If you could spare a few prayers for my "baby" Toby...Updated

Toby's transfusion is over. He's resting in the oxygen tent. We made sure that he has the blanket that we brought in with him so he has our scent nearby.

Our regular vet checked in at home with us (you have to love a vet that cares enough about his patients to call on his day off). He wants us to take Toby out of the hospital first thing in the morning and get him to him ASAP.
I'll keep little Toby in my thoughts. :( I joke often about my McGee being a pain but I don't know what I'd do if I lost him. Hang in there Toby!!!
Lauri, I'll pray for little Toby. {{hugs}} He's a sweet looking little doggey.:)

Matt, thanks for the update. I hope the vet has some answers tomorrow.
aww, I'll certainly keep him in my prayers! He's lucky to have such a great family who cares about him so much! Sometimes that's more powerful than any medicine :)
I would have lost it too. :(

Prayers said for little Toby. I hope you find out what's wrong and can get him better soon.
Lauri, your posts has me in tears. It is so hard to see our "babies" like this especially when they have been with us for so long. I already said prayers for you and Toby. Please keep us posted.
In tears here :( Prayers and pixie dust on the way! We have a dog/friend/ heck one of my children -- 8y/o and I couldn't imagine losing him! He is a family member! I understand what you are going through - I had a cat for 20 years - Tiger - and when he passed away(actually I had to have him put to sleep:( ) I cried for days - Tiger was my longest relationship - was with me before my DH or beautiful children came into my life. I hope everything works out - If you need to talk more in depth please feel free to PM or email me.
I will say a prayer for Toby. Remember there is SO much they can do to cure and prolong quality of life for our furbabies.
It sounds like he may have hemolitic anemia. This is an autoimmune disease and can be fatal. I hope all goes well for him today.
Toby spent the day at our family vet on Monday. They hooked him up to an IV and did some Xrays and monitored his Red blood count.

He did have blood in his urine the night before and that continued through the day. They did see a mass on his stomach on the x-ray but couldn't conclude what it was due to the positioning.

On the plus side his red blood cell count was stable all day.

They did come up with three distinct possibilities of what could be wrong with him.

1. Tick borne illness like Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. This one is highly highly unlikely since it has been so cold and Toby is strictly an inside dog that is only out for minutes at a time to do his business. One of the dogs did have a tick on them over the summer that we removed but for the life of us we can't remember which one it was. We just know it was one of the boy dogs (Reilly or Toby) since it was on a light colored dog. More than likely it was Reilly since he is more likely to go exploring in areas that would have ticks.

2. An autoimmune disease - some that were described were like some of the ones that I suffer from. :( Most of them are fatal in dogs. They are starting to medicate him for these illnesses to see if it does help... ironically Toby and I are taking some of the same medicines

3. Cancer

So he got to spend the night with us last night which is a good thing because poor Reilly wouldn't do anything but cry in Toby's absense. Poor Reilly always plucks Toby's last nerve but that little dog loves his big brother so much.

Since Matt has left to go out of state for a few days I'm going to be handling this myself which scares the you know what out of me since at times I can barely take care of myself anymore. Toby will be going to work with me today so that he can be monitored and given his medicine. I'm sure my boss will trip over but if she can't allow a small dog in a carrier in the stockroom for one day she can kiss my... well, you know what. Good thing she only shows up a few times a year and right now she is in Atlanta

He goes back in on Weds to check to see if he's still stable and to find out where to go from there. Please keep good thoughts that his body has stopped destroying his red cells and that he is remaining stable. :(

Thank you all for your support.. it means so much
Thanks for the update, Lauri, some encouraging thoughts there for sure. My continued best for your little Toby, and hope the day out with you is helpful for you both him and you, our little ones are so very important to us all.
Lauri, is Toby feeling any better? Poor guy.:( I hope they find out what's wrong real soon. {{hugs}}
I'll keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. Please continue to update us. {{HUGS}}
I am hoping for the best...and as a fellow autoimmune sufferer I hope you are doing well also. Remember you need rest too!


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