If schools went to a full year schedule....


"Everyone's special Dash", "That's saying nobody i
Apr 23, 2004
If schools across the country ever consistently went to a full year schedule, do you think DVC would adjust their point charts to reflect new peak times (e.g., different school break seasons)? I know they reserve the right to do this, but they haven't changed much since DVC started, even though DVC travel habits seem to be out of skew with the point charts (i.e., high early December bookings, lower summer bookings, etc).

What would be great is if every school system developed their own full-year semester system, keeping breaks random across the country, and finally doing away with this stupid spring and summer break schedule that really hampers family travel.
are you suggesting that i work year round??
them's fightin' words:lmao:
What would be great is if every school system developed their own full-year semester system, keeping breaks random across the country, and finally doing away with this stupid spring and summer break schedule that really hampers family travel.

If schools did adopt a balanced schedule - it would likely vary from system to system slightly - much in the way that spring break currently varies. I don't see how point values could be adjusted much. Chrsitmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving will always be insanely popular times to travel.

The schedule would likely look something like this:

August - Start date at some point
October - 1-2 Week Break at some point
December - 2 Week Break
February - 1-2 Week Break at some point
April - 1-2 Week Break at Some point
June/July - 6-8 Week Break.

(and as a career teacher - I would LOVE something like this!!!)
are you suggesting that i work year round??
them's fightin' words:lmao:

Uh-oh, didn't realize the teacher's union was watching! But why not, I do......;)

But seriously, I don't mind the length of the school year (should maybe be a little longer), I just think the current 2-3 month summer vacation system is very limiting. Spread the vacations over the whole year with a 3-4 semester system with 1-month vacations between. And don't make them consistent across all school system/states, randomize them a bit.
Uh-oh, didn't realize the teacher's union was watching! But why not, I do......;)

But seriously, I don't mind the length of the school year (should maybe be a little longer), I just think the current 2-3 month summer vacation system is very limiting. Spread the vacations over the whole year with a 3-4 semester system with 1-month vacations between. And don't make them consistent across all school system/states, randomize them a bit.

Not only very limiting in that way, but with the 2-3 month break students forget so much, that teachers spend at least a month or two in review just trying to get them back to the point they were at when summer break started.

I have always thought that year round school with 2 week breaks between quarters would be an excellent solution for both problems.

Now, as to the OP's original premise. While DVC can rearrange points, they can't change the total number needed. We saw a slight adjustment in the past at OKW, but if they reduce at one date, they have to add at another so the total stays the same. As far as having the vacation dates change by district, that will always be mandated by each individual state, and I don't believe we want THAT much additional federal government!:rolleyes1
We're moving to NC this weekend and the county we're moving to has adopted a full year schedule starting the 2007-2008 calendar. There are 4 "tracks" of kids, and everyone goes to school for 9 weeks and then gets 3 weeks off (plus holidays, Christmas break and spring break). Every 3 weeks a new track starts so at any given time there are only 3 tracks of kids in school and 1 track on vacation... or "tracked out."

We weren't sure how we felt about this when we first discovered this change was coming, but as our kids are young (preK and 1st grade) and won't really miss the long summer vacation... we now are fully supporting this change!! No matter what track the kids end up on, we'll end up with vacations that aren't typical of the traditional school vacations. We can keep going to WDW in the off season (which from my sig you'll see is our fav, lol) and won't have to take the kids out of school to do it (though I have no problem taking them out for a week for vacation ;) ) We won't have to keep the kids busy through the long summer vacation either. And because the whole county is changing, there is plenty of 3 week daycare options for people who need it (we don't as my in-laws are with us and can watch the kids).

As for the OP's question... I'm not sure what DVC would do if more counties took this approach to scheduling. I suppose if it drastically changed how DVCers vacation they have the right to switch around the points & seasons... they probably would do that. But I think it would take a lot of changes for that to happen!
The schedule would likely look something like this:

August - Start date at some point
October - 1-2 Week Break at some point
December - 2 Week Break
February - 1-2 Week Break at some point
April - 1-2 Week Break at Some point
June/July - 6-8 Week Break.

That's pretty much what exists now

(and as a career teacher - I would LOVE something like this!!!)
I'm just maintaining my amateur status so i can participate in the teaching olympics...
This has been discussed in our area, though not at any serious level. As an educator (college level), I think it is an awesome idea (for vacations as well as from an educational standpoint).
I know my elementary school did not have air conditioning up in the Chicago area. I don't think my high school or junior high did either. Year round school requires more infrastructure, more budget for utilities, more janatorial staff.
spoken like a true DVCer
always thinking of maintenance fees...
I know my elementary school did not have air conditioning up in the Chicago area. I don't think my high school or junior high did either. Year round school requires more infrastructure, more budget for utilities, more janatorial staff.

In Northern CA where my BIL/SIL are teachers they tried year round for four years.

They found that it cost more to run the schools because of having the utilites run 12 months a year, etc.

This year they are going back to the traditional school calendar.

They did not like the year round very much b/c they were not on the same track as each other.

So, basically BIL and niece were on track 1, SIL and niece were on track 2. YUCK!

If they could work something out where all family members were on the same track I would love it!
I would love year round school. As a school teacher, it would open up more dates for our family to go on vacation. Right now, it's summer, Easter, Christmas, or Jersey week.

I'd like to go during an off-peak time once in a while. :)
As a parent I think it would be a good idea. Our district has 2 elementaries that are not A/C, but that fix is on the next levy. I know the 4 elementary principals are all for it, but the board isn't crazy about it.

My accountant has that type of schedule at the Catholic school her girls go to. The only tweak they have made is that the Spring break isn't 2 weeks long. They take one midway through 2nd semester(early March) than another at Easter. They loved the fall break for WDW, but the eldest is in HS and they are on a more traditional schedule so it doesn't work anymore.
i should get combat pay for working with some of these kids! :darth: :lmao:
i need those few weeks to regroup:beach:

but seriously,
i wish i wasn't a slave to the school schedule for my own vacations but year-round school is cruel and unusual punishment:sick:
at least when DVCDL opens, we can go there in the summer instead of "sweatin' to the oldies" in FL...
Our oldest is turning 5 next month and will be starting kindergarten in the fall.

We have decided to send her to a charter school in our town that has extended school day and extended school year.

One of the things that I like about the school (although it isn't really a factor in deciding to send her there) is that there is an official policy regarding students' attendance and vacations during the school year.

There is only about an 8 week summer break - late June to mid August, but you can officially take your children out for up to 2 weeks of vacation during the school year with no impact on their attendance record (meaning they are considered excused absences).

There are some restrictions: vacations aren't allowed in the first 2 weeks of the term, during exams at the end of the term or during the schedule for mandated state standardized tests.

But overall the system seems very well thought out and reasonable and is indicative of what I like about the who charter school idea - be inovative, flexible and responsive to the needs of the children and desires of the parents.

DW used to work in school and only got time off during traditional school times off. Always made for crowded vactions, but on the other hand really loved that summer time off. To answer your question, yes, Disney and all others in the tourism industry would have to adjust peak structures.
Some of our local primary and Middle schools went year round when my kids were in elementary school. It was a trial and didn't go over mostly because schools weren't prepared to pay staff year around. I was really hoping as it would have given up more flexibility for trips and the like. If it did happen across the country you'd likely see a little evening out but not much overall as there are other factors besides school outages. Plus the largest ones would still be the same like xmas, Easter, etc.


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