. Yeah, our taxes may go up - but lets put that in perspective. For us, we are likely talking about less than 2% or so of our current cost. They go up every year anyway. Ho Hum. Just a few extra dollars in whats likely to be a very expensive cost year anyway with the rising inflation.
After thinking about this yesterday I went a checked - taxes seem to be somewhere in the $1.30-$1.50 range per point. So all heck breaks loose and taxes double? Anyone who could afford to be DVC in the first place is going to be ok. It might be annoying, but not Earth shattering.
No DeSantis will sign it - that's certain. One thing you can say about DeSantis, if he says he's gonna do something, he does it...every time.

But, the reason you got July 2023 for the execution date is that the democratically led central Florida counties, who will now oversee Disney, will have some time to integrate Disney in the county and vice versa.
He is up for re-election this year. What would happen if he got replaced? Would a different governor be able to just say they don't like this and throw it all out the window? Just seems weird that there will be a period of time after the election where everything is still able to be canceled.
I've seen this argument as well, but only in social media. Do you have a source for it? What are the greater legal minds? I would like to read more about it because it doesn't seem right and I would think it would be mentioned on all the coverage this is getting, and I haven't seen it there yet.

This article in the la times touches upon it and confirms Disney execs and legal scholars know of it. Again, judges can do whatever they want, but they have to wait several years, by which time things will have changed, so wait several more years, etc.
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