I'm looking for some fast & easy hybrid project ideas for gifts


DIS Veteran
Mar 22, 2005

I've been paper scrapping for over a decade, digi-scrapping for 2 years, and I've yet to do a hybrid project! I've seen some wonderful ones posted here and there and it's something I'd love to do.

Here's what's up - and sorry that this is long! My family will be taking our first Disney cruise this Fall, nd we'll be participating in a Fish Extender Gift Exchange with other DISBoard folks (kids & adults) on the cruise. Basically, participants will give little gifts to everyone in the group that have something to do with cruising, Disney, their hometowns, or whatever.

I want to do something fun, but I haven't a clue as to what to do. I've been thinking about doing wrappers for pack of gum (since you can't purchase gum on board), but I'd love to do something else. One person in the past had made paper bag albums for each person, but I'm not sure if I'll have the time to make a bunch of those. (I'm also going to ask this same question over on the DISBoards, too!)

So, y'all are clever. I know that you can help me out! Any and all ideas will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!


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