I'll Be Good Next Year- Fantasy Eastern NYE 13/14 Updates 6/17


<font color=blue>just skippin' around, amusing mys
Nov 14, 2007
Hi again! I am once again THRILLED to be sharing the tale of an incredible DCL vacation- THIS time, it's really special- a Fantasy Eastern which took place December 28, 2013 to January 4th, 2014, a New Year's Eve cruise! :yay: We also had a brief, but action packed, visit to WDW before embarkation, fulfilling my dream of visiting WDW at Christmastime! :santa: So come along with me, my DH of 27+ years, Pods, and our two youngest sons, Tyler (16) and Timmy (14), for our completely magical holiday trip!

Table of Contents

December 26 Day 1

December 27 Day 2

Updates 2/10

Update 2/14

Updates 2/19 & 20

Update 2/21

December 28, Day 3 BON VOYAGE!

Update 2/21

Updates 3/3
Update 4/11

December 29, Day 4, 1st Sea Day

Update 4/12
Updates 4/16

December 30, Day 5, 2nd Sea Day

Updates 4/18


Updates 5/16

DECEMBER 31, Day 6, St Martin & NYE!

Updates 5/31

Update 6/1 http://www.disboards.com/showpost.php?p=51560168&postcount=314

Updates 6/15

Updates 6/16




WDW AEP March 2014 super mini Tr

So....this momentous vacation came about all because....I wanted to cruise with my friend, Karajeboo, and her family. And it was their fantasy (seriously) to sail on DCL over NYE. So I booked it, way back in May 2012, when we were on the Disney Dream on a DISmoms cruise. See?

Except.....a little less than a year later, Kara and family had to cancel. :sad1: I was so sad! But my gorgeous hubby Pods said, Don't worry, I know you are disappointed, but we will STILL have a GREAT time! He was SO RIGHT!! :banana:

Airfare can be CRAZEEEE over the holidays, but persistence paid off and we scored $320 R/T- on Jetblue, purchased the day it opened! Only drawback...we were planning to fly in just the day before. But the better price was one day earlier than that- oh DARN!...so looks like we would have to fly in December 26th, just one day after Christmas. We added in another DVC night- couldn't get another studio at the BCV, so it would have to be a 1 bdrm at BWV.

Somehow, in what now seems a blur, we managed to celebrate a pretty normal Christmas AND pack up our massive amounts of luggage in time to depart. Oh! And get our oldest son, Sean, prepared and ready for his week at home with my cousin Sheree. Sean (for those who are new to me and my family) is autistic and he personally would rather be happy at home with her and our dog, Summer, than on a cruise with US! Here are a few pics of our Christmas chaos!

The boys after church on Christmas Eve-

Sean and presents on Christmas morning-

I'm glad you like the shirts- now hand them over so I can finish packing for the cruise!

Enjoying the Disney Parade this year a LOT!

I'm goin THERE tomorrow!!!!!!!!!


On the 26th, we were all ready to go-

Yesssireee Jim Bob, that is some SERIOUS packing THERE! :faint:

After stressing over traffic with the world's SLOWEST (but very nice) town car driver, we were FINALLY at an off-the-charts busy JFK....thank goodness I had paid the $10pp extra when checking in online at home to get priority access, or whatever it was called- we basically got on the line of 4 people, while everyone else was on the line of 400+ people :scared1: through security. A short plane ride later,

and we were in Florida!

we walked RIGHT on to the DME, and departed a few minutes later- I LOVE when that happens! We were on a new bus, and we had big screens and a new movie to entertain us

Actually, what was REALLY good, I thought, was that they had some kind of cartoon going even before this started- no endless rotating/flipping Mickey like before. Soon we arrived at BWV, where I proceeded to take pics of our Standard view 1 BDRM villa-

All while my kids said, "MOM! What are you taking pictures of?? We have stayed in this room 10 times already!" True, but old habits die hard. Still, they made a good point- I was WASTING TIME!!! I was going to see the fireworks at MK and there was no time to waste! The boys would be hangin at the BW tonight- I have an AP and REALLY wanted to see the park, and they REALLY wanted to eat at ESPN and play arcade games there. The kids told me to behave myself in the park, and I reminded them I was making no deals- because it was still 2013, and

Up next- how busy was MK on Dec 26th????

It has been my very BIG wish to see WDW at Christmas for quite sometime now. I mean, I have been for the early set-up stuff many times, because we usually come to WDW as a family during NJ Week in early November and at the very least by the end of those trips, Main Street has been decorated, maybe we get a glimpse of the icicles on the castle, and usually we squeeze in the first night of the glorious Osborne lights. But THIS- well, this was something else entirely. To see the hotels bejeweled, just Christmas everywhere- well, THIS was AWESOME! At the very top of my wish list was seeing Christmas Wishes. And I was going to make it to MK just in time! Well, in enough time actually to get a snack (also known as my dinner)...and for the very first time in 20+ trips, i went into Casey's and got some corn dog nuggets. YUMMMMMM....

To be honest, the line was only about 2 people deep. But, geez, it was kinda crowded out there on Main Street USA, folks. Reminded me of NYE in Times Square (which I HAVE done, and which was VERY cool, especially because I was on the sidewalk and didn't have to stand in that crowd in the middle all day long). HOWEVER.....I was a party of one. And a party of one in a crowd can fit almost anywhere. I was careful not to block anyone who may have been waiting there an hour, and, well...tell me how I did for a viewing spot-


Well, the music was beautiful, but the fireworks were kind of low-key, due to the clouds that were lying very low-

Anyway, I wanted to stick around for the next show, which was starting in 15 minutes- the crowd kind of disappeared though right after Wishes, and I was able to move up by the Partners statue-

So beautiful, isn't it?


Once that was over, I had FP+ times for BTMRR and Mickey Mouse (I had missed another one for the Jingle Cruise and was unable to reschedule it). So I hightailed it over to the first one-

And ended up in the front row by myself. Have you ever been on this ride alone? OMG- I tried to take pictures but without another body to bash into and keep me in place, I was flyin all over! It was hilarious!!!! Once that was done, I went back towards

Which, in fact, at 10:30 pm had a whopping stand by time of 5 whole minutes. Really! On December 26! The whole park was EMPTY- and there were hours to go- well, not for me, but there could have been if I wasn't so fussy about requiring a little sleep before I pounded the pavement all day at EPCOT tomorrow. So a ride on the Jingle Cruise for me-

"We have Paparazzi on board" is I believe what he said when I took this-

LOL, this was really funny- that CM was hilarious, and he was very punny! :rotfl:

Cont'd next post

After that, a parade was going by....

I headed back over to the castle, because who doesn't want to look at THAT some more?

I missed Drea right about now.....

But I am so far behind on the Cali TR you are going to have a long wait to find out why!;)

Heading back down Main St, I wanted to visit Mickey Mouse- I did have a FP+ time of 11:30, but....

I definitely did not need it. There was 1 family in front of me. That was IT. At 11:15 pm on December 26th. I never would have imagined it- all I can think is that people had gone home that day, and the new arrivals celebrating NYE had not come yet, or everyone was Magic Kingdommed Out from the Christmas Day crowds.

But who cares? I made my date with Mickey!

My date was silent, he had a "sore throat". So no talking with the Mouse, it was a strictly sign language visit.

I thought it best to go back to BWV then, you know, to get some sleep (so silly). Hopped RIGHT on the bus, and was home in no time.

The BW was as gorgeous as ever- more so, really, with all those elaborate decorations. I was literally skipping around, I was so HAPPY TO BE THERE!

All beautiful except for this part- this is creepy no matter WHAT time of year it is, there is not enough tinsel in the world to fix the problem-

A peek out back-

I had requested a villa near the elevator- I figured with barely anytime there, I did not want to waste time in the hallways of the BW. They really delivered on this request, with a location on the main floor, just far enough away from the elevator so we couldn't hear it. BEAUTIFUL.

Back in the room, Pods was snoring (figures) and the boys were playing games on their phones. One of our pieces of luggage STILL had not made it to the room- I called Bell Services, and at 1:30am it was finally delivered- they said it had just arrived. (I think we had landed at 6:30). I really don't know if I blame DME- I am more inclined to think that my suitcase was left off the delivery truck at the airport- we did have some other issues with our bags this trip, and I think maybe it was an airport thing. But who knows? Either way, late luggage is infinitely better than NO luggage, and I went to bed that night a happy, happy girl. :)

Up next- a BIG day in EPCOT!

Oh, I've sooo been waiting for this! Can't wait to see how it all went!

Thanks for finding me so fast! I can PROMISE you it went FABULOUSLY well- best cruise ever (well, except for the first one- you never forget your first....).

Following along! :)

YAY! You were speedy too! Thanks for joing me again!:hug:

Hello my friend! :love:I can't wait til we write the one for our cruise TOGETHER!!!!!

Yeah! Found this one right at the start - no question, I am in!

KARIN!!! I have SO much catching up to do on your TRs- have been away alot this month, not much time to DIS when I was here. :scared: So happy YOU found ME! :hug:
Christmas at WDW is "my someday" I am going to book a BounceBack for the end of Nov. I hope it is 40% off.
Joining in so I can compare your Fantasy and my Dream NYE. I can't believe we were there at the same times.:beach:
Wow - You are really off to a great start! :thumbsup2

So, heck yeah, cheaper flight should always translate into an extra night at Disney. Yay for a 1 BR standard view! I just love the Boardwalk Christmas decorations.

So glad that the MK wasn't outrageously crowded. Looks like a fabulous evening and what a perfect start, except for the missing piece of luggage. Way to take advantage of that AP!

I love your T-shrit! Perfect!

Great pictures of the castle. Boy do I miss Christmas at Disney. I need a fix.

Very excited about October's cruise.

Oh, and BTW - I just started a new TR too, so join in when you can!
Yay! So excited to see you started! Christmas at WDW is so magical and beautiful! Looking forward to reading about the Fantasy!!
I'm in! :cool1:

This might sound weird but your 2008 Western TR was the first one I ever read and it is that report I refer to in my PRT! :thumbsup2 So in a way I guess you are responsible for my DCL addiction. :lmao:
Well, I would like to say we were all up and at 'em at the crack of dawn, but...get real- we have two teenagers- there is NO movin THAT mountain in the morning (unless we go west and have that lovely advantage of a time difference to adjust to for a few days). Eh- it's their vacation too, and God knows we really don't probably get enough sleep at home, so why not?

I WAS up by 8 though, and showered, and waited...finally managed to convince SOMEONE to take a shower just before 10, while Pods and I went to pick up breakfast at the Boardwalk Bakery.

Breakfasts in hand, we returned to feed the boys. Our choices were-
Buttermilk Biscuit Egg Sandwich with fruit and choice of bacon or turkey sausage $7.39

Bread Bowl with scrambled eggs, potatoes and fruit, with choice of bacon or turkey sausage $9.79 (very yummy)

Almond Croissant, $2.99 (and sorry- not nearly as good as the ones at Aulani, but still nice)

And for my DS16, Tyler, a Strawberry Shortcake Cupcake, because he loves them (and it's vacation! Cupcakes for breakfast DEFINITELY!). $4.19

I would have gotten Timmy one, too, but he is a fan of very plain vanilla type cupcakes, and that is not what they have there. Tyler was happy about his, though!

We called Bell Services to come and take our stuff over to BCV, and I snapped a couple quick pics of our Standard View-

Not so bad! And such a bargain at only 42 points for our 15 hour stay! :faint: Yea- don't think I didn't try for a studio, but they were alllllllll gone. And I really wanted to stay in the Epcot resorts so we could have easy access to EPCOT on our one day there. So here we go, entering the parks bright and early at 11 am! :rotfl: Hey- it's all good- being able to do FP+ was a HUGE bonus for our family- we had FPs no matter WHAT time we made it into the park.

None for me this trip, but just in case you are interested, here are the offerings on the BW-

Bye bye BWV- see you in October!

Holy motherlode of updates. Way to kick it off!

42 points for one night, OUCH, I feel your pain!

Love that you ditched the gang and hightailed it straight to MK, but yeah the next day with teens, and a move 11am sounds about right. I love the updated bakery!!! You got some gorgeous pics of the castle my friend. I've never tried those nuggets either, someday. Maybe. Still can't believe we JUST missed each other!!
Christmas at WDW is "my someday" I am going to book a BounceBack for the end of Nov. I hope it is 40% off.

That is how I felt about it....SOMEDAY...well, someday finally arrived! I promise, Marisa- it is worth the wait! :goodvibes

Joining in so I can compare your Fantasy and my Dream NYE. I can't believe we were there at the same times.:beach:

I KNOW!!!!! Are you doing a TR too? Have you been on the Fantasy yet? She is SOME KIND OF SHIP! :love:

Wow - You are really off to a great start! :thumbsup2

Thanks Love!

So, heck yeah, cheaper flight should always translate into an extra night at Disney. Yay for a 1 BR standard view! I just love the Boardwalk Christmas decorations.

But originally we were flying in later- we were able to switch it earlier because they changed the time of the flight by more than 1/2 an hour. I was doin a VERY happy dance that day! :woohoo:

So glad that the MK wasn't outrageously crowded. Looks like a fabulous evening and what a perfect start, except for the missing piece of luggage. Way to take advantage of that AP!

I had seen on Touring Plans that is was not going to be insanely busy- but still, you never know. What a nice surprise!

I love your T-shrit! Perfect!

Thanks! I have had it for YEARS waiting to wear to WDW at just the right time! I made Lonnie buy it for me when she was down there for Christmas one year-

Great pictures of the castle. Boy do I miss Christmas at Disney. I need a fix.

Everyone does!

Very excited about October's cruise.

YEA!!! :dance3::cheer2::goodvibes

Oh, and BTW - I just started a new TR too, so join in when you can!

Thanks! I did- just ran out of time to comment- I will be back to do that later today-

Yay! So excited to see you started! Christmas at WDW is so magical and beautiful! Looking forward to reading about the Fantasy!!

Hi Princess! :love: I am trying to get through this WDW as fast as I can, lol! The Fantasy is really, really awesome- all four of us loved it.You will too!!! A week long cruise just offers so many more wonderful things to do- seriously, even in port, we barely wanted to get off.
I'm in! :cool1:

This might sound weird but your 2008 Western TR was the first one I ever read and it is that report I refer to in my PRT! :thumbsup2 So in a way I guess you are responsible for my DCL addiction. :lmao:

That doesn't sound weird- that sounds AMAZING!!! I love love love that I was able to spread my DCL addiction to YOU!! :rotfl2::rotfl2: Really! That first TR from our first cruise on DCL and as a family- that is probably my favorite cruise of all. This Fantasy cruise over NYE was incredible- absolutely perfect in soooo many ways, but that first time? That was where the addiction monkey was born- just something so special about your first Disney cruise....right?

Thanks so much for telling me, and thanks for remembering my TR from 2008!!!!:eek: xo

Holy motherlode of updates. Way to kick it off!

I like to make a BIG splash.....

42 points for one night, OUCH, I feel your pain!

Ya know, I just looked the other way.....:scared:

Love that you ditched the gang and hightailed it straight to MK, but yeah the next day with teens, and a move 11am sounds about right. I love the updated bakery!!! You got some gorgeous pics of the castle my friend. I've never tried those nuggets either, someday. Maybe. Still can't believe we JUST missed each other!!

Thanks! I took those pictures with my P&S water camera- no idea how they came out so well!

And try the nuggets. They are crunchy and sweet and savory and salty and yum.....
Your trip reports are terrific! Can't wait to read more!

I'm here! Just saw the link on your Cali TR...thought it might be an update there...:rolleyes1 :lmao:

I love the Christmas decorations..Disney really goes all out! 42 points for one night? :scared: That's almost half my entire contract! No wonder I only go on off seasons!

Jill in CO


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