I'm not the one who noticed this but...


<font color=green>I shall call him Mini-Me<br><fon
Nov 22, 1999
...have you ever noticed that the formal portraits that are taken with couples or families standing behind a railing, with a backdrop of the ocean and a night sky behind them, are standing on the WRONG side of the railing?! In order to be standing there if the photo was taken outside, the people would have to be levitating! We have a photo of Tony & I taken on the Magic that is currently on display on our livingroom, and I never noticed until it was pointed out to me. Now I can't look at that photo without thinking about our "levitating act!"
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ROTFL - oh my God, I just looked at our photo with that back drop that is hanging on a wall about six feet from my computer and you're RIGHT! :) How funny is that! Now I'm going to think about us "levitating" in that photo too! :teeth:"
ROFL!!!! I was bummed out that that picture didnt come out too good of us. Now Im glad I got the one with the ship in back instead. ;)
Can anyone share their picture??? I want to laugh too!!!


My son's 10-year-old friend pointed it out to us. I still prefer it over our photo with the ship in the background.
Well, If Peter Pan can do it, why not us? ROTFLOL.


That's really funny.

I have one of "those" pictures. I really never liked it but couldn't figure out why...just thought it was because the background was too dark...now I know why I never liked it.

Here is us floating away...:rolleyes: With no wind either!

We had no choice because the line-ups were over 30 mins long and this was the first line up we chose. We figured we could go get another backdrop photo done but we were already late for dinner. :(

So before you get in line, make sure it's the one you really want!

That's funny! The railing is indeed on the wrong side, but still a cute picture.

Thanks for sharing.
Tina :)
Yep we noticed it right away but we're fine with it! :)
I pointed this out to my sister-in-law when she visited here last weekend. She said, "Well then, how did you manage to stand there?!", as she didn't realize it was just a backdrop! :jester:
We don't even usually have the formal portraits taken, as we have so many cruise line photos. But that one was done on our Magic trip, when we won the photo raffle. The prize was two formal portraits, so we did the ones with the shortest lines. Actually, I'm starting to like that photo more & more because now I have to chuckle whenever it catches my eye.
Visit the Platinum Castaway Club at: www.castawayclub.com
When we sailed last December the two teenagers in front of us on line for this background had it all figured out and did the coolest thing. In their photo they pretended to be trying to climb 'back over the railing' to get 'back on the ship' after falling into the ocean. Their photo was a scream.

Sailing tomorrow on the Magic!
There could be another point of view also to this.....*pretend* the photographer is on the outside of the railing, just wishing to be on board.;)
I must be one of the first people to notice this. We too have this picture of DH and I on our honeymoon cruise (Magic 9/1998). DH took a picture of just me on the side of the "real" life saving device on the Magic at night on the deck where the life boats are. When we developed our own film I brought this up to DH and were both laughing and thought the same thing - levitation - trick photography at its best!!

TIMON -- what's also funny is that it looks like you're giving your husband a friendly "push" with your left hand! :D

LOL, I know!!! They had us take 3 different poses and this was one of them!!! I was thinking at the time..this is gonna look silly!!! Guess what? The other two didn't turn out at all! One was completely off center and the other, hubby was talking! So we got this one...oh well!

It's still a pic of us on the Disney Magic, so it'll do :bounce:
that's hysterical...
we didn't get any of those shots because the lines were so long...
we don't do lines....which is why we don't have any pictures with mickey on the ship...
but we do have a bunch with the other characters who were standing all alone on CC while mickey was swamped...
Originally posted by TinkerBellPixie4GOAL
When we sailed last December the two teenagers in front of us on line for this background had it all figured out and did the coolest thing. In their photo they pretended to be trying to climb 'back over the railing' to get 'back on the ship' after falling into the ocean. Their photo was a scream.

Sailing tomorrow on the Magic!

I wonder if I can remember to have all the kids in our group do that!!! They would get such a big kick out of it... what a momento!!!


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