In Every Run That Must Be Done; There is an Element of Fun (comments welcome)

Break Between Plans: Day 2

I did my usual Monday yoga tonight. I also worked on tweaking my half marathon training plan and polishing its spreadsheet. I keep thinking of “improvements” I can make to the spreadsheet 😂😂

I’m excited for tomorrow morning and registering for Princess Weekend. This is my first registration for an in-person event and I’m really hoping it goes well.

2021 workout data to date: 140h 3m 42s of exercise; 49,930 active calories burned; 63,824 total calories burned
Break Between Plans: Day 3

Today started out with waking up before 6 am for no good reason, and I couldn’t even use the time wisely by going out for a run because there was a giant thunderstorm! The day got better once I was able to sign up for Princess Weekend! 5K and challenge (😱😱) are bought and paid for, as are the Pandora charms (I’m a sucker for shiny things—maybe I should dress up as Tamatoa?? 😂😂) I’m hoping Disney will figure out what they’re doing with the Sunrise Yoga, because I want to do that too.

So…the cheap treadmill we have has a manual incline adjustment (which I knew) and it arrived in the maximum incline position (which I did not know). No wonder I’ve been hating my treadmill runs!! I’ve now adjusted it to be flat and it felt much better. I did a half mile warm up in 9m26s and then 1.82 miles in 30m3s.

2021 workout data to date: 140h 43m 11s of exercise; 50,118 active calories burned; 64,084 total calories burned
Break Between Plans: Day 4

Today I did 20 minutes on the rower followed by 20 minutes on the stationary bike. I adjusted my biking intervals from 2 minutes fast/2 minutes regular to 2 fast/1 regular and shaved 8 seconds off my average per mile pace, going 5.54 miles in 20m4s.

In fun news, since I added a 3rd race day to my Princess Weekend plans, I also added an extra day onto my trip so I have a little more park time on days that I’m not getting up in the middle of the night to run 😆

2021 workout data to date: 141h 23m 19s of exercise; 50,327 active calories burned; 64,367 total calories burned
Break Between Plans: Day 5

I was going to do 30 minutes on the treadmill, but due to (stupidly) getting on and off during my half mile warm up, my right ankle was feeling weird, so I stopped at 22 minutes. I managed 1.33 miles. Because I still needed some exercise, I hopped on the bike for 25 minutes and got 6.67 miles. I think I’ll wait until Sunday to do any more running, just to make sure my ankle is behaving.

Since it rained a bunch today (yay! we needed it) and it’s going to rain tomorrow and Saturday, I think I’ll try a paved path instead of the dirt/gravel Luce Line. My shoes are dirty enough 😆

2021 workout data to date: 142h 19m 59s of exercise; 50,609 active calories burned; 64,752 total calories burned
Break Between Plans: Day 6

Just 3 rounds of yoga today, my grandma and I (along with my out-of-state mother, in a coordinated streaming session) watched Cruella after dinner, so it was later than usual when I got started. I finished a Yes.Fit race last weekend and my medal arrived today, along with one of their witty inspiration cards.



After all the storms the past couple days, I used my work breaks today picking up sticks and branches in the yard. My grandpa will have fun breaking them up 😆😆


2021 workout data to date: 143h 6m 55s of exercise; 50,936 active calories burned; 65,127 total calories burned
Break Between Plans: Day 7

The Apple Fitness app offered me a shiny new digital badge in honor of National Parks Day if I walked a mile today, so I convinced my grandparents to take a casual walk on a paved path with me (I bribed them with the promise of ice cream cones, since the trail shares a parking lot with our favorite local shop). Because of grandparent speed combined with a busy road crossing, it took 25 minutes to finish our walk. But the ice cream was good (Mackinac Island fudge FTW).

I also did 10.05 miles in 40 minutes on the bike this evening. Tomorrow, I think I’m going to walk the big 6.5 mile loop path. There’s too many hills to do much running, but I might do some.

2021 workout data to date: 144h 11m 56s of exercise; 51,195 active calories burned; 65,504 total calories burned
Break Between Plans: Day 8

I woke up at 6:45, looked at the weather conditions, and went back to sleep. It was only 66°, but the dew point was 64° and I was like “no, thanks. I want to walk/run, not swim in 94% humidity.” I figured a couple hours later would drop the humidity to survivable levels, even if the temp went up. And I was right, by the time I finally got out of the house (which was delayed by more tree-trimming, which was itself delayed by the discovery of a fallen limb), the temp was up to 80°, but the dew point was down to 56°, giving me a humidity level of 44%.

I split the 6.5 miles into 3 different workouts: a half mile warm-up walk (10m2s), a 3 mile run/walk (45m27s), and a 3 mile walk (56m8s). The hills on this loop are the devil! Also, there were some rude cyclists on this path, zipping past without so much as an “on your left” or passing in the opposite direction without staying in their lane (there’s a center line on the path).

This isn’t the best selfie ever, but it’s literally the only point of interest on the entire trail.

The other exciting thing to come from the morning, is that I heard back from runDisney on changing my W&D virtual 10K to a W&D challenge. I called them the other day and got someone who didn’t really understand what I wanted (she referred me to MDE, which obviously doesn’t help on a rD registration) so I sent an email and heard back this morning on the steps to take and it’s in process now. I won’t actually be ready to run a half on W&D weekend, but I’m going to run it as part of Marathon Weekend (since that virtual half is sold out and I don’t feel like stalking for a potential splitting of the remaining virtual Goofy registrations). I’m excited for the Yzma and Kronk half marathon medal, and the Ursula challenge medal; villains are more fun than the Marathon Weekend medals.

2021 workout data to date: 146h 3m 33s of exercise; 51,893 active calories burned; 66,403 total calories burned
Break Between Plans: Day 9

I did something funny to my right knee this evening walking up the hill to our house, so I just did some stretching tonight to fill up the rings on my watch. The last thing I want to do is screw something up 4 days before I leave for Disneyland!

Other than that, I’m super excited about the WDW Annual Pass announcement. Yes, it kinda sucks that Photo Pass is now an add-on, but even with that, I’ll be saving a bunch of money on tickets for the 3 trips I have booked between December and April, and I can probably fit in at least one more trip before the pass comes up for renewal (W&D 2022??)


2021 workout data to date: 146h 22m 45s of exercise; 52,006 active calories burned; 66,539 total calories burned
Break Between Plans: Day 10

Whatever was weird with my knee last night is all better today. And it was so nice out after dinner I decided to go run outside instead of on the treadmill. After a half mile warm up (9m12s), I started my 2 mile run. I shortened the run/walk intervals from 1m/2m to 30s/1m and it felt good. The time for the first mile was 15m8s. On the second mile, I decided to really stretch out my legs a bit on the run portions and my pace was 14m13s. The cool down walk back to my car was .54 miles (10m21s). I feel like I could’ve gone further, but I got a late start and it was getting kind of dark by the time I finished.

2021 workout data to date: 147h 11m 46s of exercise; 52,315 active calories burned; 66,937 total calories burned
Break Between Plans: Day 11

I decided to do a dumbbell workout today. 2 rounds of 15 second/exercise; first round with 3lb weights, and 5lb weights for the second round. I may have mentioned that my upper body/arm strength is kind of pathetic 😆😆

I signed up for a virtual 5K Turkey Trot (Facebook really needs to stop showing me these ads 😵‍💫) since my plan calls for a 3 mile run on Thanksgiving anyway. Luckily, we don’t do Thanksgiving until about 4, so I can sleep in and still run before I’m too full to move.

2021 workout data to date: 147h 56m 34s of exercise; 52,703 active calories burned; 67,372 total calories burned
Break Between Plans: Day 12

Busy busy busy day today! I had to get a bunch of beginning-of-month reports finished for work, then we went to see Shang-Chi (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐️), then I had to pack for Disneyland, then I still needed to close the rings on my watch (because I had to spend so much time actually working today, instead of wandering around and feeding chipmunks). I had too much excess energy to do yoga, so I did some stretching. Oh, and I realized that I forgot to do something before I got off work, so I quick logged in and banged it out before I did my workout.


Tomorrow’s report will come from The Happiest Place on Earth!

2021 workout data to date: 148h 17m 54s of exercise; 52,833 active calories burned; 67,541 total calories burned
Break Between Plans: Days 13-18

Disneyland was lots of fun! My hotel wasn’t great, the AC system was extremely loud, but it was only half a mile walk from the door of my room to the turnstiles of the parks. I walked an absolute ton!! I averaged 7.7 miles and over 18K steps per day, according to my watch.

I feel pretty good. My feet got sore, but the rest of me was good, except for the first 5 minutes or so after getting up after sitting. I’m pretty tired after 12 hours in airports/on planes today, I’m going to wait to open my Lion King medals and post trip photos until tomorrow.

Sep 3, 202116,1466.6
Sep 4, 202122,4139.1
Sep 5, 202120,1678.1
Sep 6, 202121,9559.0
Sep 7, 202122,4579.2
Sep 8, 20219,8754.2

I tried to remember to set my watch for a walking workout going to and from the parks, but sometimes I forgot. And sometimes I remembered to start it, but forgot to stop it, or pause it when I was stuck at crosswalks.

2021 workout data to date: 150h 52m 23s of exercise; 53,592 active calories burned; 68,572 total calories burned
Break Between Plans: Day 19

I did an hour of yoga tonight, because it feels like it’s been FOREVER since I did any yoga (definitely not getting down on any hotel carpet for it 🤢)

Speaking of yoga, I’m so disappointed that I won’t be able to do the sunrise yoga at Princess Weekend!! 😭😭😭 I feel like it was a bad decision on Disney’s part, and I did send a (very polite) email telling them so.

Anyway, I promised Disneyland pictures today!


(I’m the nerd in the center back row doing “Live Long, And Prosper” 😄😄)

2021 workout data to date: 151h 56m 23s of exercise; 54,027 active calories burned; 69,096 total calories burned
Break Between Plans: Day 20

All the early morning and late nights in DL have caught up with me, I was exhausted today! I managed to close all my rings with a dumbbell workout tonight though. By the way, my chipmunks really missed me while I was gone. My grandma went out and gave them peanuts, but they don’t like her as much as me. Yesterday, when I went out to feed them, Ein was so happy to see me that he jumped on my leg and climbed all the way up to my hand. It was extremely cute.

Tomorrow my cousin is coming over to take my old sectional couch because I’m getting a fancy new one with power recliners on either end. It’s going to be much better for my hips and legs than my current couch, which has a chaise on the part in front of the tv. It seemed like a great idea when we got it, but it’s getting worn out and saggy, and I can’t sit level anymore, which hurts me. And I don’t like having to have my legs stretched out all the time. But the rest of the couch is barely used because my grandparents have their own couches upstairs, so I’m pretty much the only one who sits on the downstairs couch.

2021 workout data to date: 152h 26m 15s of exercise; 54,270 active calories burned; 69,375 total calories burned
Break Between Plans: Day 21

Last day before my Princess Half training plan starts! I’m excited to get back to structure again.

I finally got to catch up on sleep and didn’t wake up until almost 10 (when my grandpa started blowing leaves in the backyard 🙄) We got the old sectional moved out and delivered to my cousin. Until the new couch arrives on Tuesday, I get to sit in the guest room recliner.

After we got all that done, and ate dinner, I did 20 minutes on the rower (730 strokes) and 25 minutes on the bike (6.26 miles).

2021 workout data to date: 153h 11m 20s of exercise; 54,512 active calories burned; 69,699 total calories burned
Princess Half Marathon Training Plan

This is my plan through Princess Weekend.

Scheduled Race Days:
* Twin Cities Marathon 10K: October 2nd
* runDisney Wine & Dine virtual 5K: November 5th
* runDisney Wine & Dine virtual 10K: November 6th
* runDisney Marathon Weekend virtual 5K: January 6th
* runDisney Marathon Weekend virtual 10K: January 7th
* runDisney Wine & Dine virtual Half: January 8th (couldn’t get the MW half, but could get W&D challenge)
* runDisney Princess 5K: February 25th
* runDisney Princess 10K: February 26th
* runDisney Princess Half: February 27th

I also have six virtual 5Ks that I’ll be doing throughout the fall.





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