In search of my body...not the one I ate! Part Deux... We sit at the popular table!

Originally Posted by DisneyWorld Delight:
It's not her fault she likes to exercise. That's the way God made her.

Do they have a nymph saint?
Maybe it's St. Hugh Heffner De Las Angeles?

Just wondering who she'll be sporting on her dash the next time we see her rolling through upper NY? Fo shizzle...she probably has hydrolics on her low rider herse cause they are roomy in the back...and it comes with a privacy curtain! :thumbsup2 ;)

Sounds like my kind of patron saint... :angel:

No low rider here I have a BIG ROOMY Expedition ... and yes seats all go flat!.. although I think I have gone past the need to**EXERCISE** IN THE CAR. Not to many cars have been christened in recent times. After my experience one night in the woods I think it will be a long long time before we *EXERCISE* in the car again.Highlight if you want to know why looked up and there was some one watching about 5 feet from the bumper of the car and we were about a mile in the woods...go figure nightmares of Jason, Freddy, and all the other FREAKS!

Our truck is a wee bit small... LOL! Maybe when I lose all my weight.... Hey maybe thats a good goal idea... *ponders* DH might be a bit more supportive then... :rotfl2:
Hey Dawn- can you whip out your handy-dandy weight watchers book and look up the extra "activity points" for Steph???

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Hi everyone...

It has been an odd day of posting and for me at work. A lot going on in my head, but when isn't that the case...

First of all to Liz - I am sending a big bear hug :hug: to help make the week a little better.... You are an amazing person the fact that you can find some perspective in everything that is going on is amazing.... Love you....:flower3:

Stacey - I am praying to the computer gods that those lost files come back... Thinking really hard..... :upsidedow

Dawn - Let's see... where to start.... I don't think that setting a fifty pound goal over a three month period is realistic. Losing 4 -5 pounds a week is just not something that you can sustain unless you devote 24/7 to weight loss and nothing else (how else do you think the folks on the Biggest Loser do that). Given your lifestyle (keeping up with the kids, work, Dan, etc) that is just not something you can realistically expect of yourself. I would agree with Liz in that you should set smaller, more personal goals and echo the idea that it shouldn't just depend on a number. Your body is a fickle thing and no matter what you do, there will be times when you can't always control the outcome and the numbers will jump around no matter what you do. focusing only on the numbers will have you frustrated in no time at all.

You have gone two weeks with no fast food. With your schedule that is a huge accomplishment and you should be very proud of that. If you focus on goals that are more action based like that, the weight will naturally come down. So I would think about setting goals like, I won't eat out more than twice a week or I will exercise for 20 minutes a day for three days a week. Master those small goals and then add more. By building slowly, you are building life long and healthy habits that will serve you for the long term. Plus, you are less likely to get frustrated and then give up. Even if you only lose 25 pounds by December, that is 25 less than you had before and that in and of itself is a huge accomplishment.

A friend of mine (more like a second mom) reminds me from time to time how much work it takes to lose weight. She is right. Just because you lost 20 pounds and want to lose 80 more doesn't make the 20 pounds any less important.... Every pound matters and this is one race where the slow and steady turtle will win out over the rabbit.... :grouphug:

Hope everyone is having a good day... Things are going all right here... I am walking tonight and can't wait... I really do like how my body feels when I am exercising regularly... I can't explain it, but it just seems to work better....

Take care,

I totally agree with what you say here - and thank you. Your support means so much!

Freaking brilliant! Truly!

Liz--you know I love you and am here for you. Whatever you need. Period.

I know babycakes! Sometimes I just get too far into it, you know?

Liz and all...

Love the advice..and am so gratefull for all of it...I also know that 50# is a huge number...but I also know that if I shoot for the moon and fall among the stars...I am still better than I have been in a long while...

In my biz - we make stretch goals a few times a year...ones that really make you push yourself when there is a time you could/would otherwise sit back and accept the average...and this is one of those times for me...

I may only get to 30 pounds lost...but I am writing the #50 all over the house...I am going to make a 50# paper chain tonight with the well as a $500 chain which is our spending /souveigneir money we want for the trip in Dec (That one will be in $20 increments) and we all can cheer each other on...I want the kids to have goals tonight they set for themselves as well...and their's an mine will not be time related (although I would like it to be Dec..might not be achievable) but inner related...something they make themselves happier...

I need to take back control of my life...rather than my life controlling me all the darn time...I need to set small goals that will help me get the big one - Liz you are dead on with that...

So here they are:

#1 Get to bed by 11 p.m. nightly so I can get 7 hours of sleep...
#2 Walk for 1 hour a day for 2 weeks...then start the couch to 5 k
#3 Take a full body/side/back pic of myself for realization of improvement and self awareness of where I started so in those "whoa is me times"...I can choose to not sabbatoge myself.
#4 Write down 5 things I like about myself each morning...and 5 things I liked about my day each evening...
#5 Meal plan for the day the night before
#6 Have good choice foods available ready to eat

That is my start...that is my start...I keep realizing that this start may be 9 months later than my head was wanting it...but that is okay...and that is where I am...and I cannot change the past...but I can own my future...not someone elses viewpoint of what they believe mine will be. It is mine...and I will dictate it...not be a bi-product of it...

E - are a blessing in my life.

Everyone - really - I do so much appreciate every moment of your life you have chosen to share with me...I could have never in my wildest dreams believed that this journey would be going strong 9 months later with so many wonderfull people - and in so many different stages of their health filled journies...and be so connected in the faith and resounding belief that we are all better as a result of each others life experiences and support.

You never know whose life you impact by giving of yourself...and the courage it takes to do that is beyond what I can thank you for in words. :hug:

I get the idea of stretch goals - just make sure your success is not about a number, but about behavior. Kay? I agree, it's amazing we are all here!!! Still!!!

I am really glad I came back... The past day has had so much helpful insight that I feel I may never leave again :)

:hug: Your goals are great and I am going to start a few of them as well... Talking with everyone and seeing that maybe I'm not alone in my struggles (always seems like everyone is light years ahead of me in their goals) makes it a little easier to take. I am NOT alone in this and TOGETHER we will all succeed :)

Sarah, I am super glad you are back - and thank you again for today! You said all the right things. :goodvibes

:wave2: :wave2: Hi Everyone! I just found this thread while coming over from the CB to sign up for the WISH Biggest Loser Challenge. Is it okay if I join you?

Real Life Name: Cristy
Location: Tennessee
Family: DH (Keith), DS11 (Micah), DD5 (Alicia), one cat - Shadow, one bird - Sherbert
Occupation: Data Entry - Inventory Control
Goals: 60 pounds off for good
Struggles: Have a hard time making time for me, not very motivated, tired
Interesting Facts: Have performed on the stage of The Grand Ole Opry
Inside Story You Want to Share: DH joined the National Guard last year, his weight just fell off.....makes me so jealous.
Favorite Disney Park, Ride, and Song: Magic Kingdom, Philarmagic (not really a ride), music played during Wishes.
Anything Else You Want to Add: Looking for friends to share like goals and struggles. I love the DIS and spend way to much time here.:rotfl:I did recently win an auction for the Ronald McDonald House - it's a 3-month membership to Curves. Just gotta work it into my schedule.

Welcome Cristy! Tell us more about your weight loss journey -where are you? Have you lost a bunch or are you at the beginning? What was your aha moment?

Scrubs.. where do you work.. I live in scrubs too I have a different opinion of them.. I totally blame them for my weight gain because they are forgiving and hid everything. I never even noticed that I was gaining because they hid the fat well!

Liz You are great you just put everything into prospective for me and I am sure others as well! small goals make things attainable that is also why WW makes you do 10% goals because it is attainable! Dawn think of your 10% goal and work towards that if you make it in a month great if not Well you tried and YOU WILL KEEP TRYING AND YOU WILL MAKE IT ( remember the little engine that could I think i can, I think I can, I think I can.!) AND You will make it.
I am going to make myself goals that I am going to try to do some type of exercise at least three days a week. Tomorrow I am going down to the gym and work out on the dreadmill and tred climber! Plus packing and cleaning.
Liz I hope your life gets better just think you could be in my house where life continues in a DISASTER ZONE boxes every where Laundry everywhere (I swear the kids just dump their clean laundry in the hampers) You have a great life and you have a great family and you are a great person!

Steph, you hit the WW nail on the head! All the stuff I forget - you are so right! The 10% is all where it's at - so much easier to manage.

Dawn, why not make your goal your 10%? That's only 25lbs! You can do that! And you would get your key chain before your trip!!!

And thanks, Steph. You guys are the best. :goodvibes

Cristy - welcome -:goodvibes glad you can join us - as always - I am a curious creature - why us?

LYZ: Step away from the hot guy in uniform... I can not see you in the new "Pimp my ride" Humvee! :lmao:

So we have become busier of late...wondering if now that the kids are in school we are re-foccussing on ourselves?

I mentioned earlier we need a re-cap...Lyz - since we need to keep you away from the recruiting station...are you in for more of your charts? You do them so well...(insert kiss @ss smiley here please)

So since I started the theread...and have new goals to achieve...I think some Fall Forward Thinking is in order:

#1 Name and Family you care to share plus a little about your weight struggles/programs you are on:

#2 What are some of your trigger foods?

#3 What form of excersize (activity) would you love to do but have limmited yourself from due to weight/confidence? ( PG...:rotfl2: )

#4 Occupation (if legal)

#5 What do you want to achieve from a healthier body / lifestyle?

#6 If you could celebrate with anything when you reach/ed goal, what would it be...or what would it have been?

Okay - I will start - and be right back with a post...:3dglasses

Good questions - I will get back to those!

So much to catch up on, not much time to post...:sad2:

K- Off to my son's cross country race - get back to you tonight...

Nancy, I had no idea you did WW! You'll have to give me the background on that.

I agree, the extra points are best spread - but some people do a small weekly splurge and it seems to work for them. I never question using them for some more veggies, but I do try to monitor using them for ice cream! Better the lima beans than junk food.

On the family front, I think preschool went okay today, work went fine, my house is a mess but whatever. I handled an inlaw thing well, so I get a gold star there. And that's all, folks!
*EXERCISING* is 2 points for every ten minutes! That is Low impact!

Now me posting......
Stephen went and bought Sam her first hunting rifle tonight... I really do think that she was switched in the hospital!:confused3 . He (stephen asked where the guy was and he was told in Burke...(Lisa you may know where that is) So we drive all the way to Burke which is about 40 minutes from Po dunk! We are driving around Stephens getting Pissed can't find ROUTE 122. So we head back to state rt 11 and I finally get him to stop at a gas station.. he comes back and says as we are leaving the guy has never heard of rt. 22 UUUMMMM DUH! Rt.22 is in Plattsburgh near our house! DUMB A$$ it's RT 122. so He is now even more pissed and backs up and tells me to go ask and I said NOPE you are driving so you ask! I really think I saw flames coming out of his nostrils!:laughing: He comes back and says YEAH I KNOW where I am going NOW! :idea: :idea: I had to put my sunglasses on because that moment was BRIGHT! So after another wrong turn because he knew where he was going we finally get on the CORRECT ROAD and at every dam sign he slowed down and looked is that it how far down this road did he say it was? I said he told me it is at the end of rt 122. WE NOT THERE YET! The town was about another 30 MILES from BURKE! Finally we make it and the genius he is we took the truck three kids in the back seat and now he has a huge gun with a scope on it in the bed of the truck BOUNCING AROUND! He says It's going to hurt the scope Kids you'll have to have it on your laps! OH MY GAWD!! Does the man pull over into a public building to move it NO HE just pulls off to the side of the road!:eek: Finally we get back to RT. 11 and had to stop and get gas and then finally we get to a place where I know I am and I tell him go this way and he insisted on going the LONG way It's NOW 8:30 and no homework was done before hand, The Kids are tired and all have to PEE. I finally talk him into a short cut (which I must mapquest to make sure I am right and it is shorter to go MY WAY:thumbsup2 ) SO tomorrow morning I get to do homework with Zac at 7:00 along with getting lunch and breakfast going all in 45 minutes! GREAT:sad2:
We did stop for dinner and I knew there was a reason I ate salad for lunch. I had fried chicken and mashed Potatoes and strawberry shortcake! I know need to go track it !
It is quite CHILLY here in the NORTH only 51. I am in sweatshirt long sleeve shirt flannel bottoms and fuzzy socks and i am still cold!
#1 Name and Family you care to share plus a little about your weight struggles/programs you are on:
Stephanie or the "SNUFFSTER" thanks dawn! Family Stephen(stephan)Dh, Samantha DD 14, Zac DS 8, Tyler DS 6, Step-son Nate 16.5
Weight struggles has been since I can remember I was always the biggest in my class. I joined WW in march of 08 and have lost 30 pounds so far!

#2 What are some of your trigger foods?
Sweets any type and i love to bake and sample them!

#3 What form of exercise (activity) would you love to do but have limited yourself from due to weight/confidence? ( PG...:rotfl2: )
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: I would like to start walking and maybe just maybe running E~ shhhh!

#4 Occupation (if legal)Phlebotomist, ie: BLOOD DRAWER, VAMPIRE, BLOOD SUCKER! yup thats me!

#5 What do you want to achieve from a healthier body / lifestyle?
i guess not more *EXERCISE* :rotfl2:
I would like to be able to, not worry about looking for stylish clothes, Not to be in search of clothes that are Proper for my age (34) Not many BIG GIRL shops around here! I have the choices of Sears, Pennies and DEB! Oh and don't forget Wally world!

#6 If you could celebrate with anything when you reach/ed goal, what would it be...or what would it have been?

A day at a SPA! To be pampered by a stranger! AND a NEW wardrobe.
Hello babes...

Well guess what chuck?

I weighed in at WW today...and drumroll....

I freakin lost 7 pounds!

That's right let me splain my diet...I ate 1 cookie a day...loads of tomatoes and cucumbers...plums...the best grilled cheese sandwiches around...enjoyed real sour cream and milk...and still lost all the weight I gained last week (5) and 2 more...I think the WW leader thought I was going to get frisky with her...:banana:

I really do believe though that for me...when I am eating satisfying is a whole lot less I eat because I actually enjoy what I eat...not shove it down...and look for something else to satisfy me (sorry Dan if that sounds bad...:rotfl2: )

I did manage to watch my food intake today and wrote it down...I will post tom...

Liz - I think you are right in that the extra points should be still consideed healthy is about changing a life...not a moment...

Anyway...that makes my goal more achievable...and the issue for me is this...

I was thinking so much tonight about why that darn number was in my head so much...and although 200 is a number...for me it is something tangeable I can point out...but it really is a feeling and all that comes with that number...

For my was where I could start wearing reg clothes depending on style and just get out of the bigguns section only...I can buy bra's at Voctoria Secret...I felt sexy and assure of myself...I was heavy...but did not feel fat...(to me there is a descrepency in that feeling) and I got to 199...and then...sabatoged myself...let a hectic life get in the way...stopped excersizing...stopped caring about myself...and all was barely acknowledged by Chad...I felt like if he did not care...if that was still not a good start to a better me...than why should I care...

So really...I want to have that darn 2 off my number...and go forward from there...and dedicate my loss to myself...because that will be my final proof that I am living my life for me...and it's successes do not have to be cheered on by anyone else but me...although I am glad you are all here to support me...I really want to beat my best so far in this life with weight since being at my heaviest...and then keep ascending until I feel my body and my mind are seeing/feeling the same place (wherever on the scale that may be) ...cause I am sick of thinking...I can do there...wear this...and being flabbergasted when I can't...I do not feel 249 (swear I actually typed 1 first - I tell you I do not feel a 2 should be there) until I move...but my brain...says that is not you...and it also says you are not 37...spiritually I am a gregarious my temple that houses it...needs to kick some booty....

I am just rambling I know...but I really do believe this...that the number just represents to me a place within myself that I felt good...about all the life things...and that is the last time i felt happy...really happy was when I weighed that...not because of my marriage...not because of my job...just for me...and about me...because of what I could do with myself at that weight...and what I did not limmit myself to at that weight...

Dan saw a pic the other day of me at that weight..and said he never thought he had seen me that happy...

and that feeling...that comes with a healthier lifestyle...that showed in my smile...that is what I want again for myself...that feeling that I liked myself on the well as in...

Peeling of the layers if ya will...and I am ready for it...:yay:
I totally agree with what you say here - and thank you. Your support means so much!

I know babycakes! Sometimes I just get too far into it, you know?

I get the idea of stretch goals - just make sure your success is not about a number, but about behavior. Kay? I agree, it's amazing we are all here!!! Still!!!

Sarah, I am super glad you are back - and thank you again for today! You said all the right things. :goodvibes

Welcome Cristy! Tell us more about your weight loss journey -where are you? Have you lost a bunch or are you at the beginning? What was your aha moment?

Steph, you hit the WW nail on the head! All the stuff I forget - you are so right! The 10% is all where it's at - so much easier to manage.

Dawn, why not make your goal your 10%? That's only 25lbs! You can do that! And you would get your key chain before your trip!!!

And thanks, Steph. You guys are the best. :goodvibes

Good questions - I will get back to those!

Nancy, I had no idea you did WW! You'll have to give me the background on that.

I agree, the extra points are best spread - but some people do a small weekly splurge and it seems to work for them. I never question using them for some more veggies, but I do try to monitor using them for ice cream! Better the lima beans than junk food.

On the family front, I think preschool went okay today, work went fine, my house is a mess but whatever. I handled an inlaw thing well, so I get a gold star there. And that's all, folks!

No prob chica! Glad I could help!!! :hug:

Hello babes...

Well guess what chuck?

I weighed in at WW today...and drumroll....

I freakin lost 7 pounds!

That's right let me splain my diet...I ate 1 cookie a day...loads of tomatoes and cucumbers...plums...the best grilled cheese sandwiches around...enjoyed real sour cream and milk...and still lost all the weight I gained last week (5) and 2 more...I think the WW leader thought I was going to get frisky with her...:banana:

I really do believe though that for me...when I am eating satisfying is a whole lot less I eat because I actually enjoy what I eat...not shove it down...and look for something else to satisfy me (sorry Dan if that sounds bad...:rotfl2: )

I did manage to watch my food intake today and wrote it down...I will post tom...

Liz - I think you are right in that the extra points should be still consideed healthy is about changing a life...not a moment...

Anyway...that makes my goal more achievable...and the issue for me is this...

I was thinking so much tonight about why that darn number was in my head so much...and although 200 is a number...for me it is something tangeable I can point out...but it really is a feeling and all that comes with that number...

For my was where I could start wearing reg clothes depending on style and just get out of the bigguns section only...I can buy bra's at Voctoria Secret...I felt sexy and assure of myself...I was heavy...but did not feel fat...(to me there is a descrepency in that feeling) and I got to 199...and then...sabatoged myself...let a hectic life get in the way...stopped excersizing...stopped caring about myself...and all was barely acknowledged by Chad...I felt like if he did not care...if that was still not a good start to a better me...than why should I care...

So really...I want to have that darn 2 off my number...and go forward from there...and dedicate my loss to myself...because that will be my final proof that I am living my life for me...and it's successes do not have to be cheered on by anyone else but me...although I am glad you are all here to support me...I really want to beat my best so far in this life with weight since being at my heaviest...and then keep ascending until I feel my body and my mind are seeing/feeling the same place (wherever on the scale that may be) ...cause I am sick of thinking...I can do there...wear this...and being flabbergasted when I can't...I do not feel 249 (swear I actually typed 1 first - I tell you I do not feel a 2 should be there) until I move...but my brain...says that is not you...and it also says you are not 37...spiritually I am a gregarious my temple that houses it...needs to kick some booty....

I am just rambling I know...but I really do believe this...that the number just represents to me a place within myself that I felt good...about all the life things...and that is the last time i felt happy...really happy was when I weighed that...not because of my marriage...not because of my job...just for me...and about me...because of what I could do with myself at that weight...and what I did not limmit myself to at that weight...

Dan saw a pic the other day of me at that weight..and said he never thought he had seen me that happy...

and that feeling...that comes with a healthier lifestyle...that showed in my smile...that is what I want again for myself...that feeling that I liked myself on the well as in...

Peeling of the layers if ya will...and I am ready for it...:yay:

Grats on your 7 lb loss!!! Thats fabulous!!!:cheer2:
Way to go, Dawn! I am sure that is an awesome feeling! I could never have a 7-pound loss in one week unless I had something amputated. :lmao: Keep ging!

Ok, I am getting ready for my last long run before the race! :cool1: These long runs take SO much to do. More mental than physical (at least for me). And I will be glad to have this training behind me.

And just a heads up--yeah, I am going to be a basket case for the next week as this half marathon comes up. Right now, my head is not in it. I feel like there is no way I can run that far, etc. I know I will come around, but I am in panic mode right now.

I will post again when I get back from my run.
And just a heads up--yeah, I am going to be a basket case for the next week as this half marathon comes up. Right now, my head is not in it. I feel like there is no way I can run that far, etc. I know I will come around, but I am in panic mode right now.

I will post again when I get back from my run.

Um I do remember this panic mode from when I started here on this thread... and If my memory serves me right you finished! I think you were worried then that you would be picked up but the LOSER van! I ALSO remember that you didn't have to get a ride back ..YOU SHINED like the GOLDEN STAR YOU ARE! You will do great at this race too! I think this is just a wee bit of Stage Fright!

So this morning i have already gotten two kids homework done with them packed three lunches and made three breakfasts and A load of laundry and it is only 8:15. I have to work tonight YUCK.. I thought I had a half shift tonight but NO it's a full shift!
Dawn (insert HIGH FIVE smilie here):thumbsup2 Great JOB!
E - Thank you for the pic - it is beautiful...and sadly...with all the crud in my life...I did not think of the date today when I woke up...had not thought it was anything significant until I saw the pic...then it the 11th today?

I do not have calendars at my fingertips lately besides knowing days...not dates...and yet that morning I can tell you exactly what I was doing...I do not have a TV upstairs I really have not turned it on in 5 days...and although the radio stations have been talking 9/ has been more of in connection to the political I...ashamd of myself...was not even clued in to the date...Not that that makes me an evil person...just another statistic that is exactly why we need the date it does not get lost ever in the shuffle of life...

So as sort of another way to talk with each other...know each other better...I would like to tell you what I was doing when it all started that morning...and would love to hear your stories if you want...I think it is a way to show that we do remember that fatefull morning...that we do still talk about the ones lost...because they do matter...and without talk and do we keep alive the fact we do not want that to ever happen again...

I was sitting on my bed...watching the Today show...folding clothes...and when it was apparent a planre had hit the first tower, I called my next door neighbor Bruce...who I always informed on the goings on in the world...we watched the second tower get hit together over the phone...and then...both were in total shock...I called Chad...he knew nothing about it...could not quite grasp it's level of magnitude because he was not watching it...and I then called the school...not sure if the kids should be going...had fear of "Red Dawn" in my head...but di send them...figured they would want to be proccessing this with friends...and the other fact was that we lived 4 blocks from there...and I gave the kids a meeting place if anything should happen at the school...they were to run...and keep running till we were matter what the school said to do...and I cleared this with the school...before I sent them...and talked with the teachers....The rest of the day...I sat..watching everything unfold...kept calling chad to come home...which he did not do...until that evening...and then...watching tv...said that he could not believe what he was seeing...which only hearing it on the radio...could never be fully explained...

I spent the day calling NYC friends...and my uncle who works in the Pentagon...and was feeling so helpless...we did not know he was okay until almost 8 in the evening...

I never got to NYC before the towers fell...and after have been twice...I appreciate the hutspa (sp?) of NYC citizens and do not think many other cities would have rebounded as well as they did...and I visited the grounds...and wept...and wondered what kind of men and women were right there...just having a day...1 year before...and then....all of a sudden...were gone...

Thanks E...Brings this weight thing to a whole different perspective doesn't it...:hug:

Here is my better late than never post:
1. Lisa, DH Mike, DD13 Shelby and DS7 (today) David. Yes, I was in the delivery room on 9/11/01. I had post baby weight gain in my 30s, post baby and post caring. Then I lost my dad to colon cancer when I was 37. Rocked my world. I decided to eat better, exercise more and live longer than he did.
2. Trigger foods: I love to eat. Oh, and beer darn it...:rolleyes1 You know the shirt "will run for beer", I live it.
3. I would really like to do most any exercise. What limits me more is body image than body size. I guess we all have our hang ups. I would LOVE to teach (being a soon to be CFT) endurance training but I have to live that first too.
4. Medical transcriptionist. Not glamorous but it puts food on the table and pays the insurance.
5. I just want to teach my kids that you need to be healthy and that being strong and healthy is beautiful. I want them to also see that when you put your mind to something, you can achieve it.
6. If I could celebrate any way when I achieved a goal, hey I'd be going to Disney World!!!!!!!!!! I usually celebrate by buying myself something. The last time it was a Michael Kors fest.

Okay, down to business...
Dawn: 7 pounds in a week!! :scared1: :woohoo: Please, share what you are doing right!!!! This is amazing and something definitely to be celebrated :dance3:

Erica: The offer still stands. I don't have anything going for the 21st so far. I will come and huff and puff along beside you if you need me. You CAN do this. You have run the distance even if you don't feel you have run the miles. The race atmosphere is contagious. If they have pacing markers, stand near the one you feel is best for you and start talking to people. I met the nicest woman from Cape Elizabeth at B2B and she was wearing a bright pink running skirt. I had on my bright green WISH shirt. Either she lead up the hill or I did and we focused on each other catching up at the top of the hill. It was great. I run with my SIL and she pushes me out of my comfort zone!! You CAN do this. Taper madness is a beautiful thing, just stay out of stores. :rolleyes1

Everyone else: Good morning and I hope you have a beautiful day! :flower3:

Me, I am running. Eating as well as possible. Still dealing with the after-run munchies here and there. Yesterday was 10 miles and I thankfully had to attend Shelby's field hockey practice. Packed good snacks and plenty of water and managed to drop a pound! You would like to think after 10 miles it would be more than a pound but I will take it. Today I have 7 miles and tomorrow is 3. Mike's 40th birthday is on Monday (just a young pup he is) and we are having a party tomorrow night. No stress eating, just destress drinking for me!!! Tonight is my son David's #7 birthday. Sometimes it makes me sad thinking what his birthday means and it makes me sad that he is 7 already :sad1: . Saturday is the birthday party with kidlet friends. Bowling...:sad2: what was I thinking?????
Dawn - Congrats on the weight loss!!!! 7lbs is amazing. Keep on tracking - it works! Do you feel like now you can hit that 10%? That should be your goal util you hit it, then get a new goal.

Erika - I am sure it is a terrifying thought. But think, a year ago you couldn't even attempt this!

Oh, and btw - last chance if you'd like to donate to my team for the triathalon pn Sunday. The money is for breast cancer research, and we do this in honor of my mom, who has had a long battle with breast cancer.
Welcome Cristy! Tell us more about your weight loss journey -where are you? Have you lost a bunch or are you at the beginning? What was your aha moment?

:) Thanks! DH left last August for BCT and AIT, he was gone for months. We did get to go visit him several times. I guess him getting into shape motivated me to want to as well. He went from about 180 to 140.....yeah, makes me sick. So over the course of those months I went from an 18 to a 12. Since he's been back home, it's been a struggle to keep going. Back to a 14 now. I think I would feel better and have more energy if I continue to take the weight off. Struggle with balancing work, family, home, church, school, volunteer activities, extracurricular activities, etc. Leaves little time for me. Really need to invest in a treadmill so I could at least do some walking/jogging at home. We live in a very rural area, not any really good places to walk in the evening. Also need to focus on eating better. We have been doing better about actually doing home meals, we had gotten into a bad habit of the easy out to pick up fast food on the way home. Now that is usually limited to Wednesday as work schedules and church just don't allow for a meal.

I'm excited to read everyone's tips and ideas, things that have worked for you etc.

As for September 11th - obviously (or not, as you may not know where I live) this is very big deal here. We are a commuter community, meaning a large percentage of us work in NYC and a large group of that worked downtown that day. My town alone lost 37 people, which is a staggering number for a town outside NYC.

The school Emily goes, which is private and draws from many towns, was in crisis 7 years ago as many students lost their moms or dads. Even to this day, when we mention a woman lost her husband, the automatic question is was it 9/11.

People Nick and I went to high school with died - my friend's brother in law - my friend's best friend. It changed the lives of two of my friends who were literally survivors - my friend Bryan and Dom, both of who were there and had to run for safety. It's a miracle they are alive, but unfortunately they will never forget what they saw.

7 years later, they have mostly healed, thank God. Dom's sister, who lost her husband, is remarried. Her kids have a father figure in their life again. My friend is married with a child.

We lost coaches and neighbors and our train station, where I took the train into Manhattan every day at the time, was covered with flowers as grown men wept for their friends. We lived this every day for nearly a year.

I am sitting here, listening to the names as I do every year, listening for the ones I know. It's a sad day, but I feel like we should bear witness.

As for me, yes, I was in Manhattan that day. It was surreal, seeing the first tower on fire on my way in, and hearing a person warn others not to get off in Newark and take the Path train to World Trade Center. He was imploring them not to do it - he had been there in 1993 and said it would be a zoo, better to stay on the train and go into Midtown. I wonder how many lives he saved that day.

Of course we thought it was a fire, nothing more, until I was walking uptown and the second plane hit. By the time I got into the office, my coworker greeted me with, "It has to be Bin Laden, who else has the money to finance this?" I had no idea who Bin Laden was at the time.

We went into the conference room where people were watching TV and crying, most because a loved one worked in one of the towers and they couldn't reach them. It hit my office pretty hard, too.

No work got done, we just tried to figure out what was going to happen next. Eventually, I gathered my friends from NJ and we walked blocks to the river, waiting hours in line for the ferry to take us to NJ, miles and miles from home, but our state at least. No trains were running and the tunnels were closed. The only way off the island was the ferry.

We watched the ambulances race downtown, only to return quietly. We saw the snipers on rooftops and FBI in full riot gear, protecting the harbor. The line was hours long and quiet. I remember I was glad to have the sneakers at my office and on my feet, instead of the heels I usually wore. I remember we got sunburned.

When we got to NJ, they took us to trains. There were hazmat people hosing off anyone who had been downtown, and they rode home, these men and women who had seen so much horror in one day, cold and shivering packed into the car. But the rest of us offered jackets and coats. There was kindness.

When we got to the train stations in our towns, they were packed with people just waiting. Waiting for their loved one to get off the train, no word from them, just waiting. Some waited for days and no one ever came.

My office, in the middle of Times Square, was closed for the rest of the week. Schools brought in grief counselors, and many kids stayed home for days. Lights were left on all over town, in case the missing came home. Flowers, as I said, filled the train station for months afterwards.

It was very sad, but as a friend reminded me today, the area was filled with people being kind to one another. Cars didn't honk in NYC, people held open doors for each other, long lines stretched without complainant. There was a sense that we were all in this together. It was a horrible time but it brought out goodness in people. Let that goodness continue today.
My day was nothing like Liz's. I sat in horror reading about her day because it was a real account she was there!:hug:
I to remember that day I was working at the hospital I had just started in July. Back then I was a Nurse's aide. I was giving a patient a bath and she said that a plane had just hit the World trade tower! I couldn't get over that I said How can anyone miss those they are Huge.. They must have been in trouble and couldn't help it! AS I finished her bath we were still watching the Today show on the tv and the second plane hit. I was astonished I left the room and I told the nurse I was working with that a second plane had just hit the other tower. It had to be terrorist. How else would two plane crash into the towers. As word spread around the floor it was quiet, no phone ringing no call bells , even patients that usually scream were quiet. As I walked down for break the Hospital had brought a huge tv into the cafeteria For us to watch. I soon realized that two of the planes were from Boston. I just wondered if there were anyone I knew on them. Was my best friend on there ? They then broken in and said another plane had crashed into the Pentagon. I was horrified! I walked quietly back to the floor and over heard the nursing staff putting the hospital on high alert, incase even though we were so far away that we needed to take income people. I don't remember hearing about the last plane But I do remember I was at lunch when the towers collapsed.
As time went on that day My husband called and begged me to come home as we didn't know what was going to happen and with us being close to the border we weren't sure if there would be an attacks here. I said no I can't come home we are on high alert here and I will be home when I can. I got home that afternoon and Hugged my family called my family and friends in Boston to make sure I contacted each and every one of them. That night I sat and watched the news Horrified that someone could hate us so bad that they could do this to OUR COUNTRY! I think I sat for days watching CNN and headline news crying and weeping for those poor people that lost love ones.


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